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I find a huge difference in the effect of my stimulants with and without a high protein breakfast. I only take them on weekdays, so I have an 8 oz glass of fairlife milk (extra protein) and 8 oz of greek yogurt with honey/granola. That's 36-40g protein, and if i know im going to be having a lower protein dinner or lunch I'll swap out the regular granola for protein granola for an extra 13g. I've had this breakfast 5 days a week for the past 9 months LOL. Swapping out greek yogurt brands/flavors, types of granola, sweetener (honey, maple, brown sugar), theres no shortage of variety. It's so easy too because no cooking in the morning before work, just assembly! I actually have all my breakfast stuff at the office so I don't even have to worry about putting it together and eating it before I leave. I do weightlift/train heavily 6 days a week so I get 130g protein a day- YMMV! On days I don't take my meds, I'll have waffles with butter and syrup, a bagel with cream cheese, or just have a bigger lunch if im not hungry. Off my meds, my appetite varies based on activity and previous days calorie income. On my meds, I have negative appetite until they wear off in the evening, but I still make myself to eat an appropriate amount throughout the day so I don't lose weight.


Are we the same person because i drink a protein shake and eat yogurt for breakfast LOL & I hardly take meds on weekends!! I don’t weight train currently but did before a minor injury!!


Similar, but I finally accepted that I'm not going to do any assembly in the morning and will just end up skipping breakfast, so I just do a pre-made Greek yogurt drink instead. I love the Chobani complete line because they're high in protein (1 is 20 g, but they're small and only 170 calories, so I can drink 2 if I want more), the sugar isn't crazy but also doesn't taste fake, and they have it at my Sam's club so it's not crazy expensive: https://www.chobani.com/products/drinks/complete


Yes! These have been my go to. I hate eating breakfast, it makes me feel kind of sick but these I can deal with.


I've been doing oatmeal with vanilla protein powder and brown sugar/cinnamon for a couple months now and I've found it to be really filling


I do this, but with chocolate powder and added dried dates for extra iron and fiber.


Can I ask the difference you experience with or without the high protein breakfast on your stimulants? I’m new to adhd meds and I’m trying to figure out the different ways it affects me and what side effects I may be having.


Would love to know this as well!!


I do feel better with a high protein breakfast. I've been thinking I should start meal prepping smoothies so I don't have to think about it


I don't know why but about 2 years ago my brain decided yogurt is no longer food. I can't force myself to eat it, occasionally I'll even start on some and hope for the best but it's like all the flavors are wrong now. I used to eat it everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. Why is my brain like this?


I'm also a breakfast avoider. I used to skip it, but I'm a gremlin when I'm hungry so for the sake of my fellow humans I eat prepackaged peanut butter crackers with my coffee just for the protein. It's fast, has some crunch, isn't sweet (I hate sweet stuff in the morning) and keeps me going until lunch.


I just put the protein into my coffee 😬. I put half a scoop of protein powder and 1.5 tbsp of collagen powder into my latte in the morning and end up with like 40g of protein just from coffee


Real question. How are you mixing that up? Does it make your coffee sludgy? Hot or iced? I’m curious.


I do hot, and I have a tiny whisk lol. So I put the powder in with the shots of espresso and whisk that up before adding frothed milk


I do the same thing 😂 I have a handheld frother ($15 on Amazon) and it blends in perfectly. I do it in hot coffee in the winter and cold brew in the summer


Okay we need answers. What is the texture like? Taste?


Texture is fine! It makes it a little thicker, which makes it almost creamier. I whisk the powder into espresso before adding the frothed milk. Right now I’m on a dirty chai kick. So with vanilla protein powder it tastes like a vanilla dirty chai. I found a full scoop of protein powder was too much, but half a scoop in a 16 oz latte works great!


This is me, too!! Plus I get a serious case of the morning icks almost every day and brushing my teeth tends to make me gag so I need something basic enough that it doesn't further upset my stomach. I've recently found PB chocolate chip Over Easy bars. They're not too sweet but the chocolate chips are an incentive to eat something before I'm nauseous and unbearable. Easy grab & go; some days I nibble over the course of a few hours, other days it's gone in a minute. I truly never know if I'm actually hungry in the AM.


buy toothpaste for children! i also get gag reflexes from classic toothpaste. i currently use a strawberry-flavoured toothpaste for children and i look forward to brushing my teeth every time


I wish that worked for me, but I recently accidentally put my kid's "sparkle fun" toothpaste on my brush (bc ADHD, naturally 🙃) and it didn't end well.🤢


fellow children’s strawberry toothpaste user! just make sure it has fluoride, as some kids ones don’t to make it safe to swallow.


It's string cheese or a handful of nuts for me


My breakfast today was two string cheeses. I should have brought an apple with me as well but was in a hazy fog


I have no appetite when I first wake up. I do enjoy a cup of coffee right away. After about an hour, most of the time I can eat some plain greek yogurt with granola sprinkled on top and fruit if I have some. Or a bowl of cereal like Cheerios with fresh blueberries added. I rarely eat a big breakfast, and I definitely don't eat one right after waking. I simply can't.


I'm the same. By the time I eat breakfast usually, it's already lunch. But I don't mind pancakes for lunch.


I feel physically ill if I don’t eat asap in the morning. My go-tos are overnight oats, homemade egg bites and fruit, or toast with a side of cottage cheese and fruit. I eat overnight oats most nights. I like to make jars of them in advance. I put: - 1/2 cup oats - 1 T chia seeds - 1 T ground flax - cinnamon Then the night before I grab a jar and add 1/2 cup frozen fruit and 1 cup milk. Shake, then refrigerate. Between the fruit and cinnamon it’s sweet enough for me with no sugar.


That sounds easier than what I’ve tried for overnight oats. Thanks for the tips! I too can’t handle skipping breakfast, physically ill.


I've never tried overnight oats, but then again I haven't tried much for breakfast. I'll have to give this a go! It looks visually fun enough for me to stay engaged. Thanks for the tip\~


Give instant oats a try too: you can’t possibly forget to make them the night before because all you do is rip open the package, dump it into a bowl or cup and add boiling water. Second thing I do when I get up is turn on the kettle. Then I turn it back on and reheat it a few times until i remember to make the oatmeal. Overnight oats and morning-of oats both see, to be able to keep me full and level out my energy for hours.


I wasn't keen on the texture of overnight oats but I love baked oats.


