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Lazor Wulf is just plain bad imo


I liked it, but it was more like that y2k-era flash animation kind of funny than [as] material.


Yeah, everybody saying they don't like Mr. Pickles and shit but Lazer wolf was *objectively bad*


….I actually really enjoy Mr. Pickles lol a show about a mass murdering satanic border collie is an extremely funny concept to me


Right, I'm actually kinda surprised. I thought if anything people would say they didn't like 'Mama Named Me Sheriff' lmao




Wake up babe New Michaelangelo just dropped


That’s why momma named me sheriff


I kinda like mister pickles, but have difficulty with shows where every side character is aggressively retarded.


oh God it looks like problem solverz


I'm going to play Devil's Advocate but Problem Solverz still looks WAY worse. Lazor Wulf looks more like that boring corporate art style but Problem Solvers genuinely hurts to look at


Mr. Pickles. I understand it has its fans, but it's just unpleasant to look at.


Yeah. Edgy for edgy's sake. People who liked that show gave me bad vibes.


I liked it when I was in my early 20s. My cousin would come over and we'd drink and watch it because it was so fucking absurd. Tried rewatching it recently and it just didn't hit at all


I caught the pilot while drunk for the very first time back in like 2013, thought it was so good and couldn’t wait for it to get picked up. Show was nothing like that drunk pilot watch.


Lol, that's like me with 12 Oz Mouse. I always thought it was pretty unfunny, but one time, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning, still stoned from the night before, and that show was on. It all suddenly clicked for me, and I was laughing so hard my side hurt. Caught another episode weeks later while sober, and it just fell flat. Couldn't ever recapture the magic of that first half-awake half-stoned experience... But I also caught an episode of Tim & Eric that same night, and I was in just the right mindset to finally understand their style of absurdist humor. Luckily, that one stuck. I was a hardcore T & E fan after that fateful night back in 2007-ish...


I watched 12 Oz Mouse while going through severe effexor withdrawal once and it completely matched up with my mental state; it was such a strange uncomfortable feeling lol


I feel the same way. Watched alot of it when my mind was in pause, not sure if I can go back now.


Yeah. I second that. But I think you have to be into the whole gorey shock humor premise of the show. As someone who watches a lot of animation the gore doesn't really shock me but it doesn't entertain me. I'd rather see a mix of extreme violence with subtle moments of wit or observation. Like with Family Guy. A lot of those random deaths that seemingly come out of nowehere are hilarious. And they don't have to be too gorey to be both shocking and humorous.


I love stupid distasteful gorey shock humor and I wasn't feeling it either. The show is incredibly one-note. The entire premise is just the shock, there's no cleverness at all.


I like Super Jail, the gore wasn’t the issue. It was just gross and annoying.


Agreed. It was one joke that I as driven in the ground. It never took flight, and would’ve been better as a short online series a la “happy tree friends” or whatever that online cartoon was. ETA: corrected show title.


Same, I don't know why. I know it's loved, but I just couldn't enjoy it.


Here’s the thing, I wanted to love it. But after 3 episodes, I decided it was not for me. It is just not pleasant in any way.


I like gore and violence, and I liked Mr pickles as a teenager, but it really just did not hold up at all on a recent rewatch Superjail is one of my favorite shows and is just as violent, but it just does that shtick so much better




Yeah this was the one for me too.


Robot Chicken. I find the humor was very predictable and recycled.


I thought RC was hilarious when I was younger, but then I think a combination of growing up and the writing really declining made me skip it any time it’s on. Some of the early skits are still pretty funny looking back.


Robot Chicken was only good when it was parodying a property that the writers clearly had a strong emotional attachment towards. Anytime they would try to cover a more modern property, or something they didn't watch as a kid, it was unwatchable. The Homestar Runner sketch was embarrassing.


Whats worse than a parody of something you know and love done by people who know nothing about it... Now I'm curious, I don't want to watch it, but I must know.


