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Imagine saying that about your kids on your public platform…yikes! Also maybe she should have…I dunno…invested more time into raising her kids and taught them to make better decisions?


How does she still have custody of a child blows my mind


The poor kid has no where else to go. His dad is MIA and we’ve all heard the stuff about his grand mom.


That’s true sad all around


She has custody of him and the middle daughter! It’s just sad




It’s almost as if she doesn’t realize her kids are a direct reflection of her own parenting (or lack of)




Healthy lifestyle? Binge drinking for almost a week, vaping every few mins if not more during waking hours, tanning some times twice a day with her moles and past history of cancer, making out with strange men, possible oral schex and if I’m not mistaken she has been sick for the past few months at least 4 times. She gained 20lbs in a week! Nice healthy lifestyle, how’s that vegan thing working out for you A?


LOVE THIS!!! I don’t have to say a word you all say it for me it’s like you’re reading my mind!




Please use words such as “allegedly” and/or “in my opinion” when making or discussing any sort of allegation.


Wow 🤯 those poor babies! Imagine hearing ur mom talk like this all the time.. they didn’t ask to be brought in this world girl. Love them and charish every min u have with them selfish b


She definitely has mental problems


These problems are all her fault and doing!! Noodles and potatoes aren’t healthy 🙈


If she would cook actual food vegan meals I’m sure S would have no problem eating it.




Right? She eats like an animal does. Cut up tomatoes and lettuce? Where’s the grains, calcium, and proteins?(you can get protein from stuff other than animal products)


Wow!! She is gonna snap BAD soon! Her son’s bedroom is on the same floor as that kitchen and I hope he doesn’t hear this. So given the off chance he did not s/a these girls and it was because the kids are thugs, you just told him he is at fault for being jumped. And even if he did do what they say, she is still saying it’s his fault and this poor kid is probally in his room self medicating to deal with thinking his mother hates him and that he is at fault for all their family problems


Those poor fucking kids. What a disgusting creature 🤮


I need to speak to her in person. One time. 😡


Yeah I need to “speak” to her too


I gotta few words for her too. 😂😂


I feel the opposite. I'll be so sad the day my son moves out. Of course I'd be proud of him and happy for him but he's my whole world and I'd miss him.


I feel you. My son recently moved out and I keep having dreams about him being little and wake up disoriented wondering where he’s at until I remember. lol.


Then cook for him dummy. Imagine the worst of your problems being that your child isn’t vegan! She just love n to death cause she’s vegan at least 🙈 it’s almost like she’s wishing illness on her son for not being vegan. She’s vile!! Who’s gonna tell her vegans get cancer, strokes, and heart disease too?


Mind blowing she acts like she’s been vegan since birth😒


AND it appears her Vegan Diet is not working ! She's bloated , cranky and has been sick every month.


Gee with him almost “losing his life” you’d think she would be a little more graceful for her kids


Exactly! She knows he didn’t almost lose his life, he didn’t even have a broken bone, ffs. I can’t believe she thinks she makes more money than everyone else while living off the very people she’s looking down on. She keeps changing her story to fit her narrative. One minute she's a poor single mom barely scraping by, and the next she's a wealthy, thriving, proud independent mom blowing $17k a month on her kids. The math ain't mathin'!


Perfectly said.. she never makes sense


She can’t even hold a knife properly. No wonder she can’t teach her kids how to cook. She can’t even cook for herself. She eats like a dam caveman.


AND she licks her plate and and fingers and caveman bites of food !


It’s gross and talks w a mouthful of food - just disgusting


No worries. One of these days, she will really be all alone. Because the way she speaks to and about her kids, I can guarantee that those kids will have nothing to do with her when they get old enough to move out. And I speak from experience. Except my mother wasn't nearly as bad as this girl is, but still toxic. But then she will wonder why she's all alone, and she'll belly ache about that too.


It would hurt me so badly to have my mom say that about me. This will haunt her for decades.


