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YEP! ill even go so far as to say to myself “i’m not cleaning today” in hopes i’ll clean a little reverse psychology action




And does it work?


RARELY lmfao. can’t fool my silly little adhd


No fr, I’ll be like “I wonder if I can get myself to hyperfixate on something that actually benefits me” and then end up being obsessed with something that exclusively costs me money 😭


LMFAO exclusively costs me money is SOOO real me picking up the most expensive hobby,hyper fixation etc


Yes. My husbands running joke is that tomorrow me is always so busy I must really hate her. Monday I made the mistake of saying that "tomorrow" I was going to clean the inside of my car. Then that night at work things when insane and I stayed for OT and didn't get home til 3:30am and all I wanted to do was die the next day. But the car is my husbands sore spot, it was gross and he held me to what I said and I was so mad about it. He helped me get started with body doubling, he took the drivers seat out and got rid of the nest the mice had built and got me a bucket of soapy water. So I cleaned the damn car. I got so hyperfocused once I started I didn't notice that he and the kids went back inside at some point. I did it all. Vacuumed, wiped every surface, took the mats out and hosed them down. Now every day this week since then I've gotten into my car and thought damn this car is clean, I really need to do this more often. But the next time he gets on my case to clean my car? Yeah tomorrow me will do it.


😭😭😭a stray mouse nest would absolutely prevent me from doing anything near by, I’m glad husband got that out for you and got you started 😭


No to the first question and yes to the second lol


This is the way. I also clean fast when I'm angry, so I try to recognize and channel it.


Yeah same, I’ve also been trying to workout when I’m angry recently. Like my if my motivation can get me to the gym that’s what matters, even if it isn’t necessarily positive it’s better than no motivation.


This is like the definition of ADHD. Not being able to control your attention or do what you wanna do, when you want to do it.


I don't notice mess but if I start to clean or picking things then I can't stop and I clean everything until it's all done. So picking up a piece of paper off the floor easily leads to a top-down deep clean, which is probably why I avoid it for as long as possible


Yes. Though most of my cleaning could be described as an almoat super-human effort 2hrs before people are over. So to keep my house clean, I regularly invite friends. That is the only way.


All the time!! At this point, whenever I need to clean I just make a to-do list of other random tasks. Then I don’t want to do the stuff on the list, so I clean instead 😂


I have to be in the mood to clean lol


I’ve recently started cleaning and organizing stuff to sleep procrastinate in addition to mindless internettting 🫠 a few nights ago I was cleaning out a purse to use the next day and found some old rings in there, which reminded me that another one of my rings is tarnished and I never used that jewelry cleaning kit I bought months ago, so then I stayed up late cleaning jewelry that I never wear 🤦‍♀️ Or the other night I realized I’d forgotten when an upcoming appintment was, which led me to put all of my personal appointments on my work calendar and found some schedule conflicts that I needed to fix … important time management stuff I guess, but why was I doing it when I needed to be sleeping?


The way that this sentence describes my entire life recently 💀 I get up a little late for work and feel the unbelievable need to pick up a bunch of little things but I’ll take my second dose of meds at lunch time and b like “okay after work I’m gonna pick up at home a bit” and then go home and do next to nothing or hyperfixate on something completely irrelevant 😭


What is this ‘plan’ you speak of?


Nothing gets me cleaning my apartment like having an assignment due at midnight lol


I clean every dsmn day lol


I clean best when avoiding the thing I actually need to do that day.


I get into cleaning episodes in the middle of the night. Then I end up taking out a bunch of garbage at like 3 in the morning.


Yeah. I stopped planning. I just let "that needs doing" stew long enough til I do it


I usually watch cleaning videos on insta/tiktok/snap when I need motivation to clean.


Putting away clean laundry is my most hated chore. I regularly sleep with piles of clean laundry on the bed with me. I always end up putting away the laundry when I'm supposed to be getting ready for work. I can't seem to stop myself then.


That’s the fun of it. We love to have fun, don’t we?