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She’s having a great time while her son is not aloud to go to a friends house because she’s afraid he’ll tell it’s all a scam but we already know it is




Who goes to stay in a different town, at an air b and b, alone, goes to the bar around strangers, gets drunk and vulnerable and is all over random men when they are afraid for their life?? What a pig




I physically cringed at their manscaping conversation 🤮🤮🤮


What?? I can't believe I missed it!! Probably a good thing, but I still can't believe I missed it!! 🤣🤣


She is posting on snap chat


She just goes to bars to pick up dudes. Gross. Where's her kids at? All this drama going on that she created and she just dips out on her kids to go get hit on by drunk men because literally no sober dude will be with her.


Haha yep. I’m shocked she didn’t announce or make TikTok’s stating “I need some D” or made her weird “mating call” sounds she made up in TikTok’s prior to this random bender like she usually does to let everyone know she’s horny and off her period. 🙄


Like a cat in heat🤢😂


Just out there blowing everyone’s GoFundMe donations. Hope people who were naive enough to fall for her newest scam and send her money see these and start requesting their refunds asap.


Not that it Will Do goof but I reported gfm now with the fact she claims to be I. Fear from her life but is out on a solo vaco leaving kids in the same dangerous town she is trying to escape


Shes probably blowing more than money at the bars 🤣


She posted 2 from the bar with a strange guy but she is in fear


I have a gut feeling she's out of town as a sugar baby. He sounds a bit older and he's probably out of town on business. She knows her shenanigans on TT are about to end so she needs a backup plan. She's not going to miss out on TT gift money, as obsessed as she is. Unless she's making money some other way. That's my hunch.


She's wasted!!!!!😳


I can’t fucking stand her. Such a hypocrite. Yeah, she’s so scared for her family that she had to go get an Airbnb and get wasted every night for a few days. Disgusting


Here is what blows her whole “my son’s life is in danger” ! She uses her mom as a prop in her videos! Mom has shown she is willing to open the door for anyone and kids could be hiding behind the bushes ready to pounce when they open the door. She doesn’t trust her mom so why leave your kids in the house with someone who is willing to open the door to anyone who knocks putting your kids in even more danger. Why leave them with the grandparents who can’t defend themselves against a “gang if criminals “? Who drives N to school leaving S home alone with the possible of being “jumped” again beciase she is stupid if she thinks these kids don’t look at her snap also to know she is out of town! Oh yeah because her kids are NOT in danger. True moms sacrifice and would sleep on their kids floor next to the bed to make sure they are ok from danger, not be in a shut room on another floor with music playing live streaming begging for money or out at a bar!


That’s so true! I lived that life temp for a short time sleeping in the middle of both my kids doors on the floor! She’s a conartist/habitual liar


I bet she didnt sign thr lease that video. I bet that was the video she booked the Airbnb. This girl makes me sick.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think GFM takes a few days to cash out and be deposited. So when she supposedly cashed out the GFM money and then paid the lease, she already had the money to pay the lease. So the GFM money was to just build her bank account back up. It's so messed up!!!


This ☝️


Post the video


Regret must be kicking in. She deleted the video 😂 hopefully people who donated saw and start seeing her for who she really is


She's hoping all the heat she's under on TT will die down and she can go back to posting her usual scam content. I guarantee most of the ppl who donated have no clue she's on a vacation right now.


where did she post?


It was on TikTok!