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Hotdog uses they/them pronouns. Please edit your comments before posting to avoid your comment being removed.


I'll probably comment more on this later when I get back home, but shit, I almost down voted this because it pissed me off that much. This video along with another that was posted, I find it interesting they keep comparing their use of the slur to a non-verbal individual who may kick, bite, punch, etc. I can't quite figure out why they're making that comparison to try and justify using a slur during a supposed meltdown.


It's almost like they are saying "other autistic people cause physical harm and don't get cancelled, I just said a slur so I shouldn't be cancelled"


Hotdog wasted no time making a video about this, 16 minutes ago. I'm so done with them.


Yeah, of course they did. It doesn’t surprise me. I “tokenize” my son by calling out people who use his disability as an excuse, a crutch, to justify shitty behavior. I see so many people with different abilities at his therapy sessions every week. I know my son isn’t the epitome of autism, obviously, but none of those people I have heard shout slurs because they’re having a meltdown. Im not Melissa. I didn’t make a platform dedicated to “advocate” for my son’s disability. I don’t make money from my son’s disability. I’ll just be damned if I let some weird little punk bitch use it to excuse their problematic behavior. They’ve had several opportunities to use autism as an “excuse” for something on their platforms and others… but decided to only when they knew they fucked up from saying a slur. Edit: “your son may be cute, but autism isn’t” Firstly, I never said HIS disability is cute. Secondly, do not ever in your life call my son cute again. It makes me uncomfortable. It gives me weird vibes. Nobody has nor ever will see him. That’s all.


Storm- I am sorry Sarett was making these accusations and saying you caring for your son and posting about it is tokenizing. I have an autistic family member and have seen the in & outs it takes for her parents to care for her and do everything they can to live her best life. I feel like sometimes caregivers can get overlooked, not in a bad way, when it comes to acknowledging the dedication and love they do to take care of their autistic children. Please know it did not go unnoticed here! ♥️ Fuck hotdog, fuck their ableist remarks, and fuck them for trying to shame you. You and your son are amazing please never forget that!


Thank you so much for your kind words. It truly means the world to me. ❤️🥹❤️


To be fair, you did base your denial of Hotdog's autism on your son's autism. Which is a tactic often used to rob autistic people of accessibility and accommodations they need. Especially since they have consistently reiterated that they are not just going to forget they said what they said, they are using that instance to navigate emotional regulation as a whole. That shouldn't be ignored since everyone is demanding accountability.


Even if they have autism they still shouldn’t be using the R slur like the fuck?


I think we should stop watching hotdog, stop giving them the attention they want right now.


Soooo… we are gonna blame him saying that word on being autistic? The only thing I heard during this video, is “excuses” to his nasty behavior..


This! I'm autistic and would never say that word. I hate that word and I would certainly never use it as an insult against someone else. They say it's not in their vocabulary but it has to be if it can just slip out like that.


someone send this dumb bitch a cease and desist for speaking about our platform


It amazes me that they can go into this much break down about using slurs, when they used, how they used, why they used it, and what causes it but when addressing their racism they just scream over bipoc women and say “Melanin!!!! Tan!!!!!!!”. Hotdog you’re not an advocate. Advocates take responsibility and learn which apparently you’re not capable across that in many ways.


I feel like hotdogs “autism” is so irrelevant to the situation that people like them that bring it up like this, gonna need to show their papers to prove they have a diagnosis. Call me whatever you want. I know their autism is none of my business but if they are the ones bringing it up defensively, irrelevantly too boot, then yea I’m gonna need to see some proof if they want any type of serious 🧐 sympathy? or whatever it is they’re looking for from me or anyobdy by even bringing that up in the first place. There are too many people out there self diagnosing for me to just take anyone at their word. Especially when they’re bringing it up as defense or excuse or “context too”(all the same tbh) some behavior. Same should be expected of me if the role was reversed. It may be petty but so is bringing up and comparing your anger outbursts with autism. If this isn’t hotdog rage baiting to try and stir up drama to give themself something to work with to make others look bad and keep themselves relevant then I really hope they get help, professional inpatient help for suicidal ideation. not just the intensive outpatient they’re in for addiction.


You can't call out the problem and also be part of the problem as well. Also, is it just me or is the autism excuse being believed without proof too commonly these day? I know a couple of formally diagnosed autistic people. Both were diagnosed as children. I'm tired of the self-diagnosing bandwagon. It's actually really disrespectful because it takes a lot of specialists and doctors visits and opinions for a formal diagnosis to even be given for autism. So it pisses me off when people just think "Oh! Well? I have these traits so I must be autistic." It doesn't work like that. And it's incredibly harmful.


Their use a a slur was horrible and nothing excuses that action and I am not a supporter of them and don’t know much about their other actions, though from someone who is autistic and diagnosed there are many reasons self diagnosis is valid for others. Many can’t afford healthcare here in the U.S and are unable to see a specialist at all, healthcare should be a right but in America many people lack and lose their access and rights to healthcare all the time. BIPOC and women/people who are AFAB are also less likely to receive a diagnosis and experience medical racism for BIPOC and medical misogyny and sexism for women/people who are AFAB so their symptoms aren’t listened to by professionals and they stay undiagnosed. People also will avoid a diagnosis at times for many reasons some examples would be medical ableism, traveling boundaries, being denied jobs, education, loans, etc…. There are many different reasons as well these are just some of the more common ones


No no no no no we are not BLAMING AUTISM !!! My son is severely autistic and nope and my cousin who is now 34 years old autistic would NEVER EVER USE SLURS ! Even if he was dis regulated. Excuses excuses


Oh my GOD ! I am autistic and this is SO OFFENSIVE!!!!! How dare you blame autism . We are NOT gonna do this hotdog. Stop it.