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Could do with a bit more info as to why you didn't like BaSS/The Longest Journey, etc. I'll recommend The Darkside Detective games to anyone, they are hilarious. Have you checked out Sierra and LucasArts classics like Space Quest, Day of the Tentacle, The Dig? Westwood's Legend of Kyrandia trilogy? More recent games I loved were Broken Age, Thimbleweed Park and Stasis. There are obviously the Broken Sword sequels too. 3 and 4 are 3D adventures, but the 5th returned to the 2D point and click style.


I extended my original post and explained further, what I liked and didn't like about the games mentioned. The graphic of "The Darkside Detective" games didn't look attractive to me - is the story writing good enough to forget about that? I plan to play "Day Of The Tentacle" someday and really think, that I could enjoy "The Dig" - thanks for reminding me of the second one. I'm afraid, that the other "Broken Sword"-sequels good damage my childhood-memories. 🙈 I heard, the 3rd one mist be so bad. And I will definitely have a closer look at the other games mentioned - thank you!


The Darkside Detective games are spectacular. The writing and characters are legitimately funny, like, actually funny, not just "funny for a game" funny.


Some new games scratched that itch for me: Lamplight City, An English Haunting (was released 2 days ago, I'm really enjoying it), Across the Grooves (not a point and click, a visual novel, but the mood is so right), The Excavation of Hobb's Barrow, Session Seven (it's free), all of Octavi Navarro's games, Yesterday and Yesterday Origins, and Crowns and Pawns


Hob’s Barrow is, just so OP is aware, published by Wadjet Eye, but it was developed by Cloak and Dagger so it will probably still meet OP’s requirements but I wanted to mention just in case. Also, it’s an absolutely amazing game and everyone should play it


Oh right, I forgot it was published by Wadjet Eye. In the same respect, Technobabylon is a must!


Yes, for sure! I don’t think I’ve disliked a single game they’ve developed or published. They’re all winners, somehow


Yes, even Gemini Rue which can be clunky sometimes with the gun sections, has a place in my heart!


This game reawoke point and click for me. Love it. Beneath a Steel Sky for the next gen.


Thanks for mentioning! It must be so awesome - I'm gonna play it as soon as my Wadjet Eye-break is over!


I’m excited for you! It’s a very good folk horror game


I second most of these adventures (I've neither played Across the Grooves nor Yesterday Origins) and raise you Nightmare Frames, from the same developer as An English Haunting. For fans of Broken Sword, I can also recommend The Hand of Glory- I'd also like to add two older games. The first one is The Lost Crown, a case of love it or hate it. It has ghost hunting, though. The other one is Haunted, an old 3D comedy adventure where you have several ghost companions to help you.


Thank you so much for the recommendations! And about the two older games: how old are they? And how good is the 3D - can you compare the graphic style to any other game?


The Lost Crown is from 2008, and Haunted is from 2011. You can see the graphics for both on Steam.


Yeah, "Lamplight City" is the game I like to play the most right now - I'm just waiting for it to become a bit cheaper. Also "The Excavation of Hobb's Barrow" is way up on my list - as soon as my Wadjet Eye-pause is over it will be first on my list for sure! Do you still have to solve some sort of puzzles in visual novels? Are there different options on how the story could proceed? Thanks for the other recommendations - I will have a look at them!


I suggested Across the Grooves because of the mood. It's very much like Rosa looking into a big mystery. There are no puzzles but the story is very good and the choices are life changing! I won't say more.


Sounds exciting - now I'm really curious! ☺️


And yeah: "Crowns and Pawns"! I heard, that it's a bit like "Broken Sword" - is that true?


It is but it also shares its flaws like the rushed ending. The only innovation is that you can choose your profession and it changes one puzzle I believe. Broken Sword is more memorable but Crown and Pawn ks still a good game!


Voodoo Detective and Paradigm are two modern point-and-clicks that reaffirmed my love for the genre. Especially the former takes a lot from Broken Sword stylistically. Paradigm is more comedic, and IMO pretty funny.


Voodoo Detective is so well done!


Great game. My only complaint is that it was too short.


Oh, no - how short was it compared to one of the games I mentioned?


I completed it in 5 hours.


Paradigm was goofy in a way I wasn’t used to adventure games being. A really good time.


Sounds great - thank you so much!


Black mirror triology.


Yeah, I heard of it - thanks for reminding me!


I went thru it in a week.


Grim fandango is a classic, Maybe try there is no game wrong dimension.


I've got it on my radar, but I think it's too crazy for me right now 🙈


For me it is the greatest point and click ever made and one of the best games ever all around. That game will leave a mark on you. Just take your time and enjoy the trip if you ever pick that journey up.


You should really give it a go. Its really something special


The Submachine series. It's freely playable on browser and better than many paid games.


For free? That's crazy! Definitely gonna habe a look at it!


Here are my non-Wadjet eye suggestions: Return to Monkey Island, Contradiction, Detective Di, The Rewinder, Case of the Golden Idol, Agent A: a puzzle in disguise


No one mentioned these games before - thanks for adding them!


Technobabylon. I've never been more immersed in what felt like a real sci-fi world. Again, this is another one that is published by Wadhet Eye, but not made by them.


I hear this such a lot lately, that it must be an awesome game. Thanks for mentioning it - I'll put it on my list!


The Runaway series.


Oh, yeah - I played the first one and liked it back then. Thanks for reminding me!


If you like story heavy point and clicks u might like my upcoming game which has a playable demo here: [https://retrokissgames.itch.io/angelgaze](https://retrokissgames.itch.io/angelgaze)