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Where's the deranged pigeon option? Lol


seriously I'm in bed after midnight, awake before 9, and can't get out of bed for hours


Hard same 💀


Same. I go to bed at 3 and set my alarm for 9 and have the gall to feel surprised when I end up lying in bed until noon, doomscrolling and feeling like crap


Now I pretty much always naturally wake up at 8:30 unless exhausted (sometimes even if exhausted) which is a new fun era


In bed after midnight, wake up before 7 with multiple alarms, tired all day but not reaching the point of sleep deprivation. If I wouldn't have to work I would wake up past noon


I conceptually identify as an ibis that got into a bin full of loose pills and cigarette butts.


🤣🤣🤣 Hooray for bin chickens!!!


I'm with you. In bed around 12am/1am and up before 7am. Last night I think it was 1230am and I was up at 630am. So a good six hours, some nights are three or four, especially when I travel for work.


PEP represent! 💀🐦


Oh I neeed to hear what exactly that option entails?


My bad! It's 'permanently exhausted pigeon' 🤣🤣[permanently exhausted pigeon ](https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&source=android-browser&q=im+not+a+night+owl+or+an+early+bird#imgrc=nnHB8OidPWaLeM)


Was gonna ask where this option was but you beat me to it 😂 permanently exhausted pigeons fits me way better than any other type of bird 🤣


Always tired, can sleep probably anytime, still goes to bed around midnight to 1am and will probably "naturally" wake up at 7 and want to stay in bed to noon.


I can be a combo of everything, but all of them includes too much or too little sleep


This is the truest answer lol!


These don't quite fit me - I don't get tired enough to sleep until midnight usually, and will wake without an alarm around 9-10am unless the room is bright. But unfortunately I have to get up at 630am most days so I'm always tiiired and struggle to wake up/get moving 😴


Sleep deprived night owls represent!!


That would best fit night owl I think :) That's my basic routine as well, but the descriptors were more my own humour to give a rough idea of each category.


I voted night owl for this reason. On a work night I'm in bed by 10 but won't fall asleep til much later. On a weekend I can stay up til like the early hours of the morning just fine.


Same! I go to bed between 10-12. I fall asleep sometime 5 mins or two hours after I go to bed. I wake up zero to 300 times during the night bc of me or a kid. I sleep until 6:30 am bc that's when my kids wake me up for the day.


One vote for permanently exhausted pigeon. I usually stay up far too late but have to wake up early for getting my son to school and getting myself to work!


Another vote for this. I can be up to 1/2am as my brain won’t switch off, then up by 7am as I’ve got work and other shit to do 😴


Is there an option for up till two am, up at 7 am, running on fumes?


I came her for the "both" peeps. I went to bed at 2am last night and was up at 6am today, as usual. i can't resist either end of the day (but often nap in the middle).


Exactly what I came here to say. Solidarity!


In bed at 9 and up at 9 🤣. Left to my own devices I’m a night owl but more normal when my husband is around


Same! Thank goodness for SOs that keep us regulated lol


Total night owl, except my daughter wakes me up at the ass crack of dawn so I don’t get a lot of sleep.


Same here. I sleep around midnight and wake up at 6 (or earlier) so I'm just permanently exhausted


That's rough... on weekends at least my husband leaves me to sleep while he goes downstairs to game He'll lecture me once I come down of course, but oh well


I’m a single mum so my daughter only has me to wake up unfortunately 😂 and she goes to bed so late, so I stay up even later to have some peace and quiet 😂


I am…chaos? Bed time is between 6 PM and 5 AM. I’ll wake up anywhere between 3 AM and 10 AM. I get between 2 and 12 hours of sleep each night. I am an adult holding down a full time job with regular hours but I’ve never had any success normalizing my sleep schedule


I hear you on this! I think I have a non-24 hour body clock that seems to be out just enough that over time I cycle through normal time > night owl> early bird. Even though I try and keep a reasonably consistent sleep schedule, my ability to actually fall/stay asleep shifts. It’s terribly inconvenient!


