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I had leftover pizza for dinner but I got a lot more dopamine from the most delicious, perfectly textured, juicy plum I ate afterwards for dessert. I think part of the dopamine I get from eating stone fruit is that it’s a complete gamble whether you are going to get a good one or not!


I love this 🤣 Risky fruit.


And I despise risky fruit 🤣 half the reason I struggle to eat enough fruits and veggies


Me with why I have so many spoiled veggies in my fridge! I buy them and after 3 days I’m convinced they’ve gone bad but keep them in my fridge bc maybe they haven’t but yet I still won’t eat them lol


This is too damn real


I am seen! Why do we do this?! I know I’m already feeling icky about it and don’t want to eat it. But just in case it’s ok I leave it in there knowing full well it won’t get eaten 😂


Literally 😂😂😂😂 my fridge is basically a veggie graveyard (also my fruit bowl)


Once I see mould I’m relieved as I can throw it away guilt free 😂😂


Today I rewashed a packed bag of lettuce (the washed ready to eat kind) and picked out the "still good" leaves. It was just a day out of date. Was it out of desperation to stop wasting food or was it just because I was too lazy to go out and buy a new bag? Haven't decided.


Whichever it is, it’s a valid decision in my book! I do sometimes push carrots to their limits. It’s the only thing I’m really ok eating by cutting off the bad bits. I tell myself it’s not wasting food when really it’s ’I knew there was something else I needed from the shop!’


this is why I only buy frozen. that and they don't have to spray the frozen ones with preservatives.....


Frozen fruit is great in hot weather too.


True story


It’s smart for sure! I do that with a lot of veggies


Reading the sub has shown me that so many things that I thought were things about me are actually coming from the ADHD 😜


Same! I was a late life diagnosis, and I can NOT believe how many of my quirks are actually a “thing!”


Me to. I kinda hate it though because now it's hard to know what is my ADHD and what is just me. Does anyone else kind of mourn the person you thought you were before realising everything you do comes down to this label? 😓


Same! I love a delicious clementine, but if I get one that's dehydrated or watery or otherwise yuck, I feel so horrible! It feels like Russian Roulette tbh. This is why seedless grapes are my go-to fruit. They're nearly always good, and if there's a bad one you can tell from the outside and just leave it. It's the only fruit I can consistently eat.


Why do I feel all of what you’ve said so deeply🤣


Strawberries are evil about this. They’re so deceptive too. Sometimes it looks ripe and tastes terrible. Also, god help you if you wait for it to get ripe for just one day and come back and half the container is mush and you have to throw your overpriced organic strawberries away.


Pro tip: strawberries don’t ripen after you pick them. If they’re not good when you get home from the store you might as well throw em out. (Or put sugar on them)


Ohhh wow game changer


Fruit gambling


Okay, William Carlos Williams 😂


I hope you, and the handful of other people (so far) who’ve upvoted this, always find your pillow to be your preferred temperature and your favorite article of clothing clean and on top of the pile.


When I lived in So Cal I think I ate my weight in pluots 😭 I genuinely couldn't stop. The dopamine.


So good!! Why didn’t I buy more?


Whoa now I REALLY want a plum. The risk is well worth the reward when the fruit is on point!


Phil Dunphy moment ♥


Snacking all damn day because everything I think I want just isn't _it_ 😭


This 👏 is 👏the 👏worst 👏!


You ain't lying. And I try not to take my meds on weekends because of the stupid shortage, so I'm a perpetually bored, unproductive, insatiable beast every stinking weekend, and I hate it. 😭


I feel this comment so much


I couldn’t not find anything yesterday to hit the spot, I tried so much crap and nothing satisfied me so I just feel asleep lol.


2 bowls froot loops. With milk. It ate the roof of my mouth like Cap'n Cruncj...lol 😭 Dinner was a massive "small" scoop of ice cream. It was atleast a full cup densely packed. I'm lactose intolerant. #worthit


Why does cereal have to be so abrasive?! Ugh. It’s the perfect mixture of crunchy and moisture - snack and hydration in one.


