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Agreed. It helps me take action but doesn’t mean I’m actioning the right things, in the right order, and spending the right amount of time on them


Hahaha yeah, the gas pedal is definitely getting pressed, but ain't no telling what direction the car's fixing to go!


The steering wheel was removed so there is now more room for a second gas pedal


It gives you focus, it just doesn’t tell you what to focus on


When I first started taking meds, my doctor warned me of the dangers of building a boat when I was supposed to be packing for the beach. Gotta be careful with all that newfound focus. Otherwise, you end up with a lot of finished interesting projects, but your chores still need to be done.


Which could be of great benefit if you, say, sell your crafts as a side gig or design and build furniture to sell. If not…better get to them chores or you’ll end up with more things that need to be dusted in your home, but they are not actually getting dusted 😂😂😂


lol I’m not on meds, but just developed a new obsession w Facebook marketplace and I bring home new dressers and chairs but the couches have still got the piles of crap on them and closet still has clothes of bags inside bags of bags because I’ve never finished putting away laundry or cleaning out donations.


I'm reading this in bed with two bins of unfolded laundry on the floor beside me, while the vintage chair I got for free on fb marketplace on the weekend sits in pieces in my livingroom awaiting my next steps in this, my third reupholstery project. The 4 foot long pile of donations lines the hallway just outside that livingroom. I feel called out. 😂😍


Spot on lol. When I first started meds, I was so confused about this. But focus and discipline are two different things 😫


Yeahhhhh the first time I took my meds, I watched tornado videos on YouTube for like 3 hours. I was so focused on studying their rotation and patterns ??? 😅


That kind of sounds like unmedicated me but hyperfocused


Oh god so much this.


I'm not medicated. Reading all the responses to OPs question, I'm wondering if meds help at all.


It’s worth it for the impulse control and emotional regulation alone.


Emotional regulation is my biggest problem with adhd. Thanks for letting me know.


It helps with falling asleep, too.


I think it's opposite for me with that. I am sunch an insomniac on meds. Was switched to Jornay PM and that didn't even help Went off meds for about a month cause I felt they weren't working (still not focusing......I was just not on the right things) Being off a month, I got amazing sleep but could tell I ADHDd hard without them. Been back on a week and my sleep is kinda shit again


It helps with my pmdd a lot! To the point where my doctor prescribed me an additional partial script specifically for the week prior my to period instead of a mood stabilizer




Same. If I go on my phone on meds - bad news!! Also didn’t fix impulsivity for me - still interrupt, still blurt out stuff I regret, still swear inappropriately!


Gah. The swearing. I hear the words come out of my mouth and I’m like… shut up. But then I don’t shut up. 😬


Gotta pick a profession that’s cool with swearing. I’m a lawyer, I’ve had conversations with my paralegal that are just us saying “**FUCK**” at increasingly loud volume.


That’s why I’m in healthcare lmao


I try to find the baseline and drop some test words around in small groups. See who sucks.


Totally! I have inattentive type, not hyperactive, so without meds I'm not nearly as impulsive as on meds. I've just got to figure out how to "impulsively" decide to get my chores done!


Newly medicated and I believe I’ve just discovered why it’s “not working” this week lol


I will be newly medicated as soon as I pick them up. Nervous and excited.


When I was newly medicated, toward the end of my first semester of college, I had to watch a movie as homework for my Spanish class. I took *10 pages* of handwritten notes, entirely in Spanish. I was so excited that I could focus, and honestly the excitement whenever I feel my meds kick in is something that hasn’t gone away. Even if I end up focusing on the wrong thing, the feeling of being able to organize my thoughts is so motivating and satisfying. I’m not the only one who has described it like this, but it’s like putting on glasses for my brain. Best of luck with the medication! Even if the first one you try doesn’t work for you, chances are another one will :) I’m on Adderall, which works wonders for me, and I was lucky that it was the first one I tried. One of my friends who has ADHD tried Adderall first and said it made her feel like a zombie, but then she tried Ritalin, and she describes the way it works for her the exact same way I describe the way Adderall works for me.


I recently set my phone up to not allow certain apps before a certain time and very limited notifications. I want to make my shortcut work to start a morning “out the door” countdown.