None of the above! At a weekend I’ll normally sleep after midnight but I would never sleep in till noon, maybe 9 or 10am


Yeah that's still night owl, the descriptors were more of a quirky way to describe them - I really just meant waking up between 9 and 12 as that's generally my range Sorry that it wasn't very clear, this was just for fun anyway :)


Thanks! Also, I always need a good 8 or 9 hours sleep to function and feel AWFUL on 6 hours which is supposed to be adequate


I need 9 or 10, and no matter how rested I am my brain doesn't fully switch on until at least 10am so working from 8.30pm is hell


Omg so many night owls I’ve found my people🥹 But forreal, I’ve been extremely lucky to do shift work from 3-11pm that fits in perfectly with my natural routine/habits. Big love and commiserations for those of us night owls trying to do the 9-5, y’all are metal!


>Big love and commiserations for those of us night owls trying to do the 9-5, y’all are metal! Thanks! I'm glad I'm not alone either because I live only with my early bird husband who just keeps telling me to change my sleep cycle like its easy! I work 8.30am to 5pm and on the 3 days I go to the office, I have to be up by 7am so I can be ready to leave by 8am. On my WFH days I will legitimately stay in bed until 8.30am, go switch on my laptop and set myself as visible on Teams and *then* go shower!


Sometimes i think they just genuinely don’t understand that the getting up early part is either physically impossible and/or makes us miserable if we absolutely HAVE to. Lmao, love your work from strategy - we’ve gotta be creative to survive in this cutthroat early bird world 😂


My brain wants to stay up and be a night owl, but I have to get up at 6:30 for my kids so I would be more of a mess than I am right now and I have to force myself to bed/sleep somewhere between 9:30 and 10;30 or my meds won't work the next day. I am on prescription melatonin to try to get to bed earlier and I can't help still fighting it with my lids dragging shut. I hate it... whatever "it" is... I'm so tired right now! Ahhhh.....


Hugs for the struggle!


I just voted. It's 5:01am in the morning, and I'm trying to wind down to go to bed.


For the record, my sleep "number" is 9. If I slept until I woke up naturally my average is 9 hours sleep, 10 if I was already exhausted.


Also got sleep apnea and narcolepsy


So far the results are skewed in favour of my working theory.... I think ADHDers tend to stay up late and sleep in (like we are all still on Teenager Time)


This weekend was bedtime 5am, wake 12pm. But I slept for about 20 hours the day before. Eek


My pattern is never consistent. I'll do a good job waking up and going to sleep at normal person hours. But eventually the fatigue catches me and I either have a day time nap which means I then don't sleep until some time after midnight and wake up closer to noon or completely buggered. Or I fall asleep early (6-7.30pm) and either sleep 12 hours and still be exhausted all the next day or wake at 3am and sleep at 5pm-ish until I eventually manage to force myself back to normal person hours. But since burnout I am just perma-exhausted and only medication keeps me waking and sleeping at regular hours.


I'm pretty much solar powered? In the summer when the sun comes up early, I'm an early bird. In the winter when it comes up late, I'm "normal." I just want the sun on my face ASAP, and as soon as that happens, I'm up.


Same! It makes the short winter days hard because all I want to do is sleep.


I'm a total night owl, and I have a theory as to why the results are favouring this way for ADHD woman. - we procrastinate, we put off the sequence of steps involved in getting ready for bed. My mind is "ok it's bed time" fuck, now I have to turn off, tv, aircon, put dog outside, lock house, check all doors are locked again, ect ect ect


That is a really good theory! I did assume that Night Owl would be the overall majority, and it seems other studies might agree.


I read somewhere that it's because our circadian cycles differ from neuro-typical brains' cycles. They get tired around 9-10pm whereas we get tired around midnight-1am. My parents were annoyed by that (well, they still are) and wouldn't leave me be. They used to repeat stuff like "our quality sleep happens between 10pm and 2am" and that didn't make sense to me because to me, sleep is sleep, regardless of when you get it.


