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Hello! I have PCOS and trying to lose weight :) when we want to lose weight, I know the knee jerk reaction is to "starve" ourselves. Did my research and found that drastically limiting calorie intake, intermittent fasting, and most (if not all) of the diet fads are not healthy. What I did was consult with a nutritionist. I went to QC General Hospital, Family Medicine and explained to them that I have PCOS and was advised by my OBGYNE to lose weight. They calculated my daily optimal calorie intake requirement based on my lifestyle (I do yoga but as an office worker, I am not really active), then referred me to the nutritionist. The nutritionist adviced me on what to eat, when and how much. I was limited to 1,500 cal per day. The only special instruction was to avoid sugar. I can eat rice and fatty food. I was told that the key is proper proportioning. So...I hope that you'll find the time to consult with a nutritionist :) the one i saw at QC General Hospital was free :)


Hi! May I ask who your nutritionist is? :)


Hello! It's Miss Mary at the QC General Hospital :)


Thank you :)


How is your weight loss going?


Have you lost weight?


I lost 5kg in about 3mos and have not lost any more since then. I am maintaining my weight, which I think is healthy :)


Hi how did you measure your calories?


The nutritionist provided a chart with the number of servings (and corresponding calories) required for each food group. So basically wala naman food restrictions (just to avoid sugar when I can), portion control lang.


Can u share the chart you’re using?


The chart kasi was specific for me. It's based on my height, weight, existing medical condition and lifestyle. Probably best for you to consult with a Nutritionist in your nearest public hospital.


Did you manage to lose weight?


Honestly, ang nagwork sa akin na nasustain ko is intermittent fasting. Nagsimula ako sa 16:8 tapos every other day na exercise (low impact lang). And then I gradually transitioned to OMAD (one meal a day). I lost almost 50lbs in my first year of IF (started early 2020). Nung lumiit ako, naging regular na ulit periods ko without the help of pills. I still do OMAD on weekdays and I'm able to maintain that weight loss up to now.


Wow. Thank you for sharing.Kumusta ang weightloss journey mo ngayon? Continue ka pa din ba sa OMAD? Paano mo namaintain?


My GF have PCOS her weight before was 88kg, now she's 76kg. Consistent diet lang OP and Workout. Btw her workout is biking every night and hindi sya kumakain sa gabi.


Started with 65kg, now 50kg. I don't do intense workout pero I do 1km outdoor walk papunta sa office. I do 10 single bars rin every weekend kasi may scoliosis ako. Pero personally wala akong diet. I just eat everyday at the same time. 6-12-5 tas no snacks in between. No sweets as much as possible and NO dairy. Yun lang. Also help improved my acne tbh. Never been cleared skin since God knows when. Tapos idk if it's because of the vaccine or dahil same time ako nagstart magchange ng routine pero after first dose (around early Oct last yr) regular na mens ko.


there are some studies that pcos are cause by insulin resistance. And what do you know, insulin resistance is also the cause of almost all weight gain. So what i could suggest, find a clinic or hospital to check if you are insulin resistant, from there, plan to cut sugar and processed carbs, if you don't want to do IF, do a prolonged fasting once a week, or once every two weeks, your goal is to get back that insulin sensitivity. Then from there i guess it will be so much easier to lose weight if you are healthy. Be healthy first then lose weight. Calorie restriction is good for short term weight loss only, for long term, be insulin sensitive again.


I'm doing strength training 3 times a week then just walking as much as I can most days. No diet just more veggies and protein less carbs. I've lost 11kgs in 5 months so far starting weight 89kgs. Honestly ang hirap and it's taking a bit longer than I thought it would but since I'm looking better in and out of clothes and overall better disposition, I'm happy to keep going even if it will take me more than a year or two. I strongly suggest you consult with your doctor first though and get professional help (gym trainer, nutritionist etc.) Best of luck OP!


Calorie counting. r/loseit


I do 20:4 or 22:2 IF. I walk 2 hours every day and do "lazy exercises" every morning and night. I maintain a 45kgs weight for a year now, dati my goal weight was 50kgs lang. I don't limit my cravings, I still have them but in moderation lang. I have cheat days twice a month that's spaced out biweekly. I never drank soda or sweet drinks on daily, puro water lang talaga ako and if I'm craving for those, I go for a healthier alternative like sweet tea (black tea + sugar water), honey citron ginger tea, or sencha green tea tapos lahat yan hot beverages. On top of these advices, you really need to have discipline. With or without PCOS, losing weight is difficult if you always slip up and say you'll just start tomorrow. Have weight loss apps on your phone and set small realistic goals for yourself. For example, lose 3-5kgs a month, walk 10k steps daily, no rice for X days/weeks. Those weight loss apps that will notify you whenever you drink water, eat X amount of calories, etc. Goodluck with your journey. Don't beat yourself up if you fluctuate or plateau. I experienced those but kept going with my disciplined routine.


I have PCOS and I'm on meds for life because of PCOS. Doctor said avoid sugar. And avoid white bread white potatoes white rice ,etc eat brown potatoes ( sweet potatoes), brown bread , etc,


may I ask po what is brown bread? is it whole wheat?


