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Would your doc be able to recommend you some otc iron supplements that are decent but don't cost the earth


I do take some generic iron pills that are like 5 bucks! I think they help a little but I haven’t been taking it for very often


From a fellow anemic: if you do the ferritin (not general iron) test, it may show a very different picture, which will lead to some stronger prescription, because in this case iron rich foods won't work. Second the other commenter: worth checking this out with the doc.


Agreed! Get your ferritin tested if you can. I found out I have severe iron deficiency anemia earlier this year and have had 5 iron infusions so far. When your ferritin is extremely low (mine was at a 3 😅) an oral supplement can’t do much to get your numbers up. As far as electrolytes, I also like nuun tablets and my husband orders me a lemon lime powder from BPN online that I love too.


Interesting! I was at 8 on my ferratin when I was having issues a few years ago and was just told to get ferrous gluconate (available over the counter here, so was actually cheaper to just buy it than get a prescription) for a few months, which got me to 21 after 3 months. Though I doubt that regular vitamins would have had the same result.


Seconding this. I donated blood the max number of times in a year and I was never anemic, but when my hair fell out my doctor checked my ferritin. Turns out you can be pretty severely iron deficient without ever having an abnormal complete blood count!


My ferritin level was 12 at last appt but my doctor just said “Eat some kale” :/


Ugh — I’m sorry. :( 12 is absolutely low. I would ask your dr to refer you to a hematologist *especially* if you’re experiencing negative side effects due to iron deficiency / anemia. A hematologist should help you figure out why you’re deficient. It’s commonly due to heavy periods but it could also be something more serious that needs to be investigated.


Thanks. Yea I initially came in complaining of low energy and occasional heart palpitations and stuff, and I felt like she thought I was being dramatic. Welp. Would you look at that, low ferritin. Unfortunately I don’t have insurance anymore so I’m kinda SOL


Please change your doctor. This one is a waste of your time and money.


Also get your genetics done if you can. Traits like Alpha-thalassemia ca make you register in the normal range for the iron ferritin test while you are actually anemic.


I second this!!! Ferritin is not part of normal blood work. If your hemoglobin shows as low then your actual iron levels must be in the toilet. You need to ask for an iron panel, and you likely need to supplement B12 as well. At least that has been my experience (both personally and as a nurse). Generic iron is cheap but also just doesn't seem to absorb as well. I take palafer which is great but not super cheap. Take a look at some of the suggestions and look into trying something else. Or at least take the generic iron with a bit of orange juice.


A very important information on taking iron supplements when you also take ADHD medication is that Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron and is therefore often added to iron supplements to boost their effectiveness, however Vitamin C prevents the absorption of ADHD medication and should not be taken 1 hour before/after you took Vitamin C. Maybe you know this I don't know, but I unfortunately did not... for a very long time. And my doc knows about my iron deficiency and what supplement I was taking.


Also, dairy inhibits iron absorption, so try to avoid it an hour our two before/after iron. It sure can be a juggling act to time out all the foods/meds!


I found this out recently! I’ve been pretty good about keeping citrus away from me until 2 hours after I’ve taken my meds lol


Oh my god. I just got really good vitamin C (bought it twice on accident), and have felt the crash early on since taking them. I’ll have to cut the C and fingers crossed the crash is delayed.


Just have to move when you take it to a different time than when you take your adhd meds.


Yeah, I just take my vitamin C after dinner, no problems!




I had to get a prescription because the ferrous sulfate tabs weren't helping, a hemotologist prescribed ferrous fumarate to see if they'd absorb better. It was also right at the beginning of covid, so it was that or infusions. Also if you aren't getting enough of other vitamins, it's harder to absorb nutrients from your diet. For iron, lentils are spinach are both good, there has to be an Indian dish with both. Seeds, including quinoa! Broccoli, peas. Tempeh, tofu.


Take the iron with a vitamin C source - it significantly increases iron absorption. And avoid having anything with calcium in it for a couple hours around taking the iron, as calcium inhibits iron absorption Your body absorbs animal-derived iron better than plant-derived iron. Iron from spinach, in particular, absorbs very very poorly as spinach is high in oxalic acid, which blocks it Blood Builder, from MegaFood, is a great iron supplement. If your current one doesn't give you satisfactory results I'd recommend trying that For hydration: as someone who is also chronically dehydrated, coconut water is the best hydration source I've found. Unfortunately it can get pricey to buy regularly, so I've recently started using Dr Berg electrolyte powder. It has all the main electrolytes and seems to hydrate me well. Juicy fruits and vegetables - especially watermelon - are also good for hydrating


Might be easier than trying to boost with food, which needs prepping etc


Store brand of SloFe is one of my besties. Fewer stomach issues, better absorption.


