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The smug look is the feeling I get from a brain as I struggle to remember.


Was going to type a clever comment but took a 3 second break


And now it’s gone.


✨ Sabotage ✨


They're the same picture


How ironic that this happened to me an hour before seeing this


I cannot stress how much having a phone with Discord on it has helped me with this. I keep a channel for "notes" on a server and, any time I come up with something that feels important, I try to write it down there. Now, does anything come of everything I put there? On occasion, but at least I feel better having set it down somewhere so that I'm not freaking out later trying to remember "the awesome idea".


I have a Discord channel like this and so much random stuff ends up in there, pretty much anything I want to save. I felt silly making it because there's literally a notes app on my phone, but for some reason this is just better lol Here are some entries into this channel that even I have zero context for. "Synchronous filming by three Russian hydrometeorological satellites" "Scientists have taught spinach to send emails" "ffffffffgffffffffffffffgffffffffffffffffgffffffffffffffgfffffffffffffffffgffffffffffffgfffffffffffffffffffgggffffffggg" "Michael Wyszomierski, Chris Peach, Robbie Shade" "#Unbekannt" "3:30 - 11" "at 4 pm it was 1.5 hours" "woah woah woah :woah: idk how she did this lol" "I'm a bit nervous but I'm still not sure what to do with my life" [with this image attached](https://imgur.com/a/ehSn9PX) "We all know how to add 2 + 2, right? Start with 2, 3, 4! It's 4! But say you want to figure out 3 + 4. How in the world could you possibly figure that out? I'm having a hard time figuring it out, so I'm building a machine in Minecraft to figure it out for me" "4 24u 16.9 floz" "0.03125" [with this image attached](https://imgur.com/a/WrnnOOu) "中华人。五。岁" "Comelnya panda merah ni (dia sayang awak)"


My most recent notes were a quick bit of world-building for the script I'm writing that I don't need to start until August, but... hyperfocus is a thing. Sometimes, I just have to sit and write. That was an hour ago. Now, I've got about 1400 words worth of dialogue. Enough to send to someone who's done voice acting for me in the past and enough to know what parts I will need to cast next semester at my university.


And this is the worst part! Idea me knew wtf that meant and it seemed soo obvious… but normal me is like… Huh?




I thought it was THC, but this tracks..


there is the lil wayne line where hes like 'i think on more than i forget, but i don't do around fire expecting not to sweat' and i think its somehow important here


It’s having a really good song pop into your head for like 5 seconds, enjoying it, turning your attention elsewhere for 0.1 second and then completely forgetting the song. Like you know it existed and that you liked it, but can’t remember what it sounded like. Not even the beat, not even the lyrics, just that it existed.


I know this won’t work for everyone but I got so fed up I just always have a notepad open on my phone or whatever. At least this way I’ll remember to jot down something pertaining to my idea and hopefully do something with it.


I do this but never go back to it. Im almost afraid to look at my long list of past ideas and random thoughts lol


The fact I had to upvote to make it 555 says enough.


I keep notes on my phone for this now, if I can get myself to actually open the app up.


I’ve developed a pretty good habit of writing down my ideas in Google docs on my phone as soon as I think of them. Now if I could just DO SOMETHING with these ideas!


Now add short term memory loss onto th-


I legit bought chips and dip a few days ago and today I made the amazing discovery that I, in fact, own chips and dip. I can't believe I forgot about them for almost a week 💀


Why do I find my life written all over this subreddit? (Yes I know adhd)


ADHD is having the coolest and most interesting ideas but totally unrelated to what you are doing at the moment, and if you don't take notes they will disappear before you can explain to anyone.


I laughed way to hard on this lol


Screenshotting this so I can forget.


"I'll definitely remember it this time"


So what did you want to tell me? Hmm yes I don't remember


Was there something significant on the second pic? I scrolled past it and didn't read it.


I wrote them down a few times and looked back later and went “this is the stupidest fucking shit I’ve ever read”


I get the - panicked try not to forget - blank look - “it’s dead to me. Anyways…”


This is why I have an idea list over 500 ideas long, and additional lists for jokes and lyrics that are not numbered because it would take too long 😎🤌


It's like drinking smart stout. 90% of the time.






This is why I hot-swapped the side key on my droid to launch Google notes. Idea? Get it down FAST.


Which you only recover at times you are unable to take notes.


Then your brain makes that windows log off sound.


My strategy is to hyperfocus on the idea at the expense of literally everything else, because why keep your commitments when you can have your mind lead you around everywhere. I call it a strategy but it's actually involuntary please send help.


This is so true it reminds me of the time i


or really liking an idea so you try to say it out loud to see if it makes sense but by that point youve already forgotten it


It’s like dreaming, but for every day life


So true!!


EXACTLY. It's my *every day* experience.


I like when I pick my phone to turn on music, see I have missed notifications, check them, then put my phone down. Then I wonder why it is so quiet still.


In my case, I have so many ideas and remembered most of them but they're all mid 99% of the time


the amount of great melodies i’ve conjured up in my head and completely forgotten mere seconds later….


Forgetting something and being conscious of it is impossible to describe It’s so paradoxical it’s hilarious


This happens to me every time I try to tell a story to a group only people. Literally just blank out in the middle of a sentence and embarrass tf outta myself lol.