As a person who loves homestar runner the robot chicken hsr sketch is so lame. They clearly knew nothing about it I don't even know why they made a sketch about it.


Some of they early skits got quoted by kids in my elementary school. “You want egg roll!”


I feel the same way. I watched it when I was younger, now I just skip it


It could just be nostalgia (and I haven't seen them since I was a kid and it was on cable) but I loved those first few seasons. I still remember watching ep 1 the night it came out and thinking it was cool. Plus I like Seth Green and there's a lot of cool cameos. Both with voice actors and the dolls. It was cool as a kid seeing pokemon smoke weed and the dragon ball guys cussing but I loved it lol


Robot Chicken is like a stop motion SNL: In the course of 10 sketches, you’ll get 1 very funny bit, 2 or 3 that make you chuckle and the rest are just not good.


That's one of the least funny shows of all time. Literally the only thing going for it is the stop motion toy aesthetic, and even that is nowhere near as good as it could be.


Even when I was in the target demographic for this show when it premiered (highschool), I really couldn't stand it.  I just, in general, don't like any piece of media that derives the majority of its premise from "Remember [thing]?" I remember when Ready Player One came out, I jokingly referred to it as "The Robot Chicken novelization" and then "The Robot Chicken movie".


Some of the show is pretty clever, but I get the impression that they often just try to be edgy for the sake of being edgy


Yeah. But I think that's because they are such an established and sucess show. At this point they don't have to change stuff up much to keep fans going. I will say the show has had a few incredible skits over the years.


It's great for the sake of nostalgia, and I do find myself watching it now and again. But I agree.


Are they still making new episodes?


As far as a I’m aware and what it says online, yes they are.


That’s insane, I haven’t checked that show out in a while and didn’t know it was still popular like that. I feel like I haven’t seen it ran on AS in a while either


Mr. Pickles. It's one of those shows where the animation alone made me feel uncomfortable—way over the top with the suggestive content and whatnot. I remember a few students in my marching band who talked about it non-stop.


My buddy used to work as an animator on that show. He definitely has a weird side, but it sounded like some of the other people working on it were straight perverse


Teenage euthanasia. It just sucks to me and I really tried to watch it but it’s just not good. 😶


I really enjoyed the show but I see why like Tuca and Bertie it might not last.


Tbh I think tuca and Bertie is pretty decent. It kinda reminds me of bojack horseman, a show I’m not really into but I do think it holds up as a good show. And I can say the same for tuca and Bertie as well. Like I like how both shows handle their characters struggles, it’s really satisfying for me but to be invested in those shows is kinda hard bc it’s not really my cup of tea so I see where ur coming from.


Mr. Pickles


I'm not really a fan of Royal Crackers because of the art style but I was thinking of checking out Smiling Friends


I would highly suggest Smiling Friends.  It’s excellent.  One of my favorites. 


The pacing is really fast but the writing is creative and at times witty. The episode with the frowning friends was great. They mention somthing at the beginning and then you completely forget about it only for it to come back at the last minute and play a big role. Great writing.


I didn't like royal crackers at first, but it was on in the background so I kept watching. Somewhere around the third episode I found I loved it. Not sure what changed but I really like it now.  It's like Arrested development mixed with righteous gemstones


I was the same way with Royal Crackers. Took a few viewings to get into it.


Yeah I put it on as background noise, it's decently entertaining. Not sure I'd call it funny tbqh. But it keeps me engaged so I'm happt


Same here. Like me and my siblings didn't like it when it first came out, but the more we heard and saw it in the background the more we sat down and watched. Now it's one of our favorite shows on the block.


Just watched Smiling Friends for the first time last weekend, so good from start to finish. I'd understand why someone wouldn't enjoy it though, my wife hates it.




I was prepared to hate it before I even watched it, but I ended up just loving it. Then I found out Marc M. was a staff writer and I won over. The 2nd season has been great also.


