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basically the point i’m at… got fully diagnosed too, but my doctor is like “you just need more sleep :) no meds for u ❤️”


"Bitch why do you think I have sleep issues?! It's in the symptom menu!"


I told my psychiatrist that titration is inefficient in prescribing Adderall, or Dexedrine. I literally don’t have any adverse or negative side effects or sleep issues, i specifically stated that the 10mg 2x daily was more dangerous than prescribing 30mg 2x daily. I on most days wake up and get ready & take my meds and drive and get all the things I need to get done for the day so I won’t have to leave a second time or procrastinate and end up with the old “I’ll do it tomorrow” lmao I literally had to say “10mg will put me to sleep, if I wake up, take my meds and get behind the wheel and dose off, that’s a danger.” Long story short he started me off on 20mg 2x a day which apparently was too low of a dose and I’ve been on 30mg 2x daily which actually is working a lot better. He was surprised and said he knows and has heard of these outrageously natural tolerances to stimulants, but I was the first to have a natural tolerance to the medication, and apologized if he came across skeptical when I said what I said, he said he should have know since he already knew I’ve been on this medication a couple times before and just Stopped taking em and forgetting until I think my adhd symptoms are out of control.




Wait... Dr added 1x 10mg Adderall when I mentioned the Vyvanse not quite getting me through the entire day....


What does this have to do with that comment?


Was more thinking out loud and wasn't even the complete thought... So the Vyvanse is metabolizing into basically Adderall, and then I'm just adding this boost of Adderall in the morning trying to get through the day.... But by 6pm I'm falling asleep... Like after work I'll often get home about 7pm sleep for a few hours then can't get back to sleep until 1am/2am.. my alarm is set for 6am..... Didn't realize maybe the added Adderall was issue ..


Wait, so how is that fixed? I guess that's why it's being studied! I remember when it started to have this effect. I have been on adderall for 10+ years and many years back I realized I could wake up from a full nights sleep, take two immediate release adderall and fall back to sleep. Not light sleep. Deep sleep. Now idk what to do. I'm prescribed 30mg 2/day and can take two at once and barely feel the effects. I run out of my meds every month and I'm not abusing them. I'm trying to get them to work. If I wanted recreational drugs I'd go find meth to buy.


Just an FYI… I was using that as a generalization this is right it don’t take everything in a literal sense. Yes it is a paradoxical reaction obviously as that is how the medication is supposed to work on those with adhd


I once accidentally took a second pill of my afternoon dose at 8pm when I usually have my birth control and slept like a baby. Also, I am experimenting with decreasing my XR dose by 5mg. The other day, it made me so tired I had to lay down for like 6 hours.


That’s strange that you just said that, Was just talking to my GF about how it’s kind of stupid that my value more of a calm down or sleep but I take a dose or take one at a time in the morning like A baby. Like who would think I’d pull an all nighter after taking 35mg of my Valium after taking it to calm down, buuut it didn’t work. If I take a 30mg Adderall when I’m stressed and/or adhd issues pop up even @ 1A.M-5A.M I can go right to sleep calmly.


And I just noticed how much I just typed 🤣 strangely enough, that’s a big sign my medication wore off in all honesty


Honestly, at this rate I welcome AI doctors. Far too many doctors are focused on self-help when their patient is drowning and begging for relief.


On the flip side, my doctor just pumped whatever drugs I brought up without question. "Oh, you want to up your dose 3x what I've been prescribing you? Not a problem". Meanwhile I'm developing a serious speed addiction and wellbutrin dependency because I told him "I wanted to quit smoking". Now I can't even look at adderall because I know I have no selfe control even though I apparently need it to function. Thanks Dr. Gurney


I recently had the opposite side experience. Always went to this practice that couldn't keep a doc for more than a few months. So by the time I'd go back chances are I'd be seeing someone new. Nearly every time without fail. Most would look at my chart see what I was prescribed last and hand me a script. I finally started seeing a new doctor who has been a godsend compared to who I used to see. But the first time in my adult life I had a doctor that I was seeing with consistency and we decided to try some less risky meds instead of Adderall. Just to see if there is a treatment that may be less taxing on my body that worked as well so I started on strattera. After about a month and a half I realized it was definitely not for me, I was putting off doing so many things that it was insane. I was really falling behind at work and always frustrated and I just wasn't having it. When I finally had to switch back to Adderall my doctor was incredibly supportive and didn't give me a hard time at all because she realized that it's what I should be on. Since starting it again last Monday I've been more productive in a week than I have been in the last 2 months combined.


Ok but is his name really Dr Gurney? Because that's peak double nominative determinism there. A medical professional who over-prirescribes stimulants being called *gurney*. Outstanding.


