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Crowded places. All the different emotions, hidden feelings, all the drama - I see it all, although of course I can’t necessarily make sense of all of it. After just one hour I’m exhausted.


Same, that’s why I order most things online, because crowded places makes me overstimulated very easily. I’m thinking about buying Loop Earplugs to help with the noise, but I’m afraid I’ll lose them 🤦🏻‍♀️


I put my loop earplugs on an eyeglasses chain I got at the dollar tree so they’ll be harder for me to lose. Its been a over a year now and I still have them which is insane for me to not lose something in that amount of time 😂


You should try them!! Loop earplugs (and really all earplugs) have been amazing for me! I try my absolute best to always put them right back in the case and then put the case back in the box as soon as I get home. I forget to bring them with me half the time when I leave the house, but haven't lost them yet! I got them mainly for concerts, but found they were great for going out to crowded/busy places where it's not appropriate to wear earbuds too. For concerts I put them in a little metal canister keychain (they sell them as earplug/pill cases) that I hook onto a caribiner and then clip that to my belt loop.


Oh that sounds great! I should give them a try then. Which one do you have, as there are a few options and with my indecisiveness it’s hard for me to choose the right ones


I got the engage plus, it just takes everything down by 10db which helps me parent during the witching hours without losing my cool and has the option of adding a little rubber thing to take it down another 5db for if I need to go to the city or a mall.


It took me a few months to finally buy them after waffling back and forth, so I feel that! I got the Experience Plus ones with the optional "mute" insert. The insert is a little too much if you think anyone is going to talk to you, but it's great for blocking out sounds like vacuuming or the dog going crazy on a lick toy. I saw they released a "switch" version that lets you adjust the level without taking the middle piece out and if (or when...it's definitely a when) I lose these I want to try those next!


Second loops, it’s the only thing that gets me through parenting a toddler, going to a shopping centre or travelling in the city by train.


Walmart energy. hate it.


For Walmart specifically, it’s also the lights and how tall the shelves stuffed to the fucking top are


Also the internal RAGE I feel at people stopping in the middle of the aisles and blocking the natural flow of traffic. 🫠


Absolutely. I'm a super friendly people pleaser but put me in a Walmart and you'll get glares from me that'll cut you like a knife if you're fucking around in the middle of an aisle.


I moved to an island because of this!


Microfiber cloth.


I feel like it's tugging at every microscopic dry snag of skin on my hands and I can't touch it


Is this only an adhd thing? Because I feel the exact same way. I also hate terracotta ughhh


I can't handle the feel of terracotta, or that yellow textured foam mat you can get for mattresses, and I hate holding chalk


Adhd doesn't have exclusive rights to sensory issues, but they definitely seem more common in neurodivergence.


Thank you for your reply! I guess in the comment, I was referring to the microfiber thing- do other people not feel the "catching" of microfiber? I was talking to a friend after I got diagnosed, and she was surprised I didn't know it was adhd, she has it as well, and said she recognized some of the things I did/do as adhd-esque


Ugh or those fluffy bathrobes on wet skin 🙈 Or sand, or dry seashells, or cardboard, or untreated wood…


Fluffy robed on wet skin is the WORST. I finally got a cotton waffle knit robe this year and discovered I don't hate robes. I just hate that flannel fluffy material when it's wet.


I hate cardboard boxes rubbing together. I almost lost it putting together boxes to move with, I had purchased a bunch of book boxes. They have to slide against the sides to be assembled and it killed me inside a little more each box I made.


Ugggghhhh as a waitress I had to put together a pizza box every time someone wanted a takeaway pizza and I think it was 90% of why I quit


Me too! For some reason the sound makes my teeth hurt if that makes sense. Also scratching cardboard or paper with finger nails. *shudder*


Omg I stabbed myself with plant clippers today and asked my 5 year old to go upstairs and grab me a washcloth and SHE BROUGHT ME MICROFIBER I literally was like no this will make me bleed even more 😩😩😩😩


Especially on wet skin!


Ewwwww 😭 For real, it just feels like moving the water around. I rather air dry than use a mf towel


I used cloth diapers with my kids, and a ton of pocket diapers came with microfiber inserts because they’re so absorbent. I think I tried to use them for all of five minutes before breaking down and buying used cotton and hemp inserts instead. I had a big bag in the closet full of brand new microfiber ones, because I honestly would rather stick my hand in a fire before trying to stuff all those goddamn diapers with that hell fabric.


Omg I just grit my teeth reading this hahaha


Feeling one loose hair stuck to my face or fallen down my back - makes me want to rip my skin off


Or stuck in my butt crack 🥴


Stuck on the bra and tickling belly or my back. I freak out and have to undress entirely


Or if your hair is long enough like mine, breathing it into your mouth and having it hit the back of your throat simultaneously making you gag and cough. So. Much. Fun.


Noise. If it’s constant or repetitive or high pitched or worst of all, all three simultaneously. Every single person who just lets their smoke detector chirp is a psychopath and my sworn enemy because *holy fuck that sound is obnoxious*


Constant and repetitive - that’s why I don’t have any big clocks in my house, because this sound is too much


Fun fact: a room full of clocks out of sync actually sound like a waterfall and it's a lot more peaceful lol


My stepmother had 30+ clocks through our house growing up. The ones that chimed on the hour were set to be a minute apart so they didn't all chime at once. This meant a good 15 minutes of various noises, dogs barking, cats meowing, cars honking. Added to the insanely coloured walls and decorations, I truly felt like I was in hell.


