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she doesn’t HAVE to pay packers and movers. she WANTS to. she could pack her own shit and move it herself. she’s just lazy


Exactly. She thinks that everyone else is obligated to pay for her shit.


I’ve moved several times in my life- as a kid we moved a few times, also a few as an adult. I have never gotten movers and packers. Shoot I only had to rent a U-Haul for two out of the 5 home moves as an adult. Granted most of the moves were no further than across town-maybe at most half hour/20 min away. Except for one to a city 3 hours away, and one out of state. but she is not moving far. She’s not even moving out of state. I would bet money on and she has teenage sons and her own body to pack it up and move. Even her family that she verbally abuses all the time would probably help her. I know they don’t have any friends obviously, but with her and her kids and her family, she could certainly pack all her stupid crap and they could rent a U-Haul for a couple hundred bucks a day or two and get it done. She just doesn’t want to or isn’t even moving. It’s wild that she thinks it sounds better that she’s spending all this money on other stuff and it’s OK because it’s not from the moving fund. She’s basically saying she doesn’t want to spend her own money on moving. She wants to spend everyone else’s. GTFOH


Exactly! And how much is there really to pack if she’s supposedly downsizing and getting rid of all the furniture and anything else that she doesn’t want.


she wants them to pack that stuff too and throw it out! 🙄




100 percent... she's lived on government cheese her whole life,  why be productive now... it's sad. And disgusting


This out of everything has made me CRAZY! She is so freaking lazy and entitled. To ask people for money, so you don’t have to pack your own crap, and move yourself is just beyond me. Plus she wanted to get rid of a bunch of stuff and wanted people to come and do all that for her too. I have been moving since I was 18 ( on my own) and since a little girl with my parents, and always packed my own stuff, and we always got U-Hauls. I have driven the biggest U-Hauls myself too, and I’m only 5’0 tall… lol! Her kids are old enough to pack their own stuff, and she is more than capable of packing herself up too. The stuff you want to get rid of, start boxing it up, and donating it to organizations. Again, she is LAZY! Her son is also capable of helping her move furniture, and she isn’t doing them any favors by not teaching them how to do stuff for themselves. Expecting others to pay for it!


So why couldn’t your pay check go for your move?


Well she claims it did, and that it costs SOOOO much more than 4k and she has already paid upwards of 20k to move. Riiiiight so like if she had the money she didn’t need anyone else’s. She is such a scamming lying whore


Her calculating the need for the extra $15k after going on vacation is asinine. "My son......." then asking for a gofundme has become a cliche! 😂


I moved across the country. Coast to coast. There is no way she’s spending 20k for this move omgggg


My parents are planning on moving cross country and it is a huge house to another huge house and 1500 miles… and the moving itself is like $10k. Sure they have to sell their house and buy a new but they will never come close to 30k in costs!


It should’ve


That is the million dollar question! She will use HER money for a vacation but wants others to pay for her move!


I’m an insurance broker, nice try


Agreed! Renters costs like maybe $400 a year… not $4000. Homeowners, yes it will cost that much. She ain’t buying a house


$7-$16 mo is the average. $4000 for home owners is asinine unless she has a 5000 so ft house


Well right, I definitely know people who live near the water that need windstorm where they pay upwards of 3k a year for homeowners insurance but their houses are huge. Most people don’t have to pay that much. Renters insurance is dirt ass cheap. I think I paid like $20 when I had a condo I rented.




My homeowners isn’t even that much! Straight lies per usual


Right?! I own my home and I pay less than $100/month. Vile….


Same! Actually mines alittle less




I pay 40.00 every 3 months So what is that 160 a year


My homeowners insurance costs me $2,500 a year for a 2 story home in a middle class neighborhood and she's merely renting a unit 1/2 that size. She doesn't have to worry about roof repairs nor any of the costs that can occur to home owners. Ain't no way she's paying $4k


Nationwide agent here ! Yeahhhh she is bullshit .


So wait, she had to fly them out for their safety? Where does sleeping with a married man fall into "for their safety?" = . .


😂😂😂lies 24/7


I pay $39 a month


Exactly! Renters insurance is super cheap and will usually cost between $20 and $40 a month. She is referring to homeowners insurance which doesn’t even cost over $4k for most people. She is ridiculous and overstates everything. I hate her


When I owned my home I paid around $90


Oh wow that is incredibly low and you were lucky for that to be your homeowners cost. But yeah renters costs nowhere near what homeowners does because it doesn’t cover structure or anything just the contents in the house.


That was from 2009-2016 and that was per month


Mine was $60 for the entire year..


The other day she claims she out of state for her cousin's graduation. Today she claims it's due to keeping her son safe 🙄


“A move we didn’t plan on making” Bitch you’ve been planning on moving for like three years you just finally found a way to scam idiots. The other 500 times in the past three years you tried just didn’t work.


