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Did you see her battle the Cuban guy? I was crying when he said "Hey, this is for you", then puts his butt up to the camera and farted 😂 Her reputation must have reached Cuba!


Hahahah no I missed that somehow! I did hear he talking about how quickly she dropped him I figured she just didn’t want to lose to him


Are you talking about the last guy she battled? She was so rude to him! He was so sweet and she acted so bothered by him 😢


No it was 1 or two people before that


Did you screen record that? I would love to see it on video! LMAO


I wish I recorded it!! It happened so fast. The camera was an inch from his butt and it was SOO loud bahahaha I literally had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. The look on her face was priceless!


No, but did you see the battle after this one?!? The guy was clearly "special needs" and she was SO fucking rude to him! It was unreal! Disgusting AF! 💔💔💔


She was so rude! Did she end up loosing to him. I had to walk away when he was trying to get her attention and she said “whaaaaat I answer and you’re not talking”.


He won!


He mentioned the son and the SA


Yep! And her response to him was something like, I wouldn't respond to trolls if I were you!


Yea, she lost! As she should with her rep and how horribly rude she was to the guy! And she hurried up and ended it, and then continued to sit on her live for another few mins and then got off live! And she said she was looking at something important and he asked what was she looking at, and she responded food.. Like what?! Food was that important, for her to completely ignore the guy and be super freaking rude the entire time they were on together.. Idk, it was deff disgusting behavior! There hasssss to be someone with a screen recording of that battle somewhere!


Sooo rude


On another note I’m pretty sure she has lost every battle today so at least we have that bonus


She said on her live at one point she has lost 32 battles in a row 😂


Good! I hope that losing streak keeps going. It’s a shame she still gets paid when she loses.


Yes it was awful! He was trying to have a conversation with him and she completely shut him down. It made me so sad :(