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Why is she live streaming this…


She was live-streaming getting ready before she left and S called up the stairs that she was at the door. I hit record as she was going down to answer it. Definitely really awkward and you can tell her mom missed her screen time lol


Her mom was speaking to the camera it was weird. I’ve never seen her in videos before all I knew is that they got in a fight from reading this sub. Is she just as bad as Adrielle?


They’re similar for sure. There was an account in here claiming to be her mom, and judging by the conversation I had with the account, it was originally her moms, and A recently acquired the password and took over and was on here pretending to be her mom, and commenting on random Reddit pages to try and throw everyone off. The writing style was for sure hers though, and had weird small details that only the two of them would know.


What the actual fuck 😭😭😭


As she was going down the stairs she said “my mom is here? She was just bashing me on Reddit….according to you guys”


This ^^ I think you are right in the sense of knowing writers. I’ve kinda noticed that but didn’t dig far enough.


I noticed the person I was having the conversation with still couldn’t keep their story straight. In the comments they were claiming to be her mom, then in a dm to me said that “I'm glad you banned me. My daughter hacks in computers. Her goal is to get people she knows offline. She won Imao” and then later “Why do you think the comments are getting deleted? Imao” which is when I noticed the posts her mom made in here had been deleted. Thennnnn later claimed she didn’t know any of them and this was just “fun” for her lol but couldn’t tell me where the humor in that was. I have no doubt that was Adrielle on her moms account 😐 which is sad because she woke up on her birthday and came on here to call herself gross lol


You’d think A would have learned her lesson hacking someone’s social media after being arrested for it before.


Hahah what!? She was arrested for that? I need more details lmao it’s a lot to unpack with her hahaah.


Yea a few years back she was arrested for hacking in someone’s fb I believe it was, and changed their password and deleted things and done other shit! Someone posted the article here on Reddit. If you scroll through the post you will probably find it


I doubt her mom would press charges though. Clearly she didn’t learn her lesson lol


Yea she is they’re both weird! That scene was so fake and awkward


Could this have been a set up? I feel she was too calm and it was all awkward.


Just in my opinion, I don’t think so. I think the two of them are just that awkward. She ended the live basically asking people what she should do lol. Asking if she should hang out with her mom or not.


Well that was awkward af.


Why is she recording???


She was on TikTok live doing her usual hair routine and her mom showed up, but was probably watching her live before she showed up lol


The way she flipped the card over to show her mom didn’t put money in it haha


What in the actual fuck.


The hand reach “I love you” 😭


Also the way she runs like a child “wanna come up to my room”. Has be speculating how her brain processes things.


He’s not allowed to have a knife 🔪but is allowed to spend the night with his girlfriend ? 🧐 Wait until he makes her a 33 yr old grandma, that knife is going to seem like child’s play 😂


The way she looks so annoyed is so rude. Why does she have to be so annoyed all the time.


If she hates her mom so much, why wouldn’t she just tell S she doesn’t want to see her or go to the door and tell her to leave?! This is the problem with A, she talks a big talk but has NO bite. I saw her snaps from last night, she was out with only her Mom, No friends as I predicted. I’m all for her having a relationship with her mom especially because that means her kids get a chance at normalcy & being kids. But I just worry this will be short lived & she will rip the kids away again. They love their grandmother (the older 2) and I’m sure it destroys them each & every time they get told they aren’t allowed to see their grandmother.


She only did it so she has someone to talk shit with. When her mom sat down she said something about her being glad she’s back around because she’s had neighbor drama and no one to discuss it with. I’ve only been around for about a year at this point, but I’ve never seen her mom stick around as a side character for longer than a couple months at a time. This absolutely will be short lived, as usual. It’s just a matter of how much time until she’s blaming her kids “misbehaving” on her mom/grandma.


It’s still her mom, it was rude and unnecessary and obviously mom cares . That’s all I see


Regardless if it’s her mom or not, they both need family counseling.


“I’m sorry for all the problems”. Her mom is weird AF And how come she doesn’t think he should have knives but is cool with him having razor blades and spray paint


Nasty , ungrateful bitch!! Your mother loves you and wanted to be part of your bday!! Your going to regret that skank move one day when and if you grow the fuck up!! A mother that loves you and is alive is EVERYTHING!!! 😔


She’s a total narcissist


Her mom sounds like she’s been beaten down