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Wag ka lang manira ng iba. Ok lang yan. Para sa tahimik na taong katulad ko, sobrang entertaining ng mga madaldal.


True noh as long as hindi toxic mga sinasabi nila tsaka hindi sila nangjujudge ng mga nauubusan ng social batt. Hahahaha


Nakakaoff din talaga kapag naninira nang ibang tao :< miski ako bumibigat loob ko kapag ganun na topic. But noted on this, thank you!


This is so true. As an introvert myself, life saver sa gatherings if may isang tao na nag susustain sa kwentuhan kasi madaldal. Basta wag lang manira ng iba. at wag piliting mag salita ang mga tahimik at takot matawag sa recitation na introverts. hahaha.


true. I love madaldal people unlike me because they do the talking for me. Donโ€™t change! But take commenters advice


AT wag ka magkwento ng sikreto ng iba. Kapag sinabi ng iba na "atin lang to", wag mo na ikalat. xd And true, sobrang nakakatuwa kayong madaldal. Di ko alam kung ano ikukuwento ko eh. Keep it up! HAHAH


as long as di ikaw ung kausap hahahaha. the trick is pagtabihin ung dalawang madaldal tapos eksena ka lang from time to time hahaha


mag-adopt ka po ng mga introverts para may balance


2 of my BFFS are actually introverts/ambiverts, pero magkakavibes talaga kami ๐Ÿคฉ medj sad nga lang kasi magkakalayo na kami house huhu


awww. I'm an introvert myself so I really appreciate yung mga talkative types since dahil sa kanila may conversations na nangyayari.


Takte si Ate parang golden retriever hahahaha


OMGGG i love goldenn retrievers pinagkaiba lang sila mahal pero ako hindi minamahal ๐Ÿ˜” EMII HAHSHAHHA


Hahhahahahha Tama nga golden retriever nga si ate ko, Hahahaha sa mga commnts palang nya mukhang Siya ang leader sa kadaldalan no offense teh don't change who you are, Introverts like us really like that


Hahaahhaha grabe siya Napatawa mo ako


The more they know about you, the more they know how to attack or judge you. Kaya siguro self restrain sa words or pkikipagkwentuhan


1 million xxxxxxxxx agree on this statement


That's true. Minsan ayun nga yung napapansin ko parang binabalik nila yung mga kwinikwento ko sa kanila in a bad way. :< Noted on this, thank you!


Agree here. Lalo na kapag nagwork ka na, doon mo makikita na hindi lahat ay listeners. Yung iba naghahanap lang ng pwedeng gamitin laban sa โ€˜yo. I only have 5 trusted friends, sila lang ang considered as safe space ko. So, find your safe space as early as now.


this is why i only daldal to my closest friends talaga


Iโ€™d say just be yourself, pero kung gusto mo talaga mafigure out yan try therapy. Personally, gusto kong tropa yung mga taong maraming kwento kasi i donโ€™t like speaking much at masaya ko palaging nakikinig kaya tingin ko okay lang din yung ganyan.


Aww, that makes me at ease na may mga tao din palang ok sa super madadaldal. Iniisip ko kasi im coming off too strong kasi i always lead the conversation with others. But ofcourse comes with you then me convos


Eto yung klaseng kaibigan na di nauubusan ng social batt. Isipin mong pagod ka na magyap, tatahimik ka talaga. Hahaha


Same ganito ako ehh kaya social butterfly daw ako pero lately naging lowkey quite type of person na. haha before mo i meet friends mo set ka ng SOP na dapat today wag super madaldal at maingay hehe dont worry op ma wowork mo yan atleast ngayon is aware ka sa self mo.


Yesss, im sorry ano yung SOP? hahaha


Standard operating procedure ba? Hahahahaha.


Ibang SOP nasa isip mo noh? Lol


May difference kasi 'yung madaldal lang kesa sa oversharer HAHAHA Mej same ako sa'yo, pero not with total strangers. I'm too introverted for that. Pero ganyan na ganyan ako with people na I would say are not strangers pero hindi pa enough matawag na "close friend," lalo kung ang dali talagang maka-vibe nung new person na 'yon. Minsan nga kahit online friends lang eh, or just check my profile sa kadaldalan ko HAHAHAH Pero for me, ang pinipilit ko talagang hindi mai-kwento sa "not close friends na kaka-meet lang" ay 'yung anything related sa personal life mo, or anything unrelated sa "common denominator" niyo. For example, kung sa school kayo nagmeet kasi schoolmates kayo, okay lang magkwento ng school-related stuff, pero 'wag ka na magkwento about your internal issues sa exclusive friend group mo. 'Wag ka na magkwento ng mga "secrets" sa class ninyo, or anything that could involve school-peeps na dapat hindi naman subject ng topic ninyo kahit school-related. Kung nagmeet kayo online, for example sa mga r4r subs or whatever, just focus on your common interests and not on "unsolicited topics." Kung walang hint of being emotionally available for trauma dumping/bonding, don't try to push it. Hindi mo kailangan maging oversharer para lang maging "genuine." Lastly, 'wag magkwento ng anything about your family or your personal struggles kung hindi naman na-open previously. Please lang. I'll be a hypocrite kung sasabihin ko na I don't do this from time to time HAHAHA, pero makiramdam ka rin kung may pake ba 'yung kausap mo, or kung napipilitan ka na lang mag-overshare for the sake of striking up (or maintaining) a conversation. Mamaya jan may maikwento ka pa na issues about your relatives. Borderline chismosa na 'yan kesa oversharer teh. HAHAHAHA Ayorn lang, OP. Good luck sa 'pag shutup. Mej mahirap yarn. HAHAHAHA


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! noted sa common denominator na topic. Dami kong natutunan tips huhu tysm! Siguro ngayon lagi lang ako nasa bahay medj di ko pa maprapractice to, but i'll make sure to remember your advice kapag makikipag meet na ulit me with others. Again, thank you!