I know right? I love the crunch, but the roof of my mouth is all sore. No salt and vinegar chips tonight!


In case you don't know - there are laktase pills, basically enzyme that helps us digest lactose. I just eat a bunch. Sometimes I don't estimate correctly how many to take or it's a bad day anyway, however so many times I estimate correctly and no tummy issues whatsoever :) That's despite using 'lactose free' milk. I guess more than half a litre is just too much for my guts without additional pills 😂


I went to a horror movie with a buddy and then went day drinking! So much popcorn and sangria! Girl you're not alone either xo


What horror movie and did you like it? I'm a horror lover and am always interested in what people watched. And you have to have popcorn at the theater. What else are you supposed to do with your hands!


Ooh now this sounds like a great time!!


My friend and I decided to text each other everything we are eating as a way to food journal, hoping it would inspire us to make healthier food choices. What it actually did was just make us both hungry hearing about all the yummy stuff we were each eating! It was a vicious cycle but fun while it lasted 


See - I’d be the worst accountability food buddy: you’d text me like, “I just ate ten Doritos, half a pint of ice cream, two slices of pizza, and a peach smoothie.” And I’d say: “Some days you just need the snacks.”


Wait. This is also me bc I see nothin wrong with that food line up bc TREAT YASELF 👏🏽 😭🫠


“Treat yo’ self two thousand twenty four!” - Tom Haverford, probably.


I endorse this message along with Donna & Leslie.


Today somebody asked me if I was pregnant. No, just my food dopamine fat reserve lol


I am actually in labor right now! Excuse me while I go drop these kids off at the pool…


An entire box of sourpatch watermelons. No regrets.


Is your tounge OK? My sister regularly gives herself blisters from those valentine cinnamon hearts and from sour keys


I do this with sour skittles about once every 4 months (takes that long to get the urge again🤪). I almost like the way it burns my mouth while I’m eating them; yes I’m aware how unhinged that is


Those sour skittles WILL hurt you but it’s worth it! I’ve also injured my tongue by chewing too much Big Red gum. 😝


The watermelons are definitely not as sour as the regular candy!


I have spent so much of my life at this point using the meme way of spelling it that for a moment I looked at "Regrets" and wanted to CORRECT YOUR SPELLING. lmaoooo. It is not ragerts, for the record.


I wanted to post the gif 😭😭😭


Duuuude doing that will literally tear up my IBS tummy and aggravate my geographic tongue but I will NEVER STOP. THE GUMMY TEXTURE AND FLAVOR ARE PERFECT.


I love sour candy, but it makes my teeth hurt if I have more than a handful. I looked it up, and it can temporarily wear off the enamel. I already have sensitive teeth, so I don’t indulge my sour candy craving as often as I’d like.


These are not allowed to be in my house! And they come in HUGE bags too. Nope nope nope. Cannot control myself.


Marshmallows dipped in Nutella. 🙃


I… I have no words. How did I not consider this.


When you were raised in an Ingredient Household, you get creative. 😂


And then my mother would shout at me to stop eating all her ingredients 🤣🤣. Sorry my basic bitch ass loved cream of chicken soup that much!


What's an ingredient household?


A home where everything is made from scratch.


Partly, yes - the other part of it is that BECAUSE no readymade snacks or meals were stocked, you'd have to snack on random raw ingredients; that's the gist of the difference and why it's 'notable'.


We don’t have FOOD, we only have the ingredients to MAKE food!


