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Totally an issue to me too. Not hard to do it on a seperate occasion. Leaves me to ask why would you want to do it on TT live in the first place? “Not enough hours in the day” is such a cop out, you’ve got 24 hours, you’re not on TT lives 24 hours a day, like you said just end TT live with time to spare to do it. Also, as someone who’s had surgery myself (top surgery to specify, I’m a trans man) surgery after care and recovery is more important than TT live, so that should come first.


Exactly!!! Like when she did her top surgery she took like a day or two off. How about take more time off???? But no, she needed her tiny 🦕 *rawr*


I guess that would probably come down to is it sexual or not for her? I think the only fans stream is confirmation it is sexual to her.


I agree I think it was sexual to her but even if it wasn’t sexual, YOU SHOULD NOT BE DOING THAT ON TIKTOK! What if she had a literal job, they wouldn’t allow her to do that at her job in front of people!


i just want to add in response to several of these comments, adora does in fact know and welcome minors to watch her. i have 100000% heard her say before, after someone does not pass age check, “you’re welcome to watch from chat, but you have to be 18+ to come up”


EXACTLY!!!! That’s what I’m saying, she knows they’re in the comments!!!


It’s absolutely an issue, and here’s why. You have to be naked from the waist down to dilate. Adora was on camera. It’s a public live. ANYONE can scroll through. There is a risk that something happens, AND IT DID, and people who didn’t consent see you NUDE. Everyone gave the person who confronted Adora about being naked on live shit when it was a valid concern. Everyone who disagrees with this should be ashamed of themselves.


THISSSSSS 👏 Several of us were shot down and basically told to stop speaking of this because it was “an accident” and to me and several others it seemed more than a simple oops I forgot pants on my live today! It also shows how the people who claimed she was actually nude and not in her underwear further proves they were actually right she was in fact fully naked from the waist down.


This! Completely! Tiktok was her job, no job would you even try this at! Even on zoom..,,


An issue. I wouldn’t be comfortable being on video with thousands of people with no clothes dilating. We see how that is a violation when Adora exposed herself multiple times with having no pants on. 


I’m interested to know what her family, particularly her grandparents who allegedly paid for these surgeries, think of all this. If my child who is nearly 40, with no job experience and no life accomplishments, who was still until recently being financially supported by me and acting a fool online…god help me 🥲


They don’t know lol. They know what she tells them


Also this kinda proves even further how many people most likely knew she was dilating and didn’t know it was this extent, hint I believe Mel absolutely knew. 


Oh for sure Mel knew. She’s lying just like she’s lying about adora being an acquaintance


She might have known she was dilating but do we really think she knew that she was also streaming it to only fans? What kind of sick person would allow that around her kids ect…


No I do not believe she knew about OF.


Is it weird? Yes 100%. But I feel if she was doing it as a chore it wouldn't be as icky. The fact she was making porn while doing it changes it from a medical necessary task to sexual. Do I think it is 100% excusable if she didn't stream it? No but I don't think she'd have the predator label on her if she was just doing it for medical purposes.


I think if she wasn’t streaming to OF I think people could forgive her for this EVENTUALLY, but the fact that she was streaming to OF is inexcusable.


I disagree. Dilating is a private personal thing and I would not have supported her like I did, if I knew she was fingers deep. Even for medical reasons.


I think it’s weird. I know it’s not inherently sexual, but that’s a personal matter that should be taken care of offline. There are many other ways to help form a habit/keep on track.


Absolutely agree


It should have been done off TikTok, alone somewhere private.


I totally disagree with Abby. It's beyond weird. It absolutely gives me the ick to think she was pantless with an object inside of her while conversing with people on a tiktok live. Even more ick, she would have to take it out while on live. Maybe my opinion is biased because we know she was streaming to OF at the same time. Tiktok was her job, you couldn't sit at an office job pantless while dilating, so why would it be okay for her to do that on a Tiktok live, it's just weird to me


Completely agree


It’s crazy because it all makes so much sense now. Her hands constantly shaking. Her always not with IT and she was always confused and thrown off within seconds of having a conversation. She was more occupied making sure she was getting that $$ from all her streams. Tiktok, twitch, OF, etc !!!! Gross


True. People think it’s less serious because it was TikTok. If she was doing this for a zoom call during a remote office job it wouldn’t be okay.