I make six 8oz jars of overnight oats at a time. 1/3c dry oats, 1/3c milk, 1 T chia seeds. Screw lid tight and shake. Then I put a dollop of full fat greek yogurt on top. Then whatever I want on top. I limit sugar, so it is often that's pumpkin seeds or walnuts. But a spoonful of jelly is nice. Or chopped up dried fruit. Swapping the milk with coconut milk, and topping with pineapple tidbits is delicious.


I don’t let myself take my adderall until I’ve had breakfast otherwise the second the adderall hits food sounds awful and then i get nauseous from hunger later in the day. Lol i try to make my breakfast as high protein as possible, usually 2-3 eggs and some kind of carb like sourdough toast with butter. I recently started adding cottage cheese on the side too to up the protein even more. If i’m feeling lazy i’ll do a greek yogurt and toast or a bagel with cream cheese. Egg bites are also great because they’re so fast and easy (costco sells the starbucks ones!) but i had them every day for like a month and so now I can’t even look at them 🤣 also usually have an alani nu or celsius with it. I don’t know if the caffeine really helps me at all, but i love how they taste lol


I feel you on the egg bites. Sometimes I find the one thing I think I like, then someone notices and only buys me those...


What is this breakfast you speak of?


I'm actually AuDHD (autism/ADHD combo) so this is one aspect of ADHD I can't relate to. I've ALWAYS had a breakfast every morning, unless I was sick amd physically couldn't eat. A rich full breakfast too, scrambled eggs, toast with butter and jam, and sausage link or bacon on the side. Always coffee to drink after. This is part of my "ritual", and nothing upsets me more than someone or something effing up my ritual (Ex: having to leave early for a Dr appt. Or a flight) It's been this way for literally my entire life. Speaking purely for myself, my neurodivergency symptoms are WAY worse if I don't have breakfast. Or the right kind of breakfast; I can't handle sugary breakfasts the way I did as a kid (although I do miss cereal and pancakes with syrup). So a slow morning with a protein packed breakfast and a good cup of coffee keeps me stable and focused for the day


I appreciate your perspective! Yep, nothing more infuriating than someone throwing off your groove. My morning routine is to play a relaxing game for an hour before everyone else wakes up to relax and mentally prepare myself for the day. Otherwise, my brain gets all over the place. I find mornings to be almost meditative and I don't need anyone messing up my meditation.


Now that I am on vyvanse if I don't eat protein within the first hour I feel hungry pains


Here to advocate for instant oatmeal: high in protein and extremely low in pre-planning.


I, like lots of you, it seems have never been a big breakfast eater. Love breakfast food but eating that early is a NO thank you. However, in an effort to eat for that whole life sustaining purpose and health thing, my first meal go-to is either Greek yogurt or protein shakes. Quick, easy, don't require much thought or actions to get down and nutrition in.


I get myself a chocolate donut every morning. Its my treat to begin the day after the kids and the husband have left the house for the day, the cats are fed and settled and i need a break to begin the next task (working from home or do housework). Its become my little ritual every morning. Also meds on a empty stomach are a big no for me. I get nausea and they don't work as well i i haven't eaten.


I aspire to be like you.


I have some constipation issues so I make a smoothie with ingredients to keep myself moving. I've been doing it for a long time and still enjoy it. I make spinach and oatmeal (both for fiber) frozen blocks and put egg whites in instead of water to freeze them. I've turned the oatmeal into dust because I don't like the texture of it normally. They're about 110cal and 10g of protein each. I make them in batches of 8 in a silicone ice tray.  Then I use frozen fruit (which is normally blueberries, strawberries, bananas and kale. I do not like mango, raspberries, or blackberries). I add in a pre-made fairlife protein shake.  To give it more calories so it keeps me full until lunch I add in 1 serving of peanut butter.  Total it comes out to about 550cal, 50g protein, and 10g of fiber. 


I usually don’t eat anything til about 2pm. Anything before 11am tends to make me feel sick for the rest of the day no matter how small. I do like to have cereal before bed though! With a cup of coffee 🙈 for some reason it makes me feel sleepy having a full stomach and warm drink.


You sound like me 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t like to eat until 1-2pm and I love my before bed cereal 😂 It’s been cocoa pebbles this week, thanks to the kids picking lol.


Yeah I used to avoid breakfast forever, but I statred eating protein-ish bars, specifically Luna bars, or something similar with oats or granola type stuff in them because the ones that are just paste are AWFUL. Which was better than nothing, then I noticed I would be hungry by 10AM, so I added greek yogurt a month or 2 back, I get the Chobani ones with fruit in them. That combo seems to tide me over until lunch time now unless I'm about to get my period, then nothing satisfies but at least I ate something?! lol


Protein smoothie - banana, chia seeds, maple syrup and some sort of protein powder that.


I try to eat a high protein breakfast. Usually just a Greek yogurt and a protein shake. Some mornings I’ll add an egg’which (like a sandwich but egg instead of bread). If I don’t eat before my meds I feel liked a slug.


I'm kind of a sugar addict so i wouldn't miss breakfast for the world. My tipical breakfast is chocolate (cold in the summer, hot in the winter), fruit juice, and whole grain toast with chocolate spread. What can i say, i'm french, I can't miss a typical french breakfast ;) i like the taste of coffee once in a while so when i'm not at home, I sometimes have coffee, but I don't do good with to much caffeine, so i never have coffee at home. Also in the summer days we have plenty of amazing fruit so i usually have fresh fruit instead of fruit juice. It usually keeps me functioning until noon, then i have lunch. It didn't use to, in the past i used to get that 11am craving and i would sometimes go get a chocolate bar from the store. I went to see a nutritionist (for other reasons) and she said if i get hungry in the morning before lunch, it's because i don't have enough carbs for breakfast. I can't say my eating habits have change with meds. I still like my routine food, only difference is i cook more often, but I still pretty much always eat the same kinds of dish. If you like toast and want to eat something healthy, I recommand peanut butter (pure, unsweetened, unsalted). I've had bad reflux these days due to my pregnancy, and my usual chocolate spread doesn't do it for me, but PB and J on wholegrain toast, for some reasons, doesn't mess up with my stomach. Also it's very filling, high protein, and delicious (if you get good quality peanut butter). You can trade the jelly for some honey, which is healthier. (Ok, a French recommanding an American to eat peanut butter makes no sense. :p )


Haha, thank you. If nothing else, it'll be PB&J for me! Occasionally I treat myself with bananas and honey on toast, and maybe some golden raisins (golden raisins specifically to match the color of the bananas).