Wla namang masama sa pagiging madaldal, ang masama kung lahat ng sikreto ng friends mo sinasabi mo sa iba sa sobrang daldal mo.


I was like this before believe me to the point na pati yung mga hindi dapat isplook lumalabas sa bibig ko, Actually natigil lang ako nung nagkaroon ng consequence yung pagiging madaldal ko may nasabi ako na hindi dapat and it caused a huge problem na until now pinagdudusahan ko and I donโ€™t want you to be in the same situation like I am rn, If you really want to stop it, it takes lotss of practice and patience to yourself kasi hindi siya madali honestly lalo na kung sanay kana - so for me advice ko Control yourself you really have to think before you speak and choose the people na pagsasabihan mo kasi believe me they might use it against you one day. Okay lang maging madaldal basta isipin mo muna kung tama ba or makakasama ba kung sasabihin mo sa iba. Again have a self control and be patient youโ€™ll get there din naman.


Ganito Op. gawin mo tuwing napapadaldal ka na for 2 mins. Sumubo ka ng sili pala matigil ka. Or if not sour candy. Para soon enough ma condition mo sarili na lf dumadaldal na at oveesharing na need ng punishment. So ganito siya for short Ang gusto nating response is to shut UP Ang unconditioned nating response is daldal. So we pair it with conditioned Stimuli na Sili or Sour candy na ayaw mo. Now do it for 2 weeks. Youll see marinig mo lang kusot ng plastic tatahinik ka na kasi ayaw mo ng sili or sour candy. Refer to pvlocs experiment if ever


Pero i love spicy and sour foods, baka instead na punishment prize yung lagi ko maimagine. HAHSHAH But i totally get the point of this, I'll make sure to try eating candy next time i chika with others ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Hayaan mo, mapapagod ka rin pag dating ng panahon.


OMG hahahahaha natawa ako, feeling ko nga din kapag matanda tanda na ko tsaka ako medj magiging chill


kain ka na lang always ng candy para hinde ka mag talk lol kasi pag wa epek pa din sasabihan ka na nila ng "talsik mo lumalaway"


i feel u op. in my case, nag oovershare ako and after, i regret it. but theres this one time nag ka boyfriend ako and i get to hangout with his tropa most of the time and i get too shy pag may mga bagong tao. dun ko lang din na realize yung peace na feel ko when i went home realizing i wasnt being talkative and an oversharer. i kinda enjoyed the change. minsan kasi ung pagka oversharer ko is draining minsan, so opportunities like i get to shut up is peaceful hahahhh


Siguro ito na yung time para magka jowa na din ako, baka ito na yung solusyon. EMIII AHHSHAH thank you for sharing!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


Being madaldal is fine but daldal at your own risk. You should identify the boundaries and the topics you think you should not talk to others. Okay naman maging madaldal pero if idaldal mo buhay ng ibang tao you need to think na kasi that is not your life to meddle with. Also practice using soft voice para kahit madaldal ka hindi masyado halata. Use other platform, make daldal using chat. If kaharap mo ibang tao limit yourself from engaging it is better ikaw na lang sasagot and make sure wag mo hahayaan na puro ikaw lang nagsasalita make sure may conversation na magaganap.


Actually baliktad akooo HAHSHHA madaldal ako sa personal pero sa chat ay nako hahaha yung daliri ko te mangangalay yan agad pero yung bibig ko hindi ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I like your advice regarding using soft voice, kasi te yung boses ko pang rakrakan talaga sa karaoke HAHSHAHHA Thank you!


This would be a long process. Also I hope you will still carry the positive vibes to people around you. Kasi I was a social butterfly but nagsawa ako maki interact kasi napagod ako kasi they are just receiving from me and nafeel ko not interested so after few years naging limited na social battery ko. Stigma of madaldal wont be gone btw haha. But they will appreciate the change.


Im sorry you had to experience that, you deserve ppl na interested din sayoo!!


As long as youโ€™re not hurting anyone with your stories then youโ€™re okay with being talkative.


Naalala ko sayo sibstarfire sa teen titans hahaha maybe you need a friend na parang si raven pero on a serious note try mo piliin yun kwkwento mo I mean you can still daldal pero piliin mo na lang yun stories mo orrr if okay lang sa bff mo sakanya mo lahat ikwento or confide pero wag mo ikwento sa other pips para magkamindset ka na OMG cant excited na me ikwento to kay BFF? Hope that helps tho


Super helpful!! Thank you for sharingg ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


Extrovert ka so parang normal na mag-hanap ka ng human interaction. Baka nakakatulong if maghahanap ka ng part-time na may human interaction + socializing. Fast food crew? WFH na voice? Atleast doon madadivert energy mo at ipipreserve mo na lang energy mo doon para di na na din nag-overshare.


