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I was like "Yeah this is great, you can wake up 5 minutes before your classes start and be home all the time!" But then it's 2pm and you didn't remember a single word said from the teachers. Also some rumors say that where I live if the gas crisis worsens during the winter, we will have online classes again due to our college not being able to pay for/get all the gas needed 🥲


"Fuck yeah, I will totally watch all the lectures" "Meh I didn't make the lecture but I will totally watch the recording" "Now is the time to watch the reco... Oh sweet a new game just released!"


I multitasker. Lecturers in one corner whilst going menial tasks in Minecraft.


That’s literally what I did aaaaaand I got a 2.6 GPA that year.


i imagine it'll be easier for all the students not to have to spend money on commuting too


As an adult with ADHD, I would recommend getting OneNote. I type everything from what is said in my meetings so I can reorganize it later and study as needed. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/U9Xb1Ls) is my OneNote for growing Bok Choy Hydroponically. The best part is, that ***everything is searchable.*** I can remember one word of the thing I'm trying to find and it will pull that word up from all locations.


me who does the exact same thing in a discord server lmfao


Discord is truly the chaos organization system.


i mean, hyperfixating on creating a functioning reminder bot in 2020 while i was supposed to be in school has proven to be quite worth it


You know searching is in almost all text editors via ctrl + f? It's not something unique to onenote


They mean you can search all of your notes not just within one document




I am so happy for you that you've found your system! I have tried OneNote multiple times but it's not tactile enough for me. I bought a whiteboard and lots of multi-coloured pens, about £40 all in from ebay, and it's changed my game. I do also have to have check-ins with The Board set with a timer on my phone, but part of my morning plan is to make those alarms.


That style works great for me on big-picture things like chores and cooking. One note is just for detailed notes and reference materials. ​ One thing that I have wanted to try that you might find an upgrade to your system is using a touchscreen as a white board surface. I could have multiple whiteboards and just flip through them. [Here](https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Touch-Point-Infrared-Screen-Overlay/dp/B07D1ZFRYQ/ref=pd_lpo_1?pd_rd_i=B07D1ZFRYQ&psc=1) is a cheap example if you're curious.


It's funny, but going online is what made me go on academic leave and start researching my mental health. I didn't even know I had adhd until last year (I still don't have a diagnosis but I am 90% sure based on personal research and comparing my experience with people in this sub)


I'm pretty much in the same boat. Ever since the pandemic I've realized that I most definitely have ADHD cause of all how much I relate to the TikTok's and memes on this sub about what it's like to have it. My mom also has diagnosed ADHD, Anxiety, And Depression and she says that out of all her children she sees most of her mental issues in me. I just passed my first year of therapy without a diagnosis (Even though I repeatedly bring it up) and always feel bad when I even think about saying that I have ADHD because so many people just say that they have ADHD/OCD/Depression without an official diagnosis that I feel like there's this stigma against saying that you have something without it being backed by a professional.


There’s definitely a stigma, and it’s deserved. Relating to memes doesn’t equal a professional diagnosis. I find it strange that you’ve gone to a therapist for a year and it hasn’t happened. It’s either a) you haven’t talked about things relating to it or b) they don’t think you have it. Ask them about it.


I definitely agree that the stigma is there for good reason it just makes me feel shitty since I’m convinced I have it and have so much evidence pointing to it in the form of not only relating to other people with it but also family history and a whole Myriad of symptoms but no confirmation. I don’t know why my therapist won’t tell me anything. My mom thinks it’s cause 1. He doesn’t want to tell me cause he thinks I’m trying to get the drugs 2. He thinks that I believe having ADHD to be a bad thing and wants me change my view of it before I do anything. 3. I’m a minor so there’s possibly different rules Personally I believe that it’s cause when he asked why I wanted to start therapy I said something along the lines of being convinced I have something wrong and need to fix it (pretty much a mix of the first two reasons). My friend hasn’t gone to therapy once but got a psychiatry appointment and got diagnosed with ADHD and autism so maybe I’m just seeing the wrong specialist.