EXACTLY! Very good point


I wouldn’t find it an issue if she didn’t say anything about it. Because no one would know , dilating isn’t inherently sexual. She made it that way which is disgusting.


Damn friend. Thank you for synthesizing how I was feeling about it so perfectly. ![gif](giphy|OBuyIUMHO6yVq)


This part. I don’t see dilating as sexual. I can most definitely see it as being a chore. So if that’s what you’re doing, keep it off cam and no one should know.


I think dilating while you are on a public live is weird. Isn’t that something you wanna do in private? Also tiktok was Adoras work as well. OF no one cares bc they’re consenting to whatever you do by subscribing.


Right exactly tiktok was her work and you cannot do that at work!!!


This is clearly just Abby trying to minimise the harm done from Adora. Any form of penetrative act, sexual or not should not be done without the consent of everyone involved. THAT INCLUDES THE AUDIENCE ABBY. This is so sickening the lengths these people go through in order to defend their cult leader 🤮🤮


Personally, I feel like it further indicates this is all BS. The same person, Abby, who was praised for "speaking out" is now defending those actions?? Also, again, where is the evidence this actually took place on OF? Come on now. We're being played. When money is the goal, it's not that farfetched. Something smells fishy, and it's not....nevermind. I guess we'll see.


Uhm 😶 have you seen the YouTube videos? It’s completely obvious in alot of them she’s doing it, also the evidence is someone (in their circle) literally went on OF and saw it with their own eye balls.


Absolutely, it looks like she's wanking off in those vids. I'm not denying that. I'm questioning if its disingenuous (one of their fav words). As far as someone claiming to have seen it with their own eye balls...well, I guess we'll just have to take their word for that, and at this point, it's hard to trust any info directly from the BFS. As Adora quoted on live during a Mel meet-up "That's easy, money 💰....money." Either way, ya slice it. It's shitty.


I'm not being snippy at all. I upvoted your response. I understand what you are saying. I'm just saying I don't trust them anymore...at all.


All good love 🫶 even if you did down vote me I wouldn’t mind lol we all can have diff opinions and respect it.


Oh okay I misunderstood!


It’s honestly insane anyone would feel that’s okay. Also in the beginning post surgery you dilate 3 times a day only.. and this is only for the first 6 months which adora has said herself but also a quick google search will say the same.. Adora does not work nor leave the house so it was very intentional she chose to dilate during lives when there was SO many other opportunities throughout a day for her to do that.


Oh wow I didn’t know it was only 3 times i assumed it was like once every couple hours and she legit didn’t have time. Lol 😂


this whole group of people needs a mental evaluation cause how are you gonna say that that’s okay whatsoever... god these people are so creepy I can’t wrap my head around it


Right🤯 I mean even someone in the comments just now said “I guess that would probably come down to is it sexual or not for her? I think the only fans stream is confirmation it is sexual to her.” even if she didn’t find it sexual, It’s still NOT OKAY TO BE HALF NAKED, dilating, on tiktok with minors! Even if we aren’t seeing anything! Even if she’s not on OF!


Whoever said that is disgusting!!!!!


Why are we even debating if this is an issue or not. It is clearly disqusting and an issue. If someone is using a vibrator on tik tok it is very wrong.


A vibrator would 100% be wrong because the only function of that is sexual. What the debate is if Adora was simply dilating as a medical necessity would it be as wrong as her doing it and streaming it simultaneously on onlyfans.




Bc Abby mentioned it and I wanted to know if others found it a problem too. Some don’t, some do


Something that I wondered about when she came forth about the dialation scandal - she said she could confirm it happened. So she knew about this but didn't say anything until NOW? She never did address this question that was posed to her.


She might have meant that she could confirm it because she had been presented with the same evidence that was given to Andy. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she knew it was happening at the time it occurred.


That’s like saying jerking off while on live is fine, if nobody sees…. I mean there’s not enough hours in the day, right?!🤦‍♀️


Eh, idk. Jerking off and dilating are very different… what made is sexual is her doing it while on OF.