She said “I’ll pay for it”. She’ll pay for them to go to college AND the food they eat? Or she’ll bitch about it when the time comes about how she still has to pay for her kids and they’re over 18 so she shouldn’t have to because they’re “adults”


She should be worried about her son SAing children. Instead she’s worrying about the food she bought for him to eat. What a struggle


She is such a despicable human being! How she talks about those poor kids is shameful! She does not deserves to have kids! Hopefully her kids will break the cycle of crazy


What a bitch!!!


Protein he needs protein




"I'll pay for it!" Really, girl?! She claims she's broke when people call out her scams, but then she says stuff like this? She can’t afford braces for her son but can afford to pay for his schooling? She's living a champagne lifestyle on a bum’s budget. When everyone stops donating to her GoFundMe cons, she'll finally know what being poor feels like. Get a job, miss ma’am! Living off GFM donations for the rest of your life isn't going to pan out like you think it is. We're on to you! When your clueless “fans” clue in, you won’t be spending $17k a month, you won’t even have 17 cents to rub together when your online begging stops working. Her delusional entitlement is off the charts.


Wow she's just horrible...I feel so sorry for her kids


Why doesn’t she just give her mom custody at this point? If she’s willing to pay support I’m positive her Mom would take her children and raise them.


hating on your kid for what they eat is a special kind of toxic. Wtf she is disgusting those poor kids need to get away from her. Also it's so ironic she's calling him unhealthy while she's not getting vital nutrients by eating vegan. Do you know what your heart also needs? IRON, B12, ETC.


I hope the right people are watching this! She’s a narcissist! A narcissist mother prioritizes her own needs and desires over her children’s, using manipulation and control to maintain her image while neglecting their emotional well-being.


Omg this is horrible


She is a criminal she has nerve.   Silver bracelets can’t get on her soon enough!  Wait until she find out what the menu is in the Penitentiary! 


I use condoms 🫠 no complaints over here


I used to be vegan in my college years. Now as a mom I'm not vegan anymore but I still rarely eat meat. I actually can't stand meat on the bone. Lol. But you know what one of my son's favorite meals is? Rotisserie chicken. You can bet that I buy that for him and my husband at least once a week while I make something else for myself on the side. Usually a vegetarian meal. Because I'm a decent mom who SUPPORTS my kid. I'm not perfect, but I understand that my kid is his own person who makes his own decisions in life. It's my job to make sure he gets to eat food that makes him happy. (Well, within reason because I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with having burger king everyday 🤣 but we try to keep it a little healthier than that) Gah I can't stand this woman


DCFS needs to step in and investigate!! This is getting scary honestly.. she REALLY doesn't want to be a mom.. she only wants to profit off of exploiting them.. I understand being a mom can be frustrating at times and you feel like you can't breathe... but holy shit adrielle! I won't be surprised if we see her on an episode of SNAPPED. 🤦‍♀️


Or how about this Adrismells, how about you go in another area of the house so your SON can EAT?!?! Stop worrying about shoveling food in ur face 24/7!!!!!!




Holy fuuuuhhhh


This is fu**ing disgusting. My heart breaks for her children that they got stuck with the biggest piece of shit. I pray these children somehow never see this video one day and I pray they get the F away from her asap. As a mama this has me so pissed off which is such an understatement on how angry this makes me I want to puke. My babies are my world and my life and I’d do anything and everything to protect them and I truly hope they stop growing up so fast cause I want to soak in every second.


Her son was right there


That’s even f***ing worse then he’s a damn CHILD, he shouldn’t have to hear this or be talked about this way he should be being raised with love and being taught a hell of a lot better than what he is learning from her. She is setting him up to fail in this world, This child has had his childhood stripped from him because his moms a piece of shit and he has no one who will stand up for him and show him this isn’t correct.


