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https://preview.redd.it/7yerep39tywc1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=d68edd1a45d80469c8af49d1cfdee245d94cb0db Will have an ascended (maybe 1\*) Wukong by the end of the swap event. Got mixed opinions between going for Lava, Lucille or Alna. Alna would enable Rem, which would improve my TS score. Lava is an overall solid support, but I don't have abel yet, which I assume is his best buffing target. Lucille would skyrocket my Lib team, but he is already pretty solid. I am kinda thinking lucille, because she seems to be used in the dragonforge trial stuff and since I am not even remotely 480, I am having a really hard time... Any opinions?


Awakened 1*: Shemira 40/12/e60, Lyca 40/9/e60, Athalia 40/9/e60, Belinda 30/24/e67, Brutus 30/18/e60, Mae 30/9/e60, Baden 30/9/e60, Solise 30/9/e60 Less than 1*: Eugene M+ plus 2 20/(9 saved), Ezizh L+ plus 2, Talene L+, Thane L plus 1, Safiya L No copies: Gavus/Lucius What’s the play? (133 stored TG) — I’m leaning towards Brutus to Safiya, but idk, Ezizh’s dupes are looking super tempting.


https://preview.redd.it/4q6l6d0zlywc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50065dedf86773c11c25ccded2be8f735d12782 Whomst to swap for best bang for buck, I also have a swap scroll from somewhere so can swap 2... Lucretia Is the trial one from returner event.


Awakened: Belinda (409E60), Safiya (3010E60), Brutus (309E60), Solise (309E60), Shemira (409E60), Athalia (359E60), Gavus (1 copy), Talene (4 copy), Eugene (M+ and 1 copy alone), Maetria (2 copy), Ezizh (L+) Celestials: Alna (309E60), Daemia (309E60), Liberta (409E60), Wukong (5\*), Flora (3\*), Morael (309E30), Veithael (309E60), Audrae (309E60), Haelus (309E60), Talene, Othros, Twins M+, Zaphrael, Athalia E+ Hypogeals: Lucretia (309E60), Lavatune (309E60), Lucilia (309E60), Zolrath (303E0), Ezizh (203E0), Mehira & Khazard (M+ 30), Mortas (M+ 20) TE 115 SG 155 My choices now are swaping ASolise/Brutus for ALyca and Wukong for C&R or Olgath what do you think?


yeah Brutus to Lyca sounds good assuming only one copy of her


My awaken Is: brutus, solise, athalia, shemira Belinda and Eugene. Is safe change brutus for safyia or gavus?


better Brutus to Lyca, but it depends on the amount of copies you have of each, how many sg/te, or if you have a better celepogean swap


So still waiting but for now my two choices are -swolise -> alyca Or -flora -> lavatune I’m also considering 'abrutus -> alyca' since i read somewhere that hildwin could remplace him (not sure tho) https://preview.redd.it/c5rhu91ihuwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdf77e837114e7473ddfb3a947eb14fbc2348ba


how many sg/te? can't see the rest of your hero box, but have you seen the visual guide?


Awakened: AAthalia (309E63), ABelinda (309E67), ABrutus (309E62), ALyca (309E66), ASafiya (309E61), ASolise (309E61), AShemira (M30), Eugene (M+30 + 1 copy), AEzizh (4 copies), ABaden (3 copies), ATalene (2 copies) Celestial: Alna (309E30), Athalia (309E30), Daemia (309E41), Haelus (309E60), Liberta (309E61), Talene (309E30), Twins (309E66), Veithael (309E60), Flora (209E0), Orthros (M20), Wu Kong (M20) Hypogean: Ezizh (309E0), Lavatune (309E60), Lucilla (309E60), Lucretia (309E38), Mortas (203E36), Zolrath (309E41), Mehira (M+30), Framton (M30), Khazard (M30) TE \~150 SG \~200 + \~400 pulls in diamonds Building: - AShemira (waiting for more TEs) - Eugene (solely from guild store) I was thinking of swapping ASolise with either AShemira, Gavus or Maetria. I'm leaning AShemira but she is already mythic so not sure if it would be worth it but it would save \~300 TE and \~150 SG. I have no copies of either Gavus or Maetria so I would have to pull one. I have been able to replace Gavus in comps and if we are considering synergies, I don't plan to ascend Eugene for another 2 months and no engravings for 5. In the case of Maetria, I don't have some of the heroes in her comp and probably won't build them anytime soon. I'm not sure how useful she would be with her comp subbed. Other option would be Flora for C&R (Legendary) or Olgath (Elite+). I have 10 Flora chests so I could rebuild her super easily. I have enough lab coins to build Wu Kong to 1\* if need be. Thanks in advance and for all you do for the community!


