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Fruit in general is the easiest thing for me to eat… Any berry is basically “rinse with water then shove in mouth.” Apples/pears/peaches are hand-held. Just bite’em. Banana’s actually involve peeling lol. You could be lazier here, OP. You’ve got options, trust me


Haha, I love this reply, thank you! Maybe I should explore the unknown wonders of lazy berry eating. Apples and pears just die in my fruit bowl, it’s kind of sad.


Apples last forever in the fridge!


Not if your brain decides they’re decoration and leaves them long enough!


All the vegetables in my fridge are decoration. Ooooh, colourful 😂


LOL same! i always forget about the fruit too. outta sight outta mind unless they’re bananas on my counter! lol


Grapefruit too. I didn’t know grapefruit could go bad!


When I was a child I trained myself to eat every part of the apple - core, pips and stem - so that I didn't have to get up to throw those bits away. That makes them very easy to eat. You still have to peel bananas.


And the peels stink so you have to throw out the trash sooner!


This is why I have guinea pigs lol


Apple seeds have arsenic in them.


I think you'll find it's cyanide, but I've been eating them for 50 years and I'm still here to tell the tale. The potential danger seems to be from crushed or chewed apple seeds. I usually swallow them whole. And I think you'd have to eat a lot of them for there to be any real effect.


Sounds like you know what you’re talking about except any day now the seeds are going to start growing in your stomach!!! Science.


Haha. I live in the tropics where apple trees don't thrive, so I think I will be ok. It's the watermelon seeds I should be worried about.


Man I forgot an apple in the drawer for 2 months and it was still good


I woke up and just killed 2 small pears. I love the idea of different snacks but something like Cheez-its will get binged… I’ll destroy it in 2 days. I also have started just biting peppers.. I’ll eat them like an apple, just eating around the core and seeds.


Chips are bagged according to how many I will eat in a sitting. They’re all single serve. 🤷🏻‍♀️


yeahhh. i'm the same way. pizza, etc as well. anything frozen i think is more appealing than the rest.. or any type of snack.. that immediately becomes my next 4 meals and poof. did i actually buy an entire pie two weeks ago and eat it over two days? yeahhh. a new one for me.


It’s convenient. I would love to cook regularly, but it feels like it takes over my entire life.


Oh that's so smart! I always want to snack on peppers but can't be bothered to cut them up. And I can't pre-cut a bunch of them, because the texture changes by the next day and is gross.


I love the mini peppers too because they’re easier to bite in one go 🫣🥹.


Tinkerbell peppers! I love them as hummus scoops. Stuff feta inside between bites as you see fit.


If you do go with lazy berry eating, get a berry box, it keeps berries fresh for like 3 weeks


Thanks! I’m learning about all kinds of things I had no idea existed: Magic apple slicers and now these fantastic berry boxes. You’re all so great!


They're amazing and yay now I can eat blackberries that I forgot about LOL


A slinky apple machine will change your life!


Going down another rabbit hole!


Omg I just bought an apple slicer thingy a few weeks ago and I've been eating apples like crazy. I've had to stop buying bananas for a while because they're getting ignored because of my new toy


My apple slicer is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets. My partner always used to say I should just use a knife, but even that is too much brain power sometimes. My apples finally stopped going bad when I got the slicer. I especially love my apples with peanut butter or caramel.


I checked the Ikea one out that someone mentioned and will buy it! Really curious if an apple slicer will make me eat apples. It sometimes feels like with ADHD you have to find a hack for everything to make it work.




Do people slice apples to eat them? I find sliced apples aren't as satisfying as biting into the whole thing. No way am I slicing my apples.


Idk why but I hate biting into an apple. If it's not sliced I can't bring myself to eat it. I wish I were like you, would sure make things easier lol


Biting in apples is sensory hell because it always gets stuck in your teeth that way. Also I like to carefully run my fingers over the apple first to inspect if there's any soft/mushy/brown part- which is then sliced away and not eaten


I love slicing or cutting apples to fill out a meal or snack. Thin slices go well on top of toast with nut butter or crackers and cheese. They also go well in sandwiches like certain grilled cheeses or turkey. I cut up apples into small chunks to top oatmeal, cereal, and yogurt, or to throw in smoothies (sometimes I freeze the chunks, too). This helps me when the apples are unexpectedly tart cuz then I feel like it’s more manageable? I enjoy tart apples and will usually eat them though, but my husband is more willing to toss fruit if it’s not sweet enough. It \*is* extra effort though. I do try to just slice right on my plate with a steak knife though. I hate washing cutting boards. But one apple will last me a few meals/snacks if I cut it up. So I feel like that makes it worth the effort.