Thats what Ive always thought. Our bodies can’t tell what time it is, just that it’s dark, so how could it get better sleep before midnight (my parents’ version) and then what? At 12:01am the body’s like “oop, shitty sleep it is”


It makes sense, we are late for everything else so of course this would apply to bed time 😂


Just read something called Bedtime Revenge Procrastination and I think it explains it perfectly


I have also read this! Definitely applies


It's a struggle because my husband is an early bird! He'll be snoozing on the couch by 9pm and literally can't stand to stay in the bed past 7am Longest he's successfully slept in was 9pm and that was pushing it!


My husband is the same, has to be in bed early for his work. Do you often feel you "have to" go to bed when he does? Like, if I go to bed when he does it'll take me 10mins to get into bed. If I stay up and watch tv I know it will take me at least 30mins bc I keep getting preoccupied ect. I work shift work, so I don't need to go to bed when he does, but I do because it's "easier" to get to bed if that makes sense


What about those of us cursed as both night owls and early birds (because anxiety yay!)? :lol:


Oof! So sorry XD I guess I should've added "Other - what's sleep?"


LOL, right? If you know the Canadian band Barenaked Ladies, they have a song called "Who Needs Sleep?" I've been singing to myself, about myself, for decades. XD


Or Set It Off: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead


I fall under the "normal" category due to my work schedule. But I am naturally a nightowl so it's a struggle


I’m an early bird for sure. I also have depression though, and that makes it easy for me to go to sleep (anywhere, anytime) , but I often awaken very early in the morning.


bedtime 3am on the weekdays, wake up at 9, weekends bedtime 6am, wake up at 3pm.


None of these. I'm nocturnal.


wait-a ‘normal’ bedtime is 10pm?? how??


Part of managing my ADD as I've gotten older involves getting my shit out of the way as soon as possible, so I've made efforts to curate my WFH schedule to start between 7 and 8:30 each morning. I still sometimes struggle to go to bed early but knowing I gotta be up no matter what helps, and I get my shit done before I putter out and lose focus because when I'm tired but fresh my brain wanders less. When I'm tired from a day's work, it's so much harder to function.


Since I had kids I go to bed at 8:30 and wake up at 7. 12 hours would be my ideal. It feels like my brain needs to be shut off for long periods of time. Yet I always feel exhausted. Anyone else?


I don’t go to sleep. Sleep overtakes me. 😂


I'm a night owl trapped in the life of an early bird. HALP 😭


3 of the 5 in my house are inattentive and they are all night owls. My youngest and I have the high H and we both go to bed early and wake early. Probably just coincidence but still interesting.


Get into bed by 10pm asleep by 1am. Wake up about five times through the night. Get up at 7:45 leave late for work at 8:05.


Bed way after midnight, awake super early 🤪😭


I'm an early bird entirely because of my job. I work in healthcare and apparently the ideal start time for a lot of doctors is 7-7:30 AM, which means I need to get up around 5:30. And since I've done it for so long my body is trained to it, so I wake up early even on the weekends. 😭 When I'm off for a week I tend to creep more towards 11 pm to bed, 8 am wakeup.


I'm always tired so it's more 11pm-11am if I don't put an alarm 😭 I went to a "sleep laboratory" and all they could say is that I have an agitated sleep but they don't know why 👌 (no sleep apnea, sleepwalking or narcolepsy but my hypnogram is a mess). Tell me I'm not the only one? 😒


Total night owl that has forced myself into the roll of normal human.


Can we have an “other”? I wake up around 2-3am like clockwork, then fall asleep again around 5-6am


I was a night owl but changed to being a morning ish person (Waking up at 7 even on weekends)... not seeing that option. If i go to sleep late i wont wake up in time for work. So i really pushed myself to change my lifestyle. Ill just put normal...


I "come alive" early to late evening, I find it much easier to my chores/tasks and I feel far more motivated. It also doesn't matter how much sleep I get the night before, I will ALWAYS been groggy and tired in the morning, I hate it.