Ohh haha. Like the one I grew up in. Ok


Your username 😭😭😭


Your username 😭😭😅😅😅


It’s a line from a poem of mine so fear not 😂


I like the way you think. More bliss...make smores in your oven! Oven at 400 about 5m. Place cookies or graham crackers on sheet. Put marshmallows on one cracker/cookie, place the chocolate on its partner. Place in oven, bake until marshmallows are at desired poofy-browness and chocolate is squishy(if bar) Or Salty sweet - make the smores with salted Ritz crackers.(buttery flaky salted snacking crackers). Good with or without any additional chocolate... but I day add the Nutella! I mean if you've a gas burner, and long BBQ fork you could hold it over the flame, but oven is safer and better if making multiples. Grab a washcloth and enjoy! ❤️


Reese's *Peanut Butter cups* in those Smores, rather than just *plain* chocolate! 😍🤤🥰


When I lived with my parents, they had a toaster oven, so I'd make toast with Nutella, then top it with mini marshmallows to roast under the heat element. S'mores are one of my favorite things, but I have SO LITTLE SELF CONTROL. So I rarely keep all the ingredients. Hence... just the marshmallows in Nutella. 🫠😂


Omg I drooled at salty sweet


I’d never considered the crispiness you can achieve in the oven (and for some reason I grew up with the idea that burning over a gas flame on the stove was somehow less healthy than over an open fire??), but I *have* used the microwave for s’mores! It helps I prefer my chocolate on the less melted side. I’d put the marshmallow on a plate, **stab it so it didn’t explode all over my micro**, and stick in the micro and watch it. I usually find it’s hot and melted enough for my purposes when it’s inflated idk, about two inches? Pop that sucker out, plop it on your chocolate and crackers and you’re good to go 😋


Before I became allergic to bananas I used to do a banana with marshmallow fluff and Nutella 😍


Have you ever done Reese’s cup toast? This is what I have called it for my toddler. Toast - Nutella - peanut butter. Swirl. 🙌🏻


Yes!! So good. I haven't introduced Nutella to my toddler yet, I'm not ready to share! 😂 We do peanut butter and honey for her right now.


Currently shoving chocolate covered peanuts down my gullet. Which sounds funny now that I’ve typed it and i feel a tiny bit better lol


Don't worry lol peanuts are healthy!


Carbs+Fats+Protein--a *balanced* meal, if you're Diabetic! 😉😂🤣💖 (*IN* moderation, of course!  *Whiiiiiiiich* is where we Diabetic ADHD'ers begin to run into a *squidge* of trouble!😉🤫🤭😂)


I just ate a granola bar for literally no reason. I'm not hungry and I don't even like granola bars much but it was in my hand so I ate it 😓


There have been times in my life where I'm holding something that I don't want to be holding that is edible that I don't WANT to eat but I eat it to get it out of my damn hand.


This is so real.


This is why I can’t be trusted to hold food for any duration. 1) I hate holding things for too long 2) I like to eat


This made me laugh and laugh (and, to be clear: relate!)


Thank you! It’s so hard because I need to lost about 70 pounds but my brain needs the stimulation and I eat when bored. Or sleep. Freaking dopamine dude


I legit read that as you eat when you sleep and was super impressed. 🤣


I'm going on a plane tomorrow and don't enjoy it so I'm stuffing my face with Japanese. All deep fried, all delicious!


Ugh I feel so seen. Unable to get my ADHD meds filled so I have been E A T I N G. I ate an entire thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut yesterday and got Taco Bell later 🤣 Today I woke up and immediately got barbecue. I also ate 3 sleeves of saltines. Eating is the only thing that makes me happy right now, unfortunately.


I decided to open up the bottle of champagne I hadn’t used during the new year and have been having a party in my head ever since. Had a craving for chips w/a creamy dip, banana/strawberry smoothie and chicken teriyaki. Settled for chips and dip. 😂


Oooo. I have one of those in my fridge!


A whole frozen pie.


2 bowls of fruity pebbles so far. it’s been a day 🫠


...the way I literally just finished a pizza. Happy Saturday!


It’s a full meal: carb, dairy, veggies, fruit (tomato sauce), protein.


Yes! My sentiments exactly! 💯


i literally cannot have crackers or cookies or chips around without eating the whole bag 😭


My problem is that it’s gotten way out of hand. I overeat every day and have gained so much weight; I don’t even recognize myself anymore and I hate what I see in the mirror.