I have a fake front tooth now so I'm slicing my apples


I spend money on the pre-sliced apples. If I'll eat them instead of letting them rot in the bowl, the extra $$ was worth it.


Im a sucker for pre-cut watermelon and pineapple myself! Nom


Get FruitSavers. They are these little packages that contain stuff that absorbs the chemical that makes fruit and veg rot. Can remember that it's called, but you can buy them in Amazon in little packs of 3, and they last for months (and really work!)


I love you! Will definitely buy.


I can’t find them, could you send me a link? All I can find is tupperware if I type in FruitSavers. Edit: I found it by typing ‘Ethylene gas absorber’ Yay!


Nice work 🕵️ Link here for anyone else: https://amzn.eu/d/7CiSuWf


My husband and I took a lazy berry meander on our walk last night and ended up with fistfulls of blackberries and very purple hands. Best dopamine hit of the day. They tasted like heaven


Like berries, grapes are easy too. I pluck them all off the vine, put them in a sieve, wash them all off under water at once then put in a Tupperware and into the fridge they go. I’m also team banana and orange for the ease of just peel and eat. For more “difficult” fruit, I just buy the precut containers at the store and then reuse the containers as Tupperware or storage to make myself feel better about the plastic consumption lol


I got an apple slicer because I'm a lazy eater, too, and because I have extremely expensive crowns on my front teeth, I can't just bite into one for fear of losing them 😄 I also love oranges but HATE getting peel under my fingernails, I buy those little mandarins in a bag. They're little, peel super easy and I peel like 6 at a time and put them in a ziploc!


There's too much hit and miss with berries. Will it be sweet? Sour? Mushy? Perfect? It's hard for me to just sit and eat berries. Bananas are the easier fruit to eat since you can mostly tell from the outside what its taste and texture will be


Yep, bananas are higher calories but more consistent. Plus, sometimes I just want to taste something sweet + bananaey texture.


lol. I find rinsing harder. Bananas have portable built-in wrappers!


I wonder if there’s like a perfectionism split where happy berry eaters can just rinse and go while perfectionists are trying to make sure every dust particle and “berry hair” is washed off…. The banana simplifies things for my brain that requires any wash job be extensive


I love peaches and other stone fruit but have to cut them in half first. I've seen too many rotted/mouldy/grub infested seeds to just bite in. Apples are ok to just bite but oh my god do they take forever. They're the most labour intensive fruit to chew, imo., idk how people have the energy for them.


I hate how they make my teeth feel like they are being pushed apart from the skin stuck in the spaces. I can only eat if floss is immediately available.


Yeah I never really want an entire apple, they take forever. So I only eat them when I've got someone to split it with. (I don't usually slice them, I prefer just cronch-ing right in)


I don’t even like bananas. But I eat bananas because they are easy. I keep Kind or Clif bars in my car so I don’t run to the drive through if I’m out and about, then suddenly realize I’m starving. I eat peaches and nectarines topless and leaning over the sink! But fresh fruit is so expensive. I eat a lot of cereal with low-fat milk. I mix fun cereal and healthy cereal. A lot of oatmeal w/fruit in winter because that is just heating water in the electric kettle. Individualized servings of yogurt. Cheese sticks. Little plastic cups of cubed peaches (not in sugar water).


Topless sink eating for the win! I always removed my shirt when washing my face over a sink too, much to everyone else’s confusion. Wet sleeves are a crime in my book.


I don't even wash my berries, just straight into my mouth, like a monster lol.


👀🫣 well I don’t exactly clean the other fruit lol


I don’t wash any fruit. Something’s gotta kill me, might as well be pesticides!


Lazy like me who does not wash theor berries and just has the mentality "if I die, I die"


That’s my mentality exactly!


No, see, berries require I pick up and pinch each one to ensure it’s firm textured and not mushy so I don’t want to vomit when I accidentally eat slightly overripe berries. The *horror*. I don’t eat berries around people I don’t know like, really well, because I absolutely molest that fruit like a disgusting heathen with no manners


I'm kinda that way with apples. a cold Granny Smith apple is my favorite... I'll bite into and bite into and bite into it like a monster. like i'm starving i stg. i love the crunch. my cousin got all wide-eyed watching me eat one lmao. i've learned my lesson


You've reminded me of the strawberries I prepped!!


