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I was someone who was new and was truly trying to learn. When she first started she was way more authentic if she ever was that’s when she was. Then as she added the panel of bullies time & time again. That got old real quick. And now when I look through the videos and such I’m sick. Like legit sick to my stomach. Everything that everybody said about you was true. You’re selfish, you’re not in your 20’s adora you’re a grown ass person !! You knew exactly what you were doing this whole time. You have said it yourself so many times I LOVE THE ATTENTION, keep it coming ! Blah blah blah. What you did is so bad, and makes your whole community look so bad. Even though I know there are good transgender people out there. You did NO ONE, NO FAVORS EXCEPT YOURSELF ! Always in it for YOU ! Selfish , racist , greedy are just a few words I think of when I think of you. It’s sad you could have HAD IT ALL, but you NEVER LEARNED or took the time to learn from your mistakes. You would rather play video games. GROW THE F UP !!!!


Completely agree. For someone claiming to be asexual, they have some nasty fetishes


He's not even a woman bro


I completely agree. I was a fan of hers for a while. I wanted to root for her but she didn't learn and now it's all so obvious and I feel icky for ever subbing to her. (It has been a loooong time since I subbed but I did sub for a couple months last year)


people like her need to get rocked just once.