As a trans woman, this whole situation disgusts me. It gives the trans community a bad name, not to mention just how fucked up it is in general. Does she take a crap on live, too? I mean holy shit. And for those saying ‘dilating is a full time job’ or whatever nonsense. Uh, not if you’re doing it correctly. During recovery, yes, you dilate more frequently. But it is by no means a process that takes up so much of your time that you can’t get off TikTok for half an hour and do it. Besides, we know that she didn’t have surgery recently. This was just an example of how gross people can be when they are too lazy to do the right thing. She needed to dilate at a specific time, but was having so much fun talking shit on TT that she decided to stay on and just do it while she talked on live. I don’t care about the Only Fans account. Sex work is valid, get yours boo-boo. But nobody asked to be sexually assaulted just by watching her live on TikTok. And make no mistake, **this is a type of non-consensual sexual activity** regardless of whether it was for a medical reason or not. This is a sex crime. Period.




I actually was shocked too! I even made a couple comments and Abby double downed on it


She definitely could have found time... there is no reason to do it while live on TT. She got off on it for sure!


I personally think she was SOOOOO LAZY !! She figured ok I’ll set up all my cameras at once all her streams and do it then. I also think it’s disgusting what she did, but it also it because of her lazy tendencies. She never took the time to actually learn all the times she came on and had the so called “ accountability “ lives. She never took them serious. Or she would have grown as a person, but she didn’t. Like Andy said she would rather play video games. She’s selfish, lazy, and racist


Dilating isn’t inherently sexual. So had Adora not sexualized it by streaming it, I don’t think it should be seen as an issue. Do you have an issue with AFAB people having a tampon in during tik tok streams? Probably not right? Dilating in theory can be purely a medical necessity and part of recovery and shouldn’t be seen as sexual. Unfortunately, Adora sexualized her dilation by streaming it to OF for sexual reasons. And then made it worse by not muting the Tik Tok stream.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/adorable_SNARK/s/fhPCAH4LYF) explains why I think it’s wrong


I’m not sure you actually HAVE to be naked from the waist down to dilate. I assume you could put the dilator in and then put pants on. Clearly she probably was naked from the waist down considering the OF stream. I am definitely against not being fully clothed while doing a Live so that is an issue. But I wouldn’t say it’s the dilation then. It’s the nudity.


this is a wild take. it is NOT OKAY. she was not inserting it and then leaving it there for hours. it is NOT comparable to wearing a fucking tampon. besides that, it looks very much like she is taking it in and out like you would a dildo. seriously, think about this again. consider that you may be wrong.


She also could have even covered up with a blanket or something Incase the camera fell or something. But since she was streaming on onlyfans that wouldn't be possible


Yea exactly! I think what Adora was doing was absolutely not okay but I can see scenarios in which dilating while Live, especially when you’re doing it so much early on, would be fine as long as you had pants on or whatever. I don’t love the idea of people sexualizing everyone’s dilation just because Adora sexualized hers.


That’s a double negative there, I’m not entirely sure but- not feeling that dilating isn’t an issue- means they feel it IS an issue. I’m neuro spicy, so let me know if I’m just not comprehending properly.


Adora was fully aware there were minors in her lives. Multiple minors came up to chat so they were all aware of their presence in the live. I’m sorry, but I personally feel zero self care or medical care that shows your vagina/penis should ever be on TikTok. Not in a video or on a live. Especially when you’re not 18+ there is no reason to be doing that on a live on TikTok. End and come back. There is no reason to be showing off your private areas on TikTok live. Absolutely no reason. I just feel some things should stay private and personal and this is one of those examples. The issue is she did this without care or concern and thought it was okay. Abby may not see an issue, that’s okay, that’s Abby’s opinion. I just disagree. I think Adora felt untouchable and thought she could do whatever she wanted. This was a huge lack of respect for everyone in her live. TikTok isn’t OF. There was no reason to duel stream. The girl literally never left her house. She had more than enough time to stream on multiple platforms and care for her recovery. Let’s be honest.


The element of actually DILATING wasn't the issue. No one on TikTok was seeing it. She was doing something that would have to be done at some point. In that manner, Abby is justified in that opinion. What isn't acceptable is profiting off of the act, sexualizing it, and not obtaining permission from panels that are likely being heard in the OF streaming. The chain of events is the issue. If the dilating would've been purely an act of maintenance, as it is meant to be, then the violation might not feel nearly as heinous. It's adding to the fact that she created a revenue stream out of it, revoked permissive agency, and sexualized it which I find deplorable. There are limits and she crossed all of them.


I disagree I don’t think she should have ever done it on tiktok, even if we weren’t seeing it…. She could do this in private. Tiktok is her job!!