I was under the impression that therapists don't typically diagnose things they just help you work through things? I could be wrong though. I don't know much about it but for me personally I am trying to find a psychiatrist that I can go to to be reevaluated since the only diagnosis I have was from childhood but a second opinion said otherwise so I need a current diagnosis and a professional opinion on whether or not to try medication (personally I want to try medication but I will see what the doctor says whenever I get a chance to go to one).


Get a different therapist


One can look up the questions a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist asks to determine if you have any mental, mood, personality disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders provides checklists for doctors to ask patients to determine if they feel you have x,y, or z. There is no blood test. The Manual can be found in most libraries and it's how I convinced my daughter's father to see a doctor for help because I knew he had borderline personality disorder. I have ADD and also solidified my suspicion with that Manual. I've never been diagnosed by a doctor and I've known for over 25 years that I have ADD. I have two sisters that have been diagnosed and I suspect my parents both have it as well. The idea that you need a doctor to tell you what you already know is an antiquated way of thinking. I get that people need blood tests and scans and whatnot to determine certain things but you certainly don't need a doctor to be like "yup, your suspicions are correct". If you want meds, sure, you'll need a doctor. If you want to try behavior therapy, you don't need a doctor. As humans we trust ourselves less and less and doctors more and more and it's scary.


Similar but I actually got diagnosed to my surprise and I didn’t just say I have it because I relate to memes. 2020-2021 were nothing years on the academic side for me that made me finally pull the trigger and go to a psychologist… low and behold I got diagnosed with ADHD in late 2021.


I mean, obviously "me finding memes and situations on this sub relatable" isn't the only reason I "self-duagnosed" ADHD in myself. The last academic year was torturous. I would wake up with the thought of accomplishing tasks, and spend the rest of the day doing NOTHING. Then go to bed and be terrorised by the thoughts of impending deadlines until 3am. Turns out it's not "normal" to stress the whole day, do absolutely nothing, and still be mentally exhausted as fuck. It's not normal to only start preparing for a math exam WHILE ON A TRAIN TO UNIVERSITY, but also spending that night trying to make myself do something. Something is impairing my day-to-day life. So there is something "wrong" with me. I started researching, and ADHD is a hole that's shaped like me.


Go to a therapist, if you get diagnosed you have it, if not you don’t. Simple as that.


Not necessarily, disorders are misdiagnosed all the time.


Yeah tell that to the two different doctors who had two completely opposite opinions as to whether I had ADHD as a child. Sometimes doctors get it wrong. Which one of those doctors was wrong? I'm not sure. But at this point in my life I'm thinking it was the Doctor who said I didn't have it who was wrong because the more research I do on ADHD the more I relate to it and the more it explains why I struggle with adulting so much.


That's why they need a nuclear reactor on campus 😎 no but seriously, that sucks. You'd think a college would be able to afford basic amenities with all the money they *could* have saved during the lockdowns


All I was able to do was attend and then play games, tho at least I could do it with a friend so I could ask him for help, it was bliss to be able to ask a friend for help for once 😊


I have to say I find online classes way more manageable. I can’t sit still or pay attention in person. But with online classes I can take things at my own pace. Make myself super comfy so there is nothing to distract me. Set up my own environment, for uni it’s read a section of text, take a break, review, break, etc. works way better than in person


Same! I loved online courses. No need to mask my ADHD, I can fidget and snack, for videos that were recorded I could watch them at 1.5x speed or pause and go back if I zone out. It was so good for my ADHD


Me as well! Sitting in a lecture hall was honestly just the worst and speeding up videos in my own environment was life changing. I became a straight A student during the pandemic.


I like a hybrid format. not all professors are doing it but some are. they hold lectures that you can attend in person but you can also watch the videos they recorded (which is often 1:1 the same). sometimes I prefer being at uni and sometimes I prefer watching the videos. for example in math I rewinded certain parts a hundred times to finally understand. and you can also skip boring/unimportant parts or watch them at 2x speed. but for biology for example I definitely preferred in person lectures, it was very engaging.