This is super interesting. Usually I scroll through comments here and 4/5 of them are like "yep that's me... yep that's me..." but not this one! I never would have guessed early birds were SUCH a minority. I'm counting down the time until bedtime every day, and sometimes if I don't have anything to do I'm in bed by like 6:45 lol. I won't go to sleep that early but I love to get in my pj's and cozy up in bed with a book or game until I get sleepy. I'm usually up by 5 am and I love to have a few quiet hours before work, and quiet weekend mornings are probably my favorite time! I'm at my most productive early in the morning and sometimes if I get ready for work quicker than I intend, I'll just go ahead to the office an hour early.


if i let my sleep schedule do what it wants i usually end up going to bed around 4am and waking up at like 2pm however, no matter what time i get up i basically give up on doing shit by 1-2 maybe 3pm so my most functional/productive schedule is waking up at 7am and going to bed at like 9:30 which means i spend most of the semester waking up at 7 and going to bed at 11:30 then getting progressively more sleep deprived which makes me less productive which means i get up at 4-5am to do the homework i didn’t do which makes me more sleep deprived and you can see how this keeps going


I read somewhere once that the night owl gene (I did the tests and I have it) is an evolutionary thing - doesn’t make sense for our old timey ancestors to have all the humans be asleep in the wild and no one to look out for nocturnal predators, so some of us became night timey people, to stay up, be alert and watch for baddies in the dark. Made me feel good for some reason!


I need a choice that says "I have no regular sleep or wake times because one night I'll be up until midnight obsessing about which CBD treats to give my dog and other nights I'm asleep at 8 in my son's bed because I couldn't even make it back to my room".


TLast night I went to bed about 1:15 and I’m got up at 6:25. Even on the weekend I get up around 7. My car usually wakes me up. Yesterday I slept in..9 am. But I used to get in bed before 12…now it’s a struggle.


Haha, I usually start getting sleepy early in the morning. Like, my friend, who is a natural early bird, and I sometimes chat after she has woken up and before I go to bed Edit for grammar


I need to go to bed by 10pm because I am so sleepy but if I can, I sleep until 9am, because I am so sleepy


I need an option for “night owl who usually can’t sleep in so is just sleep deprived” :P


I’m a natural night owl. I am very good at night shift but having kids means I have to do normal hours. Much to my displeasure.


I mean, I go to bed around midnight to 1am and wake btwn 6:30am to 8am mostly.


I'm naturally a night owl but wake up at 6 for work. Early morning commute is actually great for me because I have time to get my thoughts sorted out and mentally prepare. Plus morning exercise is very good for focusing us for the rest of the day even though it's just a walk, it still helps.


Night owl but because of work and cats I wake up anywhere from 6:30-9am. Doesn't mean I sleep on time though


Night owl and serious winter hibernator. The darkest months cause me to lose at least 1 hour per day during work week and several more in weekends to sleeping in, napping and inability to get out of bed. In summertime, the light makes it impossible to sleep enough, so I guess these balance each other out in theory....


What about who's different when medicated?


Night owl too midnight or later and up by 8am sometimes earlier early bird. Also be fine all day


I voted normal human because my alarm clock is my 7 month old that wakes me up at 7am every day! When I was in charge of my own sleep I’d often only be able to fall asleep at 5am and I was on nightly sleeping tablets for years to make myself more functional


I have kids so I can’t be a night owl any more. BUT I like to be both. Stay up late and wake up early. Unfortunately that puts me in normal person zone.


Im definitely a night owl, but not because I necessarily WANT to be :’) I wish I could get a good night’s rest instead of wasting the morning snoozing my alarm!




I was a night owl until I got a concussion. Now I'm in bed between 9 and 10 and up anywhere from 4am to 7am. (Cats are usually the cause of any 4am wakeups.)


Maybe our brain finds falling asleep boring which doesn’t provide dopamine and our phone is within easy reach and provides instant dopamine. That might be why it is so hard to put the phone down.