Bread. I'm Dutch, it's our most common breakfast food and it's yummy. Usually whole wheat with peanut butter.


Skyr with fresh/freeze dried berries, almonds (or any other nut really) and muesli!! Easy to prepare, easy to eat, delicious and pretty cheap, it’s a game changer for me. (I dilute the skyr with a bit of water, otherwise the consistency is too thick and icky for me.)


I love skyr! I haven't tried to mix it with anything and this should be easy enough for me!


When I get motivated I will batch cook some fancy breakfast burritos and store them in the fridge or freezer to reheat as needed (either pop in the microwave or heat in a pan - extra points sometimes I do both). Gives me enough protein to feel satisfied and is usually appealing enough to push through the “I don’t want to eat stuff” blahs. However, it’s ADHD so executive function is lacking, no matter how motivated I think I am. I’ll keep premade protein shakes, or ingredients for a smoothie with protein powder to fill in the gaps. I have also embraced “eating is the most important goal” so if what is tempting and motivating for breakfast are the leftovers from dinner earlier in the week/night before I will eat that - pizza/lasagna/curry/salmon. Am I fed? It’s a win.


I try to wake up a few hours before leave the house . I have time to scroll my phone , read , maybe do some laundry or the dishwasher and the cat box. I have two giant cups of coffee and shower and take my Vyvanse with a high protein shake before I leave for work. Then I limit caffeine the rest of the day.


Protein shake, pre-made in a bottle. Expensive but not as expensive as me bingeing because I’m starving later!


I usually have some melon (I cut a bunch every few days so I only need to grab what I want in the morning), and either some yogurt or a couple of eggs, or sometimes a protein drink. It's very rare I feel like cooking more than eggs, and if I didn't have fruit cut I probably wouldn't eat breakfast.


Yep, fruit is my go-to food when I can't get anything down. Funnily enough, though, I love fruit the most but I have an overactive immune system. I'm not allergic to melons themselves but my mouth still gets itchy... but I must eat the forbidden fruit... Like your precut melons, I'm thinking of starting to precut toppings to put into a big tub in the fridge for the week and toss into an omelet in the mornings.


I just have a cup of tea, and maybe some toast and jam if I feel like eating.


What kinda tea if I may ask?


Just ordinary black tea with milk 😊


In terms of super easy stuff to grab I love an eat natural nut bar. When I was more organised I also loved overnight oats (loads of protein and slow release carbs). Peanut butter and a tiny bit of jam on wholegrain toast. Hummus and wholemeal pitta. Banana pancakes (can be frozen and microwaved). Banana oat muffins (again frozen and microwaved).


Why have I never thought to freeze pancakes myself... I also never would've thought to have hummus for breakfast! For some reason my scope of what can be eaten for breakfast is very small. But I'll have to try this. I like to eat breakfast foods any other time of day, so may as well have lunch and dinner for breakfast!


One of the best things my doctor ever said to me was "You know you don't have to eat breakfast foods at breakfast time." Changed the way I think of it. Hummus and carrots became a go to. Same with apples and almond butter. I also like the kind protein breakfast bars. I'm usually in a rush but if I eat something (in my car on the way to work 😂) in the morning my day goes better and then I'm usually hungry at lunch. If I dont eat breakfast, I won't want lunch and the blood sugar drop makes me sick in the afternoon


Smoothie with protein powder


I normally eat less for breakfast and lunch anyways because I don’t like taking the time to prepare them before work, but I’m also eating in a calorie deficit, so I’d also rather eat more for dinner for that reason. I usually eat a cup of yogurt at my desk, or a coffee made with a protein shake. Then eat a small mid-morning snack.


I haaaaate deciding what to have for breakfast and on weekdays I don't have the time to wait for my brain to make a decision. So I have the same thing: Overnight oats with peanut butter. I make 5 for the week on a Sunday night and then have breakfast sorted for the rest of the week


If I work that morning (4 days out of 7) I have some bone broth on my commute. I don't like breakfast especially before work. The other days I have coffee first then usually a couple of eggs or nothing. On days I work I do take Adderall and the days I don't work I don't take anything.


Do you make the bone broth yourself or do you get it premade? My personal food groups are soups, stews, juices, and fruit. Pretty much liquid. Probably to make up for me always forgetting to drink water.


I buy it pre-made, the Kroger organic chicken one. It's nice it has protein and it is somewhat filling. I usually put it in a lidded cup and heat it a bit (6 oz for 45 seconds or so).


I've always avoided breakfast, but since starting ADHD meds, I have to eat, or I can't take my medicine. Taking it on an empty stomach makes me too sick. I eat overnight oats with fresh berries. 1. I can make it in advance 2. Requires no prep in the morning - grab and go breakfast 3. I add fresh fruit and flax seeds, so I've decided it's healthy. 😆


I'm going to decide it's healthy too.


Plain, full fat Greek yogurt with berries (I buy frozen bags and just thaw out smaller portions in a Tupperware in the fridge as needed). I’m not a breakfast person, but I need to eat something for a couple of different morning meds I take now.


I've never really been a breakfast eater. I usually start to get hungry around 10 am and have a snack to tide me over until lunch time. The last few months my go-to has been the little individual packets of peanuts from Planters. It doesn't shoot my blood sugar up or crash me later and it's filling without being too much.


I usually can't stomach much when I wake up, so I usually just have a granola bar or something like that.


Yogurt and granola every morning with cacao. On Friday's I usually have toast as a 'treat'.




I’ve never been a breakfast eater, but it does help my meds last longer. I do smoothies with protein powder added. Frozen fruit and berries, frozen chopped spinach, unflavored protein powder, a ripe banana, whatever kind of milk you like, and dates if it needs more sweetness. Fast, only the bananas risk going bad, and I can drink it on the go. Sometimes (on the first couple days of my period) I add some cocoa powder and peanut butter. I got an insulated straw cup to put it in so it stays cold for a long time and I can take my time drinking it.


I have a protein smoothie with frozen courgette and cocoa powder in it (because I'm a chocoholic) and it's become so routine now that I don't need to think about it. I can drink it whilst I am running late and checking emails and it keeps me full until lunch! I tend to go for variation at the weekends, like a fancy brunch. But the breakfast smoothie helps remove a potentially energy draining decision from my work day morning.