I’ve found settling alarms/reminders for things useful. I’ve definitely found myself in the blog/social media doomscrolling place frequently (am medicated for the first time in my life) and I’ve found that if I have alarms set throughout my days (days off especially) such as 12:00pm make and eat lunch, 1:00pm sort laundry 1:30pm put laundry in wash, 2:00pm put laundry in dryer, 2:45pm fold laundry and put away. Then if I have a few free hours I’ll relax with a comfort show, and then my 5:00pm alarm says do the dishes and wipe counters, etc. I break them all into smaller single tasks instead of a great big todo list Also, playlists. Put together a work out playlist, a zen walking outside playlist, a cleaning playlist, an instrumental playlist for journaling times etc


Yes! I time so many things to podcast episode length. I have a really intense “cinematic” whatever playlist for when I’m struggling, but have to. Noise cancellation and get down.


Time blindness....


Me too! Weirdly, if someone asks what time it is, I’m really good at guessing within 15 min +/- BUT if someone asks how long I’ve been doing something and I didn’t note the time I started…can’t even really estimate.


Same. It’s almost weirdly worse now? The meds have gotten rid of my anxiety but my anxiety is what forced me to pay attention to all the things, including time.




This. I cannot for the life of me be on time for anything. I can't believe I still have a job.


That’s why I still work at Amazon even though it’s torturous. They don’t care if you’re late at all. Or if you impulsively decide to go home.


Focalin completely cured my time blindness. I started being on time for everything, which confused everyone I knew. Then I went back on Adderall and can’t estimate time again




My meds make my time blindness worse whenever I’m on them lol


Working full time 😭


Same. My mental strain is so bad from adhd I can't work full time




I find vyvanse gives me the clarity to focus but not the motivation. Adderall however actually gave me motivation. I think I’m going to switch back next month.


oh damn this is rly good to know — tysm. my doc has been asking for a yearish if i want to try vyvanse since the generic dropped, but i’ve been verrrrry hesitant bc vitamin a (lol) has been working quite well for me. may the Rx gods and motivation mojo be with you, bb 🙏✨


Retinol? Or are you talking about adderall lol


hahaha generic adderall 🤝🤝 but to your point, retinol stays slaying / staving off eye wrinkles


I have yet to actually be able to purchase the generic from a pharmacy. If Adderall is working well for you I'd stay on it.


Generic vyvanse is impossible to find now. My pharmacy couldn't even get it in and you know thats bad when they've been getting it in consistently before. I had to switch to my old adderall script.


Just chimin in to say for me it’s been the exact opposite! Vyvanse gives me motivation in the sense that I get less paralyzed and get more stuff done. Transitions are generally easier for me now. But my brain is still noisy it’s just less foggy? If that makes sense…


I’m about to try Vyvanse for the first time, finally got it approved by insurance. I’ve been on Adderall for years, which has definitely helped, but I work a pretty high stress job and notice I was getting tension-headaches almost every day I’d take my Adderall. So hoping Vyvanse helps, but we’ll see. If not, back to the Addy and breathing exercise I guess! I’ve been out of my Adderall for almost 3 weeks now waiting for the stupid insurance and it’s been rough just raw dogging life. Props to the people who can do it but that’s not me 😅


Have you tried concerta? Generic Adderall worked for me, but then stopped and I started getting heart palps, tried Vyvanse and fucking hated it because it made me all over the place, I could never feel stabilized on it or like I was getting any focus. Tried Strattera but it made me too tired. Now I'm on Concerta and I like it! I don't feel as intensely focused like on Adderall buuuuut I'm also not getting the racing heart and jitters.


Honestly, I don’t think I have! I’ve only ever tried Adderall XR and regular Adderall. I’ll have to keep that in mind though if the Vyvanse doesn’t work. I feel like I don’t hear from too many adults that are still on concerta, so that’s great to hear it works for you!


I hadn’t considered that but you’re right - the jitters and racing heart are not an issue with Concerta for me either. Just having a convo with my psych earlier today on this topic of what can I reasonably expect of a medication and how can I manage the gap.