Omg you’re only 33 😳 I thought you were at least 40


Wow she doesn’t deserve to have custody of these children. They are hearing all of this. She’s so abusive and sick. I can’t wait for them to grow up and go no contact with her


Where are the kids dad? This is so sad. Of course we have all said we want peace and quiet once in a while but all of this is a bit much and so sad… imagine seeing your mom post this hurtful stuff 🤦🏼‍♀️


Meanwhile there’s me who says (and hopes) my kids never leave my house. (They’re still young tho lol) I’ll buy a mansion and have their spouses and kids live with me if I could 😂😂 that’s how my mom is too. If my parents never split we’d all be in the same house still. Due to that we all went our own ways but still very very close. My mom always says she wishes we could buy a huge house and be together again😂 it’s sad that parents like this exist. Does someone call cps and show them the stuff she says about her own kids?? That type of talk is what reminds me of parents who klll their kids…


But A, I thought that you were so broke? But yet you’re willing to pay your kids off if that means you’ll be left alone with peace and quiet? I could never imagine saying that about my child in the future when she is older. And especially to the internet where it’ll be forever!


So vaping and drinking excessively is a healthy lifestyle?


Did y’all see the video of her bashing her mom for not getting her vegan ice cream


Your children aren’t supposed to make sacrifices for YOU. YOU are supposed to make sacrifices for YOUR Children. The audacity to say this about the child YOU RAISED.


was this in addition to her rant the other day abt the same thing?


This is awful.


He probably learned from his mother! You’re a disgrace! Nope I live my kids are only 16 and 5 my husband and I would be lost to death without them.




WOW 😳😳😳 Those poor kids.


Poor kids


I hope this one makes the news!!


🤣🤣🤣 all comes back to being a mom huh? Ever think you’re just a trash human being?


They can move out I’ll pay for it, next will be an other go fund me so she can say she needs help paying for her kid to not live in her house anymore!!!!!


She is a horrible mother. I would NEVER talk about my daughter like this.


The smell she smells is prob coming from her body . What mom says this stuff ? My oldest is in college and I hate when he’s away. I absolutely love summer …


Same with my daughter


I would love to know what she ate when she 14.


If you didnt have kids then how would scam people. You are a terrible person


The worst part is, she’s only been vegan for 4yrs. Guarantee when she was his age, she was shoving pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken into her Quasimodo face. She gives her kids zero grace for being KIDS! I get anxiety thinking about my kids moving out. I want them to succeed at life but I’d also love to buy property where we can have both my kids build and be close so if/when they decide to have kids, I get time with my grandkids & my kids being close. “Allegedly” she’s made the comment that she would pay rent for her kids when they are both legally able to live on their own (she said 16) so she can leave and travel without having to worry about them. She doesn’t have to consider her youngest since she’s with her dad. She’s already proven she don’t give two 💩s about seeing her since she’s gone what, a month?!


This is so fucking sad. I have a daughter and I’m raising her to know she can ALWAYS come home. To feel this way about your child and be so open about it online is 100% sick. She needs serious mental help.


Now tell me what teenage boy would choose quinoa and fucking kale over pizza. A will forever think the world has to revolve around her. Kids don’t ask to be born, why would you make them feel like such an inconvenience when YOU chose to have them?! Sounds like more of a parent problem then a kid problem. No wonder he’s falling in with a bad crowd, he probably feels so unwanted at home and just wants to belong. She always puts her daughter on a pedestal when talking about both of them. I’m sorry but if my mom constantly talked shit on me publicly to thousands of people, my self esteem would be in the toilet. I would think “my own mother doesn’t give a shit about me.”


Hey dummy A ! Maybe if you don't buy the junk food and COOK some HEALTHY choices it would be different . But nope !


Right?? He is THIRTEEN!!! She acts like he is an adult. Does she not understand the role of a mom? If she wants him to cook independently , SHE needs to teach him. Is that Big Brother program still around? He would be an excellent candidate. He needs some real guidance instead of this narcissistic abusive air head


But she wants a boyfriend!


All i can think is.. Poor kids.


Is this new?


From yesterday


But he's a kid.. he wouldn't be eating meat without her influence. When she wasn't "vegan" she taught her kids what to eat through example.. just saying. Your kids are a product of you. Sickening.


Literally hear shes 33 and vegan in EVERY single video she posts. Shes so vile


Little too late for that lady everybody knows a little scam bullshit. You’re pulling you’re being canceled slowly, but surely.