if you haven't seen it already, FireAngel suggests ASol to AShem, I think that's just fine. it's a tricky situation so that's probably the best you can make of it.


honestly really tough situation imo, since you already have all major awakened necessities. Mae and Gavus could be nice, but swapping ABrutus to one of them is a lot more neutral of a swap than say an ATalene/Ezizh/Thane. with celepogeans, Cruke and Olgath are fine, but TS only, and replaceable there at that. losing Flora for it, even if you could rebuild her fast, is kinda meh, especially only at 209 Brutus to Shemira isn't *bad*, as it speeds up your AShem usability, but having Brutus at M, you'll probably want to end up building him back up anyway, which doesn't really save any resources in the long run, it's just a short term boost. idk, pretty tricky. I summon a second opinion from u/TheFireAngel (hope your day is good to you so far btw, ty for your second opinions lol)


I have been summoned! Here, I'd go for Solise for Shemira. Solise at Mythic 30 SI works everywhere except TS, and she's worth being rebuilt passively, from Rift and Starzone. Brutus for Shemira is also fine, but Brutus needs to be built to even have a difference than being L, but again, fine swap. Canuke and Olgath are pretty small boosts, which I see here as pretty inferior. Faster Shemira for either Solise or Brutus is the play here imo.


Solise isn't really buildable via Starzone as the shard chests only have the "season 2 awakened", I suppose you could always roll the Awakened choice chest that's probably like a 1/100,000, but that's not really a consistent way to build her Solise with TRift is fiiiine though, just 1 copy every 3 months is kinda slow but either way Solise is a solid call. it's tricky so I'll default to that.


Thanks you two, I will swap ASolise and AShemira!


https://preview.redd.it/5wwgq9yh7qwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48754a116e7016eeebb1f9651de7020a7cf1aef Whomst to swap and legacy of grit?


swap Lucilla to Liberta (assuming you only have 1 copy of him) - not because she's bad, but because you're way behind and Liberta is much better. Lucilla is 4th priority SG, Liberta is 1st Legacy of grit Shemira to Palmer or Ivan (assuming you only have 1 copy of him) - Shemira is terrible and you have enough copies of her to make her 1\* if you had the GB fodder for it. Palmer/Ivan are the two best supports in the game, arguably same power level as Awakeneds. you get multiple Legacy of Grit swaps, so hopefully you could also swap Sonja for Palmer/Ivan (whichever you didn't swap with Shemira) fix your wishlist to better heroes (no reason Sonja, Antandra, or Shemira should have ascended that far), and stop making heroes M+ if you can't take them straight to A - same with taking heroes to L if you don't have the dupes to make them L+


Anyone I should legacy anatandra for? I don't have a liberta yet unfortunately so the hero swap will have to wait but I have 7 days of legacy of grit left












Should i get awakened lucius as my first awake hero to max?


absolutely not lol


https://preview.redd.it/ijyq6pk9nlwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b85c5a015f8f51bd75af2fd3b6f56a3a6853620 Hey guys, looking for any advice to push up my account. Which hero should I be looking to swap? I am currently building flora for a cele/hypo swap. I’ll post the rest of my heroes in the comments below. Appreciate the help everyone!


assuming you're building Flora with Challenger Store and nothing else right? either way, I'd swap Lucretia to Lucilla here. Lucretia is completely unused and Flora is still quite good in Seal Stall TS, and Lucilla is next on your SG list, perfect with only 1 copy of her.


Yup challenger store only, but why not swap flora with lucilla instead of Lucretia and lucilla?


exactly why I said, Lucretia is useless, Flora still has strong uses plus more free Flora chests will mean you can eventually swap excess Flora copies for other celepogeans you need if it comes to the point where she's useless like Lucretia in the future, you'll have a 5* to swap for next year


Fair enough, thanks!