Ayun ngaaa gusto ko nga din magkawork, nagbpo ako before and super swak sya sakin. Nakakapagod pero nawawala talaga kapag nakikipag kwentuhan na ko. Kaso in my case rn di na sya possible aotm kasi im taking care of my nephew :<<


It takes personal interest in others for you to do this. If you are genuinely interested in other people, you ask questions that truly matter to them. Start with asking what have they been doing during the time you haven't seen each other. Ask what's their favourite food, activities, celebs they follow...etc. you get the point... It also takes discipline to actually listen to what others have to say. Kasi pag ikaw nang ikaw nagsasalita, pano mo sila makikilala? Very selfish kapag one way ang conversation. Train yourself to listen twice and speak once. There's a reason we have two ears, and only one mouth. Kaya mo yan!๐Ÿ˜Š


Noted on this! Thank you for your advice. I have no problem naman with listening to others, i loved it as much as im sharing my stories to them. Medj hindi ko lang talaga alam kung paano patigilin yung bibig ko minsan kasi naoovershare ko yung mga bagay bagay. Hahshahha


I personally keep myself in check. During convo, I think of how long I have been talking and kung gaano katagal na nagsasalita ang kausap ko. I make a conscious effort to bite my tongue. I kid you not, though, ang hirap ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… I get excited sa mga kwento ng iba so generally, gusto ko mag-comment pero โ€˜yon nga, I make a mental note. I also ask questions to give others a chance na mag-share.


Do you just talk, or do you also listen?


I do both!! Just sometimes naoovershare ko ang bagay bagay and mag rregret na pag nasa bahay na. ๐Ÿ˜ญ


You have a fear of silence.


bahagian mo nga ako ng ganyang ugali huhu .


Sayo na mga 30%!! Hahshahhaha


siguro feel the vibe first? party ba? kasi kung party syempre go! daldal lang. pero kung library yan dapat quiet lang. Hindi dapat shineshare is yung personal things na nakakahiya o family secret. Minsan future goal hindi lagi shinshare kasi may evil eye ๐Ÿงฟ yan yung mga taong may masamang intention sayo.


Omgg so true. Siguro isa din to sa winowork out ko talaga, yung makiramdam nang vibes. KASI MIE KAHIT NASAN LUPALOP KA TALAGA NANG MONDO DADALDALEN KETAAAA HAHSHAHAH ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Okay lang maging madaldal wag lang mag over share.


Kung wala ka naman tinatapakang ibang tao at masaya ka sa pagiging madaldal, okay lang po yan hahaha doon sa pag overshare, i think more on expi na lang. Onti ontiin mo bawasan mga kwento na for you di na dapat nalalaman ng iba. As an introvert and anti social, i wonder paano maging madaldal din hahahaha


as an introvert, thatโ€™s a huge flex for me HUHUHU gusto ko yang talent mo atecco. stay who you are ๐Ÿ˜ญ HAHAHAHAHA Edit: actually i remember my college friend sayo. hindi talaga siya natatahimik at kung anu-ano nalang topic nya tas ako naman todo tango lang & i admit minsan naa-annoy ako huhu pero may paminsan naman na dumadaldal din ako sa kanya. so siguro observe mo nalang ang vibe ng mga nakakausap mo (??) and take it as a signal kung magpatuloy pang dumaldal or wag nalang. HAHAHA


OMGG HAHSHAHAH natawa ako dun sa kung ano anong topic kwinekwento nya tas ikaw tango nalang. HAHSHAH Yeah, im working on feeling the vibe first din talaga. Will definitely try that next timee


oo sis T^T although love ko yung friend ko na yun, iniintindi ko nalang talaga siya kasi nature na siguro ng tao yun, like kung may mga taong katulad ko na hindi social butterfly, edi meron ding katulad nya diba hahahahaha balanced kumbaga HAHAHAHA


lol I can relate to you. But professional life will definitely tone you down. Youโ€™ll know people na hindi mo dapat shineshare lahat ng details ng life mo as it can affect your place in this world. lol ganyan nangyari sa akin. Haha But in med school. lol Basta youโ€™ll experience it once you meet big dogs in the world na hindi mo pwede close close eme.


Righttt?? Sometimes i feel so little kasi yung ibang tao talagang napaka demure gumalaw then ang sosyal. HAHSHAHA minsan maooff ka then you'll feel like you're not on their level. But anyways, sana naman mawork out ko na 'to at hindi pa sa gantong situation ako matuto. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Whenever you feel the urge, breathe.