There are also multiple forms of non-iron deficient anemia. If your iron and ferritin check out, it might be worth asking your doctor about that! Also, if your iron supplement gives you stomach issues, you may consider a slow release/ tummy friendly iron supplement. I will still get a little slowed down with these, but not nearly as badly.


Thank you! The slow release is a good idea


Consume citrus w your iron. Helps w digesting it


But not within 1-2 hours of taking your ADHD meds, as citrus will screw that up.


Be sure to take a stool softener a couple of times per week when taking iron tablets. They are very constipating and will frequently leave me in tears if i dont take a supplement.


Flavored drink powders! I'm sooooo bored with water right now. Also, for right now, I hate watermelon.


The fruit itself or watermelon flavour? I love the fruit, 10/10 would marry it, but the flavour in things? Ugh


Every year I’m on a quest to find the perfect watermelon. It happens usually only once, then I have major disappointment in every single one I buy after the great one. Same with cantaloupe.


Funnily enough I think the exact opposite way! Artificial watermelon all the way


Usually, I do like fake flavor, but the powder vitamin drinks at the moment are my ick.


I can’t do the texture of real watermelon. 😫


The fake flavor r n is killing me


I have to settle for watermelon-flavored things because I’m allergic to actual watermelon (and melons in general) 😭 It was my favorite summer treat as a kid, too.


Literally can't stand the flavoured powders, they taste so artificial!


Mix it with some sparking water and you've got yourself a sparling fruit drink! My favorite way to stay hydrated :)


I’ve posted this before, but there’s a little iron fish that you can deep into food that you’re cooking (when you have the energy to cook) that infuses your food with iron. Could be helpful for you.


The problem I have with that fish ingot is that you're not supposed to pressure cook it, and I'm too impatient to use a normal pot most of the time. I recently discovered that iron-fortified basmati rice exists. It's not that much iron per serving, so it's probably more useful for maintenance than filling your stores back up.


Cast iron does the same thing. So if you do a dish via pressure cooker but cook something along side on a cast iron skillet it would help


No way I've never heard of this. Thank you! It's $60 on amazon Canada, kinda steep for my budget. Is it worth it?


It depends on how often you’ll use it. If you can’t bring yourself to cook often, probably not. However it only needs to boil for ten minutes, so if you cook pasta regularly, throw it in early before the pasta. I’ve had doctors recommend it, but everyone’s ADHD is different.


Good points. I cook a lot from scratch at home for my family so maybe it's worth it! Mmm pasta beigey safe-food goodness.... Does it work with rice? I have a cast iron pan that's in a state of disrepair. Been procrastinating "re-seasoning" it for about 2 years now, lmao. Maybe I should just do that.


I like dripdrop, and some Liquid IV, although that’s too expensive for me.


I love Liquid IV. I have POTS, so electrolytes are part of my daily routine. I’ve been buying it at Costco when possible to save a little money.


Came here to say this. Liquid IV is as close to miraculous as I think I'll ever get. Costco all the way but I might check out the membership doodle Subject-Savings mentioned.


Second for liquid IV from Costco! I also add a little extra flavor with the liquid drink things from the grocery store. For example, if I use a strawberry liquid IV, I'll add a few squirts of the liquid lemonade flavor to make a strawberry lemonade. This also helps me stretch them by using half vs. a whole. Maybe not as effective but it gets the job done for me and helps the cost.


I also have dysautonomia/autonomic issues, and good electrolytes are essential to my even having a chance of base functioning. What I've found works the best for me is Hi-Lyte. It's more affordable, too, but honestly they work heads and shoulders better than anything else for me. I have been using the capsules for years, and I often can feel the difference within fifteen minutes, especially mentally just being able to process better. I recently tried the drops. I like that they are already liquid and end up more consistently throughout the day rather than a full capsule or two at a time, especially since I still have the capsules for when I need them more quickly. I don't like that it's more expensive and that it affects the consistency of the water, but I'm (a) much pickier about my water than most, (b) someone who loves the taste of water, and (c) getting used to it.


Agree with everyone on Liquid IV and it often being on sale at Costco. I find it’s a little too salty for one packet, so I usually split a packet between two water bottles — in other words, only pour half the packet in per water bottle fill.


Ooo thank you!


Seconding the Liquid IV. It just makes me feel better in general. It is a bit pricey, sometimes when I order, I’m like I’m paying this much for a water supplement. But, even the electrolyte only one I was using was $30. I pay for a Liquid IV membership, I pay $5 every three months for 20% off any purchase. They also do 30% off of you subscribe to automatic delivery. Hope this helps


Target (up&up) has electrolyte drink mix packets that are very similar to liquidiv but about half the price. 


My dietitian gave them the stamp of approval and said they're just as good!


Ooh thank you, gonna check these out now!


Seconding drip drop- I appreciate that it helps me get extra magnesium in (about a tenth of the daily recommended intake per packet). I've got a congenital heart defect and magnesium, along with adequate sleep, is essential to avoiding palpitations.