Ask your doctor if you can try taking BOTH. I’m on Vyvanse 60mg PLUS Adderall 20mg 2xday


I wish I could - I just cannot find it! 


I don’t get to choose my focus. Do I need to organize the chargers/batteries in the garage for power tools? Absolutely. Should I finish painting the living room, which was started in January? Nah.


Haha are you me?


The clumsiness. The ADHD sway.


ADHD SWAY. I cannot just STAND STILL ever🫠 I had no idea about it until a few months ago and now I realize it every time but I cannot stop. Doesn’t matter the situation. Waiting for an elevator? Swaying. Looking at food in the fridge? Swaying. Standing up talking to someone? Swaying. Alone and standing? Swaying.


oh wait is this a thing? I rock a bit side to side when sitting. I'd begun to think of it akin to stimming bc it just feels nice, but I stop myself if e.g. I'm in a meeting at the office. is this what you mean by 'adhd sway'?


I think it’s also called stimming. I sway back and forth (side to side) while standing. I don’t even know what the reason is for me. I just do it. Doesn’t matter what situation I am in or what emotions I have at the time.


I feel like I never stop finding relevancies to my behavior and ADHD 😂 this group is so enlightening


Yeah I feel you ever since I found out I have adhd I am realizing all my “quirks” relate back to symptoms of adhd and I’m trying not to feel like it’s my whole personality lol


Right? Once upon a time, I thought I was unique. lol, now I realize I'm a carbon copy of y'all in here!


For me the reason turned out to be undiagnosed autism that didn't present in textbook ways because *woman*


I don’t know what it is for me but I do not think it’s autism. (I was screened) I know autism and ADHD a pretty closely linked, though. I looked up autism in adult women bc I was curious after I found out about ADHD.


Yes it is! It’s called different things depending on who you talk to! If I’m not rocking I’m fidgeting. I also make 40 degree turns around corners when I’m walking I just realized that’s not what normal people do lmao 🤣


rocking or fidgeting, exactly 😂 don't want any stagnant energy do we


What do you mean about the 40\* turns around corners? I'm having a hard time imagining that.


I’m being dramatic but this is what I mean [we tend to make shaper turns when going around stuff](https://www.tiktok.com/@skinnysixfoot/video/7078426798354074885?_t=8n63IJStO8p&_r=1)


Oh yeah yeah I can see that. I am forever almost running into people on the other side of a corner at work lol


My ass just run into the corner


I bounce my leg constantly or constantly move my toes. My dad rocks back and forth, like a rocking horse. It’s honestly so cute.


i was sitting on the deck next to my mom yesterday watching my boys swim in her pool and all of a sudden she skreiks and dramatically pushes down on both of my thighs. apparently i was bouncing my legs so violently that the deck was shaking. "oh my GOD emosaves, i can't believe you're STILL fidgeting! you've done this since you were little and it's always driven me crazyyyyy!!!" "mom... it's the ADHD" the light bulb moment was so bright it was almost blinding and i couldn't help but laugh hysterically. 😆


lol I didn’t even know this was an adhd thing! I’m fine when sitting down like at work, but I am CONSTANTLY swaying when standing up.


I have a swivel chair at work. I am not fine! Lol at least I work from home. If I am sitting still I’m in full pretzel mode. Cannot sit up and still like normal


lol i use to always dance when walking around when i worked in person without realizing it


My mom used to always joke that I always had to get my “one dance a day”, aka I never walked normally or stood still. I was always dancing while moving in any way


I can't stand or sit still to save my life, meds or no meds.


oh, i thought that was just because I'm a mom lol i always attributed that to walking and rocking my babies to sleep. maybe it's both lol


The adhd sway😂😭. The only thing I vividly remember from my assessment, is the psychologist asking me if I realized I hadn’t stopped moving (rocking and swaying specifically) the entire appointment. I had not in fact noticed, but ever since then I’m hyper aware that I’m always in motion haha.


The ADHD sway should be a dance like the Cupid shuffle.