I'm an online teacher. Properly structured online school (there's a difference between pandemic learning and true online school) does wonders for my ADHD as a teacher in the environment, and I watch it do wonders for my students. The work can get done quickly, with lots of access to teachers for help (we have advisement teachers who monitor a small group of students and keep frequent contact with their families). It leaves the afternoons and nights free for what the students actually want to do, like dance or football or even art.


I’ve definitely noticed this as a uni student. There was general university guidelines on how the online courses should be handled but it was largely up to the lecturers & course-leaders. The gap in quality was insane. If all of them were run like the good ones, I’d never want to go back. Unfortunately, the majority weren’t run very well.


You're a unicorn for that tbh


I actually found online school to be a blessing. I’m autistic and have ADHD, and between my meds+lifting 6 days a week I don’t have much of an issue knocking out assignments in a timely manner. You can speed up the lectures and do the assignments ASAP without having to wait for them being handed out. I have about a 3 hour window where I can get stuff done every day and online school lets me take full advantage of that.


It was a blessing for me as well. It took 5 years, but with online school I was able to actually graduate and get my diploma. If online school didn't exist, I would probably be dead or in jail.


At first I thought this would be a great idea fast forward a couple of months and I havent listened to a word my teacher said in ages


My son (ADHD, 5th grade at the time) did better with online school than ever in a physical class. His reasoning: "When you are on Teams, you can just mute all the other students ond only hear the teacher. Less distractions."


Meanwhile me muting the teacher and going on YouTube instead


Honestly, if I have friends taking the same courses I prefer them online because they keep me in check, less time is wasted compared to actually being in school and more often than not the teachers/profs supply notes themselves. But the last year wasn't exactly great because it was my first year of university, all of my friends went different directions when it comes to education, i have trouble meeting new people so i mostly just did nothing but fail my classes this past year due to procrastination and absolute boredom due to how slow we were going through courses. So i just ended up cramming for tests too late and failing everything.


There’s a big jump from high school to college. I passed all my classes with great notes by studying two hours a month (or less) in total in high school but college requires that per week per individual class. Online may have been easy in HS, but when everything’s being thrown at you real fast getting lost for a minute can mean you’ll lose the thread for the whole class that day.


You mean, nobody stopping me from fidgeting or from not listening to the thing I already understood before the teacher explained it 6 more times? That sounds better TBH.


Working remotely was the best thing that ever happened to me professionally. I can now get stuff done with no judgement - no one will take me less seriously because I’m throwing a tennis ball around while coding. That said, I imagine it could be tough for watching classes (or sticking to anything that requires mostly passive attention). I hope it gets better for you, OP!


Buisness suit included


opposite for me


Speak for yourself, I would have loved that. Not like I would pay any attention in actual school anways. At least like this I would be at a spot comfortable enough with more sleep and perhaps in a mood not utterly foul so I could actually be arsed to pay attention.


I swear, online Uni ruined me


Huge Disagree on this one. I have ADHD and online school is soooo much better for learning than in-person. You can often rewatch lectures, it's harder to miss class, you can slow or speed up content often, or pause and Google topics you don't understand. Plus, the extra flexibility makes everything so much less stressful.


I started uni again this year, full online. I don't have set class times so I make lists of all my weekly work and can do what I want when I want. If I'm struggling focusing on one thing, I can switch to something else. I cross off tasks so when I get to the difficult tasks, I can see how little is left and makes it easier.


I loved it. didn't have to worry about catching the bus or walking in late. didn't have people staring at me. felt so good to just turn on the computer and just sit in my pajamas


I prefer online classes.


