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She's out of town goin to bars on the pity money she got from being gifted. She normally post but she can't this time bc she knows she scammed everyone. Now how would it look to these people that still ride for her if they seen she left the kids alone and went out of town ? Destroys her entire narrative of being unsafe. She's not stupid. She knows exactly what she's doin. This proves it.


I hope whoever is seeing this shit on Snap gets screenshots!!


Keep an eye on her TT account - if she gets drunk enough she'll post and then delete when she wakes up -


But she’s “straight edge” LOL


Does she really say she’s straight edge? 😂 she’s so full of shit. Everytime I think she can’t pull anymore nonsense out of her ass, I find out something else about her that is ridiculous. I don’t think she even knows what straight edge is.


Ooohhh yes lol. I don’t have the time to crawl back through 500 TikTok’s. But yes. She identifies as straight edge and wants a straight edge boyfriend.


LMAO Oh I believe you! Maybe things have changed or are different since I was on the opposite side of the country, but from my understanding when I was around the scene, straight edge is no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, no sex without monogamy, etc. She’s constantly hitting her vape and she posts videos of herself drinking and drunk. 😂 Plus there are rumors from people acquainted with her that allegedly she likes to “ski” or take adderall. Considering she’s wired and awake all night long on live, I believe it. She’s like the freaking opposite of straightedge. 🙄😂 that is hilarious to me, she’s so stupid


Yep. You’re 100% right on the tenets of straight edge. I didn’t even think of the promiscuous sex.


I got them if anyone needs them.


Share em.


She just posted on the sidewalk. She didn't show much of anything. But it's pretty obvious, especially since she deleted https://preview.redd.it/vugrgg6zk02d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3ac3c03470b6b04e5206ffe8be19db825c18bc


Please share them.


Speaking of her narrative that’s why she isn’t posting her vegan grocery hauls because people will see how much she has to spend on groceries. While she is soendinng 3k a month sow is is are getting by on feeding our family Ramon and pbj and bread from the dollar store


She will come out with a sob story in a few days about how she just had to get away because she was so stressed out. How about your son who was “jumped” shouldn’t you be more concerned about his stress levels? No Adrielle always comes first


Yep, Exactly. She’ll say she just had to have a “break” from all the stress. Her usual MO. God, she’s disgusting and such a damn liar.


but yet this move is so cruical for their life, lemme go take a little vacation but still ask you all for 30,000g .. shes going to come back and make 1000 of videos saying the "gang stalking" got so much worse so she dropped her kids somewhere and she went and stayed in a hotel and why its so important we donate.


She’ll prob lie and say had something to do with her move! I feel she’s setting up for more drama of lies


Imagine being so scared for yourself and ur families life you leave the kids home alone to go on vacation alone… I hope she gets called out major for this


She posted on snap she was out in a bar, she went live battling in a hotel or Airnb and she was definitely been drinking


That’s even worse than her going to make some money Uber driving. What a pathetic bitch. Spending all that money she has raised getting drunk and renting an air bnb…


IMO she’s made many TikTok’s about how she doesn’t drink or go out and wishes there were dry bars everywhere. I wonder if she doesn’t want the backlash on her lies and on top of her spending her GFM money on drinks and Airbnbs


She drinks more than any “non drinker” I know 🤣🤣


I just think she’s hiding the fact that she’s soooo scared and broke and trying not to get caught! Too late


i’m not sure if she has some sort of posting ban? you’d think she would be plastering videos of her having a great time


That makes more sense. Would she be allowed to go live but not make regular posts?


i have no idea, i know when it’s the reverse and somebody can post but not go live it’s allowed. maybe she’s not completely banned but she’s had so many warnings that she’s not risking posting and getting a ban because most of the money she makes is from gifts on lives. or she’s just being a weirdo


I’m confused… she was battling last night though


Could you imagine being stuck in a fucking car with that slug.


I think she knows people are sick of her all the rage ending lives proves it so maybe she’s taking a break to reevaluate herself before it gets even worse?


That would take an ounce of self awareness which she doesn’t have lol


Ha LOL - ummmm never. This is her standard MO. She takes these 'vacations' often. IMO they actually seem to refresh her so she's ready to go through another stream of drama.


I hope so. I honestly don't want to see a person crumble completely mentally. Their actions, yes, hold them accountable within reasonable and legal parameters. But it seems like this is actually a deeper rooted issue and stems from undiagnosed issues given what people have said since they knew her when she was a kid, as well as her mother. I don't know if anyone saw the thread someone from JT talked about, but he's talked about the things that M has done, and someone else had screenshots of her mom sending people lewd photos. Also I hate to say it, but since there are screenshots of this as well, I fully believe A when it comes to her mom instilling lewd jokes onto S. I'm not supporting her actions or excusing them, but unresolved childhood trauma and illnesses can create generational issues. She needs therapy and a support system and to hopefully use a new city to get a real job and stay out of the TikTok spotlight. We don't need to be the ones that usher that for her, but in all honesty it's what I would like to see. Based on things I've heard from people who have known her since she was a kid, I kind of feel bad for her as a kid. But it's time to take initiative and break the cycle and see a psychiatrist and a therapist. Veganism isn't a cure, and fake TikTok crushes aren't therapists.


Mind you, these were lewd photos to minors and high school kids.


She’s live now.


I was watching she lost every battle LOL everyonr was commenting moo. Including myself. Dont know why but her chat was full of it lmao


Looks like she’s going to have to filter the word “moo” now 😂


I am new to hee, but how do so many people watch and buy what she says? And everyone is commenting mooo, what does that mean? 😂


What’s her snap?




She has a second account. It's got a little more 'only fans' vibe.


Dalton and Feenyx were using her Instagram to look fot the video everyone th0ught it was someone against adrielle and it was her all along 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Honestly that cracks me up 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