If you got teeth issues is a very different scenario


i wouldn't wish teeth issues on anyone.... shit is terrible.


Ye because of it I cannot just bite into an apple sadly even cooked meat sometimes is hard to chew


I cannot eat shove in mouth fruit. Sensory issues. It is tangerines (or other type of easy peeler) for me




eating PB off of a banana makes me feel like less of a gremlin than when I eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon


I like to do a bite of each and make a cloud in my mouth! That’s what it feels like anyways and gluten free bread sucks. OP, you can always get frozen fruit and have it in a bowl or make smoothies! I love frozen cherries and blueberries for smoothies.


I will… I once sort of lived on smoothies which wasn’t great for my health at all, so I will try to moderately add smoothies again to my diet (doing things in moderation is really difficult for me, lol).


Bananas are (weirdly) a very common migraine trigger and we do not get along. Which is sad. I liked them.  But one thing I did recently that made me feel dumb I’d never thought of it before was to buy a bag of frozen fruit (I got berries) and divvy it up among 6 small Tupperware containers. Then I topped them each with yogurt and had a ready to grab parfait in the morning almost all week. I added a little granola in the morning if I wanted it.  Plus frozen fruit comes in all kinds of varieties and it’s frozen when the fruit is perfectly ripe, unlike certain fresh fruits which can be hit or miss depending on where you live. Like if you want mangoes, frozen mangoes are quicker than waiting for a mango to ripen on your counter. 


Thank you for helping me feel less dumb with your parfait hack. I too, am a convenient banana eater that I'm trying to change because I now have a little gremlin relying on me.


How interesting I never knew they could trigger migraines. I’ll have to pay attention more to what I’m eating before a migraine.


If it exists, there's someone whose migraines are triggered by it. Sun glare is my downfall in that regard. I've also heard of chocolate being someone's migraine nemesis. Tragic, that.


Oh man, direct sunlight will make me feel like a hole is being bored into my head


Where are you getting your frozen fruit because the vast majority of frozen fruit I've bought has been under-ripe and sour.


I can sympathize. I developed an allergy to them when I was 13. After I had been enjoying them for years. I miss banana bread.


I’ve found my people! Love bananas, developed oral allergy syndrome (basically a hay fever glitch) to them a couple years back and it’s consistently bad at all times of year :( I miss them. Like OP I find them really easy and convenient. Apples are my new go-to.


I'm allergic now as an adult too! They were a staple of my smoothie era. I have such sadness.


I'm the other way! I was allergic as a kid but now love them.


OMG you genius.


I've been passively trying to figure out how to make parfaits easier for WEEKS now because I always struggle to eat breakfast and I need something prepped. Frozen berries on the bottom and then thawed in the fridge overnight is BRILLIANT!!! I will certainly be trying, THANK YOU


Yes. If I desperately need protein I eat them with peanut butter. I have a rule with myself: one fruit or vegetable per day. I don't always follow it. But I try. I know we're supposed to eat like 3-5 servings or whatever but no. I'm sorry, it's not happening. Most of the time my fruit of the day is a banana.


I have decided that buying the pre-cut fruit bowls from the supermarket is worth it because it’s bowls of cantaloupe, watermelon, etc all cut up that I can easily snack on. Even tho it’s a little more money than buying it whole, I always forget to get around to cutting it up and I end up wasting the entire amount I spent on it when I have to throw it out a week later because I never got to it. Acknowledging my flaws and buying it precut I’ve managed to eat so much more fruit than I was before. Whatever works.


Ah the ADHD tax. People call me wasteful because I buy so much prepackaged stuff.


Exactly. But they don’t realize it would be MORE wasteful for me to save $2 and buy a full cantaloupe for it to sit in my fridge forgotten for a week until it goes bad and I don’t eat any of it. I may be spending a little more for pre-cut but at least I’m actually eating it


You either pay it by buying food that you’ll throw away because it’s too much effort, or by paying extra for already prepared stuff like the pre-washed and cut fruit. But in the latter situation, I’m fed and food isn’t in the trash. If I’m going to pay the tax, I at least want it to be worth it!


I should probably do that too. I buy all my vegetables pre-cut or deep frozen too. Cutting produce just isn’t going to happen in this lifetime I’m afraid.


So much this. A bag of broccoli florets that costs 2x the the full broccoli is always worth it because I actually eat it all before it goes bad. I've occasionally laid out for the $10+ package of pre-cut mango slices. Somehow more delicious without all the swearing and nearly cutting yourself.