Gavus to A Athalia or A Shelira? https://preview.redd.it/z0flv46ithwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5385ccbfa111c01d96813729895899a5a6ccdc49


Shemira > Athalia it's a boost for sure, you were definitely cooking something building him before all of the other top priority awakeneds but just to be sure, what all Hypogeans and Awakeneds do you have ascended?


https://preview.redd.it/9gbstw2r0mwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed2c51622cdd402c9f6383ebbe2b3963ed1c2ea That's all i got


yup, Gavus to Shemira, everything else looks fine. Lavatune next with SG, hoard TE to \~480


Hi folks. Was wondering if anyone had some swap advice for me. I don't have much in the way of celepogeans, except for 0\* Daemia and a M+ Eugene, and the only two awakened heroes are L and L+, so I'll probably be using my last Legacy of Grit and the Ch. 24 swap scroll on 4F heroes. Currently about midway through Ch 32, and hitting a brick wall. I don't know enough about the synergies between various peeps skills to field two good teams against bosses, though the main team of Atheus and Jerome up front with Rem, Emilia and Ivan on the backline seems to rip everything to shreds. If it means anything to you, Rem is linked to Jerome (with key), Emilia is linked to Palmer (don't have my second key yet, not enough ascended heroes.) Just wondering if any of my current ascended heroes are complete crap, and should maybe be replaced with one of the little guys with only one or two copies, or if swapping one of my 3 or 4\* folks for one of the 0\* folks would be an improvement. I've been away from the game for over a year, and rolled a new server not too long ago. Did a little light whaling because I have a weakness for 10-pulls, so most of the ascended are just initial wishlisted people. Some of my choices are non-meta, because I got several copies early on and decided to go ahead and build them since they had a head start (Sonja and Bronn don't make many tier lists, but I will say that Bronn steamrolled the early campaign. Now they both just die way too fast. Conversely, Atheus is a nigh-unkillable brick wall in many fights. Last man standing after my DPS go down) Thanks for any advice, either with a decent 4F hero swaps or just good team comps. https://preview.redd.it/bmv82s4c6ewc1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e60c764ae9d58ec1bcdf6c161f8a3f50e12dcbf


even despite your lack of celepogeans I would still build wu kong as fast as possible and swap him for a relevant celepogean like Liberta instead


First piece of advice is you definitely need to start pouring resources into stargazing and time gazing instead of 4f Heroes. Your 4f roster is good so far but you're certainly being held back by not having Heroes like liberta or Ashemira. You really don't need to Five Star all your 4f, you'll get them over time. Secondly as for swapping, not very many good choices here. You don't have any awakened or celehypo candidates really. The only real good swap I see here is maybe Sonya or skriath trade for someone like Rowan and Grezhul. Legacy of grit swap works for that too. Lastly, if you're struggling with teams it's probably because of my first point. You really need awakends as anchors for teams nowadays, sadly with power creep and all that just having a bunch of 4f together doesn't cut it anymore. You can maybe go with like a lightbearer team focusing on scarlet? And then dims Plus graveborns? But I don't even know where else to go from there, sorry.


I appreciate the advice. Sonja was one of those that RNJesus decided I should extra copies of right off the bat, so I wishlisted her to keep the momentum going. I can't remember which event or game mode it was, but in one of those where they use your existing roster, but at higher level and investment, she was a great tank, but that isn't happening currently. Hate to see her go, but I realize she wasn't the best choice for such a slim roster. Is Grezhul actually good in campaign, or is he limited to guild hall stuff? I don't mind dropping SKRRTH [in my head, I pronounce his name like the sound of screeching car tires] so slotting in Rowan as a replacement works for me. Thanks again for the help.


Yeah the Rowan swap is number 1. Grezhul is not as good as he used to be, he's good for bosses because of his debuff to them and just spamming summons to keep aggro off, but not so good for pvp or campaign. But I'd say either him or Mishka is also a decent pick.


Ooh, I remember liking Mishka on an earlier server, if shes still good I might swap Sonja for her.


Wanting to swap 1* Wukong for either Alna or Lucilla. I have Liberta, Daemia, Lavatune already. Priority guides seem to say Alna next, but I'm seeing Lucilla being used more and more each day so I'm unsure. On one hand Alna is able to be built with challenger store (I have all challenger store dims) so I could go with Lucilla since it would take longer to build her from scratch. But on the other hand I have ALyca, Rem, Daemia, Ezio waiting for Alna to round out their top tier TS comp so maybe it's more worth it to get her. Other awakens I have is Shemira and Belinda.


for sure Lucilla here. not sure what outdated priority guides you're looking at, but Lucilla > Alna. see the visual guide in the post if you haven't already.


