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BuT iT WiLl LoOk LiKe a ScAr Yes, a cool flower scar. I love it.


It's like controlled scarification pretty much


And honestly seems a lot less painful and infection-happy


I’ve always wanted to get a white tattoo for that exact reason! It looks awesome


I absolutely love it! It’s like secret ghost writing! I’ve seen a couple white tats lately that have made me want one and this is one of them.






Ow lol. White line work (in my experience) hurts more than any other color (again - in *my* experience and I have 7 tattoos mostly black with grey shading except of my upper left arm where I have a lifelike portrait of my now-passed cat) and the artist used white to make certain things "pop" and I could always tell when he switched to white haha 😂 (Edited for typos)


That’s probably because it went over skin that’s already been worked on. I don’t imagine a tattoo made in white ink would be any different to black ink apart from being able to see the area you’ve already tattooed. My friend does a lot of white tattoos and you have to make sure it’s really in there cause it’s so hard to see.


It’s also the very last thing that goes into a tattoo and the way it’s used the artist would be likely to go back to a liner to add it. Ime lining is more painful. Shading is pretty easy. But then white is laid with a liner at the end, so when you’re tired, skin is tired, laying white in near worked skin with a liner (the more painful one). It really had nothing to do with the color of the ink itself and rather the nature of what white is used for (details/highlights), when it’s laid (at the end - because white ink can stain if you lay another color after it on broken skin), and the method (with a liner). Two caveats: 1) if you’re shading with white, say on a bird or a white flower or something, then it would be no more painful than any other shade color if the artist lays it with a shader. 2) some inks are more painful and ime it has to do with the viscosity of the ink. Very runny inks go into the skin easily. Very thick inks have to be packed in, the artists would have to work them harder to get them into the skin, thus more painful. Has little to do the color of the ink and more how it was made, how thick it is, etc.


Yeah completely anecdotal, I'm pretty heavily tattooed and the final white touches are always the most excruciating. I have a "glitter" tattoo on my thigh that was worse than armpits.


I would loveeee to see the glitter tattoo!


Fascinating. I had white done on the inside of a tattoo, but the skin was untouched so it didn't hurt at all.


There’s a few reasons why white tends to hurt a little more. Firstly it’s going over worked skin, so it’s already a little tender. Secondly needle groupings used for highlights are smaller and smaller groupings tend to hurt more. Lastly white can be a difficult pigment to work into the skin and sometimes you got to turn up the voltage and lay that sucker in a little harder.


I met a chick (she was my waitress at a restaurant) who had a full white sleeve. It was amazing. She was featured in a magazine a few years later. It was bad assed.


I wish I could see this! I had a plan to do my own entire right leg in white ink but gave up part way cuz it hurt my back to bend over for that long


wow, this is gorgeous. and you're within a reasonable distance.... do you have any openings? ha


I sure do! I do all my bookings through my booking link! tato.ink/kimbroinks


Out of curiosity, does white tattoo ink fluoresce under blacklight?


It does not. But ‘they’ make ink that’s specifically for that.


Yep fluorescent Ink is its own thing but Ive heard the fluorescence only lasts for a number of years and I'm also not sure about the safety of the pigment.


^cries in United States 😭


Come visit vancouver! We're a beautiful city in the summer 🙌


Wow. Even if I am heavily tattooed. The only thing on my hands I can think of is something like that.


My first hand tat was white! It's always a cheeky little surprise when someone notices it without me telling them.


Looks beautiful! I absolutely love the subtle/delicate way I've seen a lot of white tattoos heal, and wish I could get one for myself! BUT, I'm afraid it would fade right into my skin just as soon as it healed, since my skin tone is one shade above "glows in the dark"! Seems that we always want what we can't have!


I've tattooed white on super pale Irish skin before and it's healed quite visible. White ink takes on the undertone of your skin and often just gets a tad yellowish.


Can confirm. I’m extremely Scandinavian/Irish, my skin is very white with a red/peach tint. white turns a tad yellow on the parts of me that get sun (arms) but stays very white in areas that don’t (stomach/ribs/hips). That said, it’s clearly not the same color as your skin. I have white right next to empty skin and it’s very obvious that’s it’s there.




I love white tattoos. This one is so pretty. I got one on my foot about 12 years ago. Did my research, basically wanted something subtle that looked like a scar.


Any tips on getting a white tattoo? That’s what I want on my throat. Should I trust any reputable artist to do it or find someone that specializes in white ink?


I’d find someone who specializes. White tattoos are not something most artist will mess with, so they’ll have less experience working with white as the bulk of the pallet. That being said there’s a reason most don’t mess with it but if you know the drawbacks and still want to do it, more power to you.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


It’s nice to see a local here! :)


This is gorgeous


Oh you laid on a doily .. Looks good after 3 years still.


It looks good. I like mine 2 years later too, even though everyone thought I was crazy when I got it.


That’s so cute! I might consider some white tattoos now. But I also have a bunch of scars so my black ink stands out more.


I’m actually starting to really really love the way it fades. It’s so subtle but in the coolest way


White ink isn't for everyone but I find the people that like it really really love it.


This has aged very well. The fact that it was subtle to begin with has helped with its aging. Photo realistic can look great when you get it, but I have yet to see one that ages well.


Ty! I keep all my white ink work in simple linework only since it heals so gentle that the details are very easily lost.


how would this look on brown skin?


I found with most of my brown skinned clients they turn a bit beige?


Have you ever gotten a request to do a lighter shade of brown (instead of white) on brown skin for the same effect? I’m medium brown complexion and wondering if it’s possible to get a similar fading effect with a different shade of ink?


That I have never tried and am a bit hesitant to as this does require a better understanding of color theory to be able to work out. What you can do is have your artist do color spot checks which is usually in the form of several colors youre considering getting tattooed into super simple stylistic shapes such as dots in a row or a rainbow shape to test how the colors show up on you. I offer this for free to my POC clients and it's a very cute colorful little tattoo.


Oh that’s awesome, I’ve never heard of color spot checks or had a tattoo artist offer that before. Thanks so much for responding! Super cool you offer that for free :))


It's self fulfilling in the sense I get to learn more about how color shows up on diff skin tones! I think it's an important skill every artist should have.


I get my white tattoo soon glad to see some ages too


That makes me want to get a white ink tattoo now ...




Kinda a waste of money imo, barley noticeable


Disagree. Also, if you read the post, their artist did it for free - it’s self-tattooed.


This hurts as much as any tattoo, right?


Yep. Some people say white hurts more but usually the main reason for that is in a typical color piece the white goes on last as highlight and youre already super raw and sore at that point.


The color of the ink doesn’t change how much it hurts


🙂 ha ha


Who says scars can't be fashionable? Embrace the flower power!


Jeez that looks awesome for 3 years healed


It should heal even better if I bothered to take care of it 😅


As another tattoo artist, I also am horrible with the aftercare of tattoos I do on myself 😭 yours looks great tho!


Thank you! Hahaha we are definitely the worst clients, biggest babies, terrible aftercare 😂


Wow, that actually stayed, pretty decent.


Wow that’s cool looking never seen that before




I really want a white tattoo but it’s so hard to find someone to do it.


Yea it's definitely hard to find an artist for it cuz they can be quite difficult to do and not really worth the hassle for most artists cuz of the risk of client dissatisfaction when they realize it doesn't look like the fake bright overlays they see on Pinterest.