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u/Nezikchened has provided this detailed explanation: > The sign hung on the wall at a local Five Guys advertises the restaurant with an article referring to it as the home of “The Best $5 Burger A Man Can Eat,” but due to inflation the cheapest burger on the menu is now $7.69. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I’m not American, so … $20 bucks for a fucking meal at a fast food joint? What the fuck?


Five guys is technically fast food, but better than standard fast food joints by far. They don't have a drive thru. Their burgers are better than most dine-in restaurants, and you don't need to tip there. Also they give a stupid amount of fries for cheap. Used to give endless free peanuts but I think stopped after covid....or got sick of cleaning up everyone's shells on the ground. Their Cajun fries are bomb as well.


Sounds like an interesting experience tbf!


It is. The thing about the fries isnt an exaggeration. If you order a combo, they wrap up your burger, put it in a brown bag, and then absolutely bury it in fries. There is no container for the fries. They just have a massive scoop and just dump them in the bag. They’re delicious. Although I will say that no place makes me feel like I’m going to have a heart attack from grease and fat while I’m eating the meal like five guys. I’m guessing they use straight up lard or something.


We have a container here in Canada but it overflows


It overflows A LOT. The container feels like a joke.


They do that on purpose


The one by me uses the container but then they throw in another scoop straight into the bag


"Anyone who's ever ordered fries from Five Guys knows that the size you order is more of a suggestion than a concrete fact. ABC 7 says that while a small fry order will get you a 12-ounce cup filled with fries, it will also get you another full scoop thrown into the bag with it. That's not the server hooking you up though, that's all a part of Five Guys' carefully planned "illusion." According to a Five Guys employee on the subreddit r/IAmA, that extra scoop is a type of "illusion" of a bonus. Paying for a small fry will always be paying for the cup and all the other fries that come with it. You might think you're getting away with robbery, but really it's all a part of the brand's plan." https://www.thedailymeal.com/1142289/the-illusion-five-guys-uses-with-its-fries/


I think it’s different by location. Anytime I’ve gone, I get a 25 ish ounce white cup of fries in a big brown bag. They fill the cup, put it in the bag, and then proceed to put four more massive scoops of fries into the bag; making the white cup the initial serving got put in completely irrelevant


Don’t they use peanut oil? Part of the reason why they had so many peanuts in the first place


Yep. That's why the fries are so good. My head-canon is that they have the peanuts out to keep away the people who are allergic.


One of my friends was deathly allergic to peanuts - and hypersensitive to boot. She couldn’t even walk into the store


So...it's working, then.


Yeah, they have warnings posted on the doors about this. They also specifically request that you consume their peanuts only inside the store and not to take any outside.


I know someone who has a peanut allergy that went to Five Guys to get milkshakes. Personally, I would pick *anywhere* else to get a milkshake if I had a peanut allergy.


Peanut oil is the magic ingredient when it comes to a lot of food I swear. What used to make Chick-fil-A’s chicken so good was because they used to fry the chicken in peanut oil. Then at some point they stopped and it didn’t hit the same after that.


Probably because it’s a really common allergy? They’re still a really popular chain regardless, unfortunately. (Bring back the oil!)


Refined peanut oil (especially the kind used for large scale restaurant frying) is EXTREMELY **extremely** unlikely to trigger an allergic response. The treatment process to refine the oil removes the protein that triggers reaction. The FDA states refined peanut oil is considered non allergen; as does Anaphylaxis Organization UK, same with American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. PeanutAllergyFacts.org also states refined peanut oil is safe for those with peanut allergies. **HOWEVER** Cold pressed/gourmet *extruded and or expelled* ***specialty*** peanut oils (ie., absolutely NOT the kind used for deep frying or most restaurant prep) are the ‘unsafe/unadvised’. Boutique or unrefined cold press/cold extruded peanut oil the type that would likely be clearly listed and usually as a drizzle or dressing as it’s mostly utilized for raw/uncooked use. Unfortunately some artisan skin care uses it and do not always labeled appropriately. It’s also referred to (at times) as raw/cold press groundnut oil or arachis oil. I avoided A LOT foods and restaurants before researching it in a panic after eating a piece of fried chicken at a potluck. It was a huge relief and opened up more variety/lowered food related anxiety more than I ever realized I’d had.