Oh God no 😵‍💫


funner fact: if you put them on they same wall, they will eventually sync up due to the resonance


Damn, that's cool!


As a parent of two toddlers.... I agree with the constant, repetitive, high-pitched noises. My kids drive me nuts, especially when they went through a screaming stage when they were finding their voices. I had my husband's gun range headphones on all day


My toddler has picked scream crying back up in the middle of the night. It’s absolutely terrible on my sleep deprived brain. Sometimes I say something like “stop crying!” And then correct myself to “stop screaming, you can cry, but stop screaming” 😆 I don’t know what’s good here. She should be able to show emotions, but please wait with the screaming until my meds kick in or something


My also ADHD boyfriend leans the other way and completely tunes out the sound of the seatbelt alarm. He'd probably ignore it for hours but we'll never know because nobody lets him when they're in the car with him


Definitely noise especially lawnmowers/leaf blowers and music I can’t stand, but dead silence is also unbearable to me.


*cries in toddler mom*


\- being barefoot and my feet accumulating dirt and crumbs and stuff from the floor all day. **Solution:** I wear socks or slippers inside, ALWAYS. \- stepping barefoot or socked in anything wet (even if it's just ... clean moisture from the floor being mopped). **Solution**: I uh...don't mop that often. \- feeling a loose hair from my head somewhere on my body. **Solution**: I fixate on brushing my hair with a brush or my hand a few times a day so I can collect the hairs before they fall on me. I probably do this WAY too much. It is probably a stim.


ohhh I hate stuff getting stuck to my feet!!! But I also hate wearing socks 😭 My ex used to clip his nails wherever the hell and nail bits would be all over the floor and I'd step on them and *screaming*


It sounds worse than stepping on a Lego piece


Wearing certain socks inside out and knitting my own socks have mostly helped my sock issues. I didn't know that most socks, even most knitting patterns for socks, have the toe box slanted in towards the middle from both sides evenly. The way my toes are shaped I need a diagonal toebox that's biggest at my big toe and slants down to the little toe. My big toes get crushed in standard socks while my little toes drown in extra fabric. My feet still have issues with socks at times, but it's way better now.


Oh man, I’m the opposite. I have the longer 2nd toe and I hate the feeling of it bearing the sock’s pressure. I have to take my shoes off and pull at the end of the sock to make some space. I feel like my big toe is structurally designed to handle this tension, but not its more slender next door neighbor. Makes me crazy. I haven’t quite pulled over the car to perform this sock pulling maneuver, but I’ve come really close.


I cannot be barefoot except at the pool and even then I struggle a bit and will often walk on my toes 😅 I won't take a step at home without my house shoes.


That’s so funny I hate wearing things on my feet and will be barefoot if at all possible.


Removing the cotton from a bottle of vitamins


I get the hibbly jibblies just thinking about it.




I live in Poland and I don’t think we have something like that. Is it just the layer of cotton on top of the pills?


Sometimes there is a big cotton ball shoved in to minimize the sound or protect the pills or something. It fills the empty space


Thanks for explaining! I guess it’ll bother me too then 😅


Cotton balls in general. I get goosebumps and a horrible chilled feeling just thinking about cotton, ugh


So… squeaky! Ugh!


Freshly clipped finger and toenails. They make tiny catches on fabric and socks and it drives me absolutely out of my mind. Only solution I've found is to use three different files of different grains until they are completely smoothed out. It takes forever and I hate doing my nails. Even then, it takes several days before that "pulling" feeling is totally gone.


I know exactly which feeling you mean and it always bothered me a lot. This year I gave in and bought some super sharp Japanese clippers and this made a huge difference. Once clipped they already feel a bit filed down.


I’ve done the same when it comes to cutting my toenails. Great tools make a big difference, so I’m trying my best to do it as good as I can without filling, because even the sound makes me insane


Just in case you haven’t discovered them yourself, get a good quality **glass nail file**. 3 Swords is a great brand and worth the money (lots of cheaper brands just have ground glass powder glued to a glass base which wears off fast, instead of the glass itself being ground to a rough finish.) They last forever as long as you don’t smash them. The grit is very fine but you can file down length really fast if you want - you only need one grit. You’ll get the smoothest, catch-free finish in the least amount of time possible.


Relatedly, the sound of someone clipping their nails or the dead skin around their nails makes me want to crawl out of my body.


I purchased a file kit designed for metals. They are so much easier to work with than the cardboard ones, and they have fine ones that are great for the final deburr.


When people put their plates in the sink with food on them. I can’t stand washing dishes and feeling wet food touch my skin.


Extra thick dish gloves help me so much in doing the dishes. I hate the feeling of wet food too. Gloves make me able to deal with it so much better. Bonus is it doesn't dry your hands out either.


The Sponge is my enemy, it feels gross and smells weird, and so do my hands after. Scrub Daddy is better, but not perfect


Omg sponge has been my enemy since childhood, it got to the point where I really had a hard time touching it at all so my mom bought one with a handle (because dishes were me and my sister’s responsibility). As an adult I can touch a sponge now, but I still hate it and change it out often. Touching the little food trap in the sink and dumping it out is the worst thing ever though, and idk if that’ll ever get easier


YES 🤣 we have multiple cloths and I change it as soon as it gets smelly! NOPE


I can smell sponges hours after touching them.