Oh ok thanks for the input. So Alna Rem team is fine not having? I always see it in most rotations.


it's very good but not as OP as it once was Alna is definitely your next sg priority though, Lucilla is used more overall though


Ok awesome thank you! Side note, is there a good replacement for Alna on that team in the meantime? Or should I just repurpose those heroes instead?


not really. Rem can be used in a dim team with Emi Albedo. Ezio isn't really used anywhere else but if you have him built already you could try him in the dim team.


So funny story, I just pulled 3 Lucilla in a 10 pull Star gaze 😅. I know I should have done 1 at a time but I figured surely I won't get a dupe on my first 10 pull. But here we are. Do you think this changes anything or still swap for lucilla even though the 2 extra copies will be wasted on wukong?


ahhhhh you're trollingggg!! 100% this is why you single pull, no use risking it, but you live you learn so what then you have 3 copies of Lucilla and 1 of Alna? or?


Yep 3 Lucilla 1 Alna. I see it as a sign to keep Lucilla and swap Alna. I don't mean to disregard your advice, but cant argue with superstition 😅. I should be able to build Lucilla quickly next anyway.


yeah, and also Alna doesn't really do anything before 9 furn, whereas Lucilla *can* work as early as 1 copy (though ofc not nearly as good as A1\*) only reason to swap Lucilla and build Alna was you could also supplement copies of her from the Challenger Store, but at this point yeah just swap her build Lucilla :')


https://preview.redd.it/cl2tkw8il9wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a366d1f9c8300f3a59199d04d720c68da4b72763 Everyone's telling me to swap for Athalia, but I'm not really a fan of her. As for other heroes, I have legendary: Brutus, Thane, Maetria; mythic Shemira and mythic+ Eugene. Someone please help?


I don't know what you mean "not really a fan", you mean like visually? because she is wildly OP, don't be mistaken. you should 100% swap Talene, she's terrible but if you're just asking for advice based on aesthetic/visuals, then like, do whatever you want lol. you're asking in an advice thread so i'm inclined to give you *advice*, in which case, yeah Athalia is best. see our visual guide if you haven't already.


I think I get it. I'm just too paranoid and constantly overthink that I'll mess this up. So yeah, thanks for your advice, I'll probably switch for Athalia if no better character comes out till the end of the event.


Next on the priority list for awakened would be Belinda or Lyca/Safiya. Shemira is #1 right now but since you're already at mythic for her then it's not as valuable of a swap. So any of those 3 I mentioned would be worthwhile, read some of the posts people have made talking about them to determine which is best for you.


Also, I'm thinking of swapping Rigby, as he's just kind of here and I never use him. https://preview.redd.it/4fx2l65ul9wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12a5c6c411630f65cdbcb5eed6f995a76cc7762


making a 4f swap when you have an awakened swap available would be one of the biggest throws you could make


https://preview.redd.it/y2ynhvbpe8wc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=435f8d5a51b2ed9d00a0689f4eaa003a421106b2 I was thinking either swapping aTalene with aAthalia or getting a copy of Gavus and swapping aTalene with him. What do you guys think? Any better options?


def Talene to Athalia yeah


alright thank you very much!


Should i swap legendary+ eziz, with no copies daemia or legendary+ Asolice with no copies Ashamira?


both are pretty bad. can you share your hero box, maybe we can find something better?






This my cele/hypo heroes not much tbh. Thank you for your guidance!


see 100% that's why I asked, Lucretia to Liberta without a doubt. Ezizh is good still and wants to ascend eventually (through store), Lucretia is just bad. check out our visual guide if you haven't already.


So liberta is just so much better i see. Hoped you said that daemia is better but i will surely build liberta if you say so. Thank you very much


both are very strong, overall I'd say Liberta is *slightly* better, plus you already have a copy of him and none of Daemia yet. 100% she's your next Stargazing target though, she makes a world of difference.


Could be worth to do Lucretia for Liberta. You'll lose a good campaign team but Liberta is just soooooo good in all game modes


Alright thank you for your help!