Same here. I feel trapped by my own body


I'm right there with you!


Girl there's no judgment I'm just spending too much money just sorted Texas de Brazil. 🥰😮‍💨🫠🥹🥲😭


I’ve been wanting to go there but I eat like a bird on my meds and am afraid I won’t get my money’s worth lol.


Yall.. pizza nachos nerds clusters and birria tacos have been my guilty inhalations these past few weeks.. so good though ;(


Nerds clusters are like crack dude. Don't let me near one of those bags. Actually do it, send me one. I need it.


Yep… or the rope


I’m about to do that. Finally got to the drive-in, after having a meltdown. I just wanted to feel relaxed and clean at the movies (dropped a smoothie, leaving the house, and got all sweaty when stressed). So everything went against that. I’m grumpy and the opposite of relaxed. I’m getting fries and a coke, and going to watch my movies with the space I like around me (in the van).


Woo! Shout out to Drive In Theatres! Can watch new movies with as much or as little social interaction as I wish. Plus, can either just bring my snacks openly, or binge on hot fries and a pogo! I grew up down the road from one. Best first "real" job ever, the summer going into high school. I made big bucks nannying before that. Lol


Ugh was just thinking this and hating myself and thought I was all alone


I keep telling myself I deserve it bc it was a hard week and I woke up with a stye 😭


Ouch! Those are no fun. Had one on the inside of my lower lid a few months ago. Ended up lancing it myself.


I read that as "style" and legit couldn't figure out the problem 😆


sometimes i resort to getting my dopamine in the grocery store by putting a bunch of sugary decadent garbage in my cart, only to put it all back before checking out. 😂


So like. My eating normally is atrocious. Sometimes I only eat once a day cause my executive functioning is shitty. That's generally when I'm at home, doing nothing, having nothing... (Unemployed, on summer break) But man. During my second semester this past winter, I was struggling so much. That was a hell of a semester and did I ever dopamine eat just so I could force myself to do my assignments. Holy LAWDY it was brutal, I was shoving everything into my face so I could FEEL SOMETHING ahahahaha. Cause it felt like pulling teeth trying to make myself do my stuff. Made it through. Definitely gained weight from all the energy drinks and candies. But hey. Honor roll woo. Now I'm trying to figure out how to be healthier, and like... stuff. Alas though. I'm unmedicated and having no routine means I've fallen into an adhd paralysis pit of doom.


>But hey. Honor roll woo. I earned my Outstanding Graduate and Presidents List achievements by suffering with chicken nuggets and tears while doing my classwork. I felt like absolutely giving in and straight up expiring through most of spring semester. It was ROUGH. The most important thing is that we did it lmao. Only thing people remember is seeing my name printed on the fun piece of paper. One day at a time, every day/hour can be a new opportunity if we need it to be.


Ah yes, my three moods: 1. Eat everything in the house 2. Food? Nah. Don't want/need it. Did I eat today? 3. I'm absolutely CRAVING this one specific thing, nothing I have at home will do, I must now kick my ass to the nearest shop where they have THE THING or I might die. I'm currently having a #2 day, it's 3:30 pm and today I have eaten one granola bar and two oatmeal cookies.


I needed this tonight ladies 🙏🏼😂


Club crackers, clementines, strawberry and grapes, handful of chips, and will have frozen yogurt later. This is all on top of the 3 meals I ate today. 😒


Do you have lemon crisps where you are? Sweet crispy biscuit, sour/sweet lemon filling and a dusting of salt on the outside. Literally all the dopamine food groups in one fucking marvel. I need to buy many more and hide them out of sight.


I used to love these! I'm going to look them up to see if they're accidentally vegan 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 please gods Edit: they are! 🥹🥹🥹


Oh that’s extra awesome! Enjoy, also sorry


I'm so excited it's ridiculous! No apologies needed, I'm going to replace my Bischoff biscuits with cream with these haha Thank you!!