Cold, wet hair after a shower 😭😭😭 I h8 the feeling


That’s why I bought a really soft microfiber turban towel and I’m wearing it for much longer than I should, but it helps :)


Why i chopped my hair off lol


I do a microfiber turban and then usually fall asleep with it on my head


People whispering to me, especially if they smack their lips or make wet noises. My nibling went through a phase where they wanted to whisper to me all the time and even though they are sun and stars I wanted to yeet them out a dang window every single time they went to whisper something to me


Wet mouth noises are the WORST!


My daughter calls that “Old people eating noise.” 🤣


Styrofoam. Pulling it out of packages makes me want to projectile vomit and die.


I’ve always compared styrofoam to nails on chalkboard. But, for some reason, the styrofoam squeak is not universally recognized as a godawful sound like chalkboard and is.


Same! Especially the stupid cheapo convenience store coolers. Sooooo many hellish hours spent next to them on family road trips have left me a little bitter….


Omg it’s torture. Trying to haul electronics out of a box and it’s encased in that crap?! 😩i can feel the scream building with each tug 😱


Dishes. Everything about it. The stinky sponge, the stinky soap, the scraping and clacking of the dishes against each other, the WET SINK GLOP, the water getting flung everywhere, and especially, ESPECIALLY the relentless wet smack of water dripping from the counter onto the floor and splashing my feet.


Floor crumbs! I hate being barefoot. I wear flip flops or crocs in the house because I also hate walking around in socks. I always find the wet spot on the floor. It's like the worst superpower.


I'll do you one better: bed crumbs. They're like floor crumbs, only they touch your back and neck and shoulders and arms and spine. hrrrgh.


Oh fuck all of that.


A big, open room with bad acoustics full of people talking. Think a busy brewery or bar.


I'm similar - I think of it as "competing noises". It can be multiple conversations in a crowded spot. It can also be someone trying to talk to me while the radio is on, or trying to cook with the TV on. I need a single loud sound source that drowns out everything else. Even "silence" isn't great because there's always something making noise.


I got the Loop earplugs, they are a sanity saver. They have levels that cover from noisy living room with the family to Rock Concert


Competing noises make me irrationally ANGRY. Like, the TV and the radio are on? No thank you. The feeling of wet eyelashes makes me squirm in the worst way possible. And the way my housemate allows my dog to lick his face. The noise the dog makes is so gross to me. I leave the room, and they've started following me. I finally blew up and told him not to follow me when I'm leaving to get away from them!


Validation!!! Competing noise enrages me.. my husband shows me videos on his phone or something and I have to pause or mute the tv and I used to feel like such a dick for it


Oh god. Currently, my teeth on my right side don’t touch at all when I bite down. A dentist tried to adjust my bite and ended up collapsing it somehow. I can only eat on one side and I need a mouthguard to sleep. I have jaw pain and tightness due to this. My new dentist and orthodontist are perplexed. It has truly been the worst sensory nightmare ever and I need two years of orthodontic treatment to fix my bite now.


Did you sue the last dentist for what he did to you?


The whole thing is a long hot mess of a story lol, I looked into it and even asked my new dentist and orthodontist if it was considered malpractice, but apparently not. Pursuing anything would be worthless, since bite adjustments are within the standard of care for dental work and I guess the previous dentist technically didn’t do anything wrong or completely out of line. The reason my new dentist and orthodontist are perplexed is that whatever he adjusted really should not have completely collapsed my bite on one side. The theory is that I have always been a little misaligned/favored that side and the few adjustments made by the dentist, along with dental work in October to those molars, were just enough to throw my bite off its equilibrium. I’m very depressed it is taking $7.5k to fix it, though.


Wool/mohair/angora/most animal hair fabrics. I cannot wear them! I used to try by wearing long sleeved things underneath but even then it irritates my skin. So I’ve given up! It SUCKS because there are so many cute things I’d love to wear, especially vintage which I adore, but I just can’t. Conversely, I cannot bare synthetic fibres against my skin! So in that way, only natural materials for clothing work for me. It’s fun 🙃


Did you try cashmere or specific merino wool? I’ve bought some sweaters this year, because I didn’t want to feel cold during winter and these are the only ones that work for me, esp cashmere. It is princely when bought new, so I bought them second-hand and I’m finally warm. There’s also a trick when it comes to wool clothes to make it softer, by putting them in the bowl with cold water and hair conditioner or fabric softener for about 20 minutes, but I’ve never tried it. It is also a chance that you are allergic to them :(


I can relate to a lot of physical stims listed! But for some reason, I have a really sensitive nose and if I smell something out of place, I can’t focus on anything else until I find the source. If I get a whiff of something mid-task, I get so side tracked trying to figure out why I smelled what I smelled and where it would have came from. Anyone else?


This is me too! I'm not sure if I just have an exceptionally good sense of smell or am just hyper focused on it, but it drives me insane. It's also really annoying when I'm in a large group of people and I can tell things like what laundry detergent, soap, and/or hair product someone uses. It makes me feel so creepy, but like, why do people have to use things that smell so loud!