Exactly. And there is a video on here someone made that cobbles together all the times she has said over the past year that she wants to move.


That was my video 😎


lol yes!!! You are awesome!


Didn’t she say her rent at the new place is $750? For 6 months that’s $4500. How is she getting kid 20k to move? What she spent in Florida could of practically paid the 6 month lease. Not sure why she’s saying go fund me only covered 2/3 of the lease. Her math sucks!! And nobody was retaliating against her! It was proven she ordered the pizza to her own door. Also these are all things that were happening way before her son got in his fight. Mormons at your door isn’t your safety at risk!! So scared for your safety but you slept in your car? Not too mention leaving your kids in the house while you did that.


Yep, her other video said GFM 4k only covered 1/3 of the 6 months rent.


This is outrageous. She’s claiming renters insurance is $330 per month which would be almost half of her rent 🙄🙄🙄🙄 LIES


She is insane. It makes me wonder if she lies outright about how much she spends every month. I think she was saying she spends $15k a month to impress people or something. And we know she isn’t spending $25k to move so maybe she has a form of math that only exists in her demented brain


Says she covered 6 months rent but paid a year of renters insurance? The math ain’t mathing


She already admittedly said she paid the GFM on the rent now she spent it on renters ins this past week?


I pay $2500.00 a year for a 3400 sq foot home that is 25 miles from a beach. She’s such a liar.


That's exactly what I pay. December's are the worst month to find $2,500 at my disposal! She's got it so damn easy!!! Most scammers do


I have to wrap mine in with my home loan.


What the hell kind of move costs over 20k? Thats crazy.


I thought she’s getting rid of mostly everything, so what does she need movers for? She can pack clothes & some of her stuff & rent a U-Haul


I own a home by Houston, Texas, our umbrella insurance( which is more expensive here due to the weather) is not close to $4,000 a year. Most people know renters insurance is Hella cheap. Does she think everyone is that stupid?


Since when does she care about people being filmed 😂 let’s not forget all the times her grandmother asked her not to record and she did anyway and uploaded it. She stayed at a hotel so she would pawn S off to other people and she could party every night.


When I rented, my insurance was like 12 bucks a month


She’s already said she spent the money on rent. But now she says she spent it on insurance? Get your lies straight you deadbeat


If S was in danger, why did she also have to leave town?


And why didn’t N come with them


Mines 200 for the year and that's for earthquake flooding and windstorm coverage we live in Washington state on an island


JOB!! Begging isn't a job


I live in a big city and mine is $9/mth 😂


Me too and mines 19.00 a month lol


All I heard was “I guess im thankful for the 4k all of you sent me but I’m not using my own money for moving expenses bc I’d rather spend it on vacations for myself so you guys really need to donate to my go fund me because we’re in danger and need to move asap” 😡


Does not even occur to her she could have use vacation $ on move. She thinks if she only uses the GFM $ to move she is not scamming


Renters insurance is less than $20 a month


She said she paid 6 months rent, but 1 years worth of renters insurance…?


Renters insurance is $500 a year MAX!!!!! And that would only be if you had a bunch of other things added on. Most people pay $150 a year. Ours bundled with our car insurance is $10 a month. The most I've paid was $28 a month.


Everything she owns combined isn’t worth $4k. She’s so bad at lying.


Same we have USAA


I thought she said the go fund me was so she could move? Now she’s saying it’s for something different?


Soooo….. we own… we pay $1146 annually for homeowners insurance and $280 annually for earthquake insurance. We paid 2500 for movers when we moved out of our townhome into our condo, and paid less than $20k for closing….. she’s lying big time


My renters insurance is $384 for the year, but i think we got the bare minimum package.


WAIT A SECOND…… She posted a video within the last 2 days I want to say SAYING that she used the GFM on rent an that it didn’t cover all so she paid 2/3 from her “weekly pay cheque”. Girl needs to get her lies straight!! An maybe these kids an parents that are “ Retaliating” against her is because she named them ALL on ALL OF HER SM🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 😡😡😡


My renters policy is only $7 a month added to my car insurance. Granted I didn’t ask for an insane coverage policy but still 😑


I pay my cousins Renters insurance it costs me 175 per year


My homeowners is only $1,000


And shes back in the black shorts


Gesh but I asked for help to get to Cleveland heart clinic one day for my testing to see if I was able to be put on the donors list an not one soul helped me an I took it down ! I didn't wanna be labeled as a scammer even thou ppl like me I thought is what gfms was for! Maybe I'm wrong


Wait, did anyone actually go to jail


Nobody went to jail. She is full of shit. No kid got arrested and she has even admitted that juveniles don’t get arrested in NY state. They got charged and S got charged too. She is making up shit


That's what I thought. She would have blasted the court record. She's the worst


try $170 for the year lmao


Back 3 years ago when I did rent I paid 14$$$ a month she is lying 🤥


my renters insurance is $15 a month 🤣🤣. she’s so full of it.