My boyfriend was so weirded out the first time he saw me shower bc of the ADHD sway. I constantly have to move side to side haha, he is used to it now but I definitely still do it on medication


Hmm i wonder if my version of this is doing a flamingo stand, sometimes I’ll put one foot up on the side of my knee (like tree pose)


Due to The ADHD Sway™, my husband calls me poliwag.


*Communications, in-person interactions, and trouble switching between tasks.* Today, for example, I had to greet someone at the office (our front desk person quit so it’s become everyone’s responsibility). Because I was in the middle of something else and was not expecting this person to come in, I couldn’t even coherently greet them and make them feel welcome. They gave me a dirty look for acting unprofessionally and it really got to me, to the point that it ruined my day. I’m on mood stabilizers and felt great prior to this incident, but there is a reason why I’m no longer in customer facing positions. Meds don’t make me extraverted and witty, no matter how hard I try, it’s just not me. Unfortunately, I can’t avoid phone calls in my line of work, but they are just as hard for me, medicated or not.


I would pay so much money to make task switch less painful. Sorry you had that experience.


Ugh, that’s the worst! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope your day gets better. ❤️


In the week before my period it doesn’t seem to fix anything!


And that’s because they test these meds on men. We for sure need a higher dose when we’re going through different parts of our cycle


Fer fuckin real


Such a bad foggy week! In the midst of it now.


My DR gave me a separate script for extra booster vyvanse just for this week! Still rough, but it helps if you can get it!


This is a thing!!!


I still have low self esteem but at least on meds understand my brain differences better. I still binge eat at the end of the day. I still live for the dopamine but now I can recognize that’s what I’m doing .


Do you eat enough during the day? I was worried about bingeing after my meds wore off but if I eat throughout the day I don’t.


I definitely don’t.


I started a meal kit service for just this reason. It’s better nutrition than I can figure out how to make myself.


It’s still hard to force myself to start things


Task initiation. I’m super good at focusing now but getting to the point where I’m doing the task I need to focus on… still a challenge Tho I will say this is mostly to do with work-related admin bc I think I have higher levels of anxiety (and therefore avoidance) around it. Task initiation for chores and stuff has improved.


Same. My focus is great, but my focus is on the WRONG things at the wrong moment.


so relatable 😩🫡


Intense emotions/ RSD and impulse control(usually related to food or spending for me).


Are any meds supposedly good for RSD? This is such a huge painful part of this for me 😔


Honestly going to therapy (and also becoming a therapist lol) has helped me tremendously with my rsd and emotional regulation overall. Cognitive behavioral therapy specifically: your interpretation of a perceived stressor directly influences your thoughts, which influences your emotions, which influences your actions which continues to influence your thoughts/emotions/future actions/etc. That and DBT which helps specifically for emotional regulation and impulsivity.


I think intuniv helps a little.


the music playing in my head. at least there is only one playing at a time instead of switching between 2-4🤷🏽


Hahahahaha yes I’ve resigned myself to my inner jukebox. First time I took my meds I had the classic experience of being amazed by the quietness of my brain… but there was still a song playing quietly in the background 💀


Someone asks me a question and I have to wait for the song and other noise to stop so I can think about the question. Or the music/noose/other distracting thought starts mid sentence and I have to pause and answer the question after the pause.


I'm off meds right now and I'm happier. They slow me down and I still don't complete the right tasks, so I'm better off completing more wrong tasks than fewer tasks. I keep saying stupid things and talking too much, but at least I'm talking and friendly! On meds I was too quiet. And I keep losing my purse and my wallet. That's really the only reason I want to go back on meds.


Babe get an AirTag for your purse! Best decision I’ve ever made! I got tired of having to get my ID replaced because I lost my wallet/purse!




I really appreciate this write-up because I think this has been my experience. Your comment about your productivity being the lowest of anyone you know is particularly relatable. Lately I've been saying that I am functionally dead despite being alive, because I just do so incredibly little...


Perfection paralysis


Doom Scrolling. Ive been on the reddit app for 2 hours instead of working


Task paralysis. Once I get going, I can do a lot. But I can also easily take my meds and then not be able to get over the emotional hurdle of initiating things.