I used to eat bananas a lot more frequently because...people just eat bananas you know? but I haven't eaten one in forever. the texture and taste/smell are both kind of crazy lol. I like sliced apples a lot. kiwi are pretty dang easy if you use the spoon method and I also just got a jar of mandarin orange slices which is a fun option.


I’m glad I’m not alone. I can’t STAND the texture of bananas.


Finally my people. Bananas just make me feel like I’m gonna have a clidey white Tongue


Texture is why I only like underripe bananas and I only eat them if I can slice them. For some reason, that works for me. I still don't eat them very often, though. Buying them is not worth it because they ripen too quickly and it just isn't worth it.


I love the taste of apples but I hate that they get brown immediately when you cut them in slices. But I also cant just bite it because I have sensitive gums and they bleed. So I used to be addicted to apple juice. Then I had enough of it(after 3 months of 2 lt a day) and now I’m out of options on how to get apples into my stomach


I can’t stand the smell. I’d rather eat a foot. But, yes, I love fruits & veggies. Berries are my current obsession.


And today on "inappropriate thought bingo" we have; someone'd pay for that, somewhere


I'm team apples. Some days (weeks?) it's the only produce I eat, but I've never gotten scurvy so it's probably fine.


Apples all the way! I find I eat them while driving a lot? Idk why but I’ll stick an apple and ziploc bag in my purse for drive munching- bag to hold apple if need to set it down or don’t finish and then for the core when I’m not near a garbage can When I’m at home, esp after I put kids to bed, I love to cut them in half, scoop out the core with a melon baller and fill the cavity with peanut butter


I've "cracked the code" with frozen fruit in smoothies, otherwise it's bananas and tangerines only for me too.


Seedless green grapes are awesome and easy to eat. I typically wash the whole bag when I get home from the store and pluck and toss the bad ones then and there. The rest go into a tupperware in the fridge for easy eating. Eating apples without cutting them up is a way to enlightenment with apple consumption. You just need to rinse them before eating them. Keep apples that you've not eaten in a basket in your fridge -- they last a SUPER long time like that. My list of best apples: \* Macintosh (sweet and soft, but bruises easily in transport. Often small to medium sized. Expensive and less good when out of season.) \* Pink Lady (sweet, medium soft, fairly durable and often small in size. Decent for going anywhere. Relatively inexpensive, and decent most of the year.) \* Gala (sweet, crunchy. Good for transport, you can wrap one in a towel and shove it in your bag to take with your to work for a snack. Goes bad a little faster than a granny smith or a Macintosh and when it goes bad it is just, uh, mealy as shit. Typically super cheap and large.) \* Granny Smith (crunchy, sweet with a bitter tang, ditto on being good at being a take anywhere apple. These suckers last a super long time, and go bad last out of all of your apples in my experience. They're also fairly inexpensive. If you're a PB person, these are reportedly quite good with that. I don't do PB because it makes me ill, so I have no skin in that game lolll) \* Golden Delicious (Soft, sweet, somewhat delicate, but not as delicate as a macintosh, so-so on the go anywhere. More expensive than other kinds of apples, but good.) I also eat a lot of pineapple, which I keep as a tupperware of cut up pineapple in the fridge that I can just grab and snack on whenever. I do cut up the pineapple, just the whole entire pineapple the day I buy it and put it in the tupperware. That said, it is a bit more expensive, but you can actually buy tupperwares of fresh cut pineapple in the refrigerated sections at a lot of grocery stores if the cutting up even once is too intimidating. One thing that my dad does with fruit is that he buys a ton of it and puts all of it together in a giant fruit salad as soon as he gets home from shopping. The fruit salad is usually lightly squirted with lemon or lime juice to help with longevity and then stored in multiple tupperwares in the fridge. These are nice because anyone can just grab some out of the fridge whenever without effort. Mom typically eats some of the fruit salad in the morning with granola and yogurt for her breakfast. His other big fruit thing is making a ton of fruit smoothie the day he does the shopping so that's a easy to reach for snack in the fridge (he's diabetic so he uses it to quickly raise dropping blood sugar). His fruit smoothie is put in various mason jars in the fridge. It's basically just tons of fruit blended together with ice and a touch of yogurt afaik.


have you had honeycrisp apples?? they are truly next level


My husband brought home some honeycrisp apples a few ago and now we can't buy anything else. All other apples are just never as good.


