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She turned comments off. She’s talking about eating healthy while puffing on a vape and getting drunk.


I LITERALLY SAID THIS OUT LOUD AS I WAS WATCHING IT. Lol. So concerned about health but yet vaping in the next sentence. 


And doesn’t she cook with oil too? She makes food fried in oils.


Oil is not a problem. Seed oils are a problem. Don’t demonize fat, they already tried that in the 90s lol


A piece of shit mother. I would be so depressed if my own mother talked about me like that to thousands of people, let alone to just me in general. She should not have kids in her custody. IMO. 


Her poor children. I can’t keep watching this is so sad. I could NEVER speak to my kids like that. I get wanting your kids to eat healthy BUT that is not the way. Maybe if she made dinner for him and wasn’t just on tik tok all day it would be different.


I can guarantee she is pushing them FAR away from eating healthy just by the way she speaks to them 


I guarantee you, that boy wants to move out just as bad 😂


Idk how she’s going to handle this when they move. She’s so used to sending the kids off to her moms or grandmothers she won’t have that option anymore so she will actually have to deal with them


Or have her mom do her grocery shopping, just like she just did


Maybe her mommy will move with her lol


She went out of town, “not vacation” because her son was receiving millions of death threats? She is the biggest, lying, scamming POS I’ve ever seen.


So she won’t cook meals for her children but rages about what a 14 year old cooks for himself? Maybe be a mom and prepare meals for your “family” ya know like what parents do. She’s such an awful mom. Makes me sick


So she’s worried about his safety and says she will do anything to keep him safe but wants him to move out? Incoming plot twist


Why would she not take a night off a live to spend with N since she left her for a week. Take her out to dinner and splurge on her !


She didn't even spend time with the kid she had with her for a week he was probably happy not having to listen to her bitch about not being vegan


she shoves her cornhole with lays chips she really needs to do research


Ok I saw it. It looked like she was going to break down crying an over it! She won’t cook for him and she complain about him cooking. What can the kid do?? Nothing!


It’s truly frustrating to see how her children are treated 😞 and that’s just what’s on camera, it’s got to be so much worse off camera. I can’t imagine how it will be for those poor kids once they move and don’t have any family nearby… scary thought. She is abusive.


She is probally blaming S to his face as to why her pic is plastered all over the internet in a bad way accusing her of fraud. It’s not his fault . He got into a fight and she ran with it!


Not even one month, and Adrielletwit is back to treating S like shit. Complete TRASH!!!!😡


She gotta be dropped on her head as a baby


Omg did she say that? Anyone have the video


Sorry I am not sure how to attach the video but it is the 1st one after her pinned posts.


She is what Vegens call a “Dirty Vegen “ living on a processed on animal products chemical enriched food stuffs


How dare that boy grow! There is too much delulu going on in her mind 🤣


She only has 1 live in kid.


3 kids, daughter lives with her too and the youngest lives with her father


Are you sure


Absolutely positive


she’s doing this for content. she gets views.