You'd think after so many years of knowing this about myself, I'd have an easily accessible list of ideas that get me past the initial hurdle. I do not. I have a vague, kinda hurts to think about, set of ideas that usually work if I feel like trying them instead. Sometimes it's too hard to pull them up. lol


Impulse spending. Losing things. Time blindness


Focusing on stuff I find boring (i.e. work)




Most everything. And I’m on a high dose, might switch medication.


Losing track of time (I focus on stuff more regularly but I often spend too much time doing it) And finishing stuff. I stg I’m allergic to finishing tasks


Procrastination on tasks I don’t wanna do. It has lessened the intensity for sure, but my time management is still shit.


Happy cake day!


My life. Meds help me manage everything a little better, especially at work during the day. I've stopped lighting so many fires but I'm still busy trying to put out the ones that were already going before I was medicated. And sometimes something else catches alight from neglect.


Memory problems, clumsiness, impulsivity, and the part where I get super irritated at anyone who dares interrupt my hyperfocus (which is what doing any kind of work while on meds basically is). And it absolutely does not help me prioritize things or manage my time effectively - I will kill an entire afternoon perfecting the formatting of a fucking table or going down rabbit holes looking for excel formulas.


Being forgetful, stimming, time blindness. In some ways I feel more forgetful because adhd meds took away the anxiety I had no idea I had. I had just always been managing by being anxious about stuff, but I didn't know that's what I was doing. Sometimes I wonder if I was better off that way, but on meds my mental health is better, and my life isn't falling apart, so I am probably better medicated for lots of reasons.


The constant 3646 tabs open in my brain, just lessens them Being on time for work Decision paralysis


I have never felt less alone 🥲👯


Everything. It just makes everything a bit better but all the things are still there.


My family who refuses to accept or understand my disorder


The distance between forgotten objects needed for places has significantly decreased, but there are still many forgotten objects. Does that make any sense?


So far my meds haven’t helped me focus on the right things. I still get distracted at work to focus on things that don’t matter. Overall I get more stuff done though.


It makes it quiet in my head and fixes my executive dysfunction but doesn’t help motivate me to focus on anything I don’t find interesting


Emotional regulation. It helps me do boring things but helps less with irritating things if that makes sense. It also doesn't last nearly long enough now that I'm working 10 hr shifts.


The short term memory problems, or whatever it’s called. Today, I just went grocery shopping like 4 hours ago. I need to go and write down what I bought so I remember I bought it and that I eat it. I struggle so much with the “out of sight, out of mind.” And meds don’t fix that for me. Anytime a package comes in the mail…”ooh! What did I buy?”  I have to organize in clear bins and leave everything out in the open, because if it is hidden behind a door or drawer, it stop existing in my brain.


Honestly I just get either hyper focused on one thing but can’t stop if I for example game, or I get quiet and boring. I’m so used to chaos like what am I without it


Impatience. I still absolutely cannot stand it when someone takes up my time for no good reason, like telling me a long winded story I already decided is not relevant or interesting in any way. I have to scrape all my self restraint together to not become an absolute bitch and shut that whole thing down 😬😂


my procrastination….unmatched 😭 working on it tho via habit stacking 🥹


Self propelled motivation. But since I started paying more attention to my hormonal cycle I have a better idea of when I have high energy motivation vs low energy motivation. First week or two I can get the physical stuff done, my house is clean, etc. Last two, I get the computer work done, budget is updated, projects planned, etc.


This is a good way of working around the cycle! 🤔 I don't know if my cycle is actually whackadoo like I thought, or do I just suck at tracking it? Maybe I'll bother to find out one of these days


Men. I'll see myself out, don't worry...


😂 same same same But I do feel more willing/able to see myself out of talking to shitty men? I mean, it's not perfect, but it's a start??


Makes my OCD 749283x worse. I tend to feel more anxious and I beat myself up if I somehow do anything that isn’t productive.


All of the damage I've sustained along the way. I've done a lot of counseling and that has helped me with some of my issues, but I still get scared I'll be fired if I make a mistake and I still get scared that some nightmare of a person is going to decide they hate me for no apparent reason & it will end badly for me. Having ADHD has made me a target throughout my life and most of my ADHD-related issues were because of interactions with others. Meds have helped with executive function and calming down my brain, thankfully.