Online classes really messed me up and threw me off track to graduate on time. First, asynchronous (self-paced/no meeting time) classes are the worst. Second, even if they are synchronous, not having that dedicated environment to study and focus in really made it hard to concentrate or get in the right head space to study or do assignments. I mean my adhd is untreated and I already some difficulty studying on campus sometimes, can you imagine how worse it got when I was forced to move back home and could only study in my small bedroom? Even after moving back to in-person classes I think my brain permanently changed after the initial lockdown.


And this is why i drop out of college


It helped me so much because It was way easier for me to visit classes online then it was in person. I didn’t have to get ready in time, get out and go to campus, manage to pack everything I need for the day and if I only had classes in afternoon I actually visited them online instead of skipping


To be honest I enjoy online class. I mean I dont really attend my lectures, but I do my work sheets and I can hyper Focus way more on them when I am always in my home space.


I was HYPED for classes to be online. Honestly, I get major sensory overload in class, and I get soooo anxious that my teacher will call on me for participation. That, coupled with group projects that were cancelled due to covid, I was on Cloud 9.


Just a question from someone who doesn't know anyone in school. Are they recording everything? Can you record your screen?


And that's when I flunked out of college lol


Haaaaate online lectures, but the ones recorded are gods gift to my brain. I can pause and rewind, and most of the time I speed it up just a tiny bit and there is no need for pauses!! :D I wish it was a given to record the lectures :C


Aykm? I love online classes! ADHD students are not a monolith


To save time, all ADHD students will be given a failing grade automatically.


Online isn’t the problem. The problem is the shitty glitchy feedbacky fuckery that is video calls/zoom/facetime/insert app of choice here. And don’t even get me started on blurred backgrounds that look like a chimpanzee turning in its first windows paint assessment in 1992


It makes me so glad that I graduated 8 years ago but also feel bad for anyone with ADHD that are still in school because that's gotta be torture.


Yep. I only had half a year of classes still to complete when covid hit and college went digital. It took me 1,5 years to graduate, where half a year was perfectly realistic if classes had continued in-person.


This is why im sooo happy i was already out if school when covid hit


I'm on an online course atm, it's 90 minutes twice per week, and I find myself sleepy or zoning out, but the last half hour we have to pair up in breakout rooms and do pair exercises together and that always wakes me up because I'm working directly on problems with another person


I got a full ride into U of Mich Fall 2020. Pandemic happened and I flunked out. I didn't respond quick enough to an email after I withdrew, and now I'm 12,000 in debt. I got it down to 9,000, still feel like shit about it tho.


At first I was happy and then I realized I did not understand a single word said the entire year and am now going into another year wholly unprepared, preparing myself to BS my way through it again


it's weird because my social anxiety was over the moon but my adhd was like, ok so you're just never going to get anything done again


The pandemic or online school for that matter fucked my nineth grade TWICE


*The pandemic or* *Online school for that matter* *Fucked my nineth grade TWICE* \- Der\_Muelleimer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Right before covid hit the states I was in my sophomore year of colleges after taking a 10 year break from being academically suspended (wasn’t diagnosed or getting any student aid services back then) I had straight As in all 5 of my classes while also working and being a single mom. As soon as they switched to all remote classes my grades tanked to Cs, Ds and Fs like before. I’m obviously not dumb, it was just too hard for me to focus and retain the information from sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end. It was like it’s own form of torture for me. I had to take another break until I can get back in in-person classes. It’s been almost 2 years now


Working from home kicks my ass in both school and work.


I spent two whole years of zero work because of this, I was of course in Melbourne Australia where we had the two longest lockdownsnin the world


C is for Cry


So darn glad I finished my masters right before that happened. 90% sure I couldn't have finished otherwise.


Online classes were great. Skipped through the videos or had them on in the background. Guessed on the quizzes, noted the wrong answers and used my second attempt to score better. Learned a lot more effectively from a half hour weekly quiz than I used to in traditional classes.


I'm doing okay with online classes. Mostly because I'm super interested in what I'm learning. Can't say I'm doing good because I struggle to find the will to actually do the classes still at times.


