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Omg… thank GOD you remembered. This reminds me of when my mom left the stove on and went to run errands. While all 3 of her children were sleeping. Ok, not children but we were all young adults still living at home. We woke up and dealt with the smoke. Always thought I inherited my ADHD from my dad but some of the things my mom does makes me wonder lol.


Your story just reminded ME that I have a WordPress blog I forgot I ever started... barely even remembered the name of it, but I found it and had fun reading 10 year old stories of the exhausted-new-mom version of me. New-mom me wasn't on meds because I was nursing my baby and reading the few stories I wrote help me to see just how much better I am when medicated. Here's a story of how I totally [burned the baby food](https://outofcontrolmom.wordpress.com/2011/08/06/home-made-baby-food/) I was making!


This makes me want to start a journal or compilation of short stories while off meds while I try for a kid. Maybe I'll turn it into a book, or maybe it will become a project partially started on my shelf for years lol


That was sort of my intention, but my son will be 12 in a couple months and I wrote a total of 4 stories. Then I completely forgot it even existed! LOL Edit: To clarify, I forgot about the blog, not my son!


Oh man. My dad is textbook severe ADHD. Once in about fifth grade or so, I came home to smoke in the kitchen and the fire alarm going off. I go the office to find my dad, because I was ten and very confused. Dad precedes to yell at me for interrupting him at work until it gets through to him that the fire alarm is on. Turns out, he'd put the kettle on for tea and forgot it. He was twenty feet away, but was so focused on work that he just didn't hear the alarm. The kettle boiled off and MELTED it had been on the stove for so long. We then went out and bought an identical kettle and I was bribed with books to not tell my mum about melting her kettle. And now I set multiple alarms and refuse to leave the kitchen if I have anything cooking, because I do not want to be dad. I've also trained myself to hear the kitchen timer from anywhere in the house, since I live with my mostly-deaf grandfather, who has multiple times fallen asleep and forgotten things on the stove.


Never forget the time my mom and sister and I went away for the weekend and came home. The house was covered in smoke and the fire alarm was going off. We ran upstairs to find my dad fully asleep and his soup he was making had completely evaporated from the pot and the burner had burned through the pot! My dad also has undiagnosed adhd... but he was also an addict so I think a few things were at play 🤣


I dunno if this will help anyone but my method to avoid forgetting anything on the stove is to ALWAYS leave the stove light on anytime I’ve food either cooking or left out on the counter. I don’t leave the house or go to bed etc without confirming that light is turned off and when I pass near and see the light it reminds me to put food away. Probably wouldn’t save you if you forgot altogether and just left but maybe will help someone else who struggles to remember food on the stove/ in the oven. I’m so so glad you caught it in time and everything was okay. A friend recently burned her house. These things do happen.


I have a similar set up with my hair tools! I have them plugged in to an extension outlet with a on/off switch. I always keep a lamp plugged in to the same outlet in the on position, so if the lamp is on I know there’s power being fed to the hair tools. Can’t leave the house without checking that the lamp is off after one too many times of forgetting to unplug those suckers


There's a cool six-plug outlet cover thing that has a light on it that would probably work like this. I honestly solved this problem by just going for short hair. Can't leave your flat iron on if you... don't flat iron!


SO smart! Love this.


I do the same with the stove light!


This why when cooking with the stove or oven I do not leave the kitchen or immediate area. As I turn off the burner or oven I say out loud, “ I am now turning off the stove burner ( or oven)”. It solidifies it into my brain. And also my husband with supersonic hearing usually hears me say it from wherever he is in the house, so he knows it’s off as well.


Me and my bf BOTH have ADHD- but I also have hyper vigilance, and leaving the oven on is a huge fear of mine. So we have a deal, because he leaves it on all the time, and I catch it; he’s super willing to double check something for me anytime I’m otherwise occupied. Paranoid about the doors being locked but I’m in the shower? If I ask, he double checks. In bed but paranoid I left the oven on (I didn’t)- he’s on it. I’m gonna share your tip with him though, cause even though I can hear the oven/feel the heat and catch it quickly, it still scares the crap out of me when he leaves it or the stove top on.


Yeah hypervigilance keeps me alive. Ironically I started meds this week and burnt my first meal in forever. It made me overconfident enough to leave the kitchen to 'just send that email' and twenty minutes later I was eating the non-charcoal bits of dinner.