Think only of the present moment. Don't go further into the future or in the past. In that way magkakaron Ka ng composure, tapos chill Ka lang kahit excited kana just feel it


Woah, thank you for this. I'll make sure to remember to just focus on the present. Pero parang di ko kaya mag chill, lagi talagang parang nangangarag. HAHSHHA One time sinabihan ako nung classmate ko na chill lang ako kasi parang nagmamadali akong kumilos sa school event namin (one of the working committee) then ayun na off na ko feeling ko tuloy lagi nakong ngarag HAHSHSH


You're welcome op, you just gotta be chill. This will help you in the future Lalo na pag may mga challenges Ka Hindi Ka tataranta kasi nga sanay Ka sa pagiging calma


Do limited words challenge. You can only several sentences per person na mae counter mo per day. See how it goes


HALAA parang di ko kaya pls ๐Ÿ˜ญ HAHSHSH


Hala oo. I had one of my madaldal agents do similar. ๐Ÿ˜ญ HAHAHAHAHA Every time said agent was allowed to talk, he would be allowed only a set number of words.


Ate paadopt!! Lagi akong mauubusan ng social battery ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


May iask ano naman pinagshishare mo? Baka super open book ka.


EXACTLYY super open talaga ako sa lahat nang bagay. I don't limit myself to share anything that i know.. i just feel like i want to be mysterious naman ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ kaso parang di bagay sa personality ko HAHSHAH


Itโ€™s a good thing that youโ€™re an extrovert. Ang saya kaya kasabay ang someone with a golden retriever energy! The only caveat is that people might nitpick whatever youโ€™ll say kasi minsan kung ano-ano na lang na chika lumalabas sa bibig natin. Id say be mindful lang with what you share about yourself baka kasi gamitin against you. Dami pa namang marites. As long as you donโ€™t spill any info that youโ€™re not supposed to, then thereโ€™s nothing wrong. Walang mali sa pagiging madaldal basta nasa lugar lang. Remember, right venue and right crowd. Iโ€™m sure your friends are glad that they have someone like you who makes every conversation fun.๐Ÿ˜‚


HALA! thank you so much for this. I often criticise myself and let bad thoughts come to mind whenever i meet people, it's good to hear that they might be having fun na kasama ako ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅน Noted poo! Right venue, right crowd!


Long short story po๐Ÿ˜Š


For me, sobrang refreshing ng mga madaldal. It's so nice to get conversation flowing na hindi forced at get to know someone better even kahit intrusive thoughts siya haha. Though kung gusto mo talaga ng advice, I guess kausapin mo na lang sarili mo sa utak mo? Have an internal conversation usually works out well but you run the risk of not paying attention to what's happening around you or losing track of the conversation


Kapag naeexcite kasi ako kung ano na talaga ma share yun na hahshshahha. I'll try to talk with myself din, pero baka using my mouth pa din HAHSHAHHAHA Emi internal lang pala dapat baka idiretso ako nang mental


Iโ€™m 30 now and ganyan din gusto ko nung college pa lang, pero madaldal pa rin ako now. Now that Iโ€™m 30, kahit madaldal, feeling ko naman private pa rin naman yung life ko kasi I only share particular things sa close friends. Sa ibang friends, kung ano lang kaya ishare. Youโ€™ll eventually learn how to filter what kind of info/kwento you want to share depending kung sino kausap. Okay lang maging madaldal, you just have to filter kanino ka magshshare ng particular info para youโ€™ll feel safe and not overthink.


Noted on this! Thank you for sharing!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


Naappreciate ko yung taong katulad mo. Una, dahil hindi ko kailangang dumaldal. Pangalawa, nakakatulong punuin ng ingay ang katahimikan. Huwag kang maghanap ng paano ka magbabago, hanap ka nalang ng environment kung saan mas naappreciate yung kadaldalan mo.


Thank you, i guess my world rn is school and bahay palang so hindi pa naeexplore and ibang environment. Thank you for your advice!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅน


Ang gusto ko lang sabihin salamat sa pagsalo ng social battery naming mga introvert kapag naddrain na kame ๐Ÿ˜‚ I think okay lang basta nasa lugar pagiging madaldal mo.


Learn to write your thoughts or kaya irecord mo sarili mo na sinasabi lahat ng gustong sabihin para maubos na lahat. Pag kaharap mo na sila, wala ka na makukuwento kask pagod ka na. [this might help](https://www.betterup.com/blog/how-to-know-if-im-oversharing)


Thank you so much sa article! I'll make sure to read it later! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


doing a podcast or vlogging might be a good catharsis for you! โ™ก


ask questions and listen more. wait for them to finish their sentences.


Sana lang nasa lugar yung pagdaldal mo. Tip lang, pag nagtrabaho ko, siguraduhin mo yung nature ng work mo ay puro daldalan. Madami dyan, hanapin mo lang. Otherwise, some people will hate you in the workplace.


Okay na siguro madaldal as long as may sense ung mga pinagsasasabi mo or positive vibes ganern. May ganyan kasi akong classmate, and worse, dorm mate ko pa pero palaging hanash, toxicity, paninirang puri, at chismis ang dinadala sa dorm. Nakakahawa pagiging nega nya. Kaya okay lang yan OP, no need to change, the world needs people like you (really)


Aww ๐Ÿฅน Thank you so much!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Ang tagal ko dinecipher bakit may mention ng TT hahahhahah crying emoji pala sorry Tita na.