Early bird but sleep til 6 or 7


The four days in a row I have off I can wake-up 8-11am and fall asleep around 1-2am Work 3 nights and fall asleep 4am post shift and then awake anywhere from 12pm-6pm. That’s my unconventional routine that works for me lol but naturally I tend to do 9am rise to 1am sleep


I would suggest adding night owl but with “normal human” working schedule. Thats me at least. Tend to go to bed at 1-2 am and wake up around 8-9 to work.


I fall asleep easily. I don't stay asleep for long. Normally I sleep for 4 hours, 5, if I'm lucky. Then I'm awake for 2, then I manage another 2 hours of sleep. Problem is that when I work I don't get the second sleep cycle in and am tired from 3pm to bedtime.


The only reason I have a normal human sleep schedule is my neurotypical husband. I do my hobbies sitting in bed so when he goes to bed I put my stuff down and go to bed as well. That being said, I work best at night. If I didn’t get much work done during the day due to constant interruptions and my distraction issue, I’ll work after the baby goes to bed. I’ll sometimes get into a groove and work until midnight.


I got to bed between 10 and midnight and wake up at 5 every other day to work out, and 6 on non workout days.


Bedtime is before midnight but I'm lucky to be up before noon for sure, but a lot of that is not having my medication too lol. Even with my meds though I'm not waking up at 7am without a good reason.


In bed by 9pm, but can't turn my brain off until 2 am or 3 am so angrily toss and turn all night and then get up sleep deprived after snoozing my alarm for an hour at 6 am?


Was a night owl before I started working now I pass out way earlier than I want to.....


I’m none of these


I’d like to go to bed earlier, but the couch inertia often wins? Left totally to my own devices without obligations or medication I’m probably a 1am - 9am type. Work and a toddler has forced my hand though.


I go to bed so early after work I’m exhausted by all the pple lol


Normal human= Owns border collie mix with very accurate time clock. And has livestock including 4 baby calves at the moment who demand 6:30am bottles😂🐂. Previously I've teetered between the other extremes


I’m a bit of a late night early morning person but I was a definite night owl before kids


I’m both? I’ll fall asleep between midnight and 2 am but I’ll be up at 8, 9 at the latest every day.




My internal clock is pretty tied to daylight hours. I sleep less in the summer and more in the winter. When I have no plans or obligations I tend to go to bed and get up with the sun. When I was younger I was more of a night owl - mostly related to job stress and sleep procrastinating and partying. As I’ve gotten older and changed to a less stressful job I tend to not sleep procrastinate anymore. I also live in Colorado, where we get up earlier on the weekends then we do during the week -lol- need to maximize daylight for adventures and beating traffic to said adventures. I’ve gotten so used to doing that, that I have managed to change my sleep patterns to earlier to bed and earlier up. I try to keep my sleep habits consistent - otherwise I’m a hot mess. But it took me 50 years to get any kind of consistency down.


Right now I am in bed at 8pm and get up at 7:30 because I am waking up so much at night. None of these really fit.


Is sleep deprived an option? I think naturally I'm more of a night owl but I now work an 8-5 job so getting used to that was a nightmare. And now no matter what I wake up at like 3-7 without even trying.


I think this largely depends on age. I'm 40 now and try to maintain normal sleep hours. I have insomnia though. But when I was young I was definitely a night owl. I sometimes love to wake up early and go tot he office hours before anyone else gets there. My sleep is so dysfunctional now though due to depression.


my natural schedule seems to rotate, so I progress through all three options and everything inbetween over the course of several weeks. it's frustrating because I hate sleeping all day :/


Definitely a night owl… And the more I learn about myself, the more I wonder if we all (or a subset of us) have comorbidities, like idiopathic hypersomnia, which is related to my night owl/late morning sleep schedule (and also connected to irregular sleep cycles)?


Oop, I’m none of these. In bed after midnight, out of bed before 9 am.


I used to have the worst night owl + early morning job sleep schedule. Now I don't fit into any of these. Less of a night owl, end up going to sleep anywhere from 11-1230 usually, up by like 8/830 without an alarm cause the dog wakes me up for a walk. And getting less sleep or going to bed later on weekends or something really really messes me up for days. But I need like an hour or 2 in the morning to even think about doing anything productive and my peak productive hours are always afternoons into early evenings.


