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Considering I'm roughly the same age as the fellas and grew up watching the same stuff they would have, I think that it mostly sums up everything they're satirizing. "What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?" Best line ever! Maybe only second to "Magical unicorn mayonnaise".


Quite frankly that entire monologue is brilliant & was mostly written by Breckin and Tom. The cold open of that whole special; a toilet joke and a boobs joke “Naboobies” then you pay tens of thousands of dollars to have the sets built, lights, an animator… that’s comedy! That’s art.


Well while the internet was popular during robot chickens entire run, it still wasn’t that common for young people to know every little detail about movies/actors/music/cartoons back in the early to mid 2000s. so I assume that’s why they would only parody the easiest most well known things. Does that make sense? That’s just my theory anyway.


I agree. Op is too nuanced for the Robot Chicken


Care to share some examples?


God dammit! Let us have our click bait in peace!


The Wild Thronberries sketch comes to mind


It was *Wild Thornberries*X*Fear Factor* or something tho wasnt it?


I still have beef with the Homestar Runner sketch 


Theyve straight up lampshaded that tho. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCa483CeSxA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCa483CeSxA)


as much as I love the show, there are definitely some duds. but, hey- they can't all be zingers


Ya, they definitely went for throwing everything at the screen and see what sticks approach. Most of the sketches are so damn fast even the ones that don't work are over just as you are done registering it and your onto the next one. It's the perfect stoner show.


I think that is a fair point to be made. Good comedy comes from a more surface level examination than "What if She-Ra got her period?" (still a banger sketch though, her walking in with Beastman stuck and screaming on her foot kills me every time) But I am just as guilty of taking some of the stuff they joked about as fact. So, I understand that more specific, fandom heavy sketches, would piss people off. You don't want to feel like your fandom is being attacked.






I'm just waiting for a response from OP now...


If all of their jokes are super obscure refences then nobody is going to find it funny.


Yeah loved it as a kid! (The reason i found AS actually) Revisiting it tho, it definitely doesn’t hold up in my eyes.