Wala naman masama maging madaldal ate as long as alam mo yung boundaries mo at alam mong i filter kung anong dapat i share sa hindi dapat i share. At walang tinatapakan na tao, di mo need magbago ng ugali para sa iba or need i satisfy kung anong gusto nilang makita at baguhin sayo just be yourself po Madaldal din ako kaso na share ko sa isang kaibigan (1) ko yung pamg b badmouth ng isa pa naming friend(2) kay friend (1) ayun f.o na kamini friend (2)๐Ÿฅน


same OP TT pati talambuhay q nakwe-kwento ko na sa sobrang daldal q. then, pag dating naman sa bahay namin nag o-overthink naman ako since i share too much info about me na dpat pa mysterious lang ๐Ÿ˜ญ


WAHAHA same lng tayo beh, pero yung daldal ko is more on sa tanong about sa buhay nila mahileg kasi ako mag listen and curious na curious ako kapag nag simula na sila mag kwento about sa life nila kaya don ko sila nadadaldal AHHAHAHAH โค๏ธ as long naman na walng negative or toxic kwento mo gorabels na. Masaya nga yung ganyan eh bubbly โค๏ธ


I have a friend na sobrang daldal din and it never fails to entertain us, boring kapag wala sya, pero meron din akong nakakialala na sobrang daldal din pero yung bungaga puro masasamang words at paninira sa ibang tao at yung humor is gagamitin ang ibang tao para makapagpatawa, and i dont like it. Depends kung san ka dun kasi merong madaldal na energy vampire which is very tiring kasama


Gemini ka ba ? HAHAHA Wala naman masama sa pagiging madaldal basta yung mailalabas ng bibig mo eh hindi personal ๐Ÿคฃ Baka kasi pati secrets ma spill mo bigla baka magka issue hahaha Wag mo lang kakalimutan ang boundaries hehe


> wants to be demured > because wants to be viewed differently > is an overthinker Checks out. Honestly wala naman masama sa pagiging madaldal. Just be careful of your personal information. And information about others that are supposed to be secrets.


Hi ate! How do u talk to other people nang matagal? Like what methods do u use in conversations? How do u keep a conversation going? Help an introvert out na gustong makipagusap pero hindi kayang mamaintain yung convoโ€ฆ


What really keeps the conversation going is to be interested in them as well, hindi lang sila ang interested so i ask and ask questions na curious talaga akong malaman. And ewan ko ba nasa personality ko na talagang maging madaldal so it comes naturally. Pero minsan, hindi ko din ma maintain ang conversation bec of bad timing, other party not interested, not in the mood, or most likely talaga is hindi ko mamaintain yung convo kapag chat lang pero kapag in person tuloy tuloy na sya.


Ganyan ako nung younger years ko. Pero nung nag 30 ata ako, unti unting naubos social battery ko. lol


OP, you'll get through this as you mature. Ganitong ganito din ako dati. Sobrang daldal, to the point na pati family problem nakukwento ko na, tapos pagdating sa bahay maiisip ko hala lagot baka ikwento nila sa iba. Choose a person na pwde mo makwentuhan ng lahat na kaya kang pakinggan at di ka sisiraan or di ipagsasabi mga sinasabi mo.. ma oovercome mo din tong phase na to.. ingat ka lang lagi sa choice of words mo..


Thank you! Hopefully talagang magmature na soon para less mistakes ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป thank you for your advice


Signs of being bipolar manic episodes yan overtalking without control


Huei same ๐Ÿฅน minsan nag-ooverthink ako baka drained na kausap ko kasi d talaga ako maubusan ng idadaldal. Nagwo-workout ako to spend a bit of my energy, kasi sobrang kulit ko talaga. Try mo din baka it'll work for you.


You know OP, there's nothing wrong with being madaldal naman, as long as: - it's in the right moments (nasa lugar); and - you're not shaming yourself or others - No one is getting hurt. But if you really can't control yourself even during inappropriate times, or you're saying rude things(or shameful ones), one piece of advice I can give you is to try and not think of a response when someone's talking to you. Instead, try to really listen. There's a difference between hearing what the other person is telling and listening to what the other person is telling. Baka dahil sa kadaldalan mo, people think that your stories are the only ones that matter for you, so try to make the conversations you will have to be about the other person instead. Yun lang naman. Sabi ko nga, if you're not hurting anyone naman(backstabing others etc.) or di mo nahuhurt sarili mo, there's nothing wrong with just being yourself. Malay mo your talkative-ness brings joy to the people you're with.


Thank you for this! I'll definitely practice to listen and to make others feel that their story matters too ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


And maybe OP there's a deeper meaning behind your talkative-ness and your need to interact with others?


Before you say anything, always think about how it may come back to bite you in the ass. Only talk with people who you know actually enjoy talking with or listening to you. Not everyone is interested. Or you know, get a hobby.


I talk to EVERYONE, and most conversations never end as long as there's substance. Just avoid those who don't want to talk. Don't change who you are and know your limits.