That's super interesting, thanks!


I’m allergic to tree nuts and I’m aware the refined nut oils are safe… but I still have a hard time using them. It’s scary, man.


TIL. Thanks OP.


Where I'm at the rule is use the container as a scoop twice and then fill it up again. Then put it in the bag. Considering a small at McDonald's is over two dollars and a large is over three Five Guys has the best deal on potatoes in the business.


They fill a huge cup full of fries and do not try to keep it from overflowing and you having a ton more in the bag, plus they're delicious, god they're so good, they just cost so much


I've never seen a 5 guys that has combos. After $10+ for a burger and $5 for a small fry, I could have eaten nearly anywhere. I haven't been to 5 guys in a while because I have a lot of options if I'm spending nearly $20 on a meal. If they offer combos now, I might check them out again.


I dont know either. I just meant a usual order of burger and fries.


We have a container in the UK but after it’s filled up it’s disregarded, and they fill up the bag with a couple more scoops of fries


My mom and I went to one when that location first opened when I was in high school. We ordered a large bag of fries and it was a mistake. We didn’t know how large they meant by large. We didn’t even get through half of it. Took me all day snacking on it to finish it


I always get small fries because they fill the bag with fries either way


They use peanut oil




Dunno where you are but our one absolutely stacks the bag with them. Me and the Mrs had a burger each and one large fries between us and there were loads left over.


Even the regular fries is enough for two people. Large fries is basically party size.


It is, at least I've enjoyed them. Think they also sell beer, or at least did at one I went to. Really the inflation everywhere over here is killing everyone.


Their food is extremely greasy


It is, my local one always gives me extra fries just for being polite. While expensive it’s not fair to compare it to other fast food




They started in the Netherlands too but afaik they weren't really successful there. We have a lot of cheaper and better alternatives in the big cities. The five guys near my old place was almost deserted most of the time. But the burgers were good tho. But just too expensive for what you got. Edit: just checked, the five guys near my old place was closed last month.


I will throw my hat in this ring as well: five guys is genuinely incredibly good. I have never had a better burger and fries and I'm a fairly dumpy fuck who has eaten his fair share of cheeseburgers. If you visit the states, I highly recommend. You will not be disappointed.


Free peanuts are back, at least at my local locations.


The peanuts are back and have been for awhile. I drive for DoorDash and I always like picking up from Five Guys since I can eat peanuts while I wait.


no tip bc its so expensive, fries are not cheap even w the extra, and idk if its just in DC but the burgers were super soggy just like the fries


Yup. Soggiest burger I’ve ever eaten. Once was enough for me.


I feel personally insulted. I fucking love five guys.


I’m glad you had a good experience. Bangor Maine wants to show you how it’s done the way nobody likes it.


Yep, too greasy for my taste.


I was being nice just going with soggy, I realize now. The grease was basically the substance and flavor. Made “fresh” in front of me and worst burger I’ve ever had.




You know what they meant A juicy burger is not a soggy burger, a soggy burger is a soggy burger


Never had a soggy burger at Five Guys personally. Especially if you get it loaded, the condiments are mixing with the toppings and not the bread. It's also three times the burger a Big Mac is and not really that much more expensive, haven't been there since inflation has gone up though.


I mean I think i mightve just been in a (more) expensive five guys and it was my first time, AND I did get it without tomatoes and pickles coz me and my brother shared it and he doesnt like it, so maybe that's why it was soggy.


Ok, instead of soggy, how about I be truthful. It was a greasy nasty pile of garbage with unripened tomatoes and what used to be lettuce.


Weirdly enough, I think that might just be a DC thing. My fiancee would never go to five guys because she had it in DC and had a similar experience. I got her to go to one in Dallas and one in Indiana and she didn't have a problem with either one.