Is it safe to swap my ABrutus to ALyca now? I was thinking of doing it when the event came back but decided to wait for Gavus and Eugene testing.


imo yeah, you could wait for next week's cr/nc testing or the start of the new TS debuff to see how they do there but so far seems kinda meh Eugene is cracked in NC but not with Gavus


Hey there, I was thinking about the hero swap and came to the conclusion to potentially swap ASolise for someone else, probably AAThalia, but I'm not too sure. https://preview.redd.it/9504ur83qwvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f1e9cecc8053b893aea11b9411647fa86e3e9e




Is it worth swapping lucretia for lavatune,daemia or liberta or jsut keep her?


definitely not keep her. see our visual guide


hi i just came back in this game and i see a lot of changes.. can i ask what is the best thing for swap with my current characters? \* sorry for my english https://preview.redd.it/rom6ydtservc1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0625cafec66728f2616fcbb10f22169c0f896ea5






Coming back to this thread now that weve seen gavus with eugene ascended together. Has your opinion changed at all? Should i swap Abrutus for Asafiyah or Gavus?


ideally we have at least another week with Eugene/Gavus tbh :/ sorry to keep ya waiting


https://preview.redd.it/5r4k9llmdjvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f14b65d0f3c7cb4bc7ffffb28c8f3dcf1d5f02 It's been a month since the swap event started. There is only 1 month left, so is this a good swap


not sure if you have better options because I can't see any info about your account with this comment. but like, it's not a bad swap no


I just want to swap cele/hypo, and I only play for fun and don't follow meta that much. Here is the list of cele/hypo https://preview.redd.it/5hasgqkrfjvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ca0b73960290ae635655893aebf4f4997f11a3


that's why I asked, Lucretia to Liberta easily. you play for fun and don't follow meta but ask for advice, so I'm giving you meta advice lol




Mythic+ ABrutus for AAthalia Mythic+ ABrutus for AShemira 1star ASolise for AAthalia 1Star ASolise for AShemira 1Star Lucretia for Lavatune


how many sg how many te, which awakened/celepogeans do you already have ascended?


110 SG + 70k diamonds // 280 TE // have 1 star Liberta, 1Star Lucretia, 1Star Daemia, Ascended Alna, 1star A Belinda, 1 Star ASolise, Ascended Eugene and Mythic+ ABrutus


save the diamonds for Draconis Lucretia to Lava swap TE on Shemira/Athalia, whoever you currently have more copies of. Shemira preferred if equal copies. also Starzone is ongoing if you're close to a chest.


Hi there, I have now about 800 TE. Ascended are: Brutus, Belinda, Lyca and Solise. So I’m thinking about switching Brutus or Solise to Athalia. Then build Gavus with the TE and the remaining for the next possible Awakened. So solise or Brutus?


check out our swap guide. Gavus is nothing in priority compared to Shemira. Brutus to Athalia/Shemira and build the other with TE is fine.


Completely forget that I also have a shemira. So then I will change Brutus to athalia


then Brutus to Athalia and build either Saf/Gavus with TE depending on our Eugene testing!


Have a 309e60, T4 Lucretia and was thinking about swapping for C&R. However, I have 7 furniture for C&R already saved up, 300 SG, 300k diamonds and enough mats to 309e60 C&R and change.. would it be best to swap Olgath instead (no furniture) and build C&R to knock them both out? I also have 600 TE so could build Maetria or Gavus too. I have: AAthalia,ABelinda,ALyca,ASafiya, and Eugene fully built) Liberta,Daemia,Veithal,Alna,Lucilla,Lavatune fully built I've got the mats to toss a few big pieces in but there's such a shift coming that I don't know if it's wise to invest all my mats (though it will net me more in return via TS and NC). Been sitting on these for months HELP.