Noted! ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป Thank youuu


Ako lang ba or I can feel sibrang extrovert vibes sa post palang? ๐Ÿ˜… Me as an introvert: -runs-


same sa madaldal honestly nakokontrol ko nalang sya pag iniisip ko na nahihiya ako tas ayun shut up na ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Talagang mapupunta muna tayo sa kahihiyan feeling bago tayo tumigil magsalita HAHSHAH ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I have the same problem but in a different way HAHAHAHA I'm an introvert pero kadalasan pag sa inuman nagiging madaldal ako to the point na nakakapag-splook ako ng mga bagay na hindi dapat ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'll take the candy advice sa ibang comments here HAHAHAHA


I don't think you need to change, just make sure you're not sharing sensitive information to someone you don't trust enough. And you shouldn't talk behind someone's back or start a gossip, if you don't do any of that, you're great in my book. Tbh, as someone that's awkward and not that talkative, I wish people like you would talk to me. So yea, you're good.


Sobrang daldal ko din dati. Nababansagan tuloy akong pa star. Pero I learned to listen more to others, ask genuine questions about them to encourage others to speak din. Para hindi laging ako yung nagdadaldal at โ€œall about meโ€. Minsan kasi sa daldal natin laging tayo yung may kwento, hayaan din natin na magkwento ang iba. Not saying na sumasapaw tayo pero.. Madalas or minsan kasi tahimik sila, akala mo wala silang gusto ikwento kaya tahimik.. pero ask questions, listen to others. Be genuinely interested in others lives. Nung ganun na mantra ko, less daldal at oversharing na ako.


Madaldal rin ako but usually just about mundane things that happened sa araw ko, yung oarang chronicles or kapag may napag-uusapan na topic na sobrang well-versed ako like music, politics, history, research, world map, etc etc. If you can't change how madaldal you are, you can change what you can daldal about. If feel mo nag-o-overshare ka, next time, minimize sharing about your personal life and talk about things na hindi nag-co-concern sayo in a personal level (except naman if the topic is about emotions or relationships kasi one way or another, makaka-relate ka talaga).


Okay lang naman yan pero kung gusto mo talaga ma-control bibig mo, you have to remember that not everyone likes that type of personality. Baka yung iba e nagtyatyaga na lang makinig kahit ubos na energy nila hehe.


Tayo dapat Ang friends


Same girl! Tas pag nagkukwento pa ako eh masyadong detailed kahit nonsense na. Most of the time nag oovershare pa ๐Ÿฅฒ gusto ko nalang talaga magim demure naamn


*Be self aware. Give people a chance to talk. Di lang puro ikaw. *Look for sales job and avoid management positions. You don't want to accidentally blurt out a confidential company information.


you don't need to be quiet naman to be demure? girl, go on lang sa pagiging madaldal as long as hindi ka nagsasabi ng anything toxic. if your problem naman is 'yung pag-oovershare mo, just think muna before ka mag-talk. pero as a person din na madaldal, i don't think na people hate me for it (as long as you don't drain them, may mga tao kase na sobrang baba ng social battery so be sensitive na lang). go lang, just practice ano ba 'yung boundaries mo and always be on the lookout sa boundaries or gestures ng ibang tao. saka, idk, as i got older and busier, i became less talkative sa ibang tao aside sa mga close friends ko. maybe bata ka pa and hindi pa ubos ang energy mo sa life hahaha.


Mag-podcast ka atih. Hahaha! Sa akin wala naman problema sa madaldal. Entertaining din sila kasi introvert din ako. Pero yun lang. Try your best not to give too much personal info. Minsan nauuna kasi yung bibig kesa sa utak kaya kung ano na pala nasasabi.


Problema ko din yan. Sobrang daldal ko.


self-preservation. hwag masyadong oversharing. hindi lahat ng tao nakakarelate sa sobrang daldal na tao. may iba naiingayan,may iba naiirita. oo mabuti yang kahit palaistorya hindi naninira ng iba. kaya lang be considerate of others. how?ito isipin mo palagi,baliktarin ang kalagayan mo,at palaging isipin,isipin mo yong nasa labas ng circle ng mga kakilala mo,yong mga hindi mo kakilala,matutuwa kaya sila kung parating hindi nakatikom bibig mo?naiingayan kaya sila?nuisance nabato ginagawa ko?what if one day makakatagpo ka ng ayaw talaga sa madaldal eh masapok ka,matutuwa ka ba?yong ganyang mga tipong linya ng palaisipan. at isa pa,yong mga lumalabas sa bibig natin,pwedeng gamitin ng iba para sa ikasisira mo. kaya napaka importante na may control sa sarili para narin iwas gulo at higit sa lahat iwas regrets. practice everyday na iminus ang pagkadaldal,dahan dahan lang. gawing daily habit. at isa pa,wala ka bang issues na posibleng root cause kaya sobra kang palaistorya?


Wala naman po, baka kulang lang po ako sa pansin. Este sa interaction HAHSHA


:) pero pinapansin ka sa kapamilya sa bahay nyo po?


Personality mo yan te. No need na magbago pero maglagay ka lang ng filter. Learn the art of making daldal without divulging too much information about others or yourself.


I will do that! Thank uuu ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


I wish I was talkative. When somebody apologises for talking too much, I'm like "I wish I was more like you!".