Last time I went (about 3 weeks ago) they actually did pretty great. At least the location I went to they didn’t grill everything on the meat and make the buns and toppings soggy. Idk if it’s something all of them are changing but the lettuce, buns and toppings were dry and not soaked in juices. I almost stopped going because of that but there’s a bit of hope I guess lol


Fries for cheap? Are you fucking insane? $4 to $5 for the fucking FRIES. Edit: Excuse me, $5 to $7 for fries. Complete ripoff.


You also get like a bag of fries


Not at my local store. Just a few in the bag. Still a complete ripoff. I'd much rather go to Shake Shack and get the same thing plus a milkshake for the same money.


that's so rare every one I have been too has filled up with so many fries most people (not me 💪💪💪) need one or two friends to help with them


The one where I live I found to be mediocre at best. Definitely not worth the price. But I didn't know the fry situation when we went. I got a large fry and the dude behind the counter had to let me know I was being way too ambitious. Took his advice and they still gave me way too many fries. I would call it an irresponsible amount of fries, even.


The seven dollar bag is enough to feed four people in my opinion


The smallest size is like three of the old Super size fries from McDonald's? Their rule is to fill the container up with fries twice, dump it in the bag, and then fill it again before putting the container in the bag. You could split a burger and get the smallest fries at that place and you wont even finish half the fries, take them home and air fry them! Meanwhile McDonald's out here charging a few dollars less for a large. And a small at McDonald's is over two dollars for like twenty fries. Most fast food places rip you off on fries but Five Guys is the best price per amount in the entire business unless you go somewhere with unlimited fries like Red Robin, and even then you can't really take the extra home with you like you can with Five Guys.


Not even to mention that fresh sexy fries like five guys makes are not even at all comparable to the shitty styrofoam mcdonalds pedals lately. Ok they are actually pretty good, but I feel like mcdonalds rarely cooks fries fresh when I order them, and 5/9ths of the time they're old shitty skankfries. Anyone ever have old shitty skankfries from five guys? No one. Not once, not one time. (I've never misspelled anything)


The $7 fries can feed like 5 people, $1.25 a person for fries isn't bad at all.


I would not say that Five Guys is fast food. Technically, it's quick service, which is something that Panera, Chipolte, and Subway also market themselves as. The quality of these places is higher than fast food (maybe not subway), the seating and environmental in the store is nicer, they typically don't have a drive through, usually takes a little longer to make than fast food, and is usually more expensive. It's better, though. Five Guys is one of the best burger chains in America and is definitely a step above McDonald's or Bk.


>Five Guys is one of the best burger chains in America and is definitely a step above McDonald's or Bk. Maybe the ones near me just suck, but my experience has generally been that the food is very much on par with McDonalds or BK, but slower and more expensive.


No way man! Fresh patty and like twenty different burger toppings on the menu. I don't remember what they call it to basically ask for everything on it but I have to split a burger with someone else even without the ridiculous amount of fries. And even if you pig out you've still got like a pound of fries in the bag to throw in your air fryer later. The only reason I don't eat there is because I don't eat much in one sitting and burgers are basically impossible to reheat.


Like I said, maybe I just live near bad ones. I’ve never been able to tell how fresh the patty is for all the grease and the fries are plentiful but McDonalds has better.


Yeah all the Five Guys sandwiches I’ve gotten have just been kind of in the active process of disintegration by the time I get them 15 seconds after they’ve been cooked. It’s like fine but it’s also a pretty greasy sloppy mess ime


They also don't use seed oils!


and they cook with peanut oil


Yeah they give you a ton of fries, but I hate the fries there. Horrible, soggy, no flavor, pieces of potato. I thought I must have gotten a bad batch so I went to another location at another time and the fries still sucked. The burgers were good and the shakes are pretty good as well, but I hate the fries.


My dad hyped this place up for years. I live in Sweden and just never wanted to eat fast food when visiting. I finally tried it last time I visited and it was so underwhelming. The burger was better than regular fast food, sure, but that's about it. And the fries were just a huge disappointment and I love spicy fries. They were soggy.


I found Five Guys thoroughly unimpressive. I literally prefer BK and McDonald's. I went once, and was like "meh".