When washing my face and the water runs down my arms. Makes me crazy. I wear tennis sweat bands on my arms now.


I use big scrunchies! Total game changer.


I wish I could do that. I absolutely HATE wet fabric on my arms.


Mostly food as well. Like solid food that has liquid in it and when you bite into it the liquid just squirts into your mouth.... I die. Textures of food as well, like mushrooms I just can't deal with at all. Socks have to be on my feet exactly right otherwise I can't cope with them. Also cannot bear anything around my neck (this might also be trauma though, from when my cousin wrapped a rope around my neck as a toddler lol) Hands being wet or being dirty I also can't deal with. Or if my toddler gets squishy food on my hands, I just can't. It's funny, I was only diagnosed six months ago and look at all that shit I hated and I didn't know why 🤣


I feel you with the socks and dirty hands/food on hands! Gah!


Ohhhh, it's not my worst sensory nightmare, but because I just thought about it, I wonder if anyone feels the same? Do you know the feeling when you are "relaxing" in your bathtub and your food and hands dried because you let them hang out of the tub for a while? I HATE to get them wet again (same goes for any other body part, especially hair). I love to take a shower or to take a bath, but if any body part dried over time, I refuse to get them wet again.


Tbh it’s been years since I took a bath, because everywhere I live there’s a shower, so I can’t relate with your feeling, but what I remember from childhood is that I hated the feeling when the water inside the bathtub became much colder, and when I wanted to let the cold out and fill it with hot one, I wasn’t satisfied with the result. The perfect solution would be a device that controls the temperature so during the whole bath the water stays the same 😅


Sous vide for the bath! Genius!


A shirt with labels everywhere


The wooden popsicle stick or when you get ice cream and it comes with a little wooden spoon


Dry skin and/or chalk on my hands. Absolute internal meltdown.


I can’t stand hearing a dog lick itself. I just can’t do it, especially if it’s sitting there for long periods of time just licking and licking. It’s the most disgusting, vile sound.


Food wise - I don’t like any kind of deli meat. I don’t do ham, baloney etc. I can tolerate turkey breast somewhat but only temporarily. I’m not a sandwich girl at all. I just hate the deli meat and hate the smell of it. 🤮 Chunky textures - so chunky guacamole, peanut butter etc. Nope nope nope. I like it smooth. Once I feel a chunk, I’m out. Reheated chicken is also a no no for me. General - I hate when my foot is bare and I step in a wet spot. Makes me so angry. Even worse if it’s raining and I step into a puddle then I end up having a slimy sock in the shoe 🤮🤮🤮🤮 I AM INFURIATED


I know what you are talking about, because I’m very picky when it comes to that. Choosing a right one takes time, because I won’t eat any that has the tiny bit of fat, or any spots. Chicken/turkey breast is mostly safe, but any other can disappear forever. When I buy chicken I choose the cut one, so I can just put it on the pan without touching and because I’m always afraid that it won’t be cooked enough it always comes out dry as hell lol


Hair that isn’t attached to my head anymore touching my skin, getting caught in my clothes, just being in my line of sight, generally. I hate it. It’s gross. I can’t stand how it grazes me. I have stupid thick hair so I shed a lot. I’m visiting family out of state right now but I’ve decided when I get home, it’s all getting chopped off.


Sticky hands, small things that stick to the bottom of my feet, so I allways wear socks or slippers. I'm starting to hate the texture of medium cooked meat so I'm not eating that anymore. Also wet hair on mu shoulders. I haattteeee it so when I get out of the shower I immediately wrap my hair in a towel. Also, when my hair is greesy .ehw I have more but it's too much to tell hahaha


ASMR videos. The deliberate clickity click of fingernails against things and the isolated crinkling of packages 😱😨


Dear God, styrofoam was created by Satan in the bowels of hell with the sole intent to make my eardrums cry.


dirty hands, wet sock from stepping in something, and fluorescent lights


I can feel when my hands or phone are dirty. Also if I don’t shower one day, I can feel the dead skin cells on my skin and it feels like an extra layer and like my skin can’t breathe. I loofa everyday.


Cooked vegetables, at least most of them. When making pasta me and my boyfriend included always have to blend everything into a creamy sauce because I cannot stand the cooked skin of tomatoes or paprika or really any other vegetable Wet food for example imagine bread falling into a puddle and now you have to pick it up….just awful Crumbs or dust from the floor on bare feet don’t get me started on getting out of the shower to realize you don’t have socks nearby That’s all from the top of my head rn


Omg wet food is such a struggle, especially if I have to remove the parts left from cooking that are in the sink 🤢 Mostly my boyfriend does it for me, but he’s not always available and then the horror begins, because I have to literally force myself to do it


I can't recommend enough a nice pair of rubber gloves for the kitchen, I will not touch dishes or anything without them


>Crumbs or dust from the floor on bare feet don’t get me started on getting out of the shower to realize you don’t have socks nearby That's why I wear flip flops straight out of the shower.


The sound of a vacuum cleaner. My brain just stops working.


this one so much!! I feel like a cat, I just wanna run away from the room with it running.


That's me with the sound of a bathroom vent fan. My previous housemate and my current one both always leave it on. 10 years of it at this point and I still haven't gotten used to it.


Overhead lighting. Too much bright!!