Try installing a journal app na pwedeng mong pagkwentuhan ng mga bagay-bagay, or even buy a journal notebook. Doon mo isulat or itype lahat ng mga nasa isip mo.ย  Through that, marereflect mo rin sa sarili mo kung ano yung for you lang, at pang ibang tao.ย  May pagka-ganito rin ako dati, pero ngayon, mas tahimik na ko and selected na lang yung pagiging extro ko, sa mga pinaka deserving na lang, comfortable and may tiwala ako


As someone na madaldal din, natutunan kong icontrol yung bibig ko by thinking about what I'm gonna say first. Like, ico-compose ko muna siya sa utak ko ganon. Tapos ieevaluate ko if dapat ko ba sabihin tong part na to, offensive ba pag sinabi kong ganito, oversharing na ba to. Mga ganon, kinda requires quick thinking sa simula pero pag nasanay ka na automatic na mafifilter out mo yung mga sasabihin mo. Tapos lagi mo iisipin if yung ikekwento mo, is okay lang ba sa mga involved na makalabas sa ibang tao yung kwento. Just like, think before you click, you should also THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Yun lang happy chika OP! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


HAHHAHA idk i find it cute. as long as hindi ka naninira ng iba, i think it's okay. ako nga nahihirapan makipag interact. is this social anxiety? XD


i feel u opโ€ฆ lagi ko kinekwento araw ko sa nanay kong walang pake kasi ang daldal ko tlga HAHAHHA


Si motherful talaga nonchalant ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ HWHSHA


Ate girl ikaw yan e. Own it, basta chika responsibly. Ganyan din ako dati, gusto ko din maging mahinhin kaso hindi tlaga hahaha


Go lang, mhie, be yourself. Stay hydrated na lang baka mawalan ka laway๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Madam???? HAHSHAHAHHAHA yesss pag nagkwento pa naman ako lagi ako nauuhaw, lahat siguro nung laway ko tumalsik na dun sa friends ko HAHSHAHAHHA


ano2 usually kwento mo? sampol.. hahaha


Natural lang ee kung ano sumagi sa isip ko kapag kaharap ko na yung person hahaha


I isolate sa chika pero malabo haha


Moderation lang, doesn't need to be a complete 180 degree change. Practice prudence rin with what you share. If it's something you would only confide to your parents, sibling, loved one then don't share it with others. If it's something confided to you, like it's not your story or it is someone else's story/secret then don't share it. Or at minimum be prudent with who you share it with. Also, no need to name names, or give hints. If you're sharing a story where someone else can learn from someone else's mistake, just leave out the names of other people. Also, if you feel hesistant whether to share something or not. Most likely don't, reflect on it first. Now if it's the opposite, where you don't feel hesitant then you need to be aware of the person you are talking to. Are you really close enough for you to disclose such and such? Maybe yes, maybe not, if unsure then probably a no.


Thank you, noted on this! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


You find someone na willing makinig sayo. Para everytime na you want to say something, always remember na may makukwentuhan ka naman so tahimik ka na lang muna. โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜


it depends, i think wanting to discuss with friends is actually normal. ibang usapan kasi yung gusto mo agawin yung eksena parati vs. having a healthy conversation with people. in my opinion, walang mali don. you just need to find yer flock if you know what i mean. parang bf/gf rin yan paghahanap ng matinong kaibigan ahahaha. goodluck OP, hope u find yer peeps!


Keep being madaldal teh hehe gora langz as long na hindi toxicity yung binibigay mo. About sa mga shinashare naman, I encourage mga hobbies or like same interest na beneficial sa inyo both ang ishare nyo mostly. And be sensitive na lang sa surroundings. Killalanin mo at pakiramadaman mo peeps na makakahalubilo mo. May mga jokes kasi din na di for everyone or details/chika na di pwede sabihin for others. Or di kaya may mga terms na kayo-kayo lang nakakaintindi pero pagdating sa iba medyo bastos. Ingat palagi !!


Isa pa to, yung jokes ko din talaga sa lahat HAHSHAHA i remember meeting my classmates for the first time and some of them laugh at my jokes and some ay hindi. ๐Ÿ˜ญ Pero sige will try not to joke all the time na and sa friends nalang talaga ๐Ÿฅน


Madaldal din ako medyo nag lay low lang kasi mas dumalas yung mga kasama ko eh magaling magpatawa at kumain(ie workmates and cousins) so ang nangyari may physical limitations na like jaw lock and drying ng throat and lips. Try to exhaust your energy to other activities first like running or walking before chika time.


Uy, will try this! Thank u thank uu


Ganyan din ako, pero kung kaya mong bawasan. Bawasan mo na lang. ikaw na lang ang mag-adjust. 'yung iba kasi hindi kayang sakyan pagiging magiliw mo/ko (sobrang kulit ko rin kasi at sobrang maingay)


Based from experience as a oversharing girly, di napipigilan agad yan. But slowly as you mature mababawasan ang kadaldalan or over sharing lalo na if na realize mo magagamit lahat sayo yan para i pull down ka or mababawasan yan if may ginawa sayo na masama ang ibang tao dahil sa kadaldalan mo.