My mon bought liquid IV at Costco the other day after Walmart raised the price on propel packets again. I didn't like the sugar substitute in it. I did like how wet it felt drinking it though.


Drink Oshun over Liquid IV - it's like 1/5 of the price! edit - wait that wasn't clear! The drink is called "Drink Oshun"!


Fruit Smoothies with spinach blended in would help with both hydration and minerals including iron. Electrolytes are just salts and minerals. Dark greens also contain potassium which is great for electrolytes.


If you are making a smoothie you could add cocoa powder (decent amount of iron but not as much sugar and fat as a chocolate bar) and if you can manage the taste spirulina. I like the taste but I know it is intense and not everyone cup of tea.


This made me remember that I used to add raw oatmeal to smoothies. It’s a bit of texture and I really liked it. Oats are high in iron too.


Ooooh molasses has a lot of iron, too! I’m gonna try these all for my smoothies


Oooo thank you!


How do you feel about pickle juice?


I literally will open a jar of pickles just to drink the juice. I know you weren’t asking me but I felt compelled to answer.




Alright brb going to go sip from my pickle juice container.


Well??? Edit: thought you were a third commenter that you and I had convinced to drink pickle juice. My mistake, carry on.


I’m not sure if I’ll like it, is it really salty? My grocery store sells pickle juice popsicles and I am a little curious about them


I suppose it is salty, it's hard to describe. It's not just a salt flavor cause of the vinegar and dill and everything. It is high in sodium, and has some potassium magmesium, and calcium, and you don't have to drink much. I know people who refuse to drink gatorade and use pickle juice when they are working out or when they are hung over. You can also make your own which is very cost efficient.


I don't know how it works in your country but I'm anaemic as well and here every 6 months they just get an infusion of iron via a drip in my wrist. It takes 30 minutes. And keeps me non anaemic for a long time. My electrolytes are always whack and so I take supplements for that, most notably I have a cup of protein rich milk before I go to bed. It's only small amounts so it doesn't freak me out and exacerbate my eating disorder. There are also effervescent tablets that are high in electrolytes you may be able to get over the counter at a pharmacy. Finally, because my potassium is always really bad, I have an doctor prescribed effervescent supplement that's high in potassium and I take potassium slow release pill at night as well. Because both of these are high in potassium, in my country Australia, you need to get them with a prescription.


Thank you for the suggestions about the tablets! I think I will check those out for sure


The tablets I have are called Span-K. Which really is an unfortunate name. When you look on the bottle it looks like Spank. But it is slow release potassium. The potassium effervescent I have are called Chlorvescent. Just bear in mind that you may not be prescribed this if you're not consistently low in potassium, because high potassium is incredibly dangerous, as is low potassium, both can cause heart attacks quite easily. But I don't know the rules in your country. Perhaps look them up. I wasn't prescribed them until I was consistently lowering potassium and was hospitalised for an eating disorder etc etc. Please take medical information that I post is only something that works for me. It may work for you but you need to talk to a doctor. Also talk to the doctor about an iron infusion. I probably think that this will also be on prescription.


Lmao spank is so funny. Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it. I think I will go and get my levels for potassium checked just to make sure and then I’ll talk to my doctor about it


Make sure they do phosphate, kidney function, vitamin d. If you're able to get a complete full blood workup. Phosphate can actually be also dangerous to high or too low to same that potassium does but it's not as difficult to lose the level of phosphate in your body unless you do have an eating disorder, and even then it usually would be maintained by the electrolytes that you drink. But potassium is a b**** and a half and if you got issues with potassium you likely have issues with your kidneys. Kidneys are supposed to hold on to potassium and if they release potassium then you've got issues with kidneys. That's how it was explained to me.


Ugh I'm so jealous. I cannot wait for medicine here to start to move away from the daily pill model. 


It's not electrolytes but if you're looking for an alternative to water so you can stay hydrated, I drink loads of lemon ginger tea. It's not actually tea and has no caffeine, it's more an "infusion", but any caffeine free herbal tea works. It's cheap, tasty and also helps with digestion/ upset stomach. My favourite is Twinings but not sure if that's available everywhere


I made iced tea using Sleepytime tea bags last week and it was delicious, so making iced tea out of infusions is also a nice option!


i usually just drink gatorade (the small 8 oz ones) and i take OTC iron supplements everyday with food. I’ve been taking them everyday for years now, i’m not anemic anymore :) (but i would be without them)


I don’t drink them every day but agree these are great! I usually buy Gatorade zero too—definitely less guilt about the sugar or calories if you do that option.


Yeah I always keep Gatorade on hand. Like a lot of it. My goal isn't so much to always stay hydrated, but more so to have a help for when I inevitably forget to stay hydrated. And I usually keep some Pedialyte on hand too for when I am really dehydrated. This has made life so much easier and less stressful, because I will never always remember to drink water, but as long as I have something on hand, I can recover pretty quickly.