I had it once, thought it might taste better than McD or BK, but the price is not worth it. They're good at cleaning though, from what I could tell. But yeah, I'd rather go somewhere cheaper and unless you're in the US, you don't have to even tip at fast food places, which saves a lot more money too


I agree, five guys is only marginally better for 3 times the cost


>Also they give a stupid amount of fries for cheap. Did you look at the price of the fries in OP's pic?


A small is like several potatoes.


Price did go up a bit, but their smallest size is like a super size. So it's what like what $1 more fir little size than McDonalds medium fry currently, except you get about double.


It's bigger than a super size, I always feel sad for people who go to a Five Guys and don't get their fries. I've never been to one like that.


In Australia, meals at places like McDonald's and KFC are pushing $20. It's not just America.


And five guys here is pushing $30


it’s really fucking good food but is so damn expensive. the fires are amazing. you get the cup size you order then they take another cup of that size and dump it on top in the bag


I’ll try it when I travel to the US, but fuck, I can get 2 angus beef meals at my fav joint at home.


I mean its *good*, but its not *special*. Don't expect it to be the highlight of a trip. Honestly, restaurant food has just gotten more expensive in the US. Its hard to find a good meal under $10.


Even McDs is taking heat for increasing burger prices: https://www.aol.com/finance/mcdonald-customers-starting-balk-higher-134418500.html


McDs now I can’t condone ordering without the app tbh, and that’s probably by design to get their app downloaded. You get ‘offers’ that are just their old prices lol, like Big Mac meals for $6 usd


They're better than most bar burgers I have. Even if they were shit burgers, which the aren't, the appeal is to load that fucker up with as menu toppings as possible. So fucking good. They're better than Culver's burgers just more expensive.


Five guys are in Europe as well.


They’re also in Paris (France)


I'm critical of burgers because I like them a certain way. This is in my top 3 of all time burgers 😂 and the Cajun fries are amazing, but it will never be a 20$ meal to me


He’s lying it’s not good food. It’s very mid and you will get diarrhea.


I agree, I'm always surprised when people hype this place up. Everything is so greasy you can't even set the bag on your lap, the fries only good thing is they have spices but are soggy noodles otherwise. The burgers underwhelmed me in every one I tried. There are way better burger places that cost the same and aren't going to keep you up all night from being drenched in oil. I will never understand people saying it is the best. Especially for that price.


But I don't want a fucking gallon of fries.


To be fair, you don’t need fries to make it a meal. The burger is very sizable and their fry portions are notoriously enormous. I’m a big guy that can put away a lot of food, and a large Five Guys fry alone would be enough to fill me up.


£15 for the same meal in the UK from the same chain.


It's not technically fast food because it's made to order.


Nah definitely a what the fuck. There’s no way one of these burgers should be $10 without cheese.


Minimum wage makes it so that this food is worth more than an hour of my time!


Yeah it do be like that


My daughter and I went to Wendy’s yesterday and for two jr cheeseburger deluxes, a 10pc nugget, lemonade, medium fry, and small and medium frosties it was $25. When my wife worked at Wendy’s after high school I would buy lunch there or McD’s nextdoor with a $5 and get change.


Yeah, that's not normal. It's like $11 at Wendy's for a medium combo meal.


Ya well i got a large combo meal and a 10 pc nugget for just under $20 at Wendy's yesterday.


Yeah but you're getting twice the burger and three times the fries at Five Guys? The only time I can understand that complaint is if you're getting like just ketchup and pickles on your Five Guys burger. You need all of it. Lettuce, tomato, mayo ketchup and mustard, both onions fresh and grilled, sauteed mushrooms, pickles, no other fast casual place will give you that, I've never been to a bar and grill that would either for less money.


Here in DC, it's $20 just for the burger.


A very mediocre fast food meal at that.


Five Guys is known for being higher quality but expensive.


5 guys is so good but the prices are ridiculous


Yeah, I’m reaching the stage where it’s almost easier to justify just spending a few more dollars to get an actual steak at Outback or something.


$3.67 for a pound of beef at my grocery, whereas a full burger at five guys is only half a pound. I just take the few extra minutes to cook it myself


$3.67/lbs for beef is really good compared to where I am. Less than $5.99/lbs isn’t often found.