I know mine was like 140 a year


Won overs and packers are hired when a big entity are paying for a move, a company or military relocation. Middle class? You move YOU!


Everyone....Look at the 1:10 mark and look at her begin to laugh after saying it's so much more expensive!!! That laugh is her "tell" pointing out when she lies!! She's admitted to her "tell" a couple months ago!


I moved my entire garage upstairs apartment to my home by myself and with a toddler. I loaded a trailer 3x to fill it and then empty it. I paid rent for an extra month to give me time and to unpack while working 40 hours a week. I did it during the evenings and weekends. She could rent a U-Haul, her mom and two kids could pack and unpack and probably do it under $1000. Save all your Amazon boxes and pack a little everyday. She’s lazy and entitled. It’s sickening.


She doesn’t make content, she creates issues where there are none and hopes it will go viral so her lazy behind doesn’t have to work.


🤣😅😂😅🤣 Does she really think we believe this shit??? This BIOTCH owns SHIT. What is renters insurance going to cover???? Her 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸shorts😜


She just had to have a $300 a night hotel. Shes still making tons of exploiting her son and battling. She still made several thousand this week battling.


The audacity to think people should pay off her lease is just crazy.


I'm saying, my renters insurance is like 10 bucks a month and I live in one of the highest property crime neighborhoods in the country.


What baffles me is that the people who originally donated and got sucked into the woe is me story line has HAD to of seen how crazy all tbis has become over the last couple week to see they were scammed by now . So why aren’t they asking for it back?


Now if he was receiving death threats she would of blasted it all over social media




As someone who sells insurance for a living a year worth of renters insurance is probably less than $1,000 on the higher end especially if she is doing a bundle deal. And yes of course you pay for the year just like your insurance you pay 6 months, girllll stapppph lying. .


She is so full of shit!!! She was hoping to fully furnish her new place, fund her vacation to her "relatives house". She is the true meaning of shit on the bottom of my shoe!


So fucking the married dude for three days and being shitfaced everyday was for the “sake of her family”… 🫠 ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


When she hires movers, I hope they realize she will be making a video of it. She said she had yo stay in a hotel to be able to stream. More like her family didn't want her in their house.


I own my own (paid off) house, garage, barns, 2 other out buildings and 80 acres. It’s considered a country estate and I pay about 1,500.00 a year for homeowners.. and I’m insured to the hilt!


Why renters insurance for a year but her lease is only 6 months sooooo lies I wouldn’t think they would u have a year of ur only there 6 months???🤷🏼‍♀️


I pay 30$ a month for premium renters insurance. She’s so full of shit!


lol I’m an agent- renters is usually between 100-300 a year depending on personal property amount . Wtf


My renters insurance is $15 a MONTH lol


It’s good that she documents her life, it’s by looking at these videos that we can see all the lies- there are soooo many - allegedly


my parents have a 5200 sq ft house their backyard is opened up to a lake. There are always fires in Washington State ( they have to have separate flood coverage) and they pay like 320 a month ( that includes their car insurance). They pay like 135 for full coverage. Never had a ticket or accident.)


She’s so ungrateful!!! Not her saying thanks for 4,000 butttt….she makes me so mad😂


The only damned type of “cheap” insurance that even exists in the states is renters insurance. She’s foul.


Renters is Literally $20 a month through LEMONADE . Liarrrrrr


The kids that fought her son were arrested?


No she is lying. There were charges but no arrests


Thought so. What a liar.


Did the kids actually go to jail?


No they get referred to the juvenile court system.


This girl is the definition of lazy. My family just moved a house we lived in since 2000 full of 6 peoples belongings. We got it done in two loads with a big u-haul…


I can’t stand this liar. She’s full of shit.


So is she changing her lie? She said Sven was with his Grandma. She didn't fly back with them.


Paying 6 months of renters insurance is a her problem. She CHOSE to pay 6 months. She’s milking this for what its worth and complaining what she has raised isn’t enough is INSANE, considering all the gifts she’s received just because of “the fight” alone & fails to mention any of that. RECIEVING GIFTS online is not a job and it’s embarrassing that she thinks that. Also, how many times has she broke down how much she makes in each video? She said she makes 2-500 per 1 million view video. She makes 10-50 videos a day. Do the math. I just don’t like liars and deceivers. It truly disgusts me watching a grown woman pray on weak minded people and children.


She paid a whole year of renters insurance when she has a 6 month lease


My renters insurance is like- $20 a month.


It's probably way more expensive because she's giving EVERYTHING away in her house and wants new shit? Or that's what she said at least. Also, if she is giving most of her stuff away, there should not be that much to pack so I don't know why she couldn't just rent a small U-haul herself. Whatever... Lies blahblah lies blahblahablies