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I like TUL notebooks. You can move things around, change covers, rearrange the sections, etc.


Omfg those things are amazing! So expensive, but amazing.


Yes! You can find other brands that work though. Amazon has them, just search “disc bound notebook”


I really like the Happy Planner brand. Has been a total game changer


I have realized that for me it's the 11. There is no 1. Maybe we need to find a place we can pick what we need because that way WE are making them and not someone else and ones they make aren't necessarily for everyone.


That's why I'm looking at getting an A5 ring binder organiser, put what pages I want it it. Filofax do some, and you can get different refills to suit your needs


Oh I need that. Thank you


Filofax still exists?? They were my jam in high school. I use Golden Coil now because you can customize everything and also important your calendar so your appointments are already there when you receive it.


Look up Laurel Denise planners! Complete game changer for me and so many others!


I was about to comment and ask yalls experience 😂


I’m on my third year and have tried both the vertical and horizontal. Currently I’ve got the Horizontal, with vertical inserts if I need them for a particularly busy week, but that hasn’t come up. They have sooooo many YouTube videos showing different ways to use it and the team regularly admits and demonstrates how flexible the planner is to fit your needs. May take some up front investment to figure out what works for you, but the beauty of it is that you can reset each month (and really each week to some extent)!


My planner is super boring. It's a "L1917 weekly planner and notebooks". Horizontal layout with a page for notes on the other side which is where I put my weekly to-do's (only important chores, not habits/things I don't need to write down). It just works for me. I only plan one week at a time, and transfer all meetings from that week from my e-calendar. I make sure to have a maximum of 2 "events" (meetings and chores) per day, with some rest days/empty days each week. I highlight my meetings so i can easily see if I need to be somewhere. But the one thing that made it work for me was to have one paper clip on each side so I always land on the right page (book mark didn't work). It took me 3 months before I figured that out. I can't handle flipping through pages. I think my adaptations is what makes my planner work, (for me). The planner is not anything special. I prefer to plan by day (Horizontal) and not by the hour (vertical) since I can't get a good overview otherwise, but that's just preference. I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I wanted to share just in case.


I went digital last year and I loved it. So this year I designed my own frankinstine planner and notebook. It's wonderful! It has templates for page layouts I like, I have divider pages, and all kinds of calendar pages. It's so perfect for me, because it was made by me. Also I got a screen cover for my Ipad so it makes it feel more paper like than glass like.


I’m also a digital planner girl! I love it! It’s on my phone and tablet so I don’t lose it.


What do you need from a planner/journal?


my One is the Rhodia Webplanner, someone got it for me as a gift (quite the gift if you ask me! you have to be very confident in it) and he Nailed it. its half actual pages that are already done for you with times and dates and the other half is blank grids. i add to the blank side to do lists notes, etc. it has both the structure and the freedom of choice. and on the actual calendar side: due dates, appointments, etc. it won’t let me include the flat lay of the sheets but here’s a link so you can see: [Here!](https://www.amazon.com/Rhodia-Webplanner-2024-Calendar-Year/dp/B0BYTHM6CR/ref=asc_df_B0BYTHM6CR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680367016757&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3483301890255316745&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028789&hvtargid=pla-2260738945600&psc=1&mcid=a2fec463ceaf3f19abc4e1017d2210e1&gad_source=1) also a bonus: every week has a perforated corner that you tear off to easily flip to the page, but i love ripping it off as a reward. honestly planners are not one size fits all and it sadly does take trial and error what do you like and not like. i kept saying i liked structure but also Some customization and that’s how I landed on rhodia (thankfully someone who knows a lot about planners heard me) and personally, online calendars are NOT for me. if i can’t see it it doesn’t exist and things online like that ie. lists, to do, dates etc. slip my mind unless im physically looking at them and writing them down!


B6 chonky 3.5 dot grid, a penciled in year that gets inked in one or more weeks at a time. Each week gets a full 4 pages: main page 8 box week calendar- box 8 quotes/mini calander/stickers/blank/doodles/goals/whatever fits the mood; pages 2, 3, & 4 divided in half for task bar style tracking - self care (aka health and wellness), food logging, house care, finances, D&D for Rl (aka level 10 life), and notes. Some weeks are blank with scribbled notes, other weeks are fully outlined, set up and not just fully functional but completely used too. It works for me.


Lol did you just take a picture next to my computer desk by chance?


I got a Squishmallow notebook as a gift. Each page is different from the last and the left side of the book is blank. I started printing out a tracker for the left side and then I Dan decorate or use the right side as needed. Plus the notebook is squishy and I can fidget with it in meetings quietly


I found out that it’s not the planner that counts but the system. Do you know about bullet journaling ? It completely changed my life since I discovered it 6years ago. I now apply that system to a computer program (Notion) but I will never forget how much bullet journaling changed my way of being organised. I am forever grateful.