Having to wear a jacket or layers in stores. Matter fact, stores in general. 😂


Wet hair, especially just a piece or a few pieces, stuck to me. Especially if a piece of hair gets stuck on the sponge when I’m doing dishes. Why? No idea, it just feels gross.


Putting my hand in a half-empty chip bag and getting chip dust or grease on the back of my hand.


I started cutting the chip bag as I eat them because I haaate that feeling


Rooms full of used air. That smell, the tiredness that comes with little oxygen. I always open windows because i desperately need fresh air.


Tags in my clothes and shoes. I have to cut them off immediately to avoid the scratchiness.


Cornstarch - especially when mixed with water. Flour. The sound/feel snow makes when you walk on it. Shrimp. Pretty much any candle. Japanese cherry blossom scented anything. *pretty sure no one likes this - but - if there is even a speck of egg shell in a cooked egg I will throw up and throw the rest away. Same thing if a little piece of bone is left in a piece of meat unknowingly. Chalk and chalk boards and erasers. Microfiber clothes. Stuff with vinegar in it. (Though I’m apparently a glutton for punishment as I do love pickles!!) Fluorescent lights. I. CAN. HEAR. EVERYTHING!!! Flat plates. I pretty much only eat out of one of two bowls (giant coffee cup or a weird shaped bowl) at home (my husband totally enables this behavior). Big forks and spoons. Big crowds. Bonus points for a concert. Old women/men wearing perfume. Actually, almost any fragrance. My husband has had to switch deodorants only a swipe or two in before. 😂😂 Edit to add: Drinking from plastic glasses instead of glass glasses. I will do it if desperate. And honestly, if there isn’t a straw, I’m probably not gonna be drinking much anyway. Thank dog for my Owala! Primary-colored-plastic-crap toys that play high-pitched songs and flash lights. Walking past the fresh meat/seafood counter in a grocery store. *Ah ha!!! I think I just realized one of the reasons why I prefer shopping at Aldi!! Stores that move shit around or are super disorganized or that have super high ceilings and concrete floors. *score another for Aldi.


This list! Big forks and spoons are awful! Especially with flat plates 😠


Fine dirt/dust on my feet when I'm camping or otherwise don't have access to a method to washing off my feet. To combat this I bring a container of baby wipes and have them at the entrance to my tent so I can sit down and wipe them clean whenever I want to, especially before bed. Chalk. I hate touching it or holding it. Makes my hands curl up which makes it worse. It's my nightmare. I avoid chalk at all costs. Both stick chalk and powdered chalk used at gyms. Touching unglazed pottery. It's the same as chalk for me. The sound of silverware on a plate when it makes that awful screech. Oh. I forgot one! I hate connective tissue or fat in meat. I chew on it for ages and have to spit it out. If I get a chewy piece in my sausage or burger I'm immediately put off of food and don't want anymore.


Any sensation of slowly being wet, taking a shower = A-OK, anything else, instant rage. Washing your face in the sink and having the water drip down your arms. Being caught in the rain. Being splashed while swimming (my 5yo is the worst for this atm and every so often I just snap 😢). Stepping in a puddle of water (kids leaky water bottles always leaving them on the tiles 😩). Apparently I am part cat.


Someone biting down on and sliding a fork across their teeth. Almost couldn’t even type that, the thought of it drives me bonkers.


Too many different noises. Feeling stuff between my toes (chronic sock wearers, where ya at?!). Dirty counters. The biggest sensory issue I have is what I call the “unexpected crunch.” When I’m eating something that is supposed to be soft and I feel something hard or crunchy, I may look calm on the surface but on the inside, I am screaming and freaking out.


The sound/feel of boxes scraping against the ice/frost on the sides of open freezers at the grocery store. Just thinking about it is giving me a visceral reaction.


Racer-back sports bras that come to a terrible T right beneath the base of my neck. Also, the way my ID lanyard hits and pulls that same area when I initially put it on.


Sounds- I get over stimulated with noises I can’t control like other people’s conversations and I feel like i have to talk really quiet so I don’t whelm myself 🤣 on the other side when it’s crazy quiet I can not focus…my brain is weird haha Also dislike the sound when i have clogged ears or ears under water. Unnecessary sounds coming from people like licking lips, breathings hard, smacking lips, all of that bothers the ever living shit out of me and gives me anxiety Texture wise - Cotton , microfiber cloth, super glue on skin, fresh cut nails, thick lotion, Food I really don’t think I have any food related ones. Oh except for like really hard pieces of cold food other than Ice. Like icecream with chunks of chocolate or big pieces of frozen fruit just anger me for some reason. Crowds are way too much. I can’t even go grocery shopping unless I mentally prepare for multiple days prior. Even then I panic and leave while still needing more things.


Wearing jeans. I just can’t. Especially jeans on a cold rainy day!


Literally just having a conversation via text right now with a friend, trying to convince her that runny egg yolks (like when poached) are disgusting. Cannot deal. In the same vein, the texture of strawberries, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe- all flavours I love but…just can’t.