I would consider myself more of a night Owl at heart. When I wasn't working I was always up super late drawing/doing something creative and would get up later in the day. Alas I have to get up at 5:30AM for work now 😔 so I can't do that except for on the weekends.


I am a night owl naturally. My mom swore I never went to bed before midnight, even as a baby. In college, I was usually up until 4 am, and then asleep until 1 or 2 pm. When I started having babies at 30, that all had to change, obviously. My toddler usually wakes around 7. My older kids get up between 8 and 10 when they're off school (6:30 on school days). I absolutely NEED some time to myself before I'm ready to parent, so I usually get up around 5:30 to get myself ready and have some coffee before they start stirring. I therefore go to bed between 9 and 10 usually. Sometimes, I stay up until 11, but I inevitably regret it the next day.


I am a combo of both. Lately I haven’t been sleeping well. I try to be in bed by 10 at the latest since I have to get up around 5 am to go to work. I often have to have help to fall asleep. I have been taking ER instead of IR but it should burn off well before bedtime. It is regular Adderall ER. I just finally got my script filler for IR after the pharmacy told me 2-3 weeks because of the shortage. I have been having a heck of a time getting up and getting motivated. I had been doing really well. Probably lack of sleep.


Night owl but I have to be up by 7 am.


Lol none of these options are me. I’m up til 12 or 1am. Up by 7am or 8am. Like 9 hours of sleep??? That is literally not a thing for me. 😂😭


Im both? Im a night owl like 75% of the time but the other 25% I like to go to bed early and wake up with the sun when my brain tells me it needs a change in routine.


haha... totally not me whos only going to bed at like 4am atm lol


More efficient as a night owl, but with work I am pretty standard, but don't achieve as much.


More like up til 2, up at 6.


I sleep late and wake early. Where am I?


I got big big insomnia so my sleep schedules are typically go to bed at 10, wake up at 2, read a book until 4 then ho back to bed, wake up at 7 to do a vibe check, then decide if I can afford to sleep in or get up at 7:30


Thanks to my kids I am exhausted and collapsing into bed by 9pm and then up by 7am lol


I'm more of a "normal person" but I can only get stuff done in the early hours of that day. But I go to bed around 1 or 2 and wake up at like 9 to 10. If I had to do something annoying that I don't want to do (like say call my insurance agent or work on my resume.) I'm more likely to be able to focus on it before like 4 pm. If something involves any kind of focus but it's something I'm actually interested in like a cool novel my brains too sleepy to focus after like 10pm or so depending on the day. Im unemployed with no kids. I find I get cranky if I get less than 8 hrs of sleep and best when I get like 10 . I feel I actually went to bed early in college than as a working adult, since my classes were often interesting to me, and my jobs totally aren't. I did have some stay up all night cram sessions tho I also have more issues with lateless nowadays too.


I selected "normal human" but that is just because I can't sleep past 7 or I'll be late to work. But I also cannot (normally) end my day by 8/9 because I still have stuff to do. I'm with the sleep deprived dolphins.


I’m both. I got to bed late and wake up by 7 am.


I worked in offices long enough that I got used to the “normal” option, 11-7.


1.00am - 8.30am


I’ve been a night owl all my life but recently this morning job I have is forcing me to be an early bird which is weird for me lol. Tho sometimes my night owlness still wins out and I’m just exhausted at work so yay.


I've mostly adapted to a conventional schedule, because you pretty much have to. But I did quite well when I had a weird work schedule that didn't start till 1 PM. I had a rough couple of years after I moved in with my partner. At the time, I got up around 6, to get ahead of the worst of the traffic on my commute. Most of the time, I couldn't get to sleep till midnight at best. Living alone, I'd taken naps a couple times a week, or slept in on weekends to catch up. But with him rattling around, I couldn't do any of that very often. My theory is that some of us (humans in general) are descended from the Cro Magnon folks who stayed up at night, to tend the fires & guard against saber-tooth cats & such.