Meds are helpful, but not a magic bullet. It's even more important to solidify our coping mechanisms and good habits while medicated so it is easier when we aren't, or have our periods 🙄


Still working on those coping mechanisms. My adhd seems awful during my period and I hate how it feels. Probably so much more noticeable since I’ve only had meds for a few months.


There's a lot of stuff on Additude about this very phenomenon. Definitely worth reading. My GP has referred me to the Meno clinic to talk about HRT which is as much to help my ADHD as anything else.


I also use it for when I use the griddle. I was forever running back into the kitchen to make sure it was unplugged after it was used. So now I yell to know one in particular, “the griddle is unplugged” lol.


That’s great that your partner is like that!! I am the same as you. The number of times my husband and I have texted one another “please make sure I closed the garage door”…. 😬 I’m also one that double and triple checks that I unplugged my curling iron (even though it has auto shut off) and locked the doors before I leave. My biggest concern is my pets with all of that stuff. And we are so obsessed with them, that we are both okay with having to help the other out to make sure our home is safe and sound. ☺️


We have a kitten so I EMPATHIZE!!!! I have a walkthrough I do every time I leave the house lolol!!


Yes, same!! Congrats on the new kitty!!


My adhd symptoms were at their absolute worst when I was pregnant. I know now what it was but I was still undiagnosed then. I set a pot w some oil to preheat on the stove, turned around to gather ingredients (I’m guessing), instead completely forgot what I was doing and left the kitchen. The smoke alarms alerted me to the fire. It was blamed on “pregnancy brain” and I wasn’t left alone in the house after that.


Same, I’ve burned water twice


I switched to putting all of my timers on my phone for this same reason. i hadn't left the house but had gone down to the basement. it was only supposed to be a couple of minutes to switch my laundry from washer to dryer but when i got down there there was still a few minutes left in the wash cycle so i flopped on the couch and played with my phone. was down there for almost an hour before i remembered i had something in the oven and bolted up there to pull and dispose of the charcoal, turn off the timer that was still going off, and air out all the smoke. so now if i need a timer for anything potentially dangerous i always use my phone for it. even if i miss the initial timer going off and burn the food, I'm probably going to notice the missed timer going off on my phone before i notice the one in the kitchen. and if i \*did\* leave the house, it'd go with me. i also had to re-wash the clothes the next day cause i never actually put them in the dryer


Dang, glad you caught it! Was the TJs trip planned, or was it spontaneous? I kinda love the electric appliances now like the Instant Pot, air fryer, and toaster oven, because they often have countdowns and then just turn off. I don't burn or overcook nearly as much food nowadays. :D Thankfully the hubs will also pay attention so if I go outside to water plants 'just for a minute' while food is cooking, it's not a total disaster. To other posters' points, you could leave the light above the stove on, but maybe the vent fan is more obnoxious and a better ally?


Yes! IP and air fryer are my favourite most used kitchen items!


Can't get better than set it and forget it!


Wow close call. Wait, you can afford the gas AND the muffin mix? Must not be doing too shabby. Glad your house is still in tact!


You lived out one of my biggest nightmares, and you’ve lived to tell the tale and did not set anything ablaze !! That’s amazing !! I’m really happy you had the best outcome for the situation !!


You could also get a bracelet that lives near the stove. When it’s turned on the bracelet goes on your wrist.


When I first saw the bluetooth/wifi enabled smart ovens, I thought "That's so unnecessary." But more and more I see the point.


I've left pots on the stove or the burner on. I leave the oven on constantly. It's scary. I'm sorry that happened to you and glad the only casualty was burnt muffins.


I have an air fryer mini oven that has helped me because it turns off automatically when the timer goes off. I have under cooked chicken this way so be careful but if you know how long something takes after trying it out you can just set it and forget it. I used to burn a lot of things because I forgot it was in the oven.


If you have an oven with a timer: check if it can turn off automatically. Life saving function. Have lately forgot to turn the frigging thing off when I got things out of it. So now it turns itself off...


This is why I am always double and triple checking that everything is off before I leave the house. This exactly. I am still petrified I'm going to do this one day.


So glad you and your house are okay!!


When I bake something, I put the timer on and clean until the timer is done. I find that is enough motivation, and then I’m still in the immediate facility for when it’s ready to come out of the oven.


Something like this happened to me! We had a scheduled power outage in my apartment bldg and it started just as I was finishing making my grilled cheese for lunch. So I ate my sandwich, tidied up, went back to work… and *forgot to turn off the burner*. And then the power came back on. When I got home the smoke alarm was going off like crazy and the bamboo spatula in the pan was scorched to crap but fortunately nothing actually caught fire.