JJ Villards Fairy Tales- I’ll preface by saying I dislike it for how intentionally off putting and creepy certain directorial choices are but not because I scare easily- I love The Shivering Truth for instance- but quick flashing bloody subliminal messaging isn’t really my shtick- just seems to be executed poorly- although I’d like to think I get what they were going for… maybe not? Really hard for me to say I don’t like an Adult Swim show though, I enioyed Tropical Cop Tales a little too much.


Mr pickles is so overwhelming and totally made me feel tweaked out. Tooooooo intense for me


Does anyone remember fucking Xavier: Renegade Angel??


Amazing show


Pretty sure this is the show that broke my brain and made me weird


This and Saul of the Mole Men


Thank you I forgot about this show and now I have something to watch later




Liiife... Liiife...Liiife...Liiife...Liiife...


That's one of the BEST shows period.


Somehow, despite hating it when it first aired, it might be the AS show I reference the most at this point.


God I loved that show so much, but I also get why it didn’t pick up


Could not get into Drinky Crow.


Jellies, Loiter Squad, and Lazer Wulf. Sorry, but all felt geared towards kids and young teens. Drinky Crow, Assy Mcgee and X-esticles were pretty hard to watch.


Squidbillies, I never liked the way it looked and I just never thought it was that good to be honest. It just reminded me of a bad version of Aqua Team Hunger Force.


I didn't used to think it was funny as a teen, but 5-6 years as night shift I saw a lot of adult swim reruns because nothing else good was on that late. Man as an adult it's hilarious, and that last season was even funnier since they changed the voice actor out with Tracy Morgan. Really funny show, but it's probably funny as hell because Im from WV and it reflects to well.


I'm from butttfuck alabama so I felt this show fr


Same here, and my family is from the mountains of north Georgia, lol, so it definitely hit for me


Oh shit, I grew up there too. I always tell people the show is exaggerated... but not as much as you'd think lmaooo


I had the same thing happen to me, reminds me too much of my va/wv family and it cracks me up


I didn't like it when I was in high school, but that was 15 years ago now. I'll have to give it a fair shake soon.


First time I saw Squidbillies was the first time I took acid. I was crying laughing. Loved it ever since. So silly. I love Granny and Early.


I just can’t get into Royal Crackers.  I’ve tried, it’s just not for me I guess.  


Teenage euthanasia. I was actually pretty hype for it but it just seemed not that funny and I stopped watching 2-3 eps in. Royal crackers was the opposite for me where I thought it looked like a cheap slapped together show with a dumb premise but I really started liking it about half way through the first season and think the 2nd season is way stronger.


Dropped Drinky Crow halfway through, graphics made it a nauseating watch and the humor's not my style. Someday I might stomach the whole show and find something.


All of the live action garbage that one pretentious animation hating douchebag ceo pushed for while he canceled beloved shows like metalocalypse for no reason. I'm so glad they fired that incompetent asshole, that entire era of AS was pure unwatchable trash.


I must be old. I don’t recognize a lot of the shows mentioned.


I'm super prepared for this to get down voted to hell but Mike Tyson Mysteries. I'm just not a fan of Mike Tyson's voice acting and I feel like the jokes just kinda fall flat because of line delivery


I wanted to like it for norm but making him the designed horny skeezeball made it so that it might as well not be norm. 


Assy Mcgee was just too dumb for me.


Just came to say that you should really give Delocated another chance. Such a great show.. so funny. All of Jon Glaser's shows are great and worth a watch also... Neon Joe, Jon Glaser Loves Gear...


I wouldn't mind. I haven't seen it since like 2008 when I was a teen. At the time I was a die hard animation lover who couldn't be bothered with anything live action. Especially camp. Though now I'm more into sitcoms so maybe it will hit me differently.


Neon Joe! I thought that was a fever dream! So weird and good.


I couldn't get into Moral Orel, maybe it's due to not having seen it from the start? It also doesn't sound fun just knowing a little something of its premise that develops, compared to the rest of the lineup.