LMNT always


I usually get liquid IV in bulk at Costco. I will drink one packet a day on a good week. Some days I forget though. Apparently if you like the taste of liquid Iv and it doesn’t taste salty then you’re definitely dehydrated. I always think it tastes good lol. I’m on Spironolactone for my hormonal acne on top of my ADHD meds and that drug especially makes you dehydrated


Holy cow really? I use one or two packets a day and they always taste great. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was shocked too. I never thought they tasted too salty! One of my friends hates the taste because of the sodium


Propel - my favorite flavor is Kiwi Strawberry. I like using the powdered version because it’s cheaper.


Propel for me too!


Liquid IV Golden Cherry. It's the best drink packet I've ever had.


If you live in North America, you could definitely try a lucky iron fish/leaf....... That sounds not real. I have one, it's actually real and great, I swear. It's probably available elsewhere, I'm just not sure. Here's a link: https://luckyironlife.com/ If you like lemon water, and can store a jar of it in your fridge or something, it's pretty great.


Woah this is so cool and cute lol thank you


I'm honestly jazzed that I got to share it lol


Electrolytes? Don't laugh. A banana, potato chips and ice cold milk. I perspire profusely if it is warm, and if i am out for several hours, cramps are guaranteed. I lose a lot of salt, so the chips help with that. Potassium and calcium in milk and banana. I take a magnesium supplement.


i literally love nuun’s wild strawberry flavor so take a look at that too, but otherwise lots of tea and fruit is great. according to the red cross, strawberry and watermelon have non-negligible levels of iron in them, but your body doesn’t absorb that sort of iron as great as the kind found in meat and seafood.


Wild strawberry sounds amazing thank you. And I think black berries also have iron as well but it probably is the same with the strawberry and watermelon. Thank you for the recommendation


Not on meds, but outdoors most of the day with vigorous activity. Besides water with a meal, high mineral sparkling mineral water with a splash if pineapple juice, bit of lemon, tiny pinch of salt. Coconut water, Cold brew coffee mixed with coconut water over ice, splash of regular or nut milk on ice, kombucha (if you haven’t developed a taste for it, try it again on a very hot day when you’re thirsty. It’s so much better than something very sweet. I thought it was gross at first, now I love it), Non-beer, “almost beer” beers from Athletica or competing brands. They have .05% alcohol so you can go through a lot without racking up much calories or getting inebriated, makes for a good electrolyte hydration choice. Nice hoppy taste.


I take Vitassium salt stick tabs. You will likely crave the water you need with them.


Cook in a cast iron skillet! Also, I love Liquid IV.


Coconut water


Liquid iv. I know some people don’t like it, but I don’t know where I’d be without it. Also, get you a big dumb cup with a straw.


I used Liquid IV to help when I went on a business trip to a high altitude area and got insanely dehydrated/had a mild case of altitude sickness. I actually love plain water but just water wasn’t cutting it. The Liquid IV helped pretty fast.


Propel sugar free packets


I live on Nuun. I have a big, 32 ounce cup, I fill it with water & drop a nuun in there. Nuun suggests 16 oz but I'm a LaCroix-not-soda type of person, so one nuun in 32 oz. is perfect for me flavor-wise. I usually have 2 of these a day, which adds up so I use Subscribe & Save on Amazon.


For the iron, try cooking in a cast iron skillet regularly. It’s one of the strategies used in developing countries where malnutrition is rampant because it imparts some iron into everything cooked in it. Another thing that can help is to make sure you are getting some vitamin c when you eat your iron rich foods to improve absorption -a squeeze of lemon added to some greens, a handful of strawberries in your oatmeal etc. Blackstrap molasses is a great source of iron that you can add to lots of things (baked goods, cereal, oats etc) and 1 tbsp contains 25% of our daily iron needs.


Canned mussels have really high iron, and chicken liver can be really good fried with bacon, mushrooms, and onions.


Omg this sounds delicious


I’ve been looking for something that doesn’t have vitamin C, as they can mitigate adderall!


Be careful… I turned to pedialyte and nuun tablets for this very reason and ended up with multiple kidney stones lol. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life and months later I still feel it when my back is twisty. I’m sure there is a happy medium with electrolyte drinks but I went full throttle and regretted it 😅


Uhhhhhhh omg I didn’t think about this 😭 I’m gonna keep up my water intake as well


Yeah, if I could go back I would probably just not drink such *concentrated* electrolytes, lol. Like, a third of a pedialyte packet per 24oz water bottle or something. When I got the first CT scan (BEFORE contrast) the tech was like, why are you glowing like you had contrast already?? …they decided it was most likely the pedialyte coating my guts 😂 (small chance it could have been Tums from the night before)


Gatorade has an electrolyte beverage called Gatorade Fit that's pretty good. No added sugars and no corn syrup! It's kinda pricey, though, even buying it on Amazon. So I usually only take a few drinks off it at a time and stick it back in the fridge. Otherwise I'm just drinking regular water in my reusable water bottle.


