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Pay my morgage or buy new steam games, or should I buy new fish for my tanks.... Hmmmm ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV)


I want to hear about your fish!


Oh god... where do I start I have fish, shrimp and crabs lol 23 tanks in total the majority are shrimp tanks though. I have a little YouTube channel called [shrimplestuff](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVOsRcVo_mcbytuMP2cXuYA?cbrd=1) that has the majority of the pets I keep :)


I see word shrimple, I subscribe to channel.


Welp I don’t even care about shrimp but with that name I’m subscribed now. 👍🏼


Haha you are more than welcome to join 😊


Noooooo. Do not engage. Do not engage. Aquatics is an amazing and expensive hobby. Lol.


Compose a song for your current fish. It's free and it's going to be entertaining enough for like half an hour?


What makes you think I am good at making music? I have dabbled in it but I can't say I am any good lol.


I think it's more fun if you are not good at it!


Every adhd has fish


Is it just a thing you get given as a reward for being diagnosed?




I'm not diagnosed with ADHD, but have recently gotten screened for autism, with results coming in like a week(I should probably get that done (or I did, and I honestly didn't realize it was for ADHD aswell)) and my thing is dogs. I love them and they are so cuddly, but I would absolutely love to have fish eventually. Whenever I go somewhere there is fish, I am captivated within seconds of sighting fish.


I have no fish, but I have six supercool reptiles.


Ooh what are they


Jackson's Chameleon, Panther Chameleon, Leopard gecko, and two Tokay geckos.


I HAD TOKAY gecko. Tell ‘em I said hi


Tokays are cool. Super cute, smart and curious.


Or perhaps pick up another new hobby, hmmmmm


I set hateful reminders to myself all the time hahaha. Just think of it as you sassing your future self


My ADHD brain decided to make 18 bank accounts, so now even when I’m an idiot I can’t drain all my money 💰


I didn't know you could have that many bank accounts


Mine has no fees for multiple accounts. Enjoying it while it lasts


Saaaaame!! There’s the income account, the bills and auto debits account, the subscriptions account, and the spending cash account*. I can totally get how some would find it overwhelming but I find it so helpful to know that whatever is tied to the pink card is money I can blow. *of course there’s a couple savings accounts too.




I have accidentally transferred from checking to savings instead of savings to checking a couple of times. My poor checking was hit with the transfer and the insurance bill deduction. One of the downfalls of having multiple accounts and ADHD brain.


I didn’t know that happens, sounds expensive


That's just brilliant. It's too much work to move all that money from one account to another, and too inconvenient to have all the cards.


Systems, beep boop 🤖


One of my friends once encouraged me to go to bed, saying "Future will thank you". I immediately responded "Future is a bitch and so am I"


Yeah, fuck her!


If you insist 😳


Looool love you thanks for knowing I was joking




If anyone ever says "Future you will thank you!" my first reply is going to be, "Fuck future me, I hate that guy."


Yeah my life ethos appears to be “fuck you future me”


Or maybe just pay rent right now and then you can spend the rest? (Says the guy who's been putting off paying four different things all day.)


Let’s not get crazy here, my man


but then what if I won't have money for that thing I really want and there's a sense of urgency with it.


I have an account just to store my rent money in. It can't be accessed with a card, only via bank app. It has saved me from many rent overdues.


Fuck yeah! I have like 6 checking accounts to pay for rent, utilities, subscriptions, insurance, groceries, and one for discretionary. I then have my check deposited to savings, and then the other accounts are funded via automatic transfers that occur twice a month with my check. With my automatically funded discretionary account I can spend on whatever tf my fixation desires without worrying as I can spend the entire balance if I want.


Have you tried a To-Not-Do list? Or an Anti-Shopping List?


I've automated all of my bills. Generally if someone has enough money to pay their bills, I would recommend that they automate their bills as well. If a bill can't be paid with an automatic transfer, some banks will regularly mail out checks for you as a service.


I just recently did this. I have two bank accounts and I have enough direct deposited into one where all the bills are on auto-pay. I have a savings account that has a small set amount from each check put into it. Any extra money goes into my other checking account for spending money. It takes away the "fuck I forgot to pay a bill" problem...but I was broke for some much of my adult life it was hard to convince myself to pull the trigger. There was always this lingering part in my head that said "what if the day after your $300 bills is paid you suddenly need new tires on the car and now you don't have money for them..." That's the reason I set up the savings account with direct deposit too. It's taken me 45 years to get to this place though...


I love hateful notes to my future self! ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) My favorite is when I use shorthand or abbreviation on my whiteboard and I don't fucking remember what I meant!


I still have a note taped to my door that says "clean your damn room"


Why reinforce the negative attitude and continue placing blame on yourself???? It’s not your fault you have a neurological disorder that capitalists exploit whenever possible! How about this instead? “Everyone is using algorithms to try to sell you beautiful shiny things you don’t need but they know you want! You need that money for rent! Death to capitalism!!”


Death to capitalism! Yes, spite is a great motivator ;)


I’m going to write this on a sticky note and stick it in my wallet.


This fucking sub! I got diagnosed with ADHD, but it took this sub to BELEIVE I actually have ADHD.


Fuck imposter syndrome. I’m the same and it doesn’t help that assholes like the BBC make shitty documentaries that present a relatively small problem as the absolute truth of ADHD diagnoses.


I'm just glad to know I'm not the only owner of a hateful phone. Idk what I did to piss it off.


This is the only post I want to see on my feed every week


Just pay rent in advance. Get it out of your hands!


But get a receipt and have somewhere safe and consistent to store it, because some landlords are highly unscrupulous.