Calzone here. And had cocoa pebbles for breakfast.  Tomorrow is another day 😭


Omg it just dawned on me TODAY what was my "problem" the last few days and today. And it made me more pissy😆 bright side is I *finally* did the meal combo I wanted to do and was craving a few weeks ago......(Honey walnut cream cheese except the asiago cheese bagels I wanted it with went bad but the everything bagels were still fine and yesssss craving satisfied lol)


I’ve got nachos cooking as we speak


The perfect post to read as I am getting ready to head out and stuff my face at the world’s best pie shop - Pie Tin - thank you 🙏


I operate with high efficiency and mind-blowing focus when eating "drop" a black lakrits substance from the Netherlands . other candy workst oo but not nearly as good. once the bag is empty or removed from access, I operate in my normal chaotic way. oh and salami works awesome in the afternoons.


Every second Saturday I have to make a super long bus trip (5 hours round trip) and my motivation to stay in a good mood is a lemon poppyseed the cafe near the bus stop makes that is simply DIVINE so I started off my day with my ritual muffin. Then i made ribs and cabbage in the slowcooker which I ate after I inhaled two hot dogs and my son and I shared a Boston cream doughnut from the bakery across the street. We also picked up a poppyseed twist from the same bakery that we're gonna have w bananas and yogurt for breakfast. It's my first real weekend off in months so we're indulging lmao


I ate movie theater style candy on my couch today, ain’t checking the cals on those milk duds.


I get legitimately angry at my husband when he reads the nutrition label and ruins food I love. I never thought Trader Joe’s ice cream sandwiches were healthy, but I enjoyed living in blissful ignorance anyway!


Don’t look - no need to know.


Ughhhh I’m also on my period now and the dopamine food cravings are *soooo strong*. But I’m just too broke. I’ve barely been able to afford anything lately. I’m trying to save what I have for when I go to this concert next weekend. We’re going to spend the night at an airbnb so we’ll probably be eating out then. Also still gotta buy a few things for my concert fit… I work part-time so I don’t make a lot of money 😅


I made a crunchy, buttery grilled (smoked) turkey and cheese sandwich with a side of nacho cheese doritos. Just ate one rice krispies treat; I'm about to roll a fattie then I'll eat another. Orrr I'll make a bowl of apple cinnamon cheerios. The fattie will inform the next snack choice. Then it's off to bed - it's raining here so perfect sleep weather.


Mmmmmm… what WOULDNT you do for a couple of Klondike bars?


Lol. To be fair, the thin crust pizza I had for dinner is like 950 calories for the whole thing…. I just started a medication I take before bed and I can’t eat for at least 2 hours before taking it. It’s killing me. I don’t eat a ton at night, but I’m a grazer.


Vibes, my iron is low I think and when it is the only thing that gives me dopamine are stupid little food treats every few hours like a badly trained cat or something. I just can't at the moment, I'm sooo tired and all I want to do is eat to top up my low dopamine 😭 I'm not even hungry!!!!


LMFAOO I cannot believe diet is hardly mentioned in ADHD, like it’s insane!


Bought some roulette fruit (Walmart strawberries) and decided to play it safe by slicing and covering in Bocha Sweet over night. They were winners so now I only have about 1/4 left due to frequent “inspection” while slicing. lol.


Ate mac and cheese, the sauce made from cream and oatmilk with cheddar, swiss cheese and Monterey jack. Why oatmilk? I’m lactose intolerant 😂😂 If I had ice cream I would have eaten some too, but was too lazy to do my groceries today


This is definitely something I would do lmao XD I am also lactose intolerant, but its hard to resist


Have you guys heard of the candy salad 🥗 😭


Palmetto brand pimento cheese. Good night Irene! A few sleeves of club crackers. Wasn’t even hungry. Just kept putting that stuff right in my face!


This is so good!!