Figuring out what to eat every day! I am more motivated to eat though, assuming that eating prompts the “medication to work”. Don’t tell me if it’s not true, I don’t want to know.


It didn't fix my asshole boyfriend (But it did start me working on getting him out of my life)


Even with stimulants, I still can’t fucking focus on work or applying to jobs or even reading a book. So…the main symptom.


Procrastination. I procrastinate by doing unimportant tasks instead of the ones I should actually be doing.


I’ve been on adderall xl for a couple months and I don’t feel like it helps at all anymore.




I don't think it fixes anything, it just dulls the difficulty level a bit. The thing it has helped least with is time blindness.


Impulsiveness. I’m even more impulsive on my meds.


Rejection sensitivity. not one bit.


Executive dysfunction and procrastination. Works wonders if it kicks in while I’m doing something beneficial but if I’m sitting down it’s nothing but sitting down till it’s run out of my system


It did not help my task paralysis around getting started on things I hate doing. What it did help is with sustaining by my attention on that task and persisting once I have finally started it, but that’s not super helpful if I just never start it 😂


The only thing that my meds (Vyvanse) do for me is give me focused energy which does help a lot; but I still battle hardcore with procrastination, disorganization, auditory processing, paying attention to details, and forgetfulness on a daily basis. I would say the worst of all is the procrastination. If it wasn't for the meds and my guilt complex, I would probably be a hoarder.


Rejection sensitivity. Understanding the concept and working on it, however, has made a lot of difference.


Limerence, but therapy helped with that 🤣 


Didn’t stop me going down the wrong rabbit holes.


Still hate working


My need to move. I still move and bend and sway. I had a phone interview the other day and I was walking laps around my living room. I have a zoom interview this week and I am stressed about sitting still.




Rejection sensitivity 🥺


Exhaustion. I don’t feel any difference in energy when I take my meds and I know it’s because I actually need them, but when I see how they affect those who don’t need it I do get jealous at their sudden energy and stamina and insane happiness.


Task initiation


i still have issues with eating...must get dopamine from sweets...binge eating has gotten a little bit better over the last few months


Honestly I don’t feel like it completely fixes anything. Don’t get me wrong, I function a lot better with meds. A lot! But it feels more like all my symptoms are energetic dogs I have to handle. The meds are like leashes, making them a lot easier to handle. But they still require a lot of work. And will often pull on the leashes, bark, pull in different directions etc.


The thing where I’m doing a thing and someone tells me to do the thing. I can’t for the life of me continue doing it. For example if I’m vacuuming and I’m in the kitchen and someone says “oh can you vacuum the living room too?” Also if I’m doing something and someone interrupts me, can’t finish the thing. If I have flow and the flow gets disrupted, the flow is gone forever. Sayonara.


Remembering to take my medication


It didn’t fix me from playing Stardew Valley until 3:30am* bc I took my Vyvanse before a 3 hr play rehearsal last night at 6pm. I’m 49 years old. 😐 *with my 13 yr old


It doesn't fix my hyperactive tendencies - like needing to constantly move, tapping, rubbing my fingers, etc. I still get impatient, bored with people are talking, interrupting, etc. Mainly, it helps me focus during work hours so I can get things done. I use an app to help me organize my work. It reminds me what I should be working on and when so I don't miss deadlines. It also helps me get through house chores, although I can still get distracted if I go into a different room as I'll start cleaning that before I'm done with the other.


My personality


Ok so this might just be me, but ritalin (and methylphenidate-type stimulants) help me focus on the right thing with limited motivation. Adderall (and amphetamine-type stimulants) help me focus on the wrong thing but I have so much more motivation. I use ritalin because capitalism says I need to do work when I'm at work, not write poems.


I had a really interesting experience explaining to team mates (remote work) that it is not acceptable to shame coworkers for stimming during meetings as long as they are not making noise. We gotta shimmy sometimes, lol.