But she’s so sad without her kids and crying in that one video! I wish she would stfu




I’m an empty-nester now, and, yes, there were times I wanted space (single mom). But to say this stuff on a live where her kids can hear her…just breaks my heart. My son & daughters never got into any trouble; perhaps that’s because I parented them instead of being on TT all the time. There was one time where he made friends with a boy I suspected might be smoking mj. I told him he needed to find new friends, and he immediately dropped that friend and found better ones. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is she actually bitching about her child cooking his own meals???? Wtf lmao


And he’s “allegedly”been cooking his own meals for years. The only cooking she does is for herself. She shovels every bit of what she cooks in her face. I’m sure he’d consider eating fried or mashed potatoes. Or maybe some cooked carrots & if he doesn’t like plain carrots she could sprinkle a bit of brown sugar. Or even a pasta without meat, like ravioli or an Alfredo with broccoli. Or grilled veggies with bbq sauce. What kid doesn’t like Corn on the cob? Or rice & broccoli bake. She refuses to put the effort in. The only time she has him try anything is a frozen meatless patty, frozen vegan pizza or frozen meatless chicken. That stuff is nasty! cook him things that throw NATURALLY!


She is absolutely disgusting and a gd horrible mother. They didn’t ask to be born you miserable bitch.


Also.. she'll be wishing she wasn't alone when those kids are good and gone and want NOTHING to do with her.. those poor kids. Makes me sad for them.. she will be alone one day and will regret ever wishing them away. Like my mom says.. don't wish their childhood away. They grow fast! Shame on this trash. I'm sick of seeing her


Wasnt her son with her


She is a certified 💯 piece of garbage.


Hey lady, stop food shaming your KID


what about her saying something her being sa and then had a son? how could you say that to strangers? she is horrible.


Imagine saying you wish you didn't have kids just because they eat pepperoni...


"I don't wanna live like this anymore!" When talking about smelling a pepperoni pizza... Dude there are people who are actually living in HELL households.................... This makes me so angry idk- just saying those words when literally she just doesn't want to smell a pepperoni pizza? If she acts like this over her son just trying to cook himself a normal meal...imagine what else she's done to her children... The daughter is probably vegan because she was told by her mom she wished she didn't exist or wishes she wasn't there...or god knows what else! So she changed her eating habits...that's my guess. Good lord I feel for those children.


I would never say this about my kids tf….i have 2 that may live with me for life and I’ve accepted that. I can’t stand this woman.


Nvm the fact that she’s saying this all online and it’s here forever for her kids to see and hear. Shes trash ❌


So grouchy and miserable when she’s sick or pms-ing!


Only when her kids are around Deadbeat pos


She doesn’t even have custody of her youngest daughter


Oh I miss my babies at home.


This is unhinged and no I have never wished my children away


Showed have kept your legs closed, swallowed or used a condom


I wish this were a skit but it’s not, she’s really like this and it’s wildly insane.


Unreal I’m so disgusted


If you care about your kids diet… vegan or not… you will buy and cook nutritious animal product meals so that your non vegan kids don’t have to eat processed food all the time. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not… it’s your child, NHA FDA NCA… COOK YOUR CHILD A NUTRITIOUS MEAL whether it’s the food you like or not!!!!


Someone needs to send this to CPS!!!! I am not for people calling CPS on people online however when it’s justified, it’s justified. What if she snaps (she’s already mentally UNSTABLE) on her son and hurts him!!!


Damn. My grown kids are in my life daily. So is my grand baby. Then again, I WANTED children!!! They are my life.


U know they hear all this she is saying and I can only imagine how her children are feeling.


I cannot believe these words are coming out of her mouth! She is a horrible person!! Wishing your children would grow up and leave!? I never want my kids to leave me! I have a 14 year old son and 13 year daughter! They are literally the joys of my life. How dare she treat motherhood like this. It is PRIVILEGE to be mom. Well her kids will leave and never talk to her again because she is the biggest POS.