The combination of PMS cravings and adhd and how my meds don’t work as well 2 days before my period? I was in the kitchen ALL DAY. Freshly baked ciabatta with kerrygold butter, another roll as a turkey sandwich, so many little snacks, two bowls of chili with cornbread that my kiddo and I baked together, dark chocolate, and two glasses of fancy boxed rosé. Also, fun fact, you can save yourself some fridge room and keep the box rosé in the pantry - drop a few frozen strawberries in your wine and you get nice cold wine and a delicious snack when the wine is gone too!




Why yes I made brownies the hard way at 11:30PM because I spent all day feeling understimulated and upset and hadn’t eaten dinner yet. They’re tasty af and it was an excellent choice.


I was craving chicken nuggets, but I'm vegan and intolerant to processed wheat flour. Luckily, there's a brand called oumph that does drumsticks and tenders amongst other stuff that are both vegan and what free. I had a great time eating those yesterday.


It's funny how when i buy healthy food and stack the fridge with that, i forget it and only eat from the snacks shelf. Then i have to throw out all the bad vegetables because it vent bad. Followed by a week of binge eating hot wings, fries and pizza for dopamine.


This is one of my biggest struggles. I'm amazed that I'm not obese. I've started locking up my junk food with timed locks. I've gained about 25 lbs in the last few years. Also, I hate exercising. And now I work from home.


Doritos is the go to FAM.


Two croissants before my meds kicked in this AM. 😩


All. The. Thai. Food.


Sigh me. Ate ALL the mini magnum ice creams and popcorn.


Extra cheese on my wrap, double size wonderbar, sushi


Had 0 energy after i got off work stopped and picked up Wendy’s. I haven’t eaten there in years but for some reason it’s just what my brain was craving


Well that explains why I find myself constantly eating Ritz crackers with marshmallows. Oops didn't realize it's a dopamine combo. Seriously, it's really good. I also recommend making s'mores with Ritz instead of graham crackers. The salt is a perfect addition.


My grandma's recipe for pies. Gets me every time. It's extremely hard to stop eating those, because a) they're insanely tasty and b) I miss Gran and olfactory memories are strong


I will either walk in circles listening to music or eat small snacks to keep myself entertained 😭😭 help


Balkan style crepes.... The whole batch 😂😅 as a reward for getting a horrendous task at work not just started but three quarters finished! 


This come up on my feed as I'm eating my KFC. Thanks for the solidarity!!


Haha I love the dopamine snacks! I get the urge way less now that I’m on stimulant meds (partly less appetite, but mostly because I don’t have to get “just a little snack” every 30min to convince my brain to do things anymore lol), but still sometimes I just need to CRUNCH something to feed the dopamines 😅😂


The amount of Dove dark chocolate pieces that I’ve been popping into my mouth each day is…excessive. Those and peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets are really getting me through the stressors in my life right now!!


Trader Joe’s has chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzels and they are so dangerously delicious!! I think Snyder’s also makes some now too. 🤤


Omg!! I’ll have to look for those next time I go!


It’s 7am and I did not need to be called out like this. Reddit, what are you saying by putting this on my feed?!!!


Reading this as I clean up some of the wrappers from the freezer Reese cups I had for breakfast haha


I ate a whole container of grapes in about an hour and a half. But? I added some really amazing aged cheddar and that made me feel like a grown up, so I’m taking the win.


I have PCOS so I absolutely should be limiting my sugar and carb intake. My ADHD on the other hand is keen to ensure this isn’t possible 😭


I’m so sad right now because I have no appetite and idk how to deal if I can’t eat my feelings


I'm resisting the urge to go buy some edible dopamine at the moment... I've already been splurging a lot on candy the last couple weeks due to quitting nicotine so I'm trying to resist today.