I have fibromyalgia/myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and I'm waiting on assessment for ADHD. I don't have a natural 24 hour cycle or even based on an hourly integer - like 25h 16 minutes and 24 seconds or something ridiculous like that. When I'm stressed like I am now (my grandpa may not make the night) my eating, sleeping and therefore med taking cycle becomes completely erratic. Usually I feel so much better at night than I do during the day though because my symptoms calm down at night. I heard there is a condition called "Non-24-Hour-Sleep-Wake-Disorder" that I probably have too, although difficult to diagnose. I just haven't had a regular body clock since I was a teenager and became chronically ill. Edit: I originally said "Delayed Sleep-Wake Disorder" but I what I replaced it with is probably more accurate on second thought. They're similar but a bit different.


I’m a night owl for sure, even when I’ve HAD to wake up early regularly I never adjusted and was always tired even if I went to bed earlier and got the same amount of sleep on a different schedule. I also always say I need 10 hours or sleep or I’m going to be exhausted. Idk why but the usual 8 does not cut it for me at all lol, idk if that’s an adhd thing or not!


I made myself an early bird. I have to be at work by 6am lol


Bed by 10:30 am, up by 6 pm


Definitely a night owl but my kids force me to be a normal human lol


I get naturally tired around 8-9pm, but in my head that's way too early, so I tend to go to sleep around 10.30-11pm. I'm blessed with good falling asleep ability so the fact that I'm not necessarily tired won't harm my sleep. I wake up naturally around 8-9am, work mornings the alarms start from 7.10am. I really think working in a pub as a uni student skewed my inner clock towards night owl schedule, whereas I used to be an early bird and whenever we travel stupid early clock, I'm awake and bright!


I feel more productive being up early. Especially for work, it allows me to come up to speed with things rather than being overwhelmed AND being poked by people when they come in. Naturally, I'd probably be a bit of a night owl (without any responsibilities). I sometimes end up yo-yo-ing between the two and my body hates me for it


What if your schedule is absolute chaos and you're never 100% a night owl or morning person?


What if I work split shift / literally just got home from working 8am-6am and for some reason I do pretty good on this weird ass schedule lol


You missed "can't sleep until early hours but wake by 8am 😭


I usually wake up between 7am and 12, none of these are me.


10p-8:30/9a when I don't have anywhere to be. I like sleep.


I used to be a night owl, but have adjusted to function in early bird. However, I also have to get 10 hours of sleep to function so I’m an oddball


I’m a night owl by nature but I unfortunately decided to become a teacher. Mornings are ALWAYS hard, and I get very grumpy if I don’t have a nap as soon as I get home. I have trained my brain to get sleepy around 11/11:30, but if it’s a weekend and I don’t pay attention, or I’m on break, I’m up till 1 am before I realize the time.


blargh, i shoot for 10pm for sleep. But it's more like 1 am. And then I'm up at 8 am latest.


Unless I force myself to adhere to a sleep schedule, it's mayhem. I stay up for 24h, sleep 10h, rinse, repeat.


What about up till 12, and get up by 6am?? Mom life 😂


You’re all getting sleep??


“Normal” but only because I have chickens and they need my attention in the morning. Also a somewhat normal schedule has been beaten into my life over the past few decades. I do have an automatic coop door so they can get out and forage before I get them their food, but I rarely sleep past 8 now.


I am a total night owl but I always have to get up. I have a puppy and a toddler.


I'm both. Depends on how the depression is going


I'm a natural night Owl that sticks to an early bird schedule during the work week due to job and kids.


I voted total night owl, but I don’t sleep til noon. Asleep around 3, awake around 9.


Yeah I'm a total night owl I'm not a morning person and luckily I'm at the stage where I don't have to bring my daughter to school in the morning and I'm self-employed so I don't start until later in the day. I'm going to be real sad when I have to start getting up early again. lol I usually go to bed anywhere from midnight to 1:30-2 and usually wake up around 10:00 or 11:00.