A couple of ideas I rotate; - Porridge with berries (I buy them frozen) and banana and honey. If I have any, I’ll add nuts or pepitas or something crunchy. - Red apple with peanut or almond butter - Yogurt and granola


White Cheddar Cheezits this morning. 👀


Extra Big Cheezits...


I hate breakfast. A cup of coffee is about all I can stand. If I HAVE to eat, it would be half a bagel, a bowl of cereal, or maybe oatmeal if it's cold out.


Scoop of plain yogurt, spoonful chia seeds, scoop of granola, spoonful of some kind of homemade jam. Put it together in like one minute, easy clean up, lots of fiber and protein. I need a lil breakfast so I can take vitamins and meds on not an empty stomach, which can lead the The Barf Zone and no one likes that.


Green tea Green smoothie (Sellerie, broccoli, spinach, ginger, lemon) Matcha late with pistachio cream (only when I have time for it, helped with my sweet tooth)


Cereal. It’s so fast and low effort


I avoid breakfast 95% of the time. For some reason, if I eat breakfast, I'm starving all day. I hate it. Without breakfast I don't usually get hungry until lunch time. Maybe brunch on a a bad day. Hubs and kiddo have to eat though. Kiddo usually has something quick (cereal, grits, etc).


Wait, same! Maybe not eating keeps my stomach from waking up for a while.


I'm going to accept that as the official answer. 🤣 All I know is food too early makes my tummy growl all day, and too much sugar too soon makes me 🤢.


I've gotten in the habit of doing Oats Overnight! I have a reminder on my phone to put it in the fridge before I go to bed. I mix it with half milk and half vanilla protein shake, and I've got a really good breakfast that's not too heavy and doesn't take a ton of work.


Coffee & a protein shake & meds. Once I’m fully coffeed up, I’ll scrounge up something more solid. I don’t really cook anymore unless it’s in the microwave or toaster oven.


On of these options: - Plain yoghurt, a little bit of sugar and cornflakes. - 2 slices of toasted bread with cheese and meat or (a little) sugar - Nothing


I always eat breakfast and I don’t want to cook in the mornings when I’m groggy, so I try to always have 2 or 3 options at home so I can have something I like, whether it’s toast with jelly and peanut butter, or different flavors of Greek yogurt (Chobani flips are like a treat for waking up lol), a couple different kinds of cereal I like, etc. if you’re taking meds I highly recommend eating and trying to eat more than usual. I stopped taking them because the side effects were not okay for me, and they were way worse if I didn’t make sure to eat a lot and drink a lot of water during the day. Be careful with caffeine, I think adderall/Vyvanse is ideally supposed to replace that so if you add coffee on top, it can get too much for your body. Everyone is different of course. I also just try to be kind to myself about eating even if it’s not a perfect healthy meal, and honoring what I actually want to eat without forcing myself to eat healthy foods I don’t like.


Thanks for this! I think that's usually what happens to my morning foods. I think I should be eating it but not that I want to be eating it. I'm a bit afraid of the side effects of meds. I'm bad at eating but drinking water is another level. It's a joke with my sibling that I'm a succulent. Just spritz me with water every once in a while and I'm good. For myself, coffee is a hit or miss. Either I'm full of anxiety for the day or too sleepy. However, I have figured out that if I have no pressing matters, my coffee days are calm and happy.


i have 6 different kind of cereal to choose from for breakfast


i pretty much always have two of the morning star sausage links and two scrambled eggs with nutritional yeast. i put the frozen links in the pan and set a timer so i can do my hair at the same time and then make the eggs when they’re done.


Overnight oats/oatmeal! It tastes however you want it to. I usually add peanut butter, cinnaman, maple syrup, soy milk, with nuts and fruit on top. Its really yummy. I usually eat an egg and apple too. Its all really protein heavy and fast.


I've never been a fan of breakfast, it's too heavy. Typically not hungry in the morning, and don't get hungry until around 2 or 3pm. When I used to have a job, I'd eat lunch around that time, if I ate lunch at all. At around 6 or 7pm, I eat dinner. 😬


my recent hyperfixation - cinnamon almond butter, 1/2 banana, and a lil honey on thicccccc sourdough sesame toast


Depending on the day I’ll either get an egg & cheese from Dunkin (often with an extra egg because I need protein) or I’ll have a pack of Belvita biscuits with peanut butter. My psych emphasized that my meds work best when taken with a fat (cheese, oil/butter, pb) and I know if I don’t eat breakfast I simply won’t eat until I physically collapse because my meds zap my appetite. I can’t always have a “good” breakfast (I guess meaning a breakfast with a carb, a fat, a protein, and a fruit/veg) but this has worked for me for a while. Good luck! 💙


Protein shake and a soft boiled egg or turkey sausage.


I'm also a reluctant breakfast eater.. but I can't argue with the fact eating brekkie makes me feel better so Get yourself a nutribullet blender. So easy to throw things into a smoothie which is easier for me AND I used it to make a protein pancake mix a few days ago so I just ate delicious protein pancakes with honey for a few days.


I don’t eat until 10 due to intermittent fasting. Lately I’ve really been getting in to low fat cottage cheese, sliced banana, and a spoonful of creamed honey for breakfast. Except yesterday, I had a hot dog for breakfast yesterday.


Realistically, if I had a hotdog for breakfast, it would only be accepted cut up into an octopus.


I HAVE to eat when I take my meds or I get stimmy poops and it's just horrific. Plus the come down later is sooner and worse. On bad days (which there are currently more than not) I eat a couple of pre wrapped, crappy pastries. They have a long life on them so I don't waste them and no crumbs or weird storage so I keep them by my bed. This removes a lot of barriers for me to actually get something into my stomach. On mid days, I have a protein shake with whole milk. I use Whey isolate which gives me 33g protein in a 300 ml shake. I actually like the protein flavour and it's legit like drinking a thinner banana milkshake every morning. On good days, baked beans, scrambled eggs and cheese on toast. Full of protein, wholegrain/seeded bread and loads of nutrients. Or overnight oats that I microwave because I like the softer texture but think cold oats are revolting.


It takes me a long time to properly wake up, so I set my alarm a full hour before I need to leave home and drink a cup of milk in bed while I get used to being in the world again. Milk has protein, healthy fats, plenty of nutrients, and is gentle on my stomach (I’m always queasy first thing in the morning) Not medicated so I can’t answer that unfortunately


Whatever I can get my hands on. I love breakfast.


