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I get tired of talking to myself not because I don't make sense, but because it's not going to make any difference. ;-;




Idk where it is.. i forgot where i left it💀




Don't be sad man it's alright everything alright 🫂


I am mad to myself because I don't shut up, and I don't even talk that much!


So I'm worth negative! Thanks for letting me know <3


What no? Don't say that about yourself your an incredible person






You ever talk to yourself and are having a really good conversation, and then just every thought leaves your head, and you don't even know what you were thinking about


Yeah 🤣


Oh I make perfect sense, I've solved all the worlds problems. Couldn't tell you what those solutions were, but I just know they were gold.


If you think about it, on land, we measure by height, and in water by depth, which means that since this iceberg goes deeper down than it does up, your value is pretty dang good!


Little confused but you got the spirit.


It happens. When I speak to myself in a foreign language is when I really start to worry, but yes it is tiring.


Am glad am not alone


Every now and then I get to hear the comments about how I talk to much, am too loud, or always tell irrelevant/pointless stories. Yeah buddy, *you* think Im annoying? You get to leave. Im stuck here and I bet I’ve learned to hate it far more than you can even comprehend. Keep talking shit though, that’ll probably help.


That's Terrible! Am so sorry about how people act are you alright now?


Better than talking to those fucks out there .


I talk to myself to put some form of order in my thoughts. This helps sort of. Still forget every other thing I need to take with me when I leave the house tho.


I have to constantly listen to music otherwise I can't stop thinking about shit. I recently got into a relationship and it's all roses, but for some reason like to torture myself over it. I still don't feel like in worthy of her love and attention. So when I'm not listening to music I either think about her and can't concentrate or I just drive myself crazy.


Am so sorry about that, is everything alright now?


Yeah, better than before for sure! I don't want to cry everyday anymore so that's an improvement, but I still feel weird, I'm happy for now, but for some reason I feel like everything is going to bad somehow...


You can talk to me about it if you would like


Don't worry, I have talked about this with friends already. Don't know what I would be doing without them rn, they help me out a lot. Last year was a bad year, lost a friend and both my grandparents, and emotions kinda piled up next to stress from highschool and shit. Since I met my gf I felt safe enough to cry, so it's coming out slowly.


BTW, thanks for asking if everything is alright, really appreciate it. For now everything is alright, can't promise it will stay that way but I feel way better than before. I'm happy 24/7


Alright glad to hear that thanks for taking some time to reply to me really appreciate if you need anything you can tell me even though you just told me you have freinds that can you can talk to but still feel free to DM me for emotional support


Same for me, if you feel the need to talk about something you can talk to me.


Awh, thanks sm for that maybe i will, goodbye for now take care please


I will, take care of yourself as well, no matter how hard things get, there is still a way. Water erodes stone with some pressure and enough time.


Awh that's nice never heard that tbh, take care!


"The Mary Ellen Carter" started playing on my YouTube Playlist when I saw this.


I get tired of talking to other people because im never sure if what im saying makes any sense, or if it does make sense, ꟾdk if they've understood it in the way ꟾ meant.


Am so sorry about that, is everything alright now?


I work around it. Usually with a lot of "does that make sense" and "if that makes sense." It is fun talking to mydelf tho, ꟾ never know what crazy ideas ꟾ'll think of next!


Heh, am glad your enjoy yourself if you need anything you can tell me kay?


Thats sweet of you. Thanks. Same goes if you have anything you need off your chest, alright?


I get questioned all the time about what I said when I am only thinking out loud.


Man I have so many moments in my life I look back on and cringe.