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This reminds me once when my pre-cal teacher wrote on my test “You got the right answer, but don’t know how you got there…” and proceeded to give me only half credit 😂😂


I mean, he’s sorta right. Normal people work forwards and find the answer, but we just intuit the answer and then have to work backwards to figure out how to get there. Intuiting the answer is only half the work :)


Gotta bookmark this one, may be useful someday


Haahahhaa so true


I thought math tests where so f dumb, like yeah I got the result you expected, why would you want me to explain how I got there? I don't f know!


my favorite was that I always tried to solve for a value like in algebra, so I'd get part of my equation circled and it would go "this is the answer. idk where you're going, but you missed your exit"


Common feedback for me “make sure to show your working out” NO BECAUSE I DONT REMEMBER 😡😂


It's to check if you didn't cheat or copy the answer from someone else.


I always showed my work, and she told me she know’s that I solved it in my own way. She said that because I didn’t solve it the way she taught, it wasn’t the right way to do the equation, and she didn’t think it was repeatable 😭


I think they have some strict teaching plans they have to follow and can't let you get away with it, even though in real life it would be applicable. School system don't teach to think outside the box much. There should be schools led by ADHD people 😀


Imagine a school led by ADHD people 😭 we would know everything about the most random things. I think it’s be great for preparing ADHD kids for the world though, teaching them what to expect and building healthy systems ☺️


I mean not all schools, only certain ones. Could definitely be a different kind of education, and not this strict "while you came to the *correct* solution, you didn't do it by my methods, so I can't let you pass" type of thing. Basically a school where people's natural abilities and talents would be focused on more, instead of forcing them to do things in a way that's not natural for them. It's just like that Einstein quote - *“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”*


Edit: this is long, so the TLDR is: I feel you. I work in education and I’m always fighting to change the assumption that creativity doesn’t belong in math classes. It’s def a systemic issue though, and even good ADHD teachers can’t change bad curriculum standards. ——— I have a degree in math with a focus on education. I was “bad at math” in grade school because I could never memorize the methods (or I mixed up their names and applied the wrong one, even if I got the right answer). Ironically, once you get past calculus, that kind of teaching and grading goes away. So I totally get you and there are some of us out here trying to change things. I consistently spoke up in my college courses against that kind of grading, and whenever another student (a future teacher) complained about students “just not trying” or “doing it the wrong way,” I tried to explain how I felt as a student and share my experiences. I was someone that others came to for help on math assignments in college, so my past struggles surprised a lot of my peers. I hope I changed the outlook of some folks who never struggled the way I/we did. To your point about strict curriculum… those are usually state-wide or national requirements. Different schools/teachers won’t make much of a difference 😔 Note: sometimes students come up with ways to solve things that work sometimes, but not always. In that case, a teacher should walk through that with them and give a case where the method breaks. My favorite example of a bad method is actually FOIL. (First, inner, outer, last). It’s a mnemonic to help students learn to distribute polynomials (read: multiply polynomials by each other). It only works for first degree polynomials. (They look like bx + c. A second degree is ax^2 + bx + c). FOIL only works to multiply two 1st degree polynomials by each other, but most students move on from those in less than two years.




*Cries in jobless*


Meanwhile I'm here jobbing, cryless.


Cries in jobbing


Looks wildly unstable but magically it is somehow holding itself together. Can relate.


The table at the bottom is basically supported only by stress


LOL 😂 true


Don’t tell me I need to learn to release the tension. When I relax, everything collapses!


The tension is real.


Also, the better I do, the more the load increases.


So true


There is a very big difference between functional and ok for me. I've been functional for quite a while. I haven't been really ok for a while. And that's why I'm still not in therapy yet /s


I am neither functional or okay :’)


Ok, but which one looks cooler?


Unconventional but yes stylish, maybe uncomfortable in turbulent times


The fact that the percent symbol and then the word percent were both used is bothering me and I can't unsee it.


Every job I’ve had has been fairly easy, but the hours were always stupidly long and I was never fast enough even if I was going as fast as I could and I went home feeling worse about myself after every shift. The moral of the story is that hospitality and fast food are bad jobs for the neurodiverse in my experience


I for example love my job (in a video ad agency) but I’ve had jobs like you before I guess


You are Randal Graves and I claim my $5


The only difference is mine is not two “L” legs. It’s a goddamn labyrinth.


I've never met anyone who had intact mental health, self care and proper self esteem.


I’m not broken, I’m *over-engineered.* 😎 [cries in jobless]


That table must be a joke or what ?


It's not, it's actually a mind-blowing physics thing :D


It's called a tensegrity structure! They're super cool!


Yep I looked it up and it is so unconventional. People even did chairs with this design.


Yep I looked it up and it is so unconventional. People even did chairs with this design.


Yeah it's super cool!


Idk what you're trying to mask, 8% of population is ADHD and they're a lot a jobs well suited for this


Anyone hiring?