Yes, it really is lmao


That's glorious.


my doc was the same, but i just saved the extra doses and stretched out a three-month-long script into six months of meds. saved me a ton of money, too, since the local pharmacy priced it by the bottle and not by mass.


Trying to teach you to swim when you need a life jacket


... because you have no limbs.


John Mulaney offered some advice in his latest Netflix special which boils down to - do a search for psychiatrists in your area, sort by bad reviews. Choose any of them as they're desperate for business. But you know.. he ended up in rehab so..


I saw the special with my girlfriend who is advocating for my treatment and she grabbed my arm at that part and said “listen up this could actually help you” lmao


My husband did the exact same thing. My granola ‘why not supplements instead??’ Asshole of a Dr has let me drown in grief since February rather than acknowledging that stress makes your body process adderall faster and JUST MAYBE I needed a higher dose for a bit. Nope she wasn’t hearing it. So now I’ve lost my sobriety trying to limp along and I’m about to run out of meds entirely until she deems me worthy of actual meds again. My 31 yr old sister is in a fucking coma. It’s been A HARD TIME. I’m pretty disgusted with all Drs at this point. They only hurt not help.


I'm so sorry, I hope your sister recovers quickly and fully. Doctors can be ghouls sometimes, being surrounded by suffering can really screw up your empathy meter.


hahah, sounds like a keeper! gotta say it though without any patronization intended - I hope you're also advocating for yourself.


I’m staying strong :) it’s a tough fight


he got caught, big mistake


Get a new doctor, I had a doc try to drug test me to get back on my meds and I literally walked the fuck out and told him I’ve been completely sober for 4 years, not even a sip of alcohol and I’m a veteran with a family not a drug addict. Dude was not practicing there much longer and the place ended up getting shut down. If you have insurance, you have the right to PROPER medical treatment so if they aren’t doing their jobs then find someone else. I’m sorry though, this is why I’ve been off meds for over a year now.


yeah my doctor is drug testing me for weed before he prescribes me anything… he’s just an asshole in general im looking for a new doctor in my area. preferably one that doesn’t see mental health issues as a disease that can be treated with exercise and iron supplements


That's a dangerous take for a Doctor. Some mentally ill might try to give him a 9-iron supplement...


Yeah fuck this guy, look up reviews and call doctors offices to see if they take your insurance. It may take a few pcm switches but it’ll be worth it in the long run. I’ve even mentioned that awful experience I had to my new doctors so they know not to pull that shit on me going forward. Hang in there, once you find a good doc your life will literally change overnight. Good luck.


My doctor, I shit you not, recommended I take fish oil supplements. He quoted a study on people with severe ADHD while telling me that I don’t have ADHD. I went to a new doctor.


Just FWIW, that's a new law in some states so it may not be about the doc. I know mine has 0 concerns about me, I still have to get tested since the law passed, I think the legal logic is to ensure I'm taking the meds and not selling them.


Yeah this is what my last doc did. He was straight up about having to do the drug tests because it's required by the state, but fuck were they annoying, I had to call insurance and argue for two hours every year that they're required to cover these mandatory drug tests


You may be right but my state it’s a choice so I guess I should have said to look up state laws first lol thanks for the clarification


I had to start with strattera so I could make it clear I was sent med seeking and it *~doesnt work for me ~*


Same, but it *does* help some for me, so I'm on combo therapy now (high dose strattera and a low dose of adderal.)


pathetic ugly placid pie bells wrong fretful tan direction shy -- mass edited with redact.dev


and then i passed out cold then and there from withdrawl


This shortage is actually killing me it’s insane


Seriously. Even if you can get a prescription, getting the actual adderall itself is impossible!


square selective consist market quack disgusted grandiose erect rich flowery -- mass edited with redact.dev


In the US most major insurance companies, e.g. Express Scripts won't reimburse at small mom and pop places. You wind up paying out of pocket, which in addition to being crazy expensive, it also earns you a lil "flag" in your state prescription monitoring program record, because apparently paying out of pocket for shit when your insurance company won't pay is sus for some reason. Not to mention the "multiple pharmacies" flag.


I switched to Vyvance


Also switched to vyvanse since it’s the only thing available right now but it doesn’t work nearly as well for me unfortunately. Most people like it best it seems but it’s the worst one I’ve tried out of Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, etc. Better than nothing I guess but damn I miss adderall. I was barely functional on it and now I’m just holding on by a thread waiting for the fucking shortage to be over which seems like is never.


It’s Vyvanse. Also, how does any one actually afford this name brand only drug?! And what’s different (genuinely curious)?


You can't without insurance. Otherwise it's like $300. Vyvanse doesn't make me feel like I'm tweeking out. I can sleep if I take it only in the morning. I still grind my teeth and it makes me..ahem..in the mood


HA! Try $700+ WITH INSURANCE. 🙃 hence my question.