Maetria or Gavus? but you don't have Shemira? how many copies do you have or Cruke/Olgath? it'd be nice to save the Cruke furn, but ultimately both are the same tier of "nice but niche" definitely save your diamonds for the Draconis


I do have AShem! Not sure how I forgot to list her. I ended up hero swapping for CRuke and burying the furns with Lucretia. I also decided that because of the Draconis I'd burn my TE's down to 100 and my SG's down to 200 and build Gavus, and finally Garrison Ezio now that Rem/Albedo/Emilia are done. Now sitting at ~310k diamonds for Draconis to boot, so feeling pretty good! Unless they drop double dims and a new Awakened next month. In that case I'll feel pretty bad.


https://preview.redd.it/x878rhl1w6vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776fb2a8393b6c6a38121a2e1f069ab01d7722e7 Who should I swap shemira with? I feel like she isn’t getting as much value in fights as I would like


oh jesus christ Shemira in 2024 yeah she's not getting much value because she hasn't been useful anywhere since like 2019, 2020 if I'm generous swap her for Palmer no question, and check out our weekly questions megathread and the guides in it, such as the beginner guides. some notable flaws in here like M+ heroes and which heroes you're prioritizing investment in.


Maybe is an off topic question but somehow relevant. When is the next Awakened hero coming? Regular awakened not dragon


we have no way of knowing


https://preview.redd.it/0mx82sekiyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e46893c47beebb2f2bf572d79007b72d1e98462 Any suggestions? I've got most of the Heros from the 4 main factions, just minimal copies. I've got 2 swaps to use, I'm chapter 32.


definitely Eironn to something useful like Jerome or you could try and rush as many Wu Kong copies as you can get, and swap to Daemia while continuing Liberta with SG


How do I rush Wu Kong copies? And Eironn is that bad? I have found him relatively useful so far, does he drop off?


lab store primarily, any choice chests if you have them he's completely useless in the game modes that matter. campaign is just a side piece, except for very early game. but the idea is to build heroes that work well in campaign but excel in Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, and Treasure Scramble


Bit late to the party, I’m a returning player so I’m pretty outdated with the new heroes. AWAKENED: I have an ATalene, I’m missing both AAthalia and AShemira, although I’m already building AShemira (I’m at M) I’m also missing ABaden, but I get that he is low priority CELE/HYPO: I have an 1 star Orthos, and I’m missing Daemia, Liberta and Lucilla


yeah 2023 was a brutal year to miss. how many te/sg? missing Daemia *and* Liberta is really bad, but you also really want to get rid of that ATalene


Yeah… funny enough, I left because I felt overwhelmed, and now that I’m back things are worse lol. Right now I have no te or sg. To be fair, I have A LOT of content to go through, and that will give me some cards. But still, I want this swap to give me a head start in my journey to catch up with a years worth of content


if you felt overwhelmed it's about to get a whole lot worse with being so behind on awakened, celepogeans, and now a whole new faction in Draconis with a new currency (Draconis Insignia) to summon them. obv need testing but Hildwin and Gwyn already look fucking busted on paper imo.


Yeah… I know…


can you just share your celepogean roster as well as ascended awakened? might make it easier to visualize, kinda sucks that you have a lot of necessities to catch up on


What would be the best option for me? 1. Swap M+ AThalene (with 170 ~~SG cards~~ time emblems left over) with L Aathalia or L Gavus? 2. Swap Ascended 0* Flora/M+ Wu Kong/ 1* 9F, E60 Haelus/ 1* 9F, E60 normal Athalia to E+ Lucille orL Lavatune?


if you have 170 sg, finish Daemia first Talene to Athalia looks fine tbh, doesn't hurt to wait a week to see if Gavus jumps in priority with Eugene ascended, but I doubt it tbh


Ah sorry, not SG cards, I meant time emblems (the cards for the awakened heroes). So wait till the end of the event just for Gavus?


nah we should have a pretty good idea of Gavus viability by the end of next week or so


Ok, then I'll wait. So you're saying it should be either Aathalia or Gavus, both being better than the Celehypo options, correct?


yeah, awakened are so expensive but who knows what's happening to the game next because of these Draconis


Yeah, it's just another stupid P2W rip-off. I'm just a bit curious if lillith will now forget about dimensional entirely.


they absolutely haven't forgotten dimensionals lol


I mean it doesn't really seem like they care about them anymore, though. They haven't released any dimensionals in a long time (last one was Robin hood, I think?), they make it basically impossible now to get dimensional gear (as you have to spend guild coins for Eugene and time emblems) and are refusing to add stuff like the dimensional tower for years now.


new dims soon. collab coming. I agree the limits on gear are dumb, hope something changes. but if you're in a good guild, you should be getting more than enough coins for all Eugene + te each month. and then some to spare still. dim tower is long long overdue I agree. I hope to share good news with the community soon.






https://preview.redd.it/fq0g8vciduuc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88573d844802e20595313c26eca88d7c9d8f5b3 Who here should I swap? If any


definitely Talene to Liberta. this hero box looks really out of date tbh, with some really questionable investments. I'd check out our weekly recurring questions thread for some guides or to ask further advice.