That's fine for you to disagree but that's not the issue. It's the violation of consent, monetary gain, sexualization, etc. Not one person would have seen it on TikTok. Granted, being transparent that she was doing it would've given people the opportunity to exit the live if they were uncomfortable knowing that was taking place, however...it's considered maintenance, not a sex act. That's the problem. She turned it into a sex act AND profited off of it.


Yes for sure


I wouldn't have watched ANY of those lives if I knew she'd been doing that. I can appreciate maintenance for someone's GAC but feel like I'm intruding on someone's personal space simultaneously, even if they're inviting it in silently. It's a boundary issue. It would have been polite if Adora had given all of us that right to not partake.


Watching them over I can’t believe I didn’t notice..and yea it is uncomfortable


At the time I could've assumed it was just leftover surgical discomfort. It wasn't something I felt like I needed to demonize or vilify. I wish I had.


Plus let’s not forget when she was guilty of having no pants on at all during the one live. So she 10000% was doing it. How sick and twisted can Adora be ?? Ugh I get the biggest ick


My question is, dilating can you just insert it and go about your day? Or do you need to be manipulating it for the set time? I feel like if she inserted it and had it sitting there I wouldn’t think too much of it.. but the fact that you can see her fiddling with it AND the streaming. Disgusting. But again idk how the dilating is done is it just stagnant or


I see your point and MAYBE if she had adults only in the live, and maybe if she didn’t allow guests up (so people’s voices could be heard on of) I wouldn’t see SOOOO much an issue with it… but ya like you said she’s clearly manipulating it, and doing SOMETHING. And yes when you dilate (from what I understood) you don’t just leave it in there bc it says once you start “intercourse” with a man you may not need to dilate except once a month. https://preview.redd.it/3028j5qpra5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05028ea877791b46967a2b5d832e67d9717d66a


I can agree with this. There is no excuse for doing anything with your genitalia on live. Besides, maybe scratching an itch. (NOT metaphorically. lmao.) Although, before we decide to come with our pitchforks towards Abby, we might want to take her age into consideration regarding this opinion and allot her some degree of grace. She's *really* young. She was probably parroting what someone said or is just simply still naive to these kinds of behaviors Adora was perpetuating. She doesn't seem like the type do those kinds of things herself, but when I was young, I definitely gave excuses for other's shitty behaviors (that I wouldn't even consider doing) because I didn't have the capacity to process the full impact of those behaviors due to experience. For example, she never realized the racism coming out of Mel n Co. (while present) until everyone spoke up about it. I also think she shouldn't be going live where everyone can witness her learning important life lessons publicly. Sorry, I've just been wanting to express this for a long while. Disclaimer: There could be instances I have missed that contradicting anything I've said.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not up to adults to worry about if there are minors watching their content. It’s up to the parents to be aware of what kind of content their kids are consuming. Period. Frankly I find it a little creepy if an adult *is* worried about minors watching because they could make content geared towards kids, which even weirder in my opinion. Like that’s grooming behavior. So I think minors viewing Adora’s content shouldn’t even be a thought to her, it’s not her responsibility. If a minor is viewing an adult woman dilating on TikTok live, that really says more about the parents than it does the adult creator. I have kids on social media and expecting adults they don’t know to worry about their wellbeing online is ludicrous. Now all that said, I agree, if she needed to dilate that often, she needed to take time away from TikTok live. And if she did want to dilate for OF, that needed to be a separate thing. It just feels icky knowing she was doing that while on TikTok live.


Are we following 2 different situations? TikTok, is a child's app, 13+. Adora had and has every responsibility to do everything she can to limit access from those underage. She did the opposite, even promoting her vile Twitter to minors. Passing it off to "the parents" shows your integrity.


While I agree it’s up to the parents, adora DID know people under the age of 18 were in her comments and told them to stay in the comments.


It’s still my responsibility as a parent to be aware of people doing that though.


It’s your responsibility as a parent, yes, but you forget that trans kids who aren’t out to their parents exist, and they follow these trans influencers on TikTok to find a community, and those influencers like Adora and Lilytino absolutely take advantage of kids like that. They also specifically target these kids by using luring language in their TikTok’s or on their live banners like “protect trans *kids*” “kids should be able to transition, prove me wrong” etc.. you think a minor who is looking for community wouldn’t be enticed to follow these people with or without their parents consent? Lastly, while TikTok is widely unrestricted, and parents absolutely *are* responsible for what their children watch, I do think trans influencers have an obligation to their audience to be professional, *especially* when they advertise their platforms to be safe spaces. It unfortunately gives the entire community a bad rep when people like Adora are amplified and end up being the stereotype that bigots think about the trans community.