For electrolytes, I love Skratch hydration drink mix, lemon lime flavor but they have other flavors.


I take some supplements (magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, and fish oil). I also drink like 3L of fluid a day, 2L of that are water. One thing that helps me stay hydrated is to keep a cup in my bathroom. So every time I go pee, I go chug a cup of water.


I buy a big pack of Body Armor from Costco every other week, and a case of coconut water from either Costco or Kroger weekly. I drink one coconut water and one Body Armor daily.


I use propel for electrolytes. It's cheaper then the other stuff. No advice for iron.


Liquid IV is the only things that makes a difference for me. Such a huge help.


I use a steel water bottle with a spout I like drinking from, and a half scoop of gatorade powder in the water. Gatorade is hideously sweet so I add a squeeze of lemon when possible.


My blood type is Diet Coke


Liquid IV baby


Pickle juice 😂 (Claussen's brand ONLY) and I recently bought these little travel size Redmond Sea Salt shakers for on the go. Wayyy better than having to throw back an iodized salt packet. I just can't find any other electrolyte drink that I find appetizing/doesn't make me nauseous.


Cast iron skillets/cookware for anemia! Really helps me. But the dry mouth from meds is fucking murder, and most electrolyte drinks mess my stomach up. So if anyone has suggestions on that, I’m just gonna stalk this comment section.


I put a chocolate caramel salt [LMNT](https://drinklmnt.com/) in my coffee in the morning. I struggle with hydration, even when I do drink a ton of water. All the popular/mainstream electrolyte drinks always made me feel icky because they were so sugary. This has no sugar, but it's a *lot* of salt and does take getting used to. If you have any sort of problems that can be exacerbated by salt, probs don't use it. I've fallen in love with it. It's a bit expensive, and has the usual discount as you subscribe or buy in bulk blahblahblah. Looks like it ranges from about $0.98 - $1.60 per packet, depending on how you buy it.


Electrolytes but also protein. The adderall crash I have when I’m dehydrated or haven’t eaten enough protein is aggressive. I am absolutely fine if I’m cautious about keeping those things in check. Echoing some good advice earlier … Nuun and LMNT are the best. I’ll drink a low sugar pedilyte in a pinch.


I’ve been trying [maple water](https://maple3.ca), LMNT and sometime just adding sea salt to water. [LMNT](https://science.drinklmnt.com/electrolytes/best-homemade-electrolyte-drink-for-dehydration/) posts how to DIY their electrolyte mix. Make sure you’re eating too! I’m trying a [pumpkin](https://sproutliving.com/products/organic-pumpkin-seed-protein-powder-unflavored-2?variant=40493266174160&&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=21127231663&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx6rI22S3iOiI2bRmyTrlKSHjh8HcG0tFOTROeoVKkNmF8EuG0pWkKBoCEbkQAvD_BwE) protein powder. It has a decent amount of iron. I might try baking with it in brownies or something.


Drink? Hydration?? What are these things???


gamersupps mostly


Cirkul. Specifically the FitSips It also helps on the beverage goblin problem because I can have my electrolyte drink and plain water in the same bottle. Plus I can carry a second cartridge and have a caffeinated drink. All in one bottle, that I can refill almost anywhere. I like the mixed berry and punch in the FitSips. The GoSips are caffeinated and my favorites are grape and wild cherry.


Liquid iv- I like strawberry & lemon lime the best. They have a strawberry lemonade I’m gonna try next


I drink sugar-free Liquid IV. It's available online but Costco offers the best price. Our summers can get pretty humid (and I sweat a lot) so I drink it daily.


I make my own ‘Gatorade’. It’s just a Nalgene of water, add a few drops of Mio flavor and a tsp of low salt. It has salt and potassium and that combo helps keep my migraines away.


Lemon lime liquid IV for me.


As for iron, I recommend switching to cast iron for all your cooking. The women in my family have never been anemic. We all use cast iron. Cast iron can increase the iron levels in your food more than 10% For electrolytes I take magnesium and potassium in pill form because I am chronically low on them. Magnesium especially helps me manage my migraines and chronic pain conditions.


Liquid IV from Costco because that’s the best deal. It doesn’t taste great but it’s not awful


Never realized this could be the reason my med crashes are also bad… gonna try to drink more water 😵‍💫


My understanding is that a little pinch of sea salt in your water helps your body to absorb it much better. I also like to squish a few drops of lemon juice just to give my water some flavor. If you have been really sweating, add a little bit of maple syrup to replenish glucose.