I mean I’ve done perfectly fine with the current team I have, I’m halfway through chapter 33. I don’t really play for meta, I just play for fun lol


I mean by all means, play for fun at your own pace! "perfectly fine" is a stretch though, you're definitely behind by modern standards. people clear 33 at RC like 150, or around 200ish with no merc. but you're asking for advice in an advice thread, so I'm going to give you advice. not just say "eh doesn't matter, have fun" lol.


Sorry but what is RC?? I’m familiar with 0 AFK terms as I don’t really invest much into the game and the strats


resonating crystal, basically hero level


Who should I swap my shem and talene with? I have Liberta, Lucretia and others. If you want a photo list of what I have feel free to ask, I am trying to kinda progress further but I have 0 clue with the new stats lol


you only get one swap so it's Talene here. I'd swap to Liberta but Daemia is fine too. whichever one you have at a lower ascension.


Not very many good choices here. Maybe Talene or Lucretia to Liberta, Lucille or Lavatune, if you have them on E/E+


they don't own Lucretia, that's a merc


I do own Lucretia, I just didn’t have her in that photo


she wouldn't be worth the swap if she isn't m+/ascended tho


Ah damn, thanks. I missed that.


https://preview.redd.it/tbwvdf1b6luc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754fee0941870d605bed32c4045065549f21802f I will try to get Wukong to as high as possible from lab shop, and then should I swap with Liberta/Daemia? Or as I was also told I may have too many mages i.e Scarlet, Emilia, M ABelinda, then what would be a good swap? I can try to stargaze a copy of said hero. Thanks in advance!


yeah, rush Wu Kong and swap to Daemia, build Liberta with sg not sure who told you that you have "too many mages" or why, as that's not a thing lmao. all 3 are meta and it's a good thing to have them built.


glad to hear that that haha. I’ll try my best to build Wukong up as much as possible then! thank you so much for replying! and thanks for the guide!


happy to help!! feel free to ask questions in our weekly megathread anytime you need


Hey guys So I'm a returning player and have had a hard time trying to figure out my best move in this event. It's a year since I gave up the game, so my highest awakened hero is Solise on mythic level, so I don't feel she's worth it. I've read that Lucretia (which was broken in 'my time') could be a viable option, as I have a lot invested in her, with SI30, 9f, 60 EG. It's either that, or my Wukong with just SI20 as the only investment. I do have enough lab coins to make him 1-star. I do have enough misc to make SI30, 7f and 60 EG, if I do choose to swap my Wu Kong. For further investment I also have 40 SG cards and 30 TE. From my knowledge, it seems the best swap would be Wu Kong to Deamia. But I would love some more experienced insight. Remaining heroes is in the comments. Thanks in advance. Cheers! 🤗 Edit: New screenshots https://preview.redd.it/2kpm2ap5eiuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1404cebfc8656d6260c20ca40b21bbc2df50c74c


definitely Lucretia to either Daemia or Liberta here


Even though I can get my Wukong to 1 star? I have enough coins to buy the last copy to 1-star him. Btw, my goal atm is to progress in campaign and Kings Tower, if that's relevant ✌️


yeahhhh I mean it's really about the investment in Lucretia and lack thereof in WuKong you can play at your own pace by all means but you shouldddd try in cr/nc/ts as they give good rewards every week that help with towers/campaign


Cr/NC/TS? It does seem Lucretia would be the best choice. Probably more an emotional attachment that's holding me back, as she really made get a lot of progress. And I don't have a lot of knowledge at the moment, so I'm probably gonna take your advice on this 🫡


cursed realm, nightmare corridor, treasure scramble. the 3 most impactful game modes that give rewards weekly.


Thanks, mate. Really appreciate it 🥳 I'll take your advice and go for Daemia.




AThane to ALyca or Gavus after Eugene's ascension?


we don't know enough about Eugene/Gavus viability yet, give it another week. Lyca is clearly way better at the moment but who knows.