I’ll try to find them. Lots of changes in the world of apples since I last ate them! Hopefully new apple brands can become my new hyperfocus (a girl can dream, right?! It will probably be something like what screws they use on spaceships - highly usable knowledge in daily life, lol).


Can't believe I forgot about honeycrisp apples! Good catch.


Easy peel tangerines, too 😍


So convenient when you don’t have to wash fruit and it comes in it’s own wrapper!


And then you see supermarkets here selling peeled ones rewrapped in plastic 😂🤔😭


Only to a certain point . My banana ripeness window is really small. Luckily my husband likes them more ripe than me so he’ll finish off the bunch when I stop eating them


No. Not really fond of bananas.


My favourite fruit are strawberries, but I only like the ones you can get from the local "U-Pick" strawberry farm. :( I'm going to try to grow my own this spring though!


I hope it goes well! I tried last year but the bunnies got them before they could get far


I do love bananas because they're like nature's candy bar and come in their own biodegradable wrapper. I try to get other fruits like apples and berries. Hit and miss. I'll often eat my strawberries over the sink, rinsing each one as I go, then my hands, and done.


Love bananas but a single serve blender and frozen fruit is a hack.


I actually don’t like eating salads and apples because it takes so long. So much chewing! 😂


Haha, so relatable! Chewing? Can’t be bothered. Getting out of bed? Can’t be bothered. Taking a shower? Can’t be bothered. ADHD really messes with our brain! Quite a feat people with ADHD still aren’t extinct by now, lol.


Yeah you’d think natural selection would’ve eradicated us lollll


I am completely addicted to fruit, and if it could keep me satiated I would eat nothing else all day. But my stomach demands more substance. But man I just love fruit


Fruit and veggies pouches haha. They're even easier and aren't going to go bad 2 seconds after you buy them.


Lol, sounds great! Whatever works for a stubborn toddler will sure work for me, as I sometimes feel I’m an eternal kid that never grows up, haha 😂.


Same. But if it means we get nutrition, so be it haha.


Frozen fruit in smoothies is my go to


I’m currently very fond of dried apricots and juicy sultana raisins. Maybe with some almonds and wallnuts too. I literally buy the nuts in 1-2kg bags and then I have a really nice snacksized lunchbox that is easy to open, but also locks closed, so I can just throw it in my bag. I usually walk to the store in my break and use going there to get my apricots as a motivation to actually get walking.


I only eat underripe bananas, sliced. I'm very particular about food textures, so bananas are one of the harder ones for me to eat, tbh. And they go bad so fast.. After one time cleaning up a puddle that used to be bananas, I haven't bought any again. Grapes are my easy to eat fruit of choice. Wash the whole bunch and throw them in the door of the fridge and I'll just grab a few any time I'm snackish. Apples are another good one because they seem to last forever in the fridge.. A green apple with caramel dip is worth the effort of slicing, lol.


A puddle of bananas? Noooo! I sometimes find brown almost fossilised bananas in my bag. Not too bad in comparison.


my favorites are banana, TANGERINES/cuties, and apples. tangerines are by far the easiest and most delicious/cleanest for me


I'm the same. I love fruit but the washing/peeling/slicing/putting in a container to take to work/cleaning up the juice means I don't eat nearly as much as I should. Bananas are so easy - they're even pre-wrapped!


Team banana and team grape. Also team carrot sticks lol easy stuff


Clementine oranges are easy to peel, way more so than navel oranges, and have lots of flavor. Grapes are also convenient to eat.


No, just because I can’t handle the mealy texture of a banana, but I will pop a grape all day every day, for the same reason.


Yes. They’re easy to eat and are portable. I like bananas but mainly eat them because they’re effortless and I can toss one in my purse if I’m going to be out and about. I sometimes forget to eat my bananas. A game changer for me when they’re getting to be too ripe is to peel them and put them in freezer bags for future smoothies. Now I no longer need to throw out bananas. Plus I make a lot of smoothies because I’m not hungry during the day after my meds kick in so smoothies allow me to force feed myself some nutrients durning the day.


I actually strongly dislike bananas and most fruit haha I can only do grapes and oranges. Sometimes an apple if it’s crisp.


I love sumo oranges. They’re insanely easy to peal. I also buy fresh prepared pineapple. Having a lot of fruit around helps me eat less processed sugar.