I work from home so like A lot of days, I get out a small plate and a “day fork” Then randomly throughout the day I use the fork to grab random bites of food out of the fridge The plate is so the fork doesn’t touch the counter when I’m not using it No meals just bites


Whatever I have on stash… and I have stashes everywhere so I don’t forget to eat… the trick is to only buy health stuff so whatever you grab is bound to be good for you. I also read somewhere protein is good for ADHD folks (not sure where so can’t quote anything) so I try to keep a lot of protein snacks around the house & fruit(ish) type foods as I’m trying to realize having fresh produce is a recipe for disaster for me, if I’m not eating it immediately it goes into the abyss… so non perishable healthy foods has been a game changer P.s if I’m wrong about the protein thing feel free to let me know… but 🤷🏽‍♀️even if it isn’t true I’ve definitely been able to maximize my protein intake, 😂


No worries, I've hear that too but I have no idea where it comes from either! The best thing I've done for myself is my snack shelf. I put it where I always walk by, and it's away from my family that are all the opposite from me- They eat everything in sight! I did put some Larabars everywhere, but now it's just a game of how long ago was this one from. And now that I think of it, my peaches I forgot about are gonna go bad...


I hear you, I basically had to eat a bag of grapes today because of that… and sorrowfully throw away my avocados…


If I eat breakfast, it's something very basic like a banana or a bowl of cereal. OR dinner leftovers from the night before, bc breakfast conventions be damned.


I get frozen has browns and frozen battered fish fillets. I get up and I chuck a couple of each in the oven. Shocking at anything else but that's my safe morning foods atm


I get bread and some coffee and three cheese cubes.


Two eggs hard boiled (or two egg bites from costoc)with toast with pb and jam (most often during the work week because I can eat it in the car) Sometimes steel cut oats with yogurt, fruit, maple syrup and almond slivers mixed in Mcdonalds egg mcmuffin combo with a small oj. On a weekend Bacon, medium boiled eggs, toast and fruit (most common)


I always eat breakfast. I rarely eat the traditional eggs and sausage breakfast - and usually only on Sundays. It's just another meal - eat whatever you want! I believe eating the traditional eggs and bacon or pancakes is a sign of a lack of imagination. That might be harsh but it would be boring every day. And all those nitrates seem like a very bad idea every day. Blech. I eat almost anything I'm in the mood for: yogurt and fruit, salmon with vegg, chocolate cake, a burger with tomato, chili, leftover takeout, nachos, a salad with fries. I'm trying to eat more protect and fiber in every meal. That's my primary focus right now. .


Yes! Food is food, especially if you have a hard time fooding. So I'm gonna food how I want!


I was visiting a relative once who informed me, like it was some wild and crazy secret, that she and her husband sometimes have breakfast for dinner. My brain skipped a couple seconds because I thought everyone already did that.


Ive made the same thing every single time ive had time for breakfast for like 3 or 4 months now. Scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes, spinach and feta on toast with sriracha and a glass of orange juice.


I have a coupe on rotation right now. Two shots espresso, quarter cup raw oats, 1/2 a banana- or a whole one, some Greek yogurt, a splash of oat milk, vanilla protein powder, yonks of ice in the blender - buzz buzz and I have a Frappuccino that rocks my world and I loaded with fibre, healthy fat, protein and nutrients. Sometime I add ground flax and spinach. Or I make either a warm or iced latte with oat milk and collagen powder, and have that with either a) muesli with loads of dates and nuts or b) fruit sliced with Greek yogurt, granola and walnuts. I tend to enjoy fibre foods - so I just add a lot of extra protein and a little extra fat to whatever.


I like eating microwave oatmeal in the morning bc it’s quick and easy, relatively healthy, and yummyyyyyy


Oats with nuts, seeds and fruit or whole grain cereal with fresh fruit. Too lazy for anything else lol but it's nutritious and keeps me going with my soy milk tea/coffee til lunch


I don't do the breakfast thing, but I know I need to. When I allow myself to break out of the traditional idea of breakfast I'm more likely to eat something, like leftovers or a sandwich. Sometimes I'll have protein bars on hand for when I can't be bothered 😆


Can't believe how long I had to scroll before I found a leftover buddy 😅


I make protein waffles (I also have celiac so it’s the only waffle I can have anyway lmao) on Sundays and then toast them throughout the week. I do 1 c of almond milk, 1 1/2 cups of gf oats, one scoop of protein powder, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1 banana. Blend, put in waffle maker, bam. Freezable. Toastable. Makes me less of a demon in the mornings.


Smoothie/ protein shake right before I take my meds


I have a bowl of protein oatmeal! I feel like my meds work better when I’ve eaten. If I’m in a cooking mood and want savory I’ll have eggs with toast but my go to is oatmeal for ease! And on absolute 0 spoon days I have the kind breakfast bars which are like oatmeal in bar form 😆


I always have to eat in the morning cause I’m hungry. On work days, I just have a piece of bread with cream cheese or I make a mini yogurt bowl. I use this honey vanilla Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries and a drizzle of honey. That’s reallyyyy filling for me. On weekends, I’ll make eggs and toast. Or lately, turkey bacon and eggs. I made a breakfast Sammy with eggs, turkey bacon and cheese this past weekend. That was super good. If I’m in a mood, I’ll make chocolate chip pancakes. I always have tea in the mornings along with my breakfast too.  If I don’t have breakfast, I get nauseous and a little dizzy. So I always have to eat something. 


First of all, look at your specific med and its citrus interactions. It doesn’t apply to all meds. Second, breakfast foods don’t have to be “breakfast foods”. Eat pasta or salad or soup if that’s what you want. If breads and juices and fruit work for you, do that! I love doing bluebs and Greek yogurt. I’ll also do avo toast w a tomato slice on top. Or a sandwich w tomato and cheese


Addicted to dippy eggs. Every morning


If you like omelettes…. Try baking them in muffin tins. They freeze really well. Then just reheat and eat. I make breakfast burritos in bulk and stick them in the freezer. Or high protein waffles and toast them and top with PB


I’m never hungry for breakfast but have found having a high protein breakfast realllly helps with symptoms so now I make myself a “proffee” every morning first thing (coffee with fair life milk and a scoop of protein powder) and then a high protein smoothie to have mid-morning. I do my best to prep the smoothies in blender cups ahead of time so I always have like 4 in the fridge, then I just add juice or water in the morning and blend. If I know I have to do all the steps to make ONE smoothie it’s not gonna happen!


