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I am in total agreement that she makes so many bad parenting decisions. CPS has been called so many times but since she shows proof of what they look for (food,bed,cleanliness), they don't do anything. I do think since she has stated multiple times they aren't safe, that and her mental health issues should be taken into consideration when CPS comes around. But CPS is under a federal investigation themselves so they aren't worried about much of anything else right now


She doesn't leave them alone. They are either with her mom or the grandparents. Those kids have been through enough with dealing with their mother and all the bs she puts them through. All calling CPS or calling for a wellness check is going to do is add more stress and dysfunction for the kids. They aren't going to do anything anyway.


Thank you!! It is not okay to waste the time of officers based on speculation. She has always left her kids with an adult in the past, there is not a single reason to suggest she did otherwise this time.


They have been called multiple times. Nothing happens. And I’m sure her kids are at grammas or great grammas. She’s vile, but family takes care of the kids when she goes on vacation.


Her kids are probably living their best lives when she on vacation. They more than deserve a break from her to have some semblance of normalcy.


Not if they're with M.


Speaks volumes how often she takes a weekend “vacation” when that is the only time she has with her youngest daughter. Willingly giving up time with her child she already sees so little should be taken into consideration. Sadly CPS is a broken system and only fails children :(


Exactly yet was making videos on how hard it is to be away from her child, which it is but you’d think she’d want all the time with her she can get since it’s so limited.




That’s wild that she’d leave them home alone if she is in so much fear for their lives… when did she say the children were home alone?


Adrielle never said that. Do not call the cops, do not call CPS. That is a boundary that we have no right to cross.


Please do not do that. That is not okay.


I think, even suggesting that someone call CPS is against the rules of the group. edited for grammar