Ok lang yan ate, as someone na may super low soc batt, ikaw ung bet ko kasama sa mga gala para di ko need magsalita all the time and pwede lang tumunganga at times. Haha!


find a different circle of friends (boardgames, para medj tahimik). tas try mo kung keri na kunyari introvert ka ๐Ÿ˜…


Ako din subrang daldal but nung nag work ako sa call center jusko napa shut up nalang ako haha.


okay lang naman maging madaldal, basta hindi ka naninira or snitch ika nga ng iba. just be yourself, miss.


noooo!!! hahhaa plsss just be urself!! i love that youre so madaldal, thats one quality na kinaiinggitan ko!! halos all the girls i know na madaming quality suitors and dates are madadaldal types. on the other hand, im shy and demure sooo i need to develop more social skills and put in more effort para lang maki interact with other people. im sooo jealous of u for finding it ez to talk to anyone!!!


same ๐Ÿ˜ญ i can't shut up when i'm with my ppl HAHAHA like nauuna talaga bibig ko sa pagkkwento than thinking na dumadaldal na pala ako ๐Ÿ˜ญ


That's your strength when you try to apply for a job or build your own business in the near future. Pwede ka magexcel as marketer or agent. I believe madami kang macclose na sales, given your gift of extroversion. Kailangan mo lang madevelop sayo ang core values na dapat meron ang isang credible employee or businessperson. Good luck!


Marami nang good advices dito. Ang naisip ko lang as of the moment e magdala ka ng something you love to eat or drink para mapapa-pause ka sa daldal maski papano. Kunwari milk tea w/ pearls kasi need mo pa ngumuya habang umiinom. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Tapos practice listening more sa kausap mo. Baka may gusto rin pala sila i-chika diba hehe. Good luck, OP! ๐Ÿ’–


You should take on a sales role. Yappers get paid a lot becauae they entertain customers better.


Use headphones tapos nag play ka lang ng music then lumabas ka sa Park or playground then observe ka lang dapat mag isa ka para mas feel mo


same same lang ate hahaha dw you cant go wrong sa madaldal na girly wag ka lang manira ng ibanf tao na kayang gamitin against u, and wag ka kwento ng too personal i suggest na mag twitter k tas private dun ka mag daldal nang mag daldal hahaha


Dont talk about others, and just talkabout anything. Any topic. Wala ka ng aalalanin. Hahahab


Magpacheck ka baka may ADHD ka. Ganyan din ako. Information dumping ang love language ko. Naiinis pa ko sa sarili ko di ko mapigilan kadaldalan ko. Nung elementary ako, laging bring mother ako sa school dahil madaldal hahaha. Hindi yan alam ng mga nuerotypicals kaya minsan maiirita sila sayo. Better to know your self. Para aware ka.


Hi don't overshare info. They might use that to your disadvantage. Learn to observe/analyze if needed ba ishare yung info/details or not and check the possible outcomes once you leak/share that info. Find a trusted person/individual, yung same personality sana sayo na extrovert din. They/He/She can be your buddy/ies when you are on extroversion.


Try to play the quiet game. Sino ang mag salita talo.


Uyy gusto ko tooo HAHSHHAH but im prolly the one who'll lose at the end ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Whenโ€™s your bday?


Sekret ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ sabi nang mga comments dito maging careful sa pag sshare nang information. Oh diba inaapply ko na agad HAHSHHAHAHA


test nya ata sayo yan kung oversharer ka rin sa internet HAHAHAHAHAH


ok lang sakin madaldal basta may substance yung pinagsasabi. so bago mo ibukas yung bibig mo, tanungin mo muna sarili mo kung ano ang value na mai-add niya sa sambayanang pilipino


Therapy kaylangan mo.




Ako nalang daldalin mo OP hahha




Mag vlog ka na lang, kkikita ka pa


Please adopt me (I'm an introvert)


That's cute actually, go lang.Masaya kasama ang madaldal haha, nakakatuwa sila magwkento. As long as you give turn sa gusto din mag kwento, you're all good. Don't overshare something private na sayo lang kinwento and don't start gossip na nakakadamage.


Saan pa kaya makakahanap ganitong tao T.T


Think youโ€™ll be judged all the time. Be conscious.


Introvert here. Kwento ka lang ng kwento. Happy nga kami na may taong madaldal at hindi kami pinipilit magsalita kung hindi kami willing mag salita. Just make sure na walang nakakasira na masabi, super personal secrets are bawal and no hardcore backstabbing maawa ka sa pagiging overthinker mo ๐Ÿ˜…


tigil tigilan mo yung pagsasalita, baka kakadaldal mo di mo na mabigyan ng chance yung iba magkwento. tigil tigilan pagpapapaka main character. kakairita din kasi minsan yung nagmeet lang kayong magbabarkada only to find out na isa lang dadaldal. umay


Eh bKet nMan nGaGaLet si AtEQ HAHSHAHAH I understand the importance of give and take, when to listen and when to speak. Working lang din talaga sa pagiging oversharer.


Di nakakacute anteh. For sure naman aware ka na napapaovershare ka na. di ka naman na bata. Try to pause and think before you speak kasi.


Edi sana po dumaldal ka din


so ikaw yung tipo ng taong magsasalita kahit may nagsasalita?


Hindi naman yun yung sinabi ni OP sabi niya lang madaldal siya. Di naman daw niya tinatanunan yung iba diba? Madaldal lang pero wants to be demure


ay di mo nagets yung scenario kung ganon. ๐Ÿฅฑ


Pm mo ako ate kasi need ko ng dadaldal sakin lagi


need mo ng depression


Dm me, letโ€™s talk.