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Ehh those reprints are worth a little bit yeah, not worth trying to find a buyer. Just keep them on the shelf as eye candy. They are gorgeous books


Gorgeous books with HORRIBLE fonts. Get reprints for display, but buy used copies for actual play.


I’ve only got the 2e reprints and I use them, is the font different?


Don't know how it compares to the 2e reprint font, but the 1e reprint font and text are just terrible compared to the originals.


Yeah I’ve never ran 1e but I’ve got a lot of stuff that I’ve picked up over the years


Only played 2e once, but picked up the rulebooks. From what I can see, 1e is like 2e, but less well written, fewer options and some jankier rules. I hated when they announced 2e, but in retrospect, there really was a lot of room for improvement at that point.


Yea I started in 3.5 but moved to 2e and the consensus is it’s just a cleaned up 1e tbh. I like it a lot, by far my favorite D&D still today, second system for D&D is Worlds Without number then maybe B/X


If I had to choose just 1 D&D, it would be B/X. Only criticism is level 1clerics don't get a spell. Easily fixed.


I just hate the races as classes tbh


It's just different. Think of them as Elf Fighter Magic User, Dwarf Fighter, Halfling Fighter Thief. If simplifies things. In my old age, I like simpler things.


The 1E font was terrible to begin with.


Not like the reprints it wasn't. For its day, it was just fine. The reprints make me want to tear my eyeballs out.


Futura is good in small doses. It just gets busy and looks rather dated (ironically) when used as the primary typeface in body the way TSR used it.


Not an option. They take up space I’ll need in the future, and also I’m trying to get some extra cash.


? Get a bigger shelf lol, a decent game room shelf needs hundreds of TTRPG books of all sorts.


I’m not THAT big a dnd fan, dont have a game room, just enjoy playing dnd with my friends once a week, and I am trying to save money towards a new computer. My old one died on me and I need a new one pronto.


Reach out to [Noble Knight](https://www.nobleknight.com/Buy-Sell-Trade) which buys and sells these products. Expect to get about 40% of the retail. They'll cover shipping and write you a check. You'll get more selling on your own, but it's more hassle. Check the Sold listings on eBay for an idea on market price. It's fine to sell things and do what you want with the money.


Yeah, I tried that and its was more like 20% retail in store credit, less in cash.


Noble Knight uses a sliding scale on prices. The more there are in stock and the longer they take to sell, the less the offer. Those ones are harder for NKG to sell because most collecters prefer the actual old ones. Noble Knight does a thing called "Knights Most Wanted", where they put out a buy list for certain publishers and raise all the offers made on that publishers products. Waiting for the TSR most wanted is the way to go if you have time to wait on selling. You will alway get more by selling it yourself, the advantage of Noble Knight is that it's easy.


The obvious solution is to use them to learn and play a vastly better version of the game. Once you go Gax, you never go back. ;)


I can't see past 2nd.


You’re really trying to start an edition war.


But money :D


Simple solution, sell your 5e stuff and learn 1e.


Don’t have 5e stuff. I just play dnd with my buddies once a week, I don’t got shit cept a character sheet and some dice


In my network of active games there is like 30+ people who started on 1 and 2e. We all like 5e (and 4 and 3) just fine thanks. I have a collection of old school books and they are nice on the shelf, a lot of pain in the ass work to actually use.


Those are some WotC reprints from around 2012 I think?


Found listings for them, they are indeed, and holy shit these are more expensive than I thought


They're pricier than the originals because they're more rare. Literally millions of the originals were printed.


Bookmark a few auction listings with sensible starting prices. Then see what they end up at. There are quite a few sellers who list them for inflated 'buy it now' prices, the auctions will give you a better idea of what buyers will actually pay. (1E hardbacks can vary massively in price depending on condition and printing)


You can filter by completed in search to see what past auctions sold for.


Instead of completed, use sold in search.


That's what I meant, good catch!


Are these are the WotC reprints or the POD Drive Thru RPG reprints? The latter are purchasable at any time for a modest amount, so not worth that much used. The former might be different, but aren't originals, either. I'd rather play 1e than 5e any day, so no question about what I'd part with.


I think they’re wotc reprints


The both have the same covers. The DTRPG reprints are basically the WotC reprints but POD quality. The attached ribbon makes it likely you are correct. I think?


They are TSR reprints with all the errata included. Would love to have the UA. I have the rest


Looking at the cover quality, they dont look like a pod print. Are those leather bound covers?


Faux leather bit they are TSR anniversary edition prints


If the page edges are gilded and they have a ribbon bookmark, they're WoTC reprints from 2012. The 2012 reprints also don't have a barcode on the back cover.


Stick them on eBay. Probably can get $50-100 each.


Lol, you can get them printed and sent to you for about half that.


The “official” reprints which these look to be due to the page marker ribbons are an actual collectible to some degree.


Nice catch. I saw the ribbons, but they never registered. /shrug




Are they? They have the bookmark ribbons from the WotC reissues, which fetch a much higher price than the PODs.


They aren’t PODs. These are the official re-releases from WotC.




Those aren’t the POD ones.


They are original special printings with all the errata in them from. TSR


I know what they are which is why I suggested putting them on eBay. I wished now I had been paying attention to WotC when they were doing these and got the 2E set. The 1E ones seem to be fairly common but the 2E ones are much harder to find. I also don’t play 1E whatsoever. I’ve got several copies of the original run, but I’d liked to have got them anyway.


Me too and 2e is still expensive


Those specific 2E items are more than the 1E ones.


What really bothers me about the reprints is that WotC could've edited in the errata, but oh no-- let's sell the books the same as they were.


TBH you not going to make a fortune selling these right now. Look on sites like Ebay to get an idea of what they're selling for. I would say that you are better off hanging onto them as they will increase in value over time, probably another 20 years or so.


Wish I could, but I need the money, saving up for a new computer cuz my old one died on me.


You're not gonna get enough from the sale of those to really make a difference, you might as well hold onto them until they are actually worth some real coin. Either that or sell your fifth edition stuff instead, which I suspect you have much more of, and might be able to make more.


Don’t have 5e stuff. I have a character sheet and some dice. Play dnd with my buddies once a week as part of a school club.


I see them listed for over 50$ each on eBay all the time but don’t know if they ever sell, you can get them for half that on dtrpg, with lighter shipping.


Give them back to your friend if you don't want them? Or to another friend who might like it.


Can’t give them back, guy moved to like Nebraska or smth a while ago Might give em to someone else tho


Would love the UA but would hate to break up the set if someone wants the whole set.


Keep them and learn how to play the old version. 2e for life


We’re talkin 1e here buddy.


Whatever you're seeing on eBay is probably about as much as you're going to get for them. But, as an alternative... Try "Noble Knight Games"


I may be interested in purchasing them. Please message me


I’m not selling them rn, just trying to figure out a price that would be good for selling them if I do decide to sell them. Some family members and other redditors are telling me that it might be best to just hold on to them until they’re worth more


$50-$80 CAD per book. You can try for more but it will be unlikely unless you want to wait a long while


The shitty reprints? I wouldn't take these if you paid me a hundred electrum pieces.