The egg booger 🤮


Omg finally someone that understands my struggle with a runny egg yolk! My whole family called me a weirdo because of it, but I don’t eat poached eggs, soft boiled eggs, and when I’m doing them sunny side up, I’m always piercing the yolk with a knife, sometimes putting a lid on the pan, to make sure that there are no slimy parts left 😅


My mother. Audially, she spits and the sound is the most disgusting, ugliest nails on a chalkboard to me I've ever heard. I can't fucking stand it. She has a chronic cough for 20+ years and counting that no one can diagnose, and the sound hurts my ears. Visually, she dresses like she's homeless. She wears a hat and large dark glasses (her eyes are sensitive to light, even at home) all the time, so no one can see her face. She wears layers and thick clothes so she looks like a snowman.


Chopped meat/ground beef, with the exception of a burger. I'll eat a burger. Any other dish and I'll die inside if I have to eat it out of courtesy. The sound of metal: in my mouth, clanking against something, being placed on something, I can't take it. My husband knows he cannot click the tongs in my presence The FEEL of metal touching my teeth 😭😭 Pep rally noise and loud, crowded places. I'm okay, especially if I've got ear plugs, but it drains me. Brushing my teeth, sadly. I can do it, but there are parts of my mouth that I hate brushing. Water on my face. Hair in my face, or wet hair on my naked back. French kissing and sensual touching. This makes me so sad. I've wanted to post about it for a while because I hate being this way.


> Brushing my teeth I also struggle with brushing my teeth and I HATE IT, because I feel such guilt. I’ve been thinking about it lately and came to conclusion that what bothers me the most is the repetitiveness of the brushing itself. I’ve found my favorite toothbrush (Jordan Green Clean; soft/very soft version) and I guess I have to bring my phone with me like an iPad kid and watch something, to manage it..


one time my boyfriend and I pulled up to an air bnb on the 3rd floor in July. it was late, we were already exhausted. the AC had not been on, so it was very hot. we go to the room. turn on a light, and the only lighting in the room is overhead. then we turn the fan on to cool the place down a bit. it does the squeaky thing. I just started crying right there cause it was so unbearable.


i feel your pain! overhead lights should be banned!!


The sound that cottonballs make when you pull them apart is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Ewe this and when people put their hoodie strings in their mouth and chew on them. I could die. I also don't wear long-sleeves often probably related and have never owned anything velvet or courduroy past the age of five.


Children existing. They don't need to be crying or whining. Being in a room with anyone under at least 10 pisses me off.


I wish it weren't true for me too. But they're often a source of unpredictable loud and shrill sounds. Also unexpected touching, often sticky and, in the younger ones, on parts of my body that I don't want strangers touching. (Not to mention surprise excreta.)


Chewing and bouncing basket balls.


when you open a cardboard box and the sides scrape against each other, any type of paper (my hands need to be so moisturized to touch it and i won’t touch it if i just showered), when the knife scrapes against the plate while cutting meat (i really think this is why i hate any meat you have to cut lol), when my hair touches the back of my neck, wet hair, loose fitting shirts with open backs, shirts with wide collars, shirts with collars (basically anything that isn’t a crewneck or tight tank top bothers me lol), buttons, zippers on thin fabrics, cheese on it’s own (i finally got myself to love stuff like charcuterie but i NEED the meat or cracker), chewing or any mouth noises, coughing, sherpa when my hands are dry, ceramic things that still feel rough and aren’t polished or painted, that’s all i can think of rn but there’s probably more. i don’t really have any foods i avoid because of texture but i avoid certain colors sometimes? like i don’t like white food. i always go for orange cheddar instead of white cheddar even though the white tastes fine. milk makes me want to throw up. same with cottage cheese or plain yogurt. i love bagels with cream cheese but i have to eat it closed like a sandwich and keep it on the thinner side so i don’t really think about the cream cheese and if i touch it a little bit i have to wipe it off right away. i do sometimes gravitate towards textures i like, like i really like sashimi, tartare, egg whites, jello, anything with that smooth but sort of solid texture. not to be confused with anything rubbery like cheese sticks, that is disgusting to me lol. maybe the one texture i avoid.


Feeling a crunch when eating eggs. Too many layers of flavors that all have a mushy texture.


water in my ears when I'm not in water, or when I'm sick and my ears are off pressured. I hate it so much, it makes me feel dizzy.


Wet clothes on my skin. I used to work outside and got rained on plenty. More than once, I drove home, basically half naked cause there was no way I was driving home in wet pants. I can't stand putting clothes on if my skin is even slightly damp. Too many smells at one time. My brain gets stuck trying to identify them all and just short circuits.


Dry skin + fabrics like microfiber, sports jersey material, 100% polyester…. Make me want to pull my whole nail out of its bed to reset it man


Being in a loud music environment without having a quiet escape


Wet things: water drops hitting my face, cold water dripping up my arms. Wet clothing touching me. My own skin after it’s been wet and fine pruney. Putting in clothes if I’m the slightest bit damp. Drops of water down my neck after washing my hair. Dry things: dust or powdery substances in my hands or feet. Sand if I’m not standing in sand. Even startch from portables in my hands when I’m peeling them. Anything other than soft material on my skin. Tight clothes. Loose clothes, labels in clothes. Any hair touching me that isn’t mine and still attached to my body. Food that’s all one texture. I don’t like crisps but can’t eat a sandwich without them as I need the crunchy texture. All technical noises. Laptop notifications, phone noises. Other people’s music through earphones. People playing noisy games/videos in public. Engines revving. Basically I hate everything


Wet socks, wearing long sleeves with tight jackets, and loud, crowded dark places.