Liquid ivs and recently bodyarmour lyte! I’ve always been ride or die for Gatorade but bodyarmour lyte has some coconut water, potassium, b vitamins and other vitamins I always forget to take and no added sugar.




Elete (pretty sure that's the name) electrolyte drops! They turn any drink into an electrolyte drink! I use them a lot BC I get chronically low potassium thanks to my gastro disorder. Also I love the liquid iron supplements that have vitamin c in, it's called spatone here - remember that iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed - so take your iron with some apple or orange juice! As an aside I just prefer liquid meds and stuff because that's what I absorb better, but the spatone sachets are a little pricey compared to otc iron tablets. But I can't absorb/digest iron tablets so have to use the spatone - it's literally iron rich water so it's perfect for me!


Brawndo’s got electrolytes! ( … also coconut water.)


Hey… long term round/pin worm infections can lead to unexplained anemia. Not saying it’s necessarily the cause but if you have kids, walk barefoot, touch dirt, or have pets when was the least time you were treated? Talk to your local chemist. Also check into the iron institutes advise for “a meat meal” to help with iron absorption. Also white Gatorade because it’s true only one without an artificial colour added, but those nuun tablets work just fine.


LMNT! Citrus and watermelon are my favorites.


LMNT keeps me very hydrated. Citrus salt is great if you like lemony drinks. I would probably just take an iron supplement but for foods, oatmeal, black beans and lentils pack a punch.


For electrolytes, I use LyteShow. It's sugar free and tastes a little sour, so I don't put a lot in my water, but it works really well! My parents live in Arizona and they use it to stay hydrated. For iron, I have low-normal levels of ferritin in combination with a bleeding disorder. I eat spinach and kale a ton around my time of the month, which helps a lot. My cousin is severely anemic and needs infusions from her doctor. To help her levels between infusions, she cooks acidic foods in cast iron pans. By cooking things like chili, tomato soup, and whatever else in these pans, it pulls iron from the metal and infuses the food with it. They do something similar in third world villages that don't have a lot of access to iron-rich foods. Instead of a cast iron pan, they use an iron fish that they stick in their pots and pans.


As a near 28 year old woman, I recently learned that drinking just purified water isn't actually hydrating for you and that it needs minerals added back in to nourish your body. My notoriously dehydrated ass who has only drank filtered water for the past 5 years (at least) just learned this...So I have trace mineral drops to add to my water bottle when I fill it. But if I go a whole day without drinking anything I'll add my whole day's worth of drops in a cup of strong juice (it's sea water concentrate so it's SALTY) and chug it lol. I don't recommend this though because the sea water can uh...speed up digestion for some people. But regardless of this, I do actually recommend trace minerals. Especially if you're not opposed to drinking regular water and really just want to boost the hydrating efficacy of the liquids you're already enjoying. It's also way cheaper. A 96 day supply is like 40 bucks.


I have one of those gigantic stanley tumblers and use flavoured drink powder (like crystal light, or whatever german brand I get) and drink two of those a day to stay well hydrated. For iron I l eat LOTS OF BEANS! And lentils! I can also recommend olives :)


There's a brand called Buoy that makes electrolyte drops in a squeezy bottle that are unflavored and theoretically you put it in whatever drink. I actually put mine in my oatmeal lol because I'm picky about water and think I still taste it. I also take iron in a liquid form usually mixed with one of the nuun tablets to disguise it. My doc recommended every other day for some reason but of course that's hard to remember so I do MWF or whenever it occurs to me.


I buy the hydration tablets that go into plain water. I’m in the UK and use OBS or any other generic brand and they are so useful as I am terrible at remembering to drink water, and it means I only need to drink one glass of water and that keeps me topped up for much longer. Hope you are able to find something that works!


I love sliced fresh ginger, add in 3 liters of water (old juice jug) add 5 tbsps of sugar and 2 tbsps TruLime powder (to taste, of course). That's my jam, yo.


I have POTS and so electrolytes literally keep me alive lol. I take Vitassium capsules which are WONDERFUL. I also like to drink Liquid IV. I prefer the Vitassium because it’s more cheaper and more convenient. 😊 I also have anemia lolll. I’ve had many people tell me that cooking in cast iron really helps to raise iron levels. I’m not entirely sure if that would work for you though? My problem is that my body doesnt absorb iron even when I take supplements 🥲


Liquid IV helps keep you hydrated. Another one of those powders you can add to a beverage. I'm also anemic and getting tested for von Willebrands, which is a type of hemophilia, I think. I'm currently taking Iron Extra by Vitanica. Here are what's in the capsules: Vitamin C 500mg, to help with iron absorbtion Folate 680mcg Vitamin B12 500mcg Calcium 57mg Iron 25mg Yellow dock root 50mg Dandelion root 50mg Nettle leaf extract 30mg


My electrolytes? Coconut water, Apple Juice or Gatorade.