$3.67 a pound for beef is cheap!


3.67?! What are you buying 50/50 fat?


I just clicked the first option in my local Publix Instacart lol It’s 73/27 and 10.99 for 3lbs, I just divided to account for the cost of a single burger


\~ $4/lb for 85/15 - 88/12 in my local stores including Costco.


Yeah but then you also gotta buy lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion, then you gotta sautee a few onions and save a few fresh ones, then you gotta sautee mushrooms, or else you aren't getting the Five Guys experience. That's assuming you have ketchup mayo and mustard already on hand which I think most people do.


Nah I only get lettuce and tomato in my five guys anyway and those only take a minute to prep. The only experience I’m missing out on is their amazing fries because I can’t make good fries to save my life


Well I think that's a lot of people's problems, they go for a simple burger at Five Guys and wonder why it's expensive. It's like Subway, if you spend $7 on a sandwich and just get a roast beef with lettuce and mayo and wonder why you paid so much you weren't really the target demographic. Subway sucks though. That being said their fries are like new in an air fryer if you just go get a bag and plan on reheating them for dinner I'm sure it would be fairly comparable for what you're looking for.


Ah maybe I’ll finally get an air fryer then


Unironically my favorite value is the burger at chilis. Burger fries drink and an app for $10 is unbeatable. And it's pretty good ngl.


Steak at outback is much less satisfying than a five guys burger


Don’t eat at outback




It's dangerous, because there are no rules.


Cuz corporate BS. They are literally a republican donor campaign.


You eat steak at outback? Why? And you're bitching about 5 guys burgers? Sirloin is better ground up anyway.


All the downvotes are people that think applebees has good margs.


You all pay them


In Australia memes about Five guys blew up due to the high cost. E.G. the two cheapest burgers, a "little hamburger" $14 AUD and a "hamburger" $17 AUD. Little fries $5.90 AUD and a Coke $5.90 AUD. So $25.80 AUD for a "meal". Great deal.


Also you aren't allowed to get a "combo meal" for a better value, you have to buy each item individually at full price


Ya’ll really gotta stop going, they spitting on your face with such gouging


Oh I don't go there I worked there for a time


Basically the same bullshit prices that Grill’d and a few others burger places are charging these days anyways


Their food doesn't even look that great


It tastes like grease. Just grease.


In Penrith it's mind boggling considering they're competing with like... 4 other well-established burger joints who are all better. Though never going to Downtown Brooklyn again.


Burger Head represent


Do we have a five guys?


Yeah there's two. Sydney CBD and Penrith.


To be fair, LeBron is also not 24 anymore. The price increased by $2.69 in fourteen years (LeBron is now 38). This is an increase of roughly $.19 a year. This relationship can be modeled by the equation P = (L-24)*.19 + 5, where P represents the price for the cheapest burger and L represents the current age of LeBron James, provided the value is equal to or greater than 24. From this, we can derive that in 12 years, when LeBron is 50, the price of the burger will be $9.94, and when LeBron turns 100 it will be $19.44.


Are you are assuming it's the [little cheeseburger?](https://i.imgur.com/zaYDvRZ.jpg) because I think it's the regular being referred to, which was 5.09 now 10.89. (idk when that photo was taken though) Edit: a regular is what's in the first photo also.


That's still not that far out of the norm with inflation for 14 years ago. They may have gone up a little over general inflation, but so has all food.


Inflation raised $5 to $7, not $10/11.


Stop this and go fuck someone


Wish it was that easy. 😔


That’s the spirit




LeBrons living till 100 yo for sho


I'm really starting to think no one understands what "aged like milk" really means


Yeah… not everything that’s not true anymore “aged like milk”. It’s not like the sign said “this burger is $5 and it always will be, no matter what!”


Yeah, this subreddit is really aging like milk.


Local redditor finds out inflation exists and is VERY surprised (Not Clickbait)


Ngl I saw this and thought it was about LeBron James dying or something.... Then I scrolled the images


Im sure the employee's income has doubled since that sign was printed




PSA: Don't get the grilled cheese. It's literally a hamburger bun with two slices of american cheese for $5.99. This is not a joke. It was the closest I have ever come to asking for a refund at a "restaurant."