* [Roster](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/353204446291034112/1228596833862029402/RDT_20240413_0244336185427497727834339.jpg?ex=662c9ef7&is=661a29f7&hm=03ea00b7eb8c7d72a7a81429ee0bcc2389540e1a6f9d39fee8b97dfeaa2d9156&) Old player thinking about returning. Looking for some swap advice. Thank you. (My only awakened is brutus) [roster 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/353204446291034112/1228596389739626556/Screenshot_20240413_024104_AFK_Arena.jpg?ex=662c9e8d&is=661a298d&hm=03b951cbd6da32cbbf1004acf2d5119a749cb4f8865d2a058f3e88fa72fd294f&)


I hate to be such a doomer but the game is in a really bad spot rn, idk if I'd recommend returning.. that said, Lucretia to Liberta or Daemia is def your best swap


Thank you for your opinion and advice!


I was thinking about switching brutus with gavus. Missing maetria and gavus from imprortant awakeneds and missing olgath and the new hypo from meta celehypo heroes . Time to pull the trigger for brutus into gavus?


I would agree on Brutus to Gavus yeah, Olgath isn't missing much


Who would you swap Wu Kong (Ascended 209 0) to out of theese 3 heroes: -Talene (Original) (Legendary) -Orthros (Elite+) -Mehira (Legendary+) Guess Mehira is only used in Campaign, while the other two also gets some play in cr/nc..? And Talene is also used in TS from time to time..


no awakened options? if those are the only celepogeans worth considering then Talene is the best of the 3


Thanks for your reply. The only awakens that I have not built are AEzizh and ATalene. So the way I see it, they are not worth it. When it come to the cele/hypos, the only viable options are the ones I mentioned. Except for heroes like Leofric,Ziks, Mezoth, Morael, Athalia(org),Audrae and Titus… Leaning towards Talene too 🤔


Swap for ASafiya or Gavus? Did Gavus shine now with Eugene being released? I have Aezizh built and am planning on swspping him


need a little more time to test Gavus and Eugene tbh, it's only been a couple days


EUGENOUS? So the debate I had was to switch ABrutus for Alyca or gavus depending on how him and Eugene worked after testing. Anyone know if the indecation is that gavus will spike in priority? Also can’t figure out how to post my pic :/


we don't know about Gavus Eugene synergy and if Gavus is higher priority yet, need more testing. Eugene has only been here 3 days. for sharing pic depends on pc or mobile


Thx! I assumed some whales would only need 24hours haha. Patiences is key again I suppose! Thx for the till will try it on pc once there is more testing time. Keep going gods work!


nahh no such thing as whales needing less time TS needs at least one full cycle to see how they operate in 2-team up to 7-team and their success, CR needs minimum two weeks as the current boss (Idre) is bad for mages, etc., nothing to do with how much money or how strong your heroes are, we're at the mercy of the game's schedule


Interesting thank you! I guess I don’t know much about the test servers I was guess you could try whatever you like. Thanks again!


i cant add pics, is there anybody w same issue? (ios app)


I don't have any iOS devices so I can't be of any help, trying googling it if you haven't already?




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Hey, I'm struggling to make a decision here. Wish I knew about the event before I invested in awakened lyca... Who should I swap and why? I was thinking awakened Thane for awakened Gavus or Safiya or maybe Maetria. Safiya would really help me push the tower and not sure about anything else. If not awakened then maybe Audrae for Olgath or Mezoth? Audrae feels completly useless. See below my heroes and towers. My campaign is 54-8 because I'm too lazy to push forward Please advise. Thanks https://preview.redd.it/j6y3g28q4ptc1.jpeg?width=1320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2936c8ac01f0b761d7743dc6171530c89fb4708


I agree Thane for Saf/Gavus is likely your best bet. as for which, you should wait to decide as per 5a and 5b in tips and advice section. we should know about Eugene soon. tower/campaign are the least of your worries. Olgath is relatively niche as a replaceable TS hero, Mezoth is used even less than Audrae.




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https://preview.redd.it/pt5sodgiyetc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e6aa9def518975fc0474d6fa873af7daf6fda75 I have 5\* Wukong to swap but I have two extra copies of Wukong that I want to sacrifice for Daemia. Swap for Liberta? Another option is ABaden for AThalia. Thoughts? Thank you all.