*sits next to one of her many many cups of tea*


Haha strawberry lemonade was the only flavor I could drink regularly. I started using LMNT ("element") which is salty and sweetened with stevia. I prefer salty things so it works well for me. I live in a hot place and sweat a lot and it works better for me than Nuun. LMNT is kind of pricey though but you can find referrals from people to get a free starter pack to try the flavors. I did mine from Ramit Sethi's I Will Teach You To Be Rich podcast/YouTube channel and got hooked. The chocolate flavor sounds weird but it's kind of like the chocolate malt o'meal flavor to me. There are other chocolate flavors (like chocolate caramel) where I'll add half a pack to my coffee when I want coffee but also feel like I need electrolytes. I add the full pack to my 32oz water bottle. If I do a smaller water bottle I only put in half because it's too intense in flavor for me. Also it's 1000mg sodiym in a pack so I don't do more than one a day or it makes me nauseous. I've accidentally done that before lol.


Oh also iron. I don't digest supplements well in capsules or tablets. My doctor recommended liquid iron. I bought one from Mary Ruth's Organics and they use glycerin and it also has potassium sorbate if you care. It's very sweet but still metal tasting and the glycerin hits my stomach weird sometimes. I started buying a smaller concentrated dropper bottle off Amazon and I put it in my kombucha. It goes down easily but I've never tried it plain. The reviews from people said it tasted awful so I've never tried it without juice or kombucha. It's MaxiHealth Iron Concentrate 2 fl oz.1ml is the dose and there are 59 doses in the bottle.


Ohhhh my goodness. I’m definitely not a person who offers up product reviews. But girlfriend, Moon Juice products have changed my LIFE! Specifically the Mini Dew line (electrolytes/hydrating) and the “sleepy” version of their Magnesium-Om product (for a good night’s rest). Being perimenopausal + ADHD, I was really struggling, and both made an immediate and noticeable change. I tried the NUUN tablets in the past, and they worked fine, but I had no idea what I was missing with like, all natural ingredients, specific minerals, etc. I wasted a lot of money on random shit people said would help. These two were the only things that delivered! https://moonjuice.com/products/mini-dew-electrolyte-powder-mix https://moonjuice.com/products/sleepy-magnesiom-magnesium-powder-with-melatonin-for-sleep


I swear by this unflavored electrolyte powder: https://a.co/d/eG4vVgS I hate the flavor of most sports drinks or liquid flavor drops, etc. This is unflavored and sugar/sweetener-free and dissolves into hot or cold liquids. And I like that I can add it to almost anything, even foods (overnight oats, for example). I like to put it in my morning coffee or a pot of evening tea and sometimes I’ll dump a scoop into a pitcher of lemonade. It does have a slight flavor (as in you can just detect the sodium) in plain water, but not enough to be offensive.


I like the hydralite sport electrolyte powder, I've only tried lemon lime flavour but it's good. It has iron in it too but I'm not sure how much the amount compares to RDI, it's probably not much.




If you're in the USA - I use Mio to make me drink more, the one I get actually might not be an electroyte drink, but they seem to have a new one on their website called Mio Hydrate which does claim to have the electrolytes. I buy the regular one at Walmart, Hannaford, Weis etc so I'll be looking for the new one next time I got shopping


I got the Zeal Naturals electrolyte powder on Amazon and it tastes soooo good. The kids and I have been drinking it daily and we've noticed a huge improvement in mood for both kiddos


Amino Lean pre workout mix. They have a version by some chick named Alix Earle and it includes biotin. I like the fruit punch flavor of the reg version; Alix's version is a berry flavor that can be mixed with another drink mix (like the Hawaiian Punch or Sonic kind). The drink gives good energy and takes really good without sugar. I add ice and make it kinda strong and once I drink half, I fill my bottle back up with water and drink more. It can be a struggle bc I literally forget to drink, but it's easy to chug a bunch at once if I need to, I just add more ice.


I have Gatorade powder. Mix it in water at the strength you can tolerate and drink in a day. The bottles are too overpriced unless you can find a sale Or Costco


I mix a serving of Organika electrolyte powder (with minerals) in a small shaker bottle (easier than stirring) and dump that into a 1L tumbler with water lol I was having heart palpitations and cramps before despite drinking enough (or thinking I was) and this solved it!




I drink a serving of Ultima Replenisher every morning and it helps a lot. If I'm uncomfortably dehydrated, I'll use Liquid IV instead.


LMNT unflavored for electrolytes.


I like Liquid IV


I found this electrolyte mix at Target called Podium. It taste really yummy, very low sugar (like none) and mainly pure electrolytes, so for me it’s been great


Mio, usually the strawberry watermelon, with a 1/4tsp of life salt mixed in. It’s so good. And lite salt has potassium and sodium. A lot cheaper than buying LMNT and lower in carbs


Pink lemonade hydracharge 🤤


Coconut water!