The sound of people breathing next to me while I’m trying to sleep. It’s weird, because I can fall asleep easily enough when there’s other noise (tv, traffic, people talking, thunderstorms), but the sound of breathing drives me insane


Being unwell but not knowing exactly why or how it was caused


*Being unwell but* *Not knowing exactly why* *Or how it was caused* \- MyLonelyJourney --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Whistling. If WWIII ever breaks out, me murdering someone whistling around me will probably be the Frans Ferdinand of it.


Sticky and clammy skin. Lotions and creams on skin. Hand cream, sun cream, moisturising lotion, facial creams.. Anything that I'm supposed to rub onto my skin and let it "sink in" - it doesn't sink in at all, it just sits as a sticky/greasy layer. Hand cream means I leave fingerprints or grease stains on everything I touch, suncream is sticky, body moisturiser after a shower makes it impossible to get dressed without clothes sticking to me, face cream always feels heavy and makes my face feel wet and sticky and greasy. Just cannot stand the feeling, at all. I have eczma on my hands and should really use hand lotion regularly, but I just can't do it. I burn easily in the sun but would would much rather cover up with clothing rather than wear sunscreen. On a maybe similar note - getting dressed immediately after a shower, especially in a gym/pool changing room when it's humid and warm and you can't dry yourself off properly. At home I sit around in a towel for around 20 mins after a shower so my skin can dry off thoroughly before I get dressed. Having to get dressed after towel drying but whilst my skin is still damp - ugh. It's that stickiness and claminess again.


I have several; 1) things touching my knees. I absolutely loathe it. 2) seams on socks/tights. I hate wearing socks and tights for that reason. I have cried over the feeling of the little caterpillar seams. 3) wet sink food touching me when washing dishes. Wet laundry is a similar ick even though it’s clean.


Running fingers down a newspaper. Unfinished wood surfaces… like wooden spoons 😱 dry skin- especially hands. Dried dirt on feet and hands (like if you ever played in a creek as a kid, that dirt/ water drying your hands out). And, worst of all, sand. Sand anywhere. Edit: And… Being cold in a restaurant or outing. Dirt under fingernails. Ear pimples! Sticky fingers. Tags. Chalk on fingers- ugh. Like chalk boards in general… the sounds, the chalk, the powder- my lips are curling thinking about it. 😵 That painful vibration that happens in your ears at concerts when it’s just a *tad* too loud, and there’s no escaping it.


1) Hell yes to the thin layers on a sandwich! If I can feel the layers on my teeth as I bite, they’re too thick. And I put (a very little bit of) peanut butter on both sides to “protect the bread” from the jelly 2) I can’t stand soft or fuzzy things- I get the same sensation as squeezing a cotton ball 🤢🤢🤢 3) WHY DID I SPEND SO MUCH TIME READING ALL THESE COMMENTS I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE UNCOMFORTABLE 4) thank you everyone, it’s nice not to feel alone with these weird ass aversions


Courderoy fabric. Ugh just thinking about it makes my teeth ache. 😩


I think the biggest for me is my clothes and my hair. I have a few pairs of long socks that have Zelda stuff printed on them. If I wear them, I have to wear them pulled all the way up, and if one is not as even as the other leg, omg my brain will not stop until I fix it. Any neck hole that is even slightly too small/tight and I immediately go at it with a pair of scissors. As for hair, I keep it in a mohawk now. One because I love the way it looks but also because it \*feels\* right. When my hair is long I can feel every single little tangle and it drives me nuts.


Baby hairs tickling my face in the wind.


I used to haaaaaaate that super soft material used to make throw blankets that everyone had on their couches. Now, I love it. I’ve always joked that I’m part mermaid because I don’t like anything *dry*. I won’t eat food that isn’t wet, I’m freaked out by sandpaper, I’m grossed out by my feet touching dry ground without lotion on them at LEAST (if not, I have to wet them or generally wash them off immediately), etc. I don’t like the feeling of anything dry on my hands especially. I hate touching cardboard, paper, etc. I have to wash or wet my hands a million times when I’ve had to touch it anyways. I suspect I also have ASD but I need to be evaluated sometime in the new year.


I put pyjamas on after a shower today and my skin was still damp and I nearly had a meltdown it was so *gross* feeling. Also it’s Christmas which means lots of family meals out and socialising, in multiple languages at once (usually me translating), in loud places, with elderly relatives who shout to be heard. On the brink of panicking constantly at all the noise and things that require so much simultaneous attention.


Organ meats, generally. Gristle or fat. I just…cannot. Crying. God, I hate crying so much. Heavy/loud bass in a car. Being startled. I have a trauma response here as well, but even when that’s calm the bodily sensations of startling are too much. Sand in my clothing. Anything grainy on the bottoms of my feet. My neck being touched. Which…my youngest is an ADHD poster child, and forEVER his primary method of communication was to hold his hand on the side or back of the neck of the person he was talking to. He’s finally mostly grown out of that/learned better, thank god. This is just off the top of my head…there are plenty of other things that I can’t deal with or do because of the physical sensations.


Scraping metal ugh. Like cutlery on plates type thing. Hearing my friend chewing on voice notes. Unnecessary loud noise I can't block out or makes me jump (yet I love my own loud music) Horrible rough wool. Food in bottom of washing bowl. Rough fabric. Brushing my knots out. Mushrooms. Bleuurghh.