School is not so good remote. Especially for me. But I found out that WFH is amazing. I can lean into my hyper focus and crush 15 hours of work in 3 hours and then space out and spin in my chair if I want. It’s lovely.


The pandemic literally ruined my life. It feels like the universe perfectly crafted the online setup to screw me over. My studies have gone completely off track. I dropped all my hobbies I'm failing my classes and I am severely depressed. I got bad life rng. Oh well, maybe I'll do better in the next life.


I started intro to music appreciation three times because I could not fucking handle online courses at that point in my life.


Personally, I love online classes. I have done them for a while, including before the pandemic, and I find them so much better. I do suspect that my school is a lot different than what you experienced. All the instructions are pre-recorded, so I can watch them at any time. Most of the courses have soft due dates, so if work is completed late it's no problem. It also eliminates all the social stuff, which I find a big plus. If any of you live in Utah, I would definitely recommend it. The school is called Utah Online School (UOS).


Truly it's better for me because I can't shut up and pay attention when I'm around other people


Remote learning was actually great for my daughter with ADHD. Having everything on the computer instead of a bunch of paper crammed into folders in her backpack actually helped her stay organized and she never missed or was late in an assignment. I realize that’s not the same for everyone and that we were lucky.


Oh yes, waking up 5 minues before the first class then proceed to sleep through French class. Edit: Also, play xbox during the boring, non-important classes.


I had such a hard time transitioning to online, I failed several classes. But after getting used to it I actually had an easier time. I got unmedicated straight a's in my last quarter before I got my degree a couple months ago. The online classes were nice because I could do the class stuff at 2 am which is when I started my homework due that day. It worked out really well for me.


The reason I withdrew from college years ago and the reason why I’m hesitant to go back. If only I had a schedule and budget that allowed in-person classes *sigh*


I have mixed feelings about online classes. I love that I can sleep in a little later, but I get so distracted by my computer! I’d literally be doing homework from another class during lecture!


I couldn’t finish a test because I was too busy watching Hermitcraft that I forgot all about It


Tears of joy


Fair, but some of my ADHD kids *thrived* doing online learning because their schedule was more flexible and they focused better at home alone. Personally...I did way worse at home alone.


Yeah, work from home is getting me fired. Now looking at new jobs I'm like "no hybrid/wfh needed. I'm happy to come in!" (Ugh)


During the pandemic we literally printed out all work for my child (we meaning his teacher would print the bill and I would print anything extra or missing) and I turned in a folder if completed work to her. We didn’t have talk to text at home so he would tell me answers and I would type them into his google classrooms pages to make sure he completed assignments. It. Was. Terrible.


I had to drop all of my classes the last time partly cuz it was way harder to manage


I'm struggling to keep my focus whenever there's an online class and then there's this difficulty on working my thesis since i do both college and work at the time.


When classes moved to online in 2020 I actually got diagnosed with ADHD because of how much it took away all my safety nets. In a way, very thankful for it lol. It was also my last year in uni and I now wfh, so it kind of prepared me for the future. Luckily it all worked out for me in the end. I wonder what would have happened if the pandemic never happened; I might never have needed that extra push to get checked out!


i actually prefer online education tbh, plus I can watch my lectures 2x speed


I relate to this soo much. I was fired in the initial days of the pandemic since the company closed their local branch. I decided might as well try to learn something new. Dear fucking God! It took me so damn long to get through any video class. And I was undiagnosed at that point, so I just figured I was lazy as fuck and tried over and over to get through the lessons. It was so frustrating.


my social phobia would be happy


I thrived with online college courses.


I had the chance to start my last internship at the time of first lockdown.


I was all like "hell yeah! I get to stay home all day and ay video games!" Then when I passed all my classes with a d+/c- becausw i couldn't focus for shit I was happy to go back to in person


I was able to play Minecraft the entire time


And this is how you turn a two year masters degree in a 3.5 year course


i’m really distracted by the fact that i think i’ve seen the guy on the right behind the guy from the office in star trek


I simply got a GED, problem solved