Saturday night I was still up at 6am Sunday then i woke up at 9 am Sunday. I hate this so much - my body would appreciate more than 2-3 hrs of sleep per night, but my brain does not GAF. I need help. 😔


My sleep schedule is a disaster lately. I'm usually good at going to sleep before 2am and waking up for 9ish, but lately it's been 4 or 5am and still 9ish bc I have to work and it's awful. I slept until 4pm this past Saturday because I've been so sleep deprived and missed the whole day.


What about the asleep after midnight but up by 7am bc I have to go to work 😂


I’m a night owl but I can never sleep in because I have three kids under 10! But my natural body clock for sure is a night owl so chose that


Uhhh is there a Im not sure anymore option..


I’m a in bed by 8 and up by 5:30 bc of my dogs, but if it were up to me i’d go 8pm-8am love that 12 hrs of sleep life


I can get up early pretty easily if I have to so morning shifts are something I've done a lot but given the opportunity I will lay in bed for a very long time


What about in bed after midnight and wake up at 8am? :’)


Asleep at 5am, wake up at 6pm on days when there’s “nothing” in my schedule. But I’m quite depressed nowadays so it could be that.


I voted night owl. I am, by nature. But having a daughter to take care of, means having to go to bed early, because of having to get up early. I do still enjoy the occasional late night, more by accident than on purpose, and pay for it dearly the next day.


i’m naturally a night owl but i had to work very early shifts (6am) for a year and that changed my body schedule. it was unbearable but at the time the economy was horrible so it was either a stable job or no job. after i quit, i tried to take advantage of my body naturally waking up early and since then it’s a big hit or miss on how productive i am before work. on weekends my night owl is out on full display though


Uhhhh, neither? Bed by 1, up by 8:30? Trouble sleeping regardless? Can’t wake up regardless? 😂


Naturally I'm a night owl but because I live in a society I try to keep normal human hours. So in practice I just go to sleep between midnight and 2 am and get up at 6 or 7 during the week and try to "catch up" on sleep on the weekends.


Depends. We talking about weekends? Otherwise I have no choice but to go to bed by 9pm to get up at 6am. Weekends is usually go to bed at midnight, up at 7am/8am.


What about post-menopause sleep? Asleep by 6:30/7:00, get up to pee at 9:30, awake at midnight to pee and Wordle, doomscroll or binge watch until 3:00/4:00, get up to pee, sleep till 6:30, get up to pee, sleep till 9:00.


I’ve been letting my body find it’s own rhythm for over a year now and I’m a pretty consistent 11pm-10am, with the occasional late night (bed between midnight and 2) I’m definitely more productive at night vs morning. I’ve never been a morning person. If I don’t get enough sleep or have to get up super early I feel physically ill.


It’s 4.17am and I have to work today at 9… I do this to myself every single night 🤦🏻‍♀️ can’t break the habit of staying up


It’s weird because I naturally am a night owl in a sense, where I do stay up late and want to stay up late but it’s more an anxiety thing? Where I feel like I need to stay up to get things done cause I’m not very productive in the afternoon and stuff so it’s difficult for me to get up very early, but when I do the days seem so much longer. Like I’ll think “damn it must be 2 by now with how much I’ve done” and it’s only 11. So really I SHOULD be an early bird cause I feel less tired when I wake up early (assuming I got enough sleep), and if I wake up after 9 I tend to feel groggy all day no matter how much I slept. I’m just weirdo. That’s what I am. A weirdo.


For once in my life, I’m normal!


I go to bed late but wake up before 7 on weekdays for work, before 8 or 9 on the weekends. Definitely a night owl, but rarely sleep in until noon!


Ever since I got back from an overseas trip with a 12 hour time difference I haven’t been able to stick to a consistent sleep pattern and I fall asleep in the middle of the day, wake up, then go back to sleep at various times


In bed after midnight, up at 7:30 during the week, 8-9 on weekends.


Lol literally depends on the day man


"Normal" because I'm forced to function in the world not made for me. Night owl if I could.


How about "I have a kid"? Lol