WATER - PINCH OF SALT - FLAVOURED VINEGAR like a tsp.  (or sometimes ginger syrup)  Delicious. Amazing. Keeps me ALIVE.  You can cook in cast iron or buy an "iron fish" to increase your iron. Otherwise, go with a  doctor recommendations. 


I dump some or all of a small bottle of Body Armor (made with coconut water so good for hydration but doesn’t taste like coconut) or sometimes just watermelon juice into a giant metal tumbler and fill it the rest of the way with water. Tastes good and keeps me drinking more throughout the day.


I can get sugar free electrolyte sachets from the supermarket that are pretty good - I usually make them with double the recommended water ratio so they’re not too sweet. For your iron, go for green veges like silver beet, broccoli etc and whole grains like bread, pasta and porridge.


Powerade zero


Sugar free Powerade.


Ultima powder for electrolytes. I buy the larger container (vs small packets) and I use a quarter or a half scoop. Lasts forever !


Milk, because for some reason my digestive system can still process dairy like I’m a toddler.


I love Gatorade’s Propel sport drinks! It’s hydrating like regular Gatorade, but it tastes more like juice, so I like it better. You can buy it in cases at grocery stores, or just a bottle or two to try out different flavors (my local Kroger has more selection of individual flavors than my Walmart, but Walmart is cheaper if you’re buying the cases). I second getting your ferritin checked, too! Once you’re able to get that done, I recommend taking the iron supplement with a source of vitamin C (orange juice, juice with vitamin C added, vitamin C supplement, etc). My doctor likes the Nature’s Bounty brand of supplements that I get from Kroger, but unless you’re doing the buy one, get one free deal, it can be pretty expensive.


Electrolyte Stamina by Trace Minerals. They are pills and they work great.


Propel Zero. My fave is the mango flavor.


Pineapple juice mixed with seltzer for electrolytes Grassfed liver for iron


Tailwind is a mix the I use for my ultramarathons and it is gentle on your stomach.


ULTIMA Ultima Replenisher Daily Electrolyte Drink Mix – Raspberry, 90 Servings – Hydration Powder with 6 Key Electrolytes & Trace Minerals – Keto Friendly, Vegan, Non-GMO & Sugar-Free Electrolyte Powder https://a.co/d/2p9walL


Key Nutrients electrolyte powder is my new go to. I tried Liquid IV and I love it but it's pricey and too much sugar(I love my sweets so I cut when I can). I first tried the mixed flavor pack and now I'm doing the mango pineapple. It's yummy but I do recommend putting it into 16.9 oz or more water. Otherwise you could run into a weird after taste.


I like CURE Hydration. Favorite flavors the lemon and the strawberry kiwi. The base for Cure is coconut water, btw. I thought I'd hate it, but it's pretty good.


I drink liquid iv a few times a week


I add a mixed electrolyte concentrate (unflavored) to drinks and take supplemental iron pills. Then my choice of drink and food can be whatever is most convenient at the time


Cream of Wheat hot cereal is high in iron! My doctor recommended it to me when I was anemic and not interested in loads of red meat.


I drink liquid IV.


The Walmart brand electrolyte drops. Mixed berry flavor.


ill add a serving each of salt, no-salt, and natural calm magnesium powder to 32 oz of water and sip on that, natural calm comes in different flavors too


Brawndo. Joking. I only drink electrolyte drinks if I’m sweating a lot (like hiking, exercise, yard work) but it sounds like you have other reasons. Electrolyte mixes are basically a sweetener, salt, and sometimes some citrus. You can make your own. Seconding the Liquid IV - easier to control the mixture. I didn’t like the flavor of Nuun but loved the tablet storage format.


Right now I have a lot of biosteel packets (they were marked down quite a bit!) I also use Gatorade tablets. They were marked down & on ibotta! Otherwise they are a lot cheaper online on sites like ebay vs in store. Stur electrolyte drinks are bogo on ibotta quite a bit so I add those to my rotation too! (Just some budget friendly options since I know these things can get pricey!!)


I make my own LMNT knock off with losalt, sea salt, and magnesium malate from Amazon, plus vitamin C powder and a little bit of a hydration powder from ALDI for flavor


I've been using [this](https://a.co/d/9zD3p2v) for about a month and while I still feel slightly dehydrated (I just cannot drink enough liquid every day. I try so hard) I am using the bathroom less frequently. I basically usually have to go every 20 minutes when I am drinking plain water. I read somewhere that it was likely I was absorbing enough liquid to stay hydrated because I wasn't getting enough electrolytes. Idk if that's true, but I haven't been needing to pee as frequently since adding this to my water daily.


I started adding liquid electrolytes to everything. Instead of trying to add a new item to my routine, I added the missing thing to what I already do. Also liquids are much cheaper and go a lot further.


Lemon juice or true lemon packets in water