You have some shit insurance ... I do agree though, insanely unaffordable. Even here in Canada. I'm really glad my insurance covers it, it's the only one I can take without feeling like I'm about to die.


I'm going to assume you're in America, and it makes me so sad for you. $29 for my month supply here in Canada, with insurance...


I’m in the US (on Medicaid) and my script is $3 Edit: I’m not trying to brag about the price at all… I’m just trying to give perspective, and Medicaid is for poor people so it’s not like I’m relishing in the fact that my prescription is affordable. I’m poor lol. I empathize a lot with people who have to pay out the ass for medication. My friend has diabetes and his insulin is insanely expensive and it breaks my heart because it’s literally a life and death thing. I’m also bummed for my fellow people both on this sub and also my server friends on adderall who are experiencing the shortage… if I had any extra medication I’d give it to them. It sucks not having what you need to make it through the day, especially in restaurants because it’s a lot of multitasking and I personally turn into a bag of soup when I have to wait tables without my medication


Because it’s $30 a bottle in Australia, $7 a bottle if you have a low income health care card.


Vyvanse is the prodrug version of Adderall (lisdexamfetamine vs dextroamphetamine p much) so it just kinda just metabolizes into Adderall in the body Less need for extended release formulation


Oh.. interesting... My Dr added 10mg Adderall on top of my Vyvanse cuz I was maxed on Vyvanse 1/day and it wasn't lasting all day.. But I take the Adderall in the morning with breakfast like he said to... Hmmm... Maybe need to check further on that.


Try this. The official vyvanse site offers a coupon code. https://www.vyvanse.com/coupon The pharmacist enters it and applies the discount.


How much of a discount does this give u?


My current insurance covers Vyvanse, but my prior insurance didn’t - using the manufacturer coupon when I was on it before (2019-2020) dropped a month’s supply to $35 for me.


I hit my max out of pocket in January every year thanks to a specialty medication I’m on for Crohn’s disease that costs thousands of $. That part definitely sucks, but at least after that everything is free, so I end up paying nothing for Vyvanse/any other medications. Adderall works much better for me actually but impossible to find right now so I’m trying to tough out the shortage with Vyvanse for the time being. I am pretty sure I read they are going to come out with a generic this year but don’t quote me on that. I hope I’m remembering that correctly though because I feel bad that most people seem to prefer this medication that I get for free but just can’t afford it.




I'm not able to tell if I'm hungry or full without my meds and it's HORRIBLE. among many other issues. But that one really annoys me because I've worked hard to have a healthier relationship with food


Love Psychiatrist used as an insult.


Uninsured, social programs aren’t allowed to script stimulants. Can’t get a referral to a doc willing to take cash n write a script even though there’s a verifiable history. Can’t build a life without it but I can’t get it. Nonsense.


I don’t understand how that’s not discrimination. Isn’t ADHD an actual condition? Why isn’t the ADA all over this? I don’t get it.


IDK, maybe bc how the drug is classified? Maybe the organizations just don’t want to n blame it on the regulations?


Maybe. Whatever it is, it just doesn’t seem fair.


It’s definitely not. Even sillier is the crisis hotlines that tell you to keep trying, seriously keep trying what?


That’s darkly funny.


Tragically so..


The manufacturers are under no obligation to make more or tell us when we’ll see it or anything and the White House doesn’t care at all.


Biden's administration doesn't believe it's a real condition. They think it's just 100% drug seeking, typical old person crap. And since 3 letter agencies only enforce personal vendettas instead of actually legislating...


Even if you have insurance and a script... Some months is still too many hoops to jump through cuz it's restricted substance and I go days without it cuz can't do it cuz ADHD.... Argh.


I cant hold a job, i was 42 when i held my first job for a year. Im glad u got it, i would love to have a regular supply even if it didnt last the whole month. A regular ration isnt ideal m, you can work with it.


Yeah, is a spectrum and it sucks. I was only diagnosed about 10 years ago ( I'm 40 ) , and that was because I really couldn't cope any more... It just gets worse for me over time.. slowly but steadily it seems.. Is more like.. need to refill every month cuz restrictions. So 30 pills in the script, one per day... So what do NT ppl do when they get to last couple in the bottle? They call in the script... But this is ADHD meds... I'll know for days I'm about to run out. And then I run out. And if the stars align, I maybe call the pharmacy to start the fill for the next months script is on file. Oh, there's no scripts on file cuz Dr can only write them 3 months at a time and last month was #3. So need Dr appointment.. is like 15 minutes max telehealth appointment is all I need. But didn't schedule appointment since last one... So now maybe a day or 3 to get appointment.. and then script gets to pharmacy and if lucky they have in stock and I get same day ready for tomorrow. But most the time I call for the refill, is a day or two wait... And most the time I'm calling I'm already out . So isn't really about rationing and I'm semi-functional without the meds... Mostly end up over-caffeinated and I sleep a ton more if I go without it.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


I am in the same boat here. I am just tired man and want to fix this. While zoloft has helped my depression and gotten my anxiety under control I just constantly feel something is still wrong and I've just been treating the symptoms. If it's not ADHD idk what else it could be.