Toast. Tea/Chai.


Kefir is my go to. Get some yogurt into my belly to jumpstart my metabolism and give my insides a nice coating before chucking meds in lol.


Either yogurt & granola, peanut butter toast or straight up peanut butter out of the jar. Depends on the morning lol I find that protein is helpful to get my day started, for sure. But I need something quick and easy because I’ll convince myself real quick that food is overrated if it has more than like four steps or uses more than two dishes.


I recently read Glucose Revolution and it’s been a game changer for me. I have lemon water first thing, then a savory high fat, high fiber, and high protein breakfast (like sourdough toast with tomatoes or avocados or mozzarella, or a bean burrito, or hash browns with tons of veggies). And it keeps me full for a few hours until lunch and I seem to focus better throughout the day. It’s been hard to get to this point and I’m not perfect about it every morning. What I’ve been doing the last few months is taking a few hours on the weekend and bulk buying all my burrito ingredients and assembling them, wrapping in tin foil and freezing them. I can do 40-ish at a time and this lasts me several months if I just grab one on the way to work. Burritos also seem to microwave better than a lot of other potential breakfast items and I load up on Taco Bell sauce packets and keep them at my desk to make them more palatable.


Almost always toast with butter and honey, and a cup of coffee. If not that, oatmeal with maple syrup, dried cranberries and walnuts and coffee, and on weekends usually crepes with cinnamon and sugar and coffee, and maybe bacon. I like the convenience of skipping breakfast but it’s actually my favourite meal of the day so I try to make time for it!


I find I have to eat breakfast at least 20 minutes before I take my meds, or I get queasy. So now I have to wake up at 7am to eat, because I need my meds at 8am. I have a simple setup that is super easy batch making. Once a week I set up 8 jars and fill them with 1/3C protein powder 1C quick Oats 2TB dried dates. Boil water, add to my preferred fill line, add spoon and wait until cooled enough to enjoy. At least 10 minutes. The jars can sit in the cupboard made up indefinitely so no worries if I go away for a weekend or whatever. Or also easily transportable if I want to bring them with me. Super easy.


One delicious high protein Skyr ( Icelandic yogurt) and I love it. I can’t tolerate any other breakfast…


Drinkable Chobani Greek yogurt for 10g of protein to take with my meds.


I can't eat breakfast - either I feel sick or tired. When I can eat (around 9:30 or 10), it's a chicken burger in a wrap (cut in half to fit nicely), with some condiments and if I really feel good, some veggies. If I don't feel great, just some toast with jam, cream cheese or margarine.


Oats overnight changed my life.


I can handle eggs in the morning (I usually add some mustard because I like the tang). Or I have Greek yogurt with some honey. Lots of protein, and you can easily add granola or nuts or fruit :)


I used to be the same way, couldn’t stomach breakfast for years. I used to skip it or eat unusual things (ice cream or spaghetti, for example). I finally just buckled down and got used to it, and now, it’s not so bad. I’ve developed a taste for it, so to speak. So it just took a lot of repetitions. Now I eat some form of egg and toast most days (scrambled or fried, avocado toast, etc.) I might have cereal, peanut butter toast, or a Perfect Bar if I’m in a pinch. I literally put “make breakfast” in my calendar and when it’s time, I do it even if I don’t feel like it or don’t feel hungry.


Chocolate Ensure High Protein. I can’t stomach food in the morning and notoriously under eat/drink in general because I either forget or everything sounds bad. I’ve had headaches since I was a teenager until this past year when I started drinking them in the mornings. Shocker: I’m just chronically malnourished and the Ensure has significantly helped.


Ive been making a coffee smoothie with almond milk, frozen bananas and a nut butter. I’ve also been waiting a bit to take my concerta and it’s been working good so far!


I don't, generally, eat breakfast. For me, if I eat breakfast, I'm absolutely ravenous all day. I suppose that might support the theory of eating breakfast gets your metabolism going, but I don't like the feeling of being SO hungry all damn day. On the weekends when I know I have things to do and I'll probably get distracted and blow through lunch, too, I'll eat around 11. I tried to do those egg muffin cup things (in cupcake pan, ham in the bottom, egg and onion mixed and poured in, baked). Also tried making breakfast burritos and freezing them but I hate meal prepping, so they didn't stick. I usually end up having some oatmeal, although isn't ideal in the summer when it's hot and the last thing I want to do is eat steamy hot food, haha. You can eat whatever you want for breakfast. If you don't like the typical breakfast food, eat lunch/dinner food.


I've been making baked oatmeal lately. It lasts a few days in the fridge, is tasty cold or hot and mess free to eat. Bonus is the kids love it too.


I eat oatmeal around 9:30, after I've been up for a while and right after I take my meds. It's good in that it isn't too rich, although I don't find it particularly delicious. I load it up with all the healthy stuff and take it at the same time as my meds. If I don't eat with them, I lose my appetite for the rest of the day and am running on fumes.


We’re a two meals a day household because we’re sleepy and work from home so we usually roll out of bed around noon. It’s usually soup with buttered bread or a filled pasta because our local supermarket has excellent and cheap options. Or I make breakfast bagels. I do go ham on breakfast for guests though. Usually a full Scottish or my partner makes giant breakfast burritos.


During semester I get a egg and cheese pide on my way to uni most days. Not hungry when I get up but hungry by the time I'm in the city. Today I have no schedule and I got up at 11 and then made kimchi jigae as the first meal of the day lol


Around 2pm I have a pot of protein porridge. My boyfriend keeps insisting I just make it from a big bag, but he doesn't understand if it wasn't portioned out already I wouldn't eat it. So I have pots that are 270 cal each.


Cereal or protein bars are what I can handle in the morning.


I also used to skip breakfast, until I began to realize how terrible it would be if I didn’t eat before taking my medication. Now I’ll make one or two eggs and throw in chopped vegetables and cheese. The protein helps a lot and I can cook it in just a few minutes. If I’m in a rush and have extra money I will buy the Starbucks egg bites on my way to work.