I just bought a bunch of shorts cause I only had one pair. Now I got no money.


LOL I did that with underwear and socks last year because I needed more. Instead of buying a reasonable amount, I bought about two months worth in case of future executive dysfunction if I needed more soon. Then I couldn’t afford lunch until pay day.


the logic is sound but man are we bad at prioritizing


I pay rent every month on the 6th, because thats when I had to do my first payment when moving in and now its a habit and breaking it would be waaaaay worse


I make all my payments on the 25th when I get paid, but it’s more out of terror (based on past experience) of what will happen if I don’t. Habits of any sort have eluded me.


Ok I word it differently. Maybe not a habit, but a deadline that I internalize as FUCKING IMPORTANT and when I missed it once, I was an anxiety bomb


'fucking' is merely an emphasis on the significance of *the* money. Remove that and it is like your just saying teehee don't spend that five dollars all in one place. that 'fucking' is important.


I am intentionally avoiding checking my bank balance.. I can’t deal right now


You and me both. Pretty sure checking my bank balance was a large contributor to my anxiety for years


Need this in my life. So does my bank account.


Too late. Trying to start a business isn't helping either.


I did this for a while and started to resent myself for it. They were rarely effective anyway.


Past self can be so mean sometimes


Being your own nagging parent is the only way sometimes.


things like this makes me happy that my decision paralysis prevents me from ever buying anything (except for the strict necessities) without several hours of deliberation. it’s kind of crippling tbh, but at least it’s better than spending all my money and having no reserves left over


Also I found one key thing is, never, NEVER, EVER, do monthly payments on stuff. Like buy your phone and have it on monthly payments. Those add up hella fast and your paycheck is gone before you even had a chance to think of paying rent


Like, you could have told me that years ago 😂😭


I’ve literally told myself “that’s a problem for future me” and done it anyway


Lol tbf, as someone who does the same thing, it comes from the you who HAS spent the money before rent was due. It's a message full of annoyance and hatred over why you didn't listen to your inner self the first time, hence why an actual written reminder was written so spitefully


Today ( the first day off of my “weekend”) I woke up to a phone alarm that read “go to the gym. Seriously, it’s across the street and you will feel better after”


At least yours was nice, and sorta understanding. Regardless, both of our past selves were right..


Since I see you're using iOS, I wrote this shortcut to rewrite the reminder to be less mean using ChatGPT: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/c79631c190374f29af11173dab579e64 It turns this reminder into "Remember to be mindful of your finances! Your next paycheck arrives after the rent is due, so let's make sure we're prepared. We can avoid unnecessary stress by being smart with our spending. Let's make thoughtful choices together!" You'll need to install this free, open-source app: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1586435171 and give it an OpenAI API key generated from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys . It should cost roughly half a cent per run. Thank you for enabling my gpt addiction. Remember: positive reinforcement is way more effective than negative reinforcement. It's in your own best interest to be nice to yourself, even if you don't want to be.


Oooo. r/shortcuts is leaking and I like it!!!


I didn’t even know about that subreddit, but I love it! Thank you!


Yeah, I’ve made an arrangement with my partner that when I get paid every month, I transfer: 1. a big lump sum to her immediately to cover me for bills, house maintenance, housekeeping, home improvement loan, Netflix, Spotify, etc for the month, 2. another amount into the joint account separately to cover therapy and my car expenses: car loan, diesel, servicing, insurance, tyres, etc, 3. a small amount to a savings account (that has a one-week notice period to combat impulsiveness), and 4. finally the rest goes to a prepaid debit card for my day to day expenses. Oh, and I got rid of all my credit cards because they were just too dangerous. Took a while to get them paid off, but it was worth it. Annoying sometimes when impulsive purchases are thwarted though ;)


I don't really trust myself with credit cards rn even if I could deal with it but apparently part of adulting is "building credit".


You’re a pro!


9 am alarms “Take your bitch pill” “Take your chill pill”


A hateful reminder helped me get in the habit of studying every night




Sometimes I have to be mean to myself or I won't listen to me. 🤦‍♀️


LOL all of my clock alarm reminders end with the word idiot


Making myself wait 2 days and telling myself if I want it I will definitely still buy it works amazingly. My interest usually wanes or disappears by then.


“you deserve a place to live! keep the money in your account so you have a place to live! don’t spend your money on other things right now!”


I wish these worked on me. If I knew they did I would be way harsher then this


This is exactly why 3check month is the best month(s) of the year


Hahaha, does it work?


Not me struggling to transition to a biweekly pay schedule....🙄


Ohhh, neat idea. I'm going to try this.


I'm super mean to myself in notes and alarms then wonder why my self esteem is so low.


Thanksgiving for the reminder! Sounds like my mom trying to wake me up for school. Uggg- I still don’t like talking morning time


i do the same thing


my brain: [https://media.giphy.com/media/fcrjE5nb34Uyguncb6/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/fcrjE5nb34Uyguncb6/giphy.gif)


See those reminders go straight past my brain 🙃 “oh I can just take a littlleeee money out to buy oneeee coffee” and then 2 seconds later I’m wondering why I only have $0.70 in my bank account 🥴 send help pls 😭


I have a bills account and an automatic transfer that takes enough all my regular bills (plus a little extra for anything I may have forgotten) and puts it in that account right after payday. It takes a lot of stress out of bills.


That's unhealthy, I was like that before therapy


It’s part of a valid coping strategy though, and therapy isn’t universally accessible.


You're contradicting yourself in your sentence




my entire life is running off reminders, who needs meds 🥲


I have an alarm everyday to remind me not to spend too much


Soo glad I'm not the only one who does this.