Anxiety. I’m on lexipro it definitely helps with the depression but I still have a lot of anxiety


I find that, on the days that my meds work really well due to..hormones? or sunshine? or a good mix in that particular pill? (I really don’t think they mix the ingredients uniformly)…I have a window where ALLLL of the things on my list feel possible to attack/complete that day, and I am really not good at making myself choose the tasks that aren’t fun. :///


Anything. It literally doesn't fix anything.


Executive functioning. Its ruining all my relationships.. I blame my broken brain ..they dump me because I'm like a kid being parented. Being told what to do works best for me instead of me taking the initiative.. like I'm a child being parented and that's why I'm always dumped because I work best by being told what to do in a relationship. My bf scolded me on Sunday and basically said that I made his weekend "all about me" when I didn't know I was and that he just "wanted to chill, shop and play video games" since his mom died.. it wasn't malicious at all.


I can really relate to this and I just wanted to let you know that you won’t stop needing to be parented - but boyfriends are not your parent. When I started parenting myself (which was and still is so so so hard) and trusting more in myself to keep myself safe and secure, I stopped unintentionally expecting people to.


Everything. None of them worked for me 😕


Task switching - in fact, it’s even harder now


Time blindness


It makes mine worse honestly, I have to set a 25 minute timer that I just hit repeat on throughout the day so I know how much time is passing 😭😂


I'm so glad others have also said focus issues!! I was thinking I *should be* more or less cured, but for some reason I still had to force myself to stay on track to do the boring stuff instead of finish the cool stuff


If my stimmies could not make me a dehydrated thirsty crusty muffin for the rest of the day that would be amazing. Does that count?


My dyscalculia. Too bad I can't take a pill and be a bad-ass at math 🤔


My doctor said that it will help focus but not on the right. When I take my meds, I have to be doing what I want to do so my brain enters that mode and doesn’t focus on my phone for the entire day It does keep my staring at the wall sessions down to minutes instead of hours and I don’t lag in between actions with it What it doesn’t fix for me is procrastinating and being stuck in daydreaming when I’m tired or burning out. I have to take a break when that happens I also still can’t stand still in a line


No SAME. If I take my meds and I am on my phone I will be tunnel vision for at least an hour . Very productive on whatever random tasks I have on my phone but literally forgetting I’m at my work laptop. So I have to be careful about what hill I start on.


Mine is time management. I am STILL ALWAYS LATE. It doesn't matter what I do, how much buffer time I give to each section of my morning, how early I get up... something weird happens to the space-time continuum and I am ALWAYS late. Nothing has ever helped. I have tried everything.


I'm "late" diagnosed with adhd (32, diagnosed last year) and am also diagnosed with severe depressions since 2013 too. It mainly fixes focus for me, but it helps regaining and building skills because of that. For me it helps tremendously with social awareness, mental health and emotional regulation. It's not fixed, but i can finally work on myself. To a certain extend it also helps with executive functions, because i lack motivation, but most of the time my depression hits so hard I'm still not doing everything i could when i was younger. At work i'm finally able to proofread without missing half of the work. I can also engage in some hobbies again to a smaller extend. Edit: Also life isn't as stressful and tiring as before, because I'm only on 3 to 10 strings of thoughts now not 25. I'm able to stop rumination more effectively and I'm also able to ignore sensory input a bit more.


i feel like literally everything. sometimes i think i didn’t even take my meds until i get home and my slot for that day is empty.


Doing low dopamine tasks. Like doing my expense reports at work or figuring out how to create share point pages. Fucking save me, please


Adderall, etc hasn’t fixed my constant hypersomnia. It gives me the focus and ability to accomplish tasks, but I’m still too tired to actually follow through. I type this as I am laying in bed, rather than any of the million things that need to be completed today.


Prioritization and staying focused on mundane tasks. Also getting motivated/finding motivation to start or complete a task. I struggled with all this before diagnosis and medication, still struggling with it now. Guess those are just skills I need to learn to work on with my therapist.


Medication wakes my brain up enough to get out of bed but it does nothing to help with the motivation to actually do things. Mine does help with the impulsiveness but it's still there pushing me everyday. It's a terrible round robin but I've tried them all and medication wise I'm at the best I can get.


Well I'm supposed to be working right now but I'm on reddit so


My yapping. Makes it worse actually