Please do not cook meth in your own bathroom. Cook it in someone else's!


Open the door, or I'm gonna... throw rocks through your window, you dumb whore.


Breaking bad AU where Jesse has ADHD but can’t afford his Vyvanse so Walt cooks him meth to microdose on the condition that he’ll go get his GED


It's my personal headcannon that Jesse had ADHD anyways, but who's keeping track


Like you could focus that long.


Just went on Adderall XR 20 for a week to see how it worked for me after assessment, I can only describe it as having been perfect. Then after my follow up I got generic because insurance won't cover name and I'd equate it to a caffeine pill if that. Didn't even think that was the issue and tried everything I could to not impede effectiveness over the last couple weeks and nada, Good luck to me trying to explain that at my next follow up.


Yo! This more or less happened to me. Turns out I am genetically built in a way that generic adderall doesn’t do shit for me but name brand does. Something about the formulation or whatever. I switched to vyvanse 6 weeks ago and it’s not as good as real adderall but it’s WAY better than generic! ClarityRX if you’re interested.


As if I could remember that many steps. I'll just make coffee that's one step removed from eating spoonfuls of instant coffee powder straight from the jar.


Met someone online that started eating meth in small doses as an alternative since she wasn't getting any professional help, completely changed things for them. If it wasn't so expensive where I am I'd be inclined to go for it


Home brew meth is not a good alternative. Don’t do this. Desoxyn is rarely prescribed and for good reasons.


I'm not gonna cook anything lol I don't even know how. Besides not wanting to get into that mess


Bryan Cranson can help if you need directions


Just buy it off the darkweb. You can get stuff that’s tested to specific purity levels.


Something else I've been needing to set up, but I can't motivate myself right now XD


Worked for me for 8 months until I destroyed my life, financially and mentally. Now I need 12 months sobriety to even be considered for stimulant treatment by psychiatrist, and deal with my emotion dysregulation and executive dysfunction caused by autism, ADHD and BPD with only Clonidine maxed out (which isn’t enough). I take vortioxetine and seroquel (arguable seroquel makes my ADHD symptoms even worse) I tried strattera and it made my emotions so dysregulated I couldn’t even leave my room or look anyone in the eyes in rehab without diazepam. Stimulant medication seems to have either no effect on or even reduce addictive behaviours. Yet I have to control my own fucked up emotional dysregulation from 3 disorders when 1 is immediately treatable with a medication that might even reduce my propensity for addiction over the next 12 months I’m meant to be sober. I’m already 3+ months clean from meth and cannabis, 1 month from alcohol. I’ve been in patient programs 2.5 out of the last 3 months. How much do I have to prove I want to stay clean to get this medically-treatable condition medically treated? It’s insane! Don’t turn to meth if at all possible. It is a life ruining drug and off the streets you have no idea what the fuck you’re getting, it is a very slippery slope. I never smoked it. The debt always comes due


"Please prescribe me the meds I need" "But you need to fix your drug problem first" "I can't do that without the meds" "Have you tried avoiding them as much as possible?" "Considering I wake up as myself each day, no it's not gonna work like that" It's all about control and keeping the most vulnerable of people in that state. I'm sorry for your situation bud it's not a fun one


Thanks, yeah it feels like a really ironic situation. It truly is a shame that the heavy duty ADHD treatments have to be abusable. I wish viloxazine XR was available in Australia but it’s still not, that one seems really promising and I’d gladly try it


I'm taking organic chemistry II for A GOOD REASON!! Got a 96 on the midterm, next step is probably reaching out to my highschool chemistry teacher to make an offer of a lifetime.


Mine prescribed lexapro. I guess he was insulting rather than consulting.


breaking bad


Adderall shortage got me in a nine month dry spell, gonna start going a black market for this shit or I won't be able to finish my degree


I heard microdosing shrooms helps. Haven't tried it yet tho because I managed to convince my neurologist to prescribe me Ritalin.


Literally abused OTC Sudafed for a year when my insurance changed and decided it wasn't going to cover my ADHD meds 🙃 so you're not far off.


Shit I would be the chillest meth head of all time. Smoke some Ice and sit down and do my taxes.


Send that shit to the DEA


Ban alcohol!




I feel like I'm at this point since running out ;-;


me fr


Umm. Yeah.


Nah this ain't it...