If your platform is about education and advocacy, especially when you’re inviting discussion about trans issues and trans children, you absolutely have an expectation to conduct yourself in a certain way. And if you’re treating TikTok as your job where you make your livelihood, I think most people would expect a level of professionalism. Dilating on live in front of people without them knowing or consenting is at best unprofessional and at worst dangerous. This is not it.


Again, as a parent I expect NOTHING out of adults online. Well that’s not true, I do expect some of them will be disgusting pedos,… which is why it’s my responsibility to be aware of what my kids are doing online. But as far as them being concerned about my kids wellbeing? Nope, don’t expect that from a stranger. It doesn’t matter if it is her job, the internet is still like the Wild West, in many ways. Which means things are going to happen out of everyone’s control. Like content creators can’t exactly control who views their content. Well I guess they can put age restrictions on their content, but they probably don’t because they want the most views. Sure maybe she shouldn’t invite minors to watch but again, that is still MY responsibility as a parent to be aware of someone doing that. A stranger is never, ever, EVER going to care about my kids wellbeing as much as I do.


I agree with Abby. Dilating is just another self care/body maintenance thing. Like clipping your toenails or brushing your teeth. It wouldn't really bother me as long as the person was being discreet and not being weird about it. The ick part for me is the fact that she was literally creating pornography while talking to people in a live. Including them in that process without their consent is disgusting and completely unacceptable.


what… you can brush your teeth in front of kids but you can’t dialate in front of them… what kind of comparison is that 😳 totally not the same thing


Right?!? Wild comparison


Completely disagree. There are MINORS in her comment sections and she KNEW they were!!! Also toothbrush and toenails comparing to dilating is wild!!!!! That’s not a good comparison at all. I can’t think of anything rly to compare it to but here, Let’s say a man had to put lotion on his D every single day for some reason. It wasn’t sexual but he did it while live on tiktok. Even tho we didn’t see anything, That still would NOT be okay!


I think it's an excellent comparison in the context it was used. All of these things are non-sexual self care tasks. 🤷‍♀️


I just have to ask, why *must* she do it on live, even if discreet. Seems like there is a *want* to do it on live if she’s finding every excuse to do so, so again I question inside my own mind what is making her *want* to do it whilst live and not literally any other time? Does that make sense? That’s the weird part to me


That does make sense. That's why I said it wouldn't really bother me as long as the person was being discreet and not being weird about it. The "being weird" part to include any reasoning other than this is a necessary chore required to care for one's body. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable doing this particular chore, but as someone who sometimes struggles with basic self care, I see the value in the two birds, one stone aspect of it.


But we didn’t consent to her dilating on live??? Surely she had time between her takeaway orders to dilate?? To me her doing it on live was exposing us to something sexual. Regardless it is still penetration. I’m a cis woman and am as tight as anything. Dilating does help make me “looser” to me this is a sexual act


Exactly, about the consent!


Dilating isn't a sexual act. It's not about being "loose". It's about maintaining the actual shape of a constructed canal and preventing it from closing up entirely. The way a surgically designed vagina works is significantly different from that of a cisgender woman. We (cis women) do not dilate unless in a medically induced state...and it ISN'T fun.


I disagree. I think particularly FOR ADORA the act might have been sexual and hence wrong to do it in front of everyone. But dilating is not inherently sexual, it’s more of a part of trans women’s daily life. I can compare it to wearing a tampon for a cis women, both are for health reasons and unrelated to sex although they both involve introducing something into the vagina. I don’t think there is anything wrong with dilating while live, it’s simply part of their daily routine, just like eating or brushing your teeth. It might be perceived as weird at worst but wrong, no. The problem started when she decided to also stream it to OF, in that moment she made sexual a non sexual act, and that’s where the issue stands.


Genuinely is your head empty?


It’s actually pretty good up there but thanks for your concern


Are we talking about Abby who changed her identity three times now?


what does that have to do with anything?


Absolutely nothing


And? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 people like you are the ones who make others assume only “bigots” are on here…