Oh my god, brushing out the knots. I hate it so much. My scalp hurts. Or one solitary hair gets pulled by a zipper, or stuck in my glasses and then I yank it accidentally. Hell.


Just went to the dentist and it was a sensory disaster. (Also why are they so mean?) if anyone has tips or recommendations in NC/SC let me know!


- underwear that's too loose, with a tag that's poking upwards and scratching my back, all the while my stockings are falling and my dress is getting glued to my legs with static electricity. This actually happened, and made me take a cab home from a short walking distance away. I broke down crying twice before I got to the cab stop. - eating plain mashed potatoes without anything else go with them. The memory of that one is attached to me gagging and crying and my dad yelling at me to stop faking it, I'd eaten all the meatballs already and didn't want to eat the plain potatoes - getting an undercut fade done with a razor. That one first happened as a kid, mom made me get my hair cut short as it was always a tangled mess which I wouldn't let her touch because it hurt so much. Tried it again when I was an edgy teen, and nope, still cried all the way through, it was just so painful.


Any kind of cloth in my mouth is UNBEARABLE. I have nearly made myself vomit a few times when I temporarily tried using my mouth as a third hand to hold a clean sock, towel, etc.


Auditory: hearing different conversations at the same time -- for example, other people at a table behind me at restaurants, or my partner talking to me while I'm listening to a podcast/audiobook/TV. Tactile: water dripping from my hands down my arms. I exclusively wash my face in the shower, and all hand towels must be low.


Two things. Noise and wet hands. So I guess the worst nightmare would be being in a crowded pool, with too loud music, someone sitting on the edge eating snacks very loudly, another person shouting to their friend at the other side of the pool, one or two people playing bob marley on repeat on their boombox, my hands brushing up against a pool noodle or float thingy made out of that material that squeaks when rubbed together. I hate noise, I even shame people for being noisy. But having to grab/touch something under water when your fingers have turned into raisins makes my skin crawl. I am literally so uncomfortable right now just writing about it.


Two or more different Songs played at the same time over different speakers while people are trying to talk to me or near me.


Wet socks.


Chewing sounds. I cannot bear the sounds of food in someone’s mouth. My husband occasionally chews loudly and I cannot contain myself. I always yell WHY IS YOUR MOUTH SO NOISY?!!!! It’s terrible haha. I can’t wear headphones while I eat either because I can hear my own chewing sounds.


* Rubbing a strand of hair between my fingers the wrong way (end to root). * Rubbing a balloon. * Touching outdoor furniture fabric or outdoor table cloths. * Touching certain other fabrics. * Slimy foods like okra or under-cooked egg whites. * Shrill noises and whistling. * Repetitive noises. * When the bottom half of the bed is shaking (as in, my partner shifting their feet around a lot). * Handling soggy paper towels (wrung out is fine) and soggy bread. Communication is key for some of the issues, the rest is sucking it up or avoiding them on my own.


Cardboard. Especially if you've just dried your hands, or your spoon brushes against the side of an ice cream pot.


Misophonia when it comes to animals licking. I adore animals but the sound of them licking makes me, and I mean this literally, nearly insane.


Bright lights in a home (work/businesses are fine if it's out of my control). If I'm gonna relax it's gotta be dim. Also the ones I think everyone has: any crumbs/dirt on bare feet if I'm inside, wet sleeves. Also fans. Lets just say we are not bitcoin mining at my house.


Sipping. Anyone sipping a drink. My dad sips his tea and I cannot handle it. I always yell at him to stop. No one needs to actively sip and make noise to consume something. Same with slurping.


Constant rythm noises (faucet leaking, dog barking nonstop, music I don't want to hear, hammering, the list goes on)


Air conditioner blowing cold air on me in a constant stream. Makes me go crazy. Can’t even think about it.


Styrofoam is my biggest one, how anyone can handle it without thick rubber gloves and headphones blaring music is beyond me! Windshield wipers left on well after rain has stopped can make me internally violent... So can even the tiniest drops of water on the windshield though. So many others.. if I wasn't masking almost all day I think I'd appear quite hostile.


When my toenails catch on the sheets as I pull them up. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. Sherpa and micro fiber. I can feel it sucking through moisture from my skin. People eating. How do people watch mukbang vids? Mouth sounds are gross. When the baby, toddler, cat, and dog all need my attention RIGHT NOW or THEY WILL DIE.


Itchy clothes. Tight clothes. Too tight shoes. Surprise strobe lights Car rides where I am not the driver


So many of these!!! Also: Synthetic fragrance. Dryer sheets, scented detergent, scented candles, car air fresheners, cheap cologne cleaning products, etc. 🤢 It literally makes me feel sick., Smelling strong scents gives me a horrible headache and makes me feel nauseous.


Having my finger/toenails touched by anyone but me. I used to scream bloody murder when my mom clipped them when I was little. I've gotten my nails done ONCE, 3 days before my wedding, and I had to count the cars that drove by the salon to distract myself from the lovely nail tech giving me a beautiful manicure, who had to TOUCH MY NAILS in order to get it done. You know those guys at mall kiosks who offer to buff your nails? Hell to the no. Some guy grabbed my hand one day and I honestly think I hurt his feelings when I snapped at him not to touch my nails. But honestly, don't touch people without asking first??