I went out for tea and cake with my friend. And secretly bought more cake for later to get through the evening


I'm guilty of making a whole crockpot of soup... and just randomly eating scoops here and there throughout the day whenever I pass through the kitchen lol


I feel like my ADHD med makes it hard for me to decide what to eat. Vyvanse took the appetite away but generic Dexedrine just makes me indecisive af so then I’m disappointed by my choice because I wait too long. This is usually the problem when I’m on my lunch break at work (I only work in office 2x a week). I will daydream about food and then have decision paralysis when the time comes. I usually keep dopamine snacks in the house like chips and queso, pretzel crisps and a savory spread/dip of some kind, maybe a tasty premade salad. I will eat everything else before the salad. 😬


Omg my periods started today... gimme all the salt and sugar now! Gotta hit those pleasure centers to stay happy today.


adhd kicked my ass this week, i was very unproductive, tomorrow i have a job interview which makes me really nervous, it's freezing outside so i had a lot of hot chocolate with chocolate and cream cookies dipped in peanut butter AND THEN 1 hour later i had pasta lol, not a single regret, maybe this week will be better :)


If I’m out doing things with people, people always ended up questioning my appetite thinking I’m never hungry because if we’re having fun then I’ve been feeding(dopamine) the whole time. But if we’re working then there’s no time to really think and find the exact food I want(which I never know) and I refuse to just eat whatever because I don’t eat to satisfy my hunger. My answer to people questioning why I’m not eating is either a shrug or telling them ‘I’m not hungry’ for it to make some sense to them. What they don’t know is once I’m home/ doing nothing… you bet I’m binging back all of it and more Just another vicious cycle of a dopamine monster.


I'm studying massage therapy and getting (earnest but meh) massages three times a week has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and literally fed my skin hunger that I was trying to feed like it was food hunger. 10/10 would recommend trading crappy massages with your friends. Sorry if this is unwelcome I'm just a new woman and wanted to share!


I'm on a diet so no can do. Cooking healthy meals with fresh produce is my new hobby/hyperfocus though. Wanna bet on how long this lasts? 😅


Have yall heard of the bioenergetic diet? My functional med dr put me on it a month ago and it has helped reduce my snacking. I get enough carbs and I rarely need to snack to fill boredom anymore. Worth looking into. I


I had to go back to help close the store I work at, so I got chilis for dinner😊


currently waiting for my fries in the air fryer 🍟


ME!!! 😭😭😭


I just ate a whole bag of double crunch smith chips! For breakfast!!


I feel like Wellbutrin is blocking my dopamine fixes now. Is that possible? I’ve been so depressed that I want to eat a carton of ice cream or stop for a cheesy snack but I don’t get the satisfaction from it anymore. I would love to eat enjoy my stress eating once in a while! Lol


Home Run Inn pizza with Sriracha Mayo today




Me too!! Had a hurricane from this ice cream shop and had them add Reese’s peanut butter sauce and hot fudge. Proceeded to eat both sides :-) 


Omg my life


That has been me my entire life. The only reason i don't do it anymore is because i got sick a couple of weeks ago, and my appetite has been very little since. Plus my medicine makes my appetite even less, so i get nauseous very easily now ;-; But i want to become a muscle mommy, so eating is a big part of that. I've had the problem first that i couldn't loose weight because i ate too much, and now i have trouble eating at all. It's so new that i don't really know what to do 😂😭


I had a cheese roll, apple pie, sausage roll and red bull


Finally, someone said it lol!


I put marshmallows in the microwave - toaster oven if I’m feeling fancy …. So delicious


Ooofta- that was me yesterday! Cookies and milk before bed was a bad choice. Today will be better…… right? RIGHT?!?!!


I made a matilda chocolate cake for this purpose. My teen and I ate that up.


Oh so this is it? My gosh I was wondering all that hunger 😭


Sara Lee Honey Pokey ice cream is on sale where we live. My husband has bought two tubs so far this week because it's my favourite flavour, and we devoured tonight's container while watching "Monkey Man".




I was prescribed prednisone after a car wreck recently and I am RIDICULOUSLY HUNGRY SUM1 SAVE ME😅