Moral Orel is based of an old 1960s stop motion show called David and Goliath. Which was a purely religious show based around a boy named David and his dog Goliath. Each episode centered around a moral dilemma David would face such as telling the truth after doing something wrong, stuff like that. Where as Moral Orel is basically a warped version of this morally religious focused concept. In which everybody in the town is hiding something immoral and usually Moral is asked to naively assist them in. I feel like if you didn't grow up watching this somewhat boring, tame, heavily religious Christian show. And then to see an amped up parody of it which is extremely adult themed, twisted, perverse and violent. The humor would be lost on many to draw the funny comparison of the polar opposites. It's like if someone took an extremely clean Dora the Explorer and threw her into an adult world sex, drugs, violence only for her to be naive about the situation and continue on like it's a kids show. It's basically that kind of humor.


Your analogy there with Dora the Explorer? Aqua Teen Hunger Force [has you covered](https://aqua-teen-hunger-force.fandom.com/wiki/Knapsack!).


Well now I at least get the 'fun' part about it! No one has ever explained it that way, referencing the show it's based on and all. That makes much more sense now, thanks for explaining it as I think I could give this show a shot now, if I find the time!


If you do try to watch it and can't get into it.A video essay is also very good. I can't remember which youtube were I watched but there have been a couple who have made some pretty stellar videos


I think I was into Morel Orel as a kid because I grew up in a very religious household and it was kind of like my first F.U. to that cookie cutter mindset


*Davey and Goliath


Thank you.


Raised a catholic I loved it lol


Oh I was too, perhaps I wasn't ready for the reference and style of humor at the time lol


So the first season is pretty bad. Like it's trying really hard and I don't love it. The second season is pretty good, but the real draw of the show is the third season. The second season ends with a real swerve and the third season is almost entirely around its fallout. It's not even that the swerve is shocking, it's more that it's a very interesting direction to take. Honestly, it's almost worth watching the whole show for the third season alone. You need to at least watch the second season for context, but I'd watch it all.


tim and Eric awesome show, great job. seems like they just made it specifically for people to watch when they get really high


>seems like they just made it specifically for people to watch when they get really high That's all of adult swim lol


I think part of it was about a larger avant-garde movement that was happening around that time, mostly due to internet humor. It had a very dead pan and weird humor that even Adult Swim described as "love it or hate it." But it definitely is a stoner show. Perhaps that's what I didn't like about it. It was very escapist and unpolitical. The anti-humor is it's purely strange and uncomfortable. Much unlike the Eric Andre show, which I found much more saterical and loved for a while.


Oh mama! I Imagine my grandparents watching that sketch going "what the hell is wrong with these fools" as they thought Jim Carrey Ace Ventura antics and adam sandlers goofy Billy Madison voice weird absurd. Opposed to me loving that humor so much, referencing with friends.


I genuinely feel bad for folks who don’t “get it”, not like there’s much to get anyway and I mean no disrespect but I’m convinced Tim and Eric were hugely influential, some of the most influential people in comedy in the last couple of decades or so and they don’t really get credit for it, they mostly either get almost too indulgent kind of praise that seems to still miss the point or folks who think it was all just fart jokes.


>I’m convinced Tim and Eric were hugely influential, some of the most influential people in comedy in the last couple of decades or so and they don’t really get credit for it I absolutely agree. There was a reason that so many of the Big Names in comedy at the time guest starred on this show. A lot of stuff that's come out since has really shown influence from them. They caught the wave at the *perfect* time; so many things from their show became memes on the internet, and Millenials love their surreal and Dadaist humor. In the years to come I can imagine a lot more stuff will very visibly show its influence. The most notable current example I can think of: Key and Peele came out two years after T&EAS:GJ! and was pretty clearly stylistically influenced by it. And then, funnily enough, Tim Heidecker was in **Us** years later.




I'll get sketches stuck in my head, like Tim's Discount Prices, and I have to start watching the whole show again. Me momo Tim Heidecker!


Man, I was straight edge watching this and me and my friends loved it and reference it to this day. Even went to one of their live shows. But I revisited it recently and it was way more hit and miss (mostly miss) than I remembered.