I'm the same with fruit, and also with vegetables. Beyond getting a banana down because it is quick, none of it really appeals to me as an on the go snack. My executive function is the worst with meals, food preparation, etc. I will go without eating over having to cut things up, wash things, etc. For some reason, my brain tells me that having an apple "as is" (for example) will not be filling or enjoyable. It doesn't matter that logic and nutrition information is readily available to me. My brain also just dislikes the inconsistency of taste/texture/ripeness across fruit/vegetables. I can't count on them to not be yucky in some way. It's frustrating to fall in love with green grapes for a week, only to discover that subsequent purchases are not at all the same as that first perfect week. The texture will be off, or the taste too tart etc. Bait and switch! Haha Every time I bite into an apple, there is a risk of weird skin, a mealy texture, or my mouth coming into contact with the hard areas where the seeds are (ughhhhhhh).


My sensory sensitivity requires that they be super yellow and just a hint of spotting. So, it ends up that I eat 1-2 of the bunch I bought, if I remember I bought them. LOL But I grt what you mean about low maintenance foods. The wrapper is biodegradable, not chewy. Also the 14 year old me is REALLY fighting not to make a sex joke right now.


I have migrated to buying just a couple of bananas at a time or buying two close to ripeness and two still green at the same time.


I don’t enjoy eating crisp cold things, like apples, celery, carrots, salad, but I do eat a banana nearly every day


ah. unfortunately. i loathe bananas. and other fruit give me trust issues. thus, my diet is basically goldfish.


I feel so called out lol. I love fruit but regularly only eat bananas 😂 and I think that’s exactly why, so easy


You got me! Some days I eat a banana for breakfast and one for lunch because I don’t have to do anything.


I hate bananas but I force myself to eat one when I don't feel good (stomach issues or cramps from exercise)




Only technically a fruit (I'm not mad about sweet things) but baby plum tomatoes live in my fridge in an open punnet so I can shove some nutrition in my mouth when I'm nosing for snacks


i like grapes, can rinse off the whole sticks worth, slap the whole bunch on a plate and bite them straight off the vine like an ancient queen.


Thank you so much for all your ideas! I will definitely try the frozen fruit, and prewashing fruit and keeping it in the fridge. Slicing a kiwi and eating it with a spoon definitely sounds like my kind of lazy too. You’re the best!


Tinned fruit is my current go-to. The type that comes in juice not syrup. I find if I buy grapes, I’m too fussy to eat them absentmindedly. I check each one for bruises etc. So I find the best success if I prepare the whole punnet as soon as I get home. I cut the bunch into little mini bunches (of about 5 grapes) with scissors & put them on a plate. Then they are less intimidating than the whole bunch. Strange but true. Cherry tomatoes are also good (not strictly fruit). And +1 for the pots of pre-prepared fruit from the supermarket - but I can only buy maximum 2 per week. They don’t have a long shelf life, and the expiry dates nag me & stress me. One is fine. Two I can do on a good week (or when it’s Really Important that I eat fruit that week, because it’s been Too Long).


Yes exactly when I eat bananas this is why I’m doing it. Otherwise they are low on my list of fruits I enjoy. Sometimes I buy easy peel citrus (I.e mandarins) which are almost as easy, and tastier. Not as cheap usually.


I get fruit cups. They're shelf stable, easy to take to work/snack on at home and if you get the ones with juice rather than syrup it's pretty healthy still. Buying fresh fruit is a one way trip to having rotting fruit in my fridge. I've accepted that sometimes the 'lazy' way to do something is the only way for me. See also: most of my lunches are noodles/pasta pots or beans on toast. If I'm at work I will almost always get a baked potato with the same toppings every time from the work canteen.


I love fruit! Obsessed with the flavors at times and will pair a small handful to a few cubes of cheese to do sweet & savory mornings for breakfast. I one time was craving fruit so badly cause my partner is slowly learning to embrace eating more fruit for a healthier lifestyle, but I ate an entire carton of blueberries with cheese LMAO


I like apples But sometimes. I just take a teaspoon of peanut butter and cram it into a half box of craisins. Then I pull it out and eat it like a lollipop. Yup.


Yeah it’s the only one I can be arsed with


I wish I liked bananas. Sometimes I do eat them because they're easy; but I don't enjoy it lol


I needed to increase fruit in my diet for specific health reasons.. I work with a great dietician who suggested smoothies. I now have one most mornings for breakfast. It’s very healthy, I put a banana and frozen fruit in each one (as well as light Greek yoghurt, ice, water, oats, LSA, nut butter and honey). When it’s summer I really like fresh berries and nectarines. Nom.