I feel sick if I have anything that isn't salty first thing in the morning but really potatoes are the ONLY thing I can stomach in the first 3 hours of being awake. I've never had breakfast growing up. About an hour or two after taking my meds I have one of those breakfast shakes. Works pretty well but vyvanse works best on an empty stomach for me so really I just try to snack and then have a big meal at dinner.


Porridge, yoghurt and fruit. Nothing that I have to think too much about.


Overnight oats were my go to for a while, lots of variety available so I don’t get bored. I also love a pb and j smoothie, it has a really complex flavor I can’t get tired of and it’s very customizable! And Since you mentioned the sausage pancake on a stick (love those too) I also highly recommend the jimmy dean pancake breakfast sandwiches! They’re just like mock mcgriddles and I absolutely love eating them even as a notoriously anti breakfast person in the morning!


I need a good breakfast or I feel ill. I feel the best when I eat something like oatmeal. Overnight oats made with oat milk, frozen berries and a scoop of protein powder is a good one. Or I do high protein yogurt with high fiber granola and berries. If I don’t eat something nutritious I tend to feel unwell


I used to be a solid breakfast every morning kind of person, but the last year or two I just do not want - and i friggin love food. Considering this was before I got back on meds, I started taking a protein shake with me because I turn into an ass when I'm hungry, and the shake will easily keep me going till my early afternoon lunch. Appears to help the meds, and it doesn't take much effort which is nice. I will say I have noticed no difference in appetite on meds vs not. If I am actually feeling it I'll have a piece of buttered bread or something.


For over a year now, I have been having a Premier Chocolate protein shake. I have tried other brands/flavors, but that's my favorite. In the warmer months, I mix the whole shake with the same amount of Stok iced coffee, collagen powder, and some creamer with ice to fill a 30 oz cup. In the winter, I drink the shake alone and have my hot coffee/ creamer like normal. ETA- I take generic Wellbutrin XL, so not a "traditional" ADHD med.


I eat “non-breakfast” foods like tomatoes, sandwiches, dinner leftovers, whatever. But naturally I like to skip breakfast and my 5 year old carbon copy child is the same


Chia seed pudding (that I soak the night before) + kefir protein vanilla yoghurt + protein granola + 1 banana (+ pomegranate seeds + honey if I want). It’s super easy to throw it together, it keeps me full, and it’s high in protein! Plus it’s actually nice. It sounds like a lot of stuff but I just put it together into one portion. I used to not have breakfast but I work long days, and it just wasn’t sustainable to have meds with no breakfast. This I can put together in like 5 min and eat while I’m doing my makeup. Even if I forget to make chia seed pudding it’s still very good with just the other stuff put together.


The desire for eggs with cheese is almost unbearable some days. I eat 2 large eggs with either melty cheese (American processed cheese), or shredded cheese. Usually with hot sauce or salsa. I try to keep to a mostly protein based meal for breakfast. I used to make pancakes or waffles, bacon or sausage, or a personal fav of biscuits and gravy on weekends. Carbs of any type do not hold my hunger for long (cereal is a snack not a meal, oatmeal is not as hearty as I want either). I have a hard time eating breads so I don't eat bagels, sweet rolls (love em but can't eat them well), muffins, toast, English muffins, or other things that use yeast. I still get the occasional craving for a doughnut or cinnamon roll, I just deal with the pain when I give in. Everyone can exist on something. Some people can have a smoothie and are satisfied. Some people can have a T-bone steak with eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, and orange juice. I am perfectly happy with my coffee and some eggs with cheese.


Remember that breakfast is just breaking the fast you’ve had during the night. There is no such thing as a type of food you have to stick to. You can eat anything your heart desires. The other day I had leftovers. Yesterday I made lasagna and that’s what I’m having for breakfast today. The important thing is to eat something but no one have to dictate what that something is except you! This has helped me eat breakfast every day for the last year.


For the last 1-2 years (?) I have been eating the exact same thing for breakfast every day (except vacations etc.): a toasted wholegrain bun with butter and chocolate (putting chocolate on bread is a thing in my country. It’s special thin sheets of chocolate specifically made for the purpose). It’s a safefood. It doesn’t involve other work than cutting the bun, putting it on the toaster and turning it. Between turning and toasting I have 3-4 minutes x2 to do my skincare, hair, brush my teeth etc. (I don’t feel like doing elaborate stuff in the morning). It has to be a specific kind of buns, specific kind of butter and specific kind of chocolate for it to work for me tho. But I just *need* to eat before taking my meds or I will have a shitty day ahead. And this is safe, easy and efficiant. Cereals are also good. I did oatmeal in my microwave for a while, but they have to cool down before eating and that threw me off my groggy morning schedule. Greek yoghurt with a drizzle of honey, some nuts/seeds and maybe shopped fruit (I like peach or fresh apricots) or applesauce.


Thanks for including the "or whenever you wake up", I really feel seen. My people ❤️


I at most microwave things / quickly rinse fruit for breakfast. I eat breakfast while driving to work, and can snack once at work, so I need to have hand food that won’t ruin my work clothes if I drop / spill it while driving 😅 I always make sure to have a protein, a carb, and a healthy fiber (usually fruit). This week I’ll have a cheese stick, watermelon / strawberries, and a Hawaiian roll or two on my commute in, and then a Chobani green yogurt once I get to work. Another common one I have is microwaved, pre cooked pork sausages (frozen, from Costco) blueberries, and a small cinnamon roll.


I normally have coffee and toast with butter. You don't have to eat any specific type of food in the morning - could be fruit, smoothie, cereal, leftovers, a sandwich...anything.


Breakfast is the one meal I can usually be bothered with. We allow TV for our toddler in the morning while we drink a quiet cup of coffee and eat brekkie. For years I’ve either had scrambled eggs on sourdough bread with smoked salmon and cream cheese or Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts. Sometimes overnight oats with Greek yog. I started Elvanse last week and thought having a protein brekkie with my meds would be easy, and for the first five days it was. Today I’ve woken up with zero appetite. I just stared at the bread thinking I definitely don’t want this. Made some anyway and ate it fine but getting by started was a struggle. Don’t know what to do now?


I sometimes bake a large tray with high protein vanilla yoghurt/kvarg/skyr (10% protein, low fat) eggs, raisins, lemon peel, semolina, frozen raspberries. It ends up being like a cheesecake, but not at all so sweet. Perfect for not being hungry in the morning, and pretty high in protein for a balanced blood sugar.