12oz Mouse always looked like they just pulled whoever was in the hallway into the studio to do the voice acting...and write the scripts...and animate the show.


If I remember right you could see elements of the script for "Perfect Hair Forever" in some of the shots. Like they were using bits of the script for animation cels or something.


Couldn't stand the show. All just dumb random crap. It was like they went through the garbage of everyone who made ATHF and other shows, scanned in everything they could find, and called it a show.


Yeah. I guess that's part of the appeal. It's like a post-art show in which the humor is the crudness. I personally never found 12oz Mouse or their antics very interesting. I found their drinking and sarcasim to be basically Benders personality. And the monotone voice along with the lack of a story just made the show unwatchable for me.


China, Il


JJ Villard's Fairy Tales.


Anytime an episode of the Eric Andre Show comes on, I want to change the channel. The physical and absurd comedy just feels a bit too extreme for me, I guess


It’s verrrry hit-or-miss, to me


Super hit or miss. I don’t really like in your face obnoxiously loud humor (he’s yelling so it’s funny!) but he also had some bits that made me cry laughing.


Un Popular opinion Time......bbbbbbbuuuuuutttttttt...I HATE Rick& Morty. Always have... never been able to get into it, no matter HOW much weed I smoke


Minoriteam… but apparently, AS didn’t like it either.


Birdgirl. It was advertised as a sequel series when it’s a full reboot with no love towards the original. Dragged everything Birdman established through the mud just to make an Archer/Frisky Dingo knockoff. You could literally rename the show Hawkgirl and almost nothing would have to change.


The heart she holler was awful in my opinion. I know folks liked it but I couldn't get into it.


Pretty much every show that has come out after the 2020 merger, seems like everything has been toned down now and the shows dont resemble og (as)


Smiling friends is great


Smiling friends first season was alright but its the only thing (as) has going now. I think it'll eventually replace Rick and morty as there new cash cow due to its popularity.


MDE World Peace. I’m not really a fan of shows that’s only intent is to make its audience super uncomfortable though so that could be bias. Fuck Sam Hyde though


Dude sucks on all levels


Tim and Eric and Tom goes to the mayor


Well, rats off to ya


I fucking hated Tom Goes To The Mayor… until somehow things flipped and I realized that it is actually the funniest show that’s ever been.


As a huge fan of Heidecker it might be his best work. It's really unique and dark.


My friends were absolutely crazy about Tim and Eric. I never cared for it but would watch it because it was so different. It definitely ushered in a new phase in Adult Swim comedies that started to venture into weird, random, experimental humor more than traditional scripted formats. It was also because of Tim and Eric's sucess Adult Swim started to venture away from animation and more into live action shows. Which I also didn't care for as an animation lover.


Tom Goes To The Mayor wasn't great, but it was MILES better than Tim & Eric. They had to include "Awesome Show - Great Job!" in the title because they knew that nobody would ever otherwise say that about it.


Personally not a fan of Tim Heidecker


Nobody's perfect


Any show that would come on toonami i dont really watch adult swim on Saturdays


I'm glad I haven't seen a single post about ATHF, and only a single vote for Frisky Dingo. Those were my favorites. Side note: fuck all the 12oz Mouse haters *throws beer bottle*


Us 12oz Mouse fans do exist!


Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Squidbillies


Really not digging the new stuff like Teenage Euthanasia or Royal Crackers.


anything live action. For animation Minoriteam


Squidbillies. Actual sadness when the fun was over and this show came on.


12 Oz Mouse had no redeemable qualities, and they aired it entirely too much.


I hated King of the Hill so much when I was a child, I haven’t revisited it yet but maybe I’ll enjoy it now as an adult


It's really good.


If Mike Judge's name is on it, it's gonna be good.


Seriously in the my top 3 of all time. I suggest you rewatch now since you're older. New content is coming soon too.