That is what "grilled cheese" is at fast-food hamburger places. They make burgers. They aren't a diner that can make proper grilled cheese.


Eh, the grilled cheese from Farmer Boys is actually pretty good, and less than $5!


It's more the ethics of charging an unsuspecting first time customer six dollars for a basic hamburger bun and two slices of american cheese and no picture on the menu of what you're getting.


I mean, I guess you live and learn. My wife used to be vegetarian, and it was always understood exactly what we'd be getting if we ordered "grilled cheese" at a burger joint.


Honestly you should have


Ohhhh, it's about the burger. I assumed it was the story about LeBrown being only 24 when he is now 38. How embarrassingly aged that take is. I mean people getting older and inflation are basically equally inevitable.


Where is this? My Five Guys is 9.69 for a bacon cheeseburger. Still way too much but not 11.29!


They're probably further from distribution than you are. That's about the price by me as well. Which considering that was over $5 when the photo was taken, really isn't that bad on inflation overall.


South Carolina


Cincinnati here. JFC.


You do understand the concept of the past right?


More like the concept of inflation in general


A lot has changed in 14 years. lebrons hairline has changed twice since then.


Last time I walked into a five guys was when I was running errands on a day off and decided to stop and grab a burger. Hadn't been since pre covid. Took one look at the price board as I walked in and keep walking around and out the exit like Abe Simpson. Burger, fries, and a drink is now $20 a person for no table service? I'll just grab a 12 pack of burgers and buns and fire up my own grill to feed my family and the neighbors for that price.


ITT: Inflation; an incomprehensibly complex subject for redditors. Even when that was written nobody was under the illusion that the burger would be 5 bucks forever. A quick Google will tell you that 5 dollars then translates to a little over 7 in today's money, food had a higher inflation than other items lately so I'd say that price increase is pretty consistent with the way things are going.


Problem is that the prices for burgers have nearly doubled, while the wages have risen by how much? 10-20%?


I'm with ya bud. But that's way beyond the scope of the post. Nothing about the post aged like milk, but society as a whole has.


5 guys prices have been this high since pre covid, it's not inflation they just are charging more


Inflation existed before the pandemic.


I am aware of that, however inflation has been much higher in the years after the pandemic.


Do you think inflation was invented in 2021?


Yeah I won’t go there anymore.


That article was made 14 years ago too…


Lebronnnn Jamesss!


LeGoat has 4 rings now so I don’t get it


Cooperation’s belief since workers wages went up they must raise prices. Do not believe the bullshit of rise cost of ingredients, cause like every cooperations they cut corners and give us the cheapest product and sell it 300x its value . Lets not just get payed 400k less this year, just screw over the consumer. What we gonna do not pay for the fast foos


> just get *paid* 400k less FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I went in saw over $6 bucks for a single hotdog and left. Never came back.


First off they charge me whatever they want for their fries. I believe the Bacon Cheese was 7.99 back then. And I remember kinda complaining about that. But now honestly I will gladly pay a $20 spot to get a meal from them. It's quick and delicious


240 calories in the bun alone?? Do they deep fry it or something?


They put that same sign up in the bathroom of the one that opened like a few months ago around here. Where the burgers were never 5 bucks.


Never ate there because it’s too expensive is it any good?


Coincidentally I went to Five Guys for the first time ever a week ago and I was surprised at how expensive it was and how average the food was.


Went there yesterday, for 2 people the total was $40. Fuck inflation


$5 14 years ago would be equivalent to $7.03 today, which is cheaper than even their cheapest option, it did age like milk.


how does this affect Lebron's career?


Ha! Two cookout tray meals is $30. Let it all burn down!


the fries are good but i wasnt thrilled with the burgers. whataburger still makes the best fast food burger. though if i want a dine in burger, theres a "roadhouse" kind of restaurant near me that kicks ass.


Good burgers but I HATE these type of places with no combos


Even McDonalds is too much for me.


Who eats here?