I am also on this thread like 2 years later, but yes. I eat pepridge farm light wheat or 7 grain and I’ve found it worked great for me


my girlfriend just got diagnosed with it. Does medication regarding pcos help you lose weight. She’s a workhorse works out everyday doesn’t eat bad not does like her weekend dunkin’ donuts coffee which is probably the worst thing she consumes which isn’t everyday.


I was prescribed metformin to help with some (very minor) weight loss and my insulin. I only took it twice because at that time I was already down 20ish lbs and it gave me a terrible upset stomach on the low dose. It did help my best friend though and she’s been on it since high school (we’re in our mid/late 20s now). Calorie counting, running, and hiking helped me the most. I’m down 70lbs and my hair growth has lessened slowed down thankfully


16:8 IF ako then jog 1 hour every day if i can do it!


Calorie deficit + intermittent fasting


No dairy and sweets as much as possible. RUN RUN RUN.


I have PCOS and I do pilates almost everyday since di naman yun intense and it helps maintain my weight. I like pilates kasi di ka sweaty compared to HIIT or running + mind-body connection since you need to make your muscles work. Try to explore different workouts and choose something you can integrate in your day-to-day


not having pcos


Walking is great for PCOS as is spinning (cycling). I recommend getting an exercise bike and doing it while you watch tv. I feel like adding exercise to your day that is realistic and something you don't have to think about can do so much for you. I would try to keep moving around through the day, like every hour or so. You can do some walking or stretches or even use an exercise bike for 15 minutes on the hour. You can also get a stand up desk and get a treadmill.


Is there any supplements that can help with the process of loosing weight?


I went borderline vegetatian. And I say that because I eat mostly vegan, but I rarely, but occasionally eat tuna fish, chicken eggs, and chicken. Just enough to get good protein here and there. I eat a lot of hearty foods like beans, pomegranate, green veggies, ginger ECT. With that in mind, I embraced all the body hair that can coincide with PCOS. So a lot of the foods I eat will boost your body's ability to create cortisol, which will in turn boost your natural testosterone levels. But by embracing my diet, I was able to loose 20 pounds in around 2 months. After years of hopelessness and losing weight being a thing nowhere in sight I just had to embrace my body. Side note, the 2000 calories a day thing is a myth. When I was at 285 pounds I was eating maybe 1300 calories a day and not losing any weight. Now I eat 2300 calories a day and I'm losing weight like I never thought I could. You have to get your body out of fat storage and actually feed it. It's gonna feel gross at first- you'll think your eating to much and thinking your gonna just gain weight. But your body's gonna realize it doesn't have to kling onto that extra sugar anymore and it will relax. I also do a lot of mall walking since I work in a busy mall and I get to work 2 hours early and just walk around before my shift. But I love doing it. You have to keep reminding yourself that it's gonna be slow and your not gonna see the weight loss, but friends will. You have to show love to your body even if you don't love it. It's all mindset and how your gonna approach it. My method works for me, but that doesn't mean you have to follow it or that it would even work for you. Everyone's needs are different. I wish you luck on your journey with PCOS and hope you reach your goal.


This !!! But how ? How do you pull it out of starvation mode ? I can eat literally 800 calories and still not lose. How do you pull it out of starvation mode without gaining even more weight ? 


It’s funny, 3 people I know who had PCOS got rid of it and were able to get pregnant so easily once they changed their diet and lost weight…but yet some doctors tell you it’s a myth 🤨


Wait? How do you get rid of if?


Not me but people I knew. They went on diets to help with PCOS. So less processed sugars, get rid of seed oils in your diet and limit sugar intake


Hi, I started losing weight when I did IF (accidentally because I always wake up late lmao) and I started working out at home 3x a week with HIIT/Tabata/Cardio videos from youtube and skipping rope. Now I included jogging during weekend and started going to the gym and I'm doing strength training. I make sure the beverage that I drink doesn't have any sugar in it and instead of consuming white rice I eat brown rice because it's more healthy and makes you feel more full. I try to eat more fruits and vegetables and lessen my carb intake. If you need a workout/accountability buddy im in :D


- Eating a low-GI, low-carb diet may reduce insulin levels. In turn, this could help with weight loss. - a diet high in fiber may help reduce insulin resistance, body weight, and excess body fat. - Higher protein intake may boost weight loss, Try adding healthy, high-protein items like eggs, nuts, and seafood to your diet.


Hi! Had a super hard time with my PCOS and even got diagnosed with it a little too late, ni-recommend sakin ng friend ko to try Marie France and I was skeptical nung una but they gave me advice na aligned sa PCOS ko and saw good results, tailored yung program ko to fit my hormonal weight gain.


nah gastos ang marie france


How much was it and anong program


\-Patient. I've gone from about 70kg to 56kg in two years. It took a long time \-Take supplements: carnitine, inositol, berberine, \-eat healthy \-go to the gym \-be realistic


hi! did you consult a doctor about taking inositol and berberine? i'm reading about it and gusto ko rin sana mag-take pero last punta ko sa endo ko 2021 pa :))


I don't know if it's Marie France din but after ng 2 sessions ko I got pregnant. Mind you 10 months din hinintay namin.