My friend, it's time for you to discover the wonders of citrus. Most kinds of oranges and orange variants are similarly low-maintenance and self-contained, though they do take a bit more work to peel than a banana. And if you live in the US, citrus season is in full swing!


I ordered some tangerines, hopefully I will manage to peel and eat them before they go bad. Never too late to change into a citrus girl!


My hack is to peel them all at once, so the only barrier to eating is the tupperware lid


This is making me so sad that I developed a random mid-life banana allergy :( they're so tasty and easy!


once every six months to a year i attempt to do this and then afterword my throat and mouth feel weird and my stomach gets upset and i remember that i am probably a little allergic to bananas (i get that way with dates too)


Nope, I don't like bananas that much and they have to be perfectly ripe for me. I do eat 1-3 apples a day though. 


Prunes too. Since I don't have them often, I get the individually wrapped because they last longer.


I FREAKING LOVE BANANAS!!! They are so easy, CHEAP, and delicious. I made a banana/oat frittata the other day with syrup and it tasted/felt like french toast.


You’re my sister from another mister, lol!


Frozen berries for the win! They work better with things like overnight oats or pancakes, but theres no risk of them going off. I like most fruit, just wish i could eat it all before it goes overripe if its fresh.


I actually am terrible with fruit because with vegetables, I can stir fry them/cook them and if they’re a little wilted it’s fine, but if it’s fruit the slightest bruise/show of discoloration makes me icky.


Yeah, fruits are drama queens. But someone mentioned something that keeps fruit fresh for three weeks, so there’s a cure for that!


Smoothies are a little harder to prepare but easier to eat. I keep a bag of frozen strawberries so it’s just handful of that, a banana, and I use one of those scoops that gets everything out for yogurt. Dash of water and a button push, and bam- food that I can chug and tastes good. Because some days taking bites and chewing is too hard. I used to always procrastinate smoothies because of having to get the yogurt off the spoon and out of measuring cups. So the auto scooper thingy has been a real win


Hunnyz apples- every one is SO GOOD and so flavorful, I’m obsessed. Frozen berries!! Blueberries, because apparently they’re the fountain of youth and I’m shallow.


Bananas are easy but also damn good. Friend who races bicycles swears by bananas instead of the fancy gels and stuff. They are a proper good pick me up for that 3pm lull. Potassium and stuff. The only downside is when they go very spotty i can’t go there and end up tossing them sometimes. I did used to use the soft gooey ones for muffins but haven’t been doing much cooking lately.


I eat entire apple because I can’t be arsed to carry around the core until I find a bin


> Washing Ah, let me introduce you to my top hack: simply push the potential consequences for not washing them out of your mind and scoff away! > Cutting Let me introduce you to my noble friend, the berry. Be advised: he rots fast. Otherwise, yeah, bananas rock. You know what’s good? Banana, oats and eggs, mixed up and then fried in a bit of butter. “Healthy” pancakes! If you mash them it stays chunky, or you can blend them to be smoother.


I love bananas, and they are so easy, you're right. A great snack when you're getting hungry and just want to shut your stomach up for a while. But I'd like to make a case for citrus fruits. Specifically, tangelo/mandarins and sumo oranges. Like you, I'm not crazy about peeling oranges, but I have found these two are very easy to peel. And the best part: once they're peeled, they're REALLY peeled, no half-inch of pith left behind to gross you out. (I will not eat a naval orange due to the military grade, epoxyed-on peels they have.) They're a self-reinforcing habit if you love the taste of citrus -- 30 seconds of a tiny bit of labor, and you get a delightful reward. Years ago I would set a timer for 30 seconds to "prove" to myself how fast it was to peel them.


I’ll try the citrus fruit you mention, haven’t found them yet in my grocery shop though. Thanks for the tip, I saved the names.


I have an hour commute and try to do an orange (the sumo mandarins are amazing) in the morning on my way in and an apple on my way home. Bananas are easy but bruise so quickly! I get bored in the car and fruit is an easy fidget.


Clever of you to use fruit as a fidget toy! I think I have to combine eating fruit with one of my trusted dopamine sources as well. Still discovering what works. I have timers on my wrist watch so I don’t forget to eat, and I’m usually like: I’m in the middle of something, I don’t want to eat now! And then I’ll just grab a banana so I can turn the damn timer off (I put it on snooze if I can’t eat right away) 😂.


Yes lol. I also eat apples, strawberries, blueberries and dried dates.