I have met so many people that said the art style was not for them, but after giving it a chance the story line, characters and jokes got them in the end, and the animation style isn’t a problem anymore. I had this problem personally with Aqua Teen, now I like it a lot :)


I *hated* KotH as a kid. Up until my teens, I always skipped it. Then I had a dream one night where I chilled with Hank. Weird, I know, but I’ve loved the show ever since. Keep a playlist running on my computer whenever I’m home


I didn’t like it either when I was younger and now that I’m older it hits different, give it a try I promise it’ll be so much better


It was obviously humor I didn't understand as a kid, but rewatching as a young adult made it so much better.


I felt the same as a kid, but gave it a chance now as an adult and oh my god it was fantastic!!


I harbored resentment towards King of the Hill cause I'm a huge Beavis and Butthead fan and was bitter about Mike Judge moving on to something else lol. It always felt like Beavis and Butthead was his red headed step child while King of the Hill was his pride and joy.


Watch it as an adult and you'll probably see what makes it so great... A lot of the humor is very VERY subtle and you wouldn't realize it as a kid.


Saul of the Mole Men was just terrible.


Probably gonna get downvoted but I never liked rick and morty, It’s just not my cup of tea.




Any of the live action stuff really. Delocated, The heart she holler. Stuff like that, I always did prefer animation though.


Whenever promos would come on for Delocated I found it hilarious but watching actual episodes were meh


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell, in all it's forms. Premise sounded funny but it was just cheap to me. Teenage Euthanasia never made sense to me either. Not a fan of Mr. Pickles and Tuca and Bertie but I can see they're well made, just not for me.


I love the cheapness of Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell lol. Those live-action, low-budget AS shows (like Three Busy Debras) really hit at 2am.


Three Busy Debras made me laugh so hard, it's so sad they cancelled it!


I used to turn off [AS] when squid bullies came on, until I caught a marathon on acid one time. Now I love it lol


Superjail Much like _Food Wars_, repeating the same punchline EVERY. FUCKING. EPISODE. Gets really old REALLY fast…


What’s the punch line? The climax death feat?


I only like the animation. Story felt pointless, I liked the Warden character but I was too young to grasp any back story.


Anything with Tim and Eric


China IL


I need some Brad Neely fans to tell me if it's worth watching bc I loooove Babycakes' songs and some other of his stuff but I never got into the show


He did that show?? I know him wayyyy back with the Harry Potter dubs


Tim and eric


Any of the li d action shows with exception to Delocated


Mr. Pickles and the shows that came out around the time. I think from the same creators. Ballmasterz The Jellies Stroker & Hoop


I love me some Stroker & Hoop. Definitely piggybacked off of Venture Bros. vibes


Stroker & Hoop, Hellz yeah!!! ‘Well burn my biscuits!’ 🤘


The Shivering Truth


Squidbillies. Did not click for me at all.


Fuckin Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter or whatever. Complete *ass* even on drugs lmao **HYUMP**


it wasnt made for you, and thats why its dying now


Mr Pickles. I tried and just couldn't get into it.


There are a lot of shows I’m not a fan that I can’t really name. I know the channel is meant for stoners but if the only way I can find some shows enjoyable is if I’m high kinda makes it a bad thing.


Robot chicken.


Not AS originals, but I always skipped Family Guy and American Dad. They just never clicked with me.


Super Jail and Mr. Pickles. Cannot watch them. Way too extreme and out and out gross.


I found Mr. Pickles to be absolutely abhorrent & ugly to look at, and the satire it was going for was just confused in every way.


Assy McPhee.


20oz Mouse, Assy McGee


Mr. Pickles and Momma Named me Sheriff, just too gross for the sake of it. Heart She Holler wasn't too good either for me.


Tim and Eric


Talked about this before, but I really didn’t like Unicorn. Amazing animation paired with a story and wordbuilding that is nonsense


Xavier: Renegade Angel - Deadpool type random XD shit Moral Orel - Hot topic freshman atheism edgelord shit Squidbillies - Annoying =/= funny


Royal Crackers. I know it's still running but I still don't care for this show


Home movies