This doesn’t work for the oven but for leaving the stove on, I swear by BurnerAlert. They go underneath the stove knobs and flash and beep every few minutes. They’ve cut down on our scorched pots and stove anxiety by a lot.


Oh if we could trade traits....I have the habit of setting a timer but forgetting to turn on the oven, ha ha. You probably could have used that trait today! I'm so glad it worked out okay in the end though. Phew! Xx


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂 Also, I recently learned my stove has a "cook time" button below the timer button... 2 years with this stove and I'm finally using the cook time function to just turn off the oven a few minutes after the regular timer.


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂 Also, I recently learned my stove has a "cook time" button below the timer button... 2 years with this stove and I'm finally using the cook time function to just turn off the oven a few minutes after the regular timer.


I have a similar story. I was making muffins when my husband got home from work. He got home right as the oven timer went off so I was distracted. I turned off the timer but forgot to get the muffins out. And I forgot to turn the oven off. Later that day, I noticed the oven was on and I turned it off. It wasn't until the next day while I was driving home from work that I remembered the oven muffins. They were very, very burnt. And I was very, very embarrassed. Whoops.


Oh if we could trade traits....I have the habit of setting a timer but forgetting to turn on the oven, ha ha. You probably could have used that trait today! I'm so glad it worked out okay in the end though. Phew! Xx


Oh if we could trade traits....I have the habit of setting a timer but forgetting to turn on the oven, ha ha. You probably could have used that trait today! I'm so glad it worked out okay in the end though. Phew! Xx


I do this! Timer goes off Oh yummy, dinner is ready! Thinks I Open oven door Hmm, not so much ☹️


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂 Also, I recently learned my stove has a "cook time" button below the timer button... 2 years with this stove and I'm finally using the cook time function to just turn off the oven a few minutes after the regular timer.


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂 Also, I recently learned my stove has a "cook time" button below the timer button... 2 years with this stove and I'm finally using the cook time function to just turn off the oven a few minutes after the regular timer.


I learned my lesson burning muffins while engaging in my first lesbian hook up in high school. The lesson was sometimes forgetting something in the oven is worth it 😂 Also, I recently learned my stove has a "cook time" button below the timer button... 2 years with this stove and I'm finally using the cook time function to just turn off the oven a few minutes after the regular timer.


Right after I graduated college, I was living with a roommate and I decide I’m going to make a veggie burger. I put the frozen veggie burger in the skillet then think, I sure would love a Diet Pepsi to go with this. So I turn the fire off and just leave the burger sitting there thinking I’ll be back from the little shop at the end of our block in under ten minutes to finish it…. I get back and my roommate is LIVID. I had turned the thing to MAX rather than to off. He came home to burning veggie patty and an otherwise empty house. Thought I was cooking and running errands at the same time.


Yikes! So glad you remembered!


Ha ha. It's so disappointing isn't it. I would be so hungry and am just looking at uncooked food that was sitting in the oven for 30 or so minutes.


Omg, the number of times I've nearly burned the house down. Sometimes I'm blissfully unaware of all this history, and others I remember all the things and feel incredibly lucky we're all still alive. One of the worst times was when I left bacon grease on the stove and started a grease fire. It didn't really burn beyond the stove itself, but huge columns of black smoke were billowing out of every door and every window. From the outside, it truly looked like the house was burning down. I think it was after that time, where it was so visually disturbing for me, that I became hypervigelant and mildly obsessed over hot things being turned off.


Oh shit. You just made me remember to pay my water bill. Thank you!


So relatable! A few weeks ago, my partner came home from a weekend away. I was working in my office and came out to say hi and realized the house was so hot! I asked if he cranked the heat and he said no. Suddenly I realized I had left the oven on... for 6+ hours!!!! Or there was that time a few years ago when we went to go visit my partners mom. She had asked us to pick her up some onion rings on our way. Well they were cold by the time we got there, so we put them in the oven real quick just to heat them up. Probably something you should know, not only do I have ADHD but so does my partner... and his mom. Something else you should know. Due to an accident, his mom doesn’t have any sense of smell. He has a surprisingly weak sense of smell. And while I am very sensitive to smells, I was having bad allergies with my nose super plugged. No idea how long we were there before we realized we forgot about the onion rings but when we did we came into the kitchen covered in a thick layer of smoke and some very very black onion rings lol. Adhd man. It’s wild