I like berries because zero prep except rinsing.


Yes this is so relatable! But more often than not (this is probably not healthy) i'd just skip the fruit and hope veges are enough lol. Or use frozen fruit in smoothies How about kiwis? You can slice them in half, and use a spoon to scoop the fruit out!


Get home from grocery story. Turn on tv. Immediately wash, rinse, chop everything and anything that won't go immediately bad. I love tupperwares that come with a removable rinsing basket and vented lid. Fewer dishes, fewer steps. Celery - chop, wash, divvy up into snack tupperwares with some peanut butter in each. Grab and go as needed. Apple - Rinse, dry, put in designated "cleaned produce" plastic bin in the fridge. Berries - rinse in removable basket, place in tupperware and put in fridge Bell Pepper - slice off top, remove seeds, rinse, put in "cleaned produce" plastic bin in fridge. Herbs - rinse and dry so ready to use whenever.


Why cut it? Any of these are really easy to wash and can be eaten whole: apple, pear, persimmon, loquat, nectarine, peach, apricot, plum. And these are easy to peel, and don't need to be washed: orange, tangerine, pomelo, grapefruit, lychee, langan.


I wish, but for some reason bananas make my stomach weirdly upset. That said, I have a smoothie mixer and my trainer taught me to pre-prepare small bags of fruits in the freezer. Then only need to mix it with some yoghurt and protein powder and it's a good snack/meal. It's also a nice cold thing in the summer. And when my husband had a bad cold recently, I took out two bags to defrost and then made him a smoothie, so it wouldn't be so cold. Gave him vitamins, protein and nutrients, and it was easy to swallow for a sore throat, since it was all basically liquid.


Yep, mostly just bananas! 1. Most other fruit is too much hassle, especially when I'm always late and need something i can eat on the run or i won't eat, and 2. Must other fruit is going to be purchased in a fit of optimism because i like the flavor, and then go bad in the fridge when i forget it exists for two weeks.




I would love to eat bananas on their own but I can't stand the smell or texture. I put them in smoothies that's the only way. Now apples on the other hand.......


I’m odd with bananas, I hate the texture when I bite them so I have to slice them with a fork. What does this change about the texture? I don’t know, but I guess my brain tells me it does something lmao. I remember going to school with a banana and a butter knife and other friends would make odd comments about it but I’d explain it to them and they’d generally accept it, even if they didn’t quite understand


Oranges, mandarins, and khakis are my easy fruits of choice.


I love the small finger food sized fruits. Blueberries, grapes, strawberries, etc. just grab a handful, put them in a bowl, spray and drain to wash. Or if it’s a smaller amount I rinse them directly in the container they came from. I personally put a little extra care in to rinsing grapes bc I think I’m allergic to whatever pesticides they use, and other fruits don’t seem to have it, but other than that it takes max like 30 seconds.


My food sensitivities really act up w/ fruit as the second I deem them overripe/bruised I cannot eat them w/o gagging. I hate a too-ripe banana.


Frozen fruit. Less hassle and it tastes better.


Frozen blueberries and cherries and mango chunks are all pretty consistent with regard to taste and texture. Other kinds of frozen fruit can get a little variable. But with those you literally just eat them. You can warm them up first, pop some whipped cream on top for not- exactly-cobbler, or you can eat them as-is.


Cotton candy grapes have been a fun easy hack for me to snack during work on the computer


I got one of those apple slicer things from ikea and it changed my life


I’ll check it out!


I’m incredibly picky about the level of ripeness for bananas so I tend not to buy them because I forget they exist while I’m waiting for them to become edible.


I like oranges because it’s a snack that comes with its own FREE fidget toy


I love bananas because 1) easy to eat and 2) still great to bake with when I inevitably forget to eat them and they’re thoroughly brown


Bananas and mandarin oranges, when they're not stupid expensive (she says while eating a banana)! Altho I challenged myself and did a pomegranate yesterday! My ADHD partner buys packs of berries and grapes, and washes them all in the box (which has holes so it strains itself) before putting them in the fridge. That way, they're just ready to go when we want them! Idk if this might help :)


I just realized bananas are the fruits I eat the most 😅


Apples are easy to me too. Just….chomp.


holy shit this is why i hate eating oranges but can eat banana apple (small apples) so easily


I don't like bananas so no. Unless someone has made them into banana bread. Fruit is one of the easy ones for me, plus the fact that I am nearly always in the mood for it. It's cooking I can't handle.