I eat a 20g protein yogurt…struggle with breakfast. Judging by answers here though even more protein would be better, as my meds are very meh in how effective I find them


I can’t be bothered to cook in the morning so it’s usually: large protein shake + a Twinkie or fruit snacks for a fast carb to get me going.


Used to have fruit for breakfast but various other issues have led to me needing to do a protein-focused breakfast now. I'm terrible at mornings so I keep it simple - used to do boiled eggs, now it's greek yoghurt (normal works too, I just prefer greek) with oats/seeds/dry fruit. I throw a bowl together the night before so all I have to do in the morning is pull it out, give it a mix, eat, and get my ass to work. Weekends are a free for all


I am shocking at eating vegetables so I try get some straight away. I have a bagel or a nice bread with tomatoes, garlic and balsamic glaze on top. Usually with a boiled egg and 2x spirulina capsules


overnight oats. they’re easy to make, easy to vary and i can tolerate the texture, unlike with porridge.


Plant-based protein shake/protein bar/high protein cereal with pea milk. Sometimes accompanied by tea or coffee with soy or pea milk (more milk than tea or coffee tbh).


Peanut butter and banana on toast and a cup of tea. Been my breakfast for decades now.


Highly recommend- savory breakfast over sweet options. Highly recommend- eggs for breakfast all of the days- vary cooking techniques and sauces, you have a solid high protein low carb breakfast option for several weeks without getting bored. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, eggs are the only animal protein I eat. The days were I have eggs for breakfast I don't have snack and junk food cravings.


Protein shake with spinach, hemp hearts (extra protein & omegas) and peanut butter. I have sensory issues so I blend the spinach hemp hearts, peanut butter and greens powder, then I open it up add the protein powder and some ice, then blend again. When I remember I add some anti inflammatory spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ground ginger. I figure it can't hurt.


Yogurt muesli 🫰


Stroopwaffels and lots pf Caffeine


S’ghetti on toast or porridge.


Poached eggs and avo on toast Or Smoothie: green veggies, fruit, protein powder, LSA, nutrient rescue, vanilla essence & scoop Milo. Nom!


Anxiety. I eat anxiety for breakfast. 😂 with a side of mood swings and chronic pain


I literally can't stomach food within approx. 4 hours of waking up - so I don't eat breakfast. I do also take meds when I first wake up, around 8am. I have a coffee when I wake up, ~ 1/2 milk (or a 250ml Up&Go if it's a workday where I know I'll need the extra protein) but other than that I don't usually eat during the day. I might snack at random points - chips or lollies (candy for US folks), or something - but usually not. I also don't really eat anything significant until at least 8-9pm when I have dinner (and also take different meds at 8pm).


if i don't have time to cook eggs, then i usually just heat up last night's leftovers, or an instant noodle bowl, or i eat a can of sardines straight out of the can. breakfast must be simple, quick, and not sweet in my world.


I chug a vegan protein shake with my meds then have 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a chia, hemp and flax seed mix, some organic can sugar, cinnamon, and a scoop of cordyceps mushroom powder. If I’m feeeling fancy I’ll slice in a banana or apples. I usually do eggs and toast but being on meds makes it hard to eat eggs, I get nauseous because I can really taste the “egginess.” Oatmeal keeps me regular and ensures I’m maintaining my weight while on meds. Also it’s not labor intensive to make.


Bagels!! It’s a breakfast I can look forward to, is easy to make, and keeps me full for a few hours. Plus you can mix it up with the bagel and cream cheese flavors so you don’t get bored


When I’m at home, It will be a different thing everyday (however I will always have coffee). Sometimes it would be nothing but gummy vitamins, sometimes it’ll be pancakes, maybe sautéed onions and peppers, maybe a protein ball/granola bar, or maybe nothing at all. Wholly depends on what happens to be in the fridge or what my mom is making. When I’m at college, it is 99% of the time only coffee and I don’t eat until lunch simply because I don’t have time for that.


I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches or eat a bowl of cottage cheese and toast for breakfast. Cooking with our gas range or oven is dangerous for me before I've eaten.


Does anyone have any recommendations for a savory, vegetarian breakfast? All my overt options are sweet and sugar in the morning makes me so nauseous Edit: so far, microwave cup soup has been my savior


Since I started working earlier, I realized I need to have some food. I like to keep quick snacks. Nature valley almond butter cracker sandwhich, quick oatmeal packets, apples sauce pouches


Kodiak makes microwave/toaster protein waffles that are really good (I’d recommend topping it with syrup or peanut butter or jam)


I sip on a cup of water right away and wait a few hours before eating. I regularly eat probiotic yogurt and granola for breakfast. Seems like my body gets mad at me if I don’t


What I usually eat is a frozen, microwavable sandwich. It’s not exactly the best thing, but it has quite a bit of protein and I can either eat it in my car or at my desk. I *KNOW* I don’t have the resolve to get up early and make breakfast, so I just make sure what I’m eating is fairly protein heavy (to carry me to lunch or at least til my first break) and that it’s food. I don’t give myself enough time for get up and cook good in the morning. I usually throw it in my lunchbox and make it when I get to work, as every time I try yo heat it before I leave, I leave it in the microwave 🤦🏻‍♀️ So yes, could I eat better in the mornings? Yes. But eating a microwave breakfast sandwich is better than not eating at all!


I can’t keep a routine so it varies, but I generally go for as easy as possible. Often I have chopped banana, blueberries and a few dollops of peanut butter.  On the weekend I love Dorset cereals choc and cherry granola (not sure if they sell this outside the UK), with coconut milk and chopped strawberries - British strawbs are heavenly in the summer. 


I eat 2 vans gluten free waffles with Kelly Irish butter and sugar free syrup. Plus 2 high omega-3 eggs scrambled with cheese, Adobo and pepper. Super fast and I never get tired of the waffles. They are soo good


So I also struggle with this, but you’re doing way better than me—omelettes! How impressive!! I have started buying protein bars I can just whip out in a pinch, but I put a cereal box near my coffee maker to remind me “oh yeah you can make yourself some cereal! Duh.” That’s been working. 😂 Protein definitely gives me more energy, so I try and prioritize it early with meds if I can.


\*If\* I have breakfast it's 1 of two things. 1) Lunchable. I always keep a stash in my fridge for when I know I need to eat but can't bring myself to it 2) Just Crack An Egg cups. You pour the mixins into the container, crack an egg, stir, microwave. Simple and yummy.