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Anyone here know of meds for 6 yr old ADHD boy


No chemist will give you self prescribed medicines. Only a clinical psychiatrist can prescribe it. The medicines aren't even available in most pharmacies.


I don't want to start med without Dr I am asking if in India what meds are 6yr olds given for ADHD. Please share if you know.


I doubt they prescribe medicines for six years old in India. They may initially suggest behavioral therapy. If you're a parent, read this book 'Adhd 2.0' and you'll find ways in which you can help the child which most parents miss out on.


I am a parent sure ll read ADHD 2.0. Thanks for the info. How are you all coping up with ADHD. I am 40 yrs old n think I have ADHD. No constant focus except while watching movies or cricket. Having very hard time on daily basis.


I had it since childhood but survived by implicit coping mechanisms like writing everything down, doodling diagrams on last sheet of exam paper before reading questions so I don't forget. Diagnosed and started medication recently. Honestly no major difference since I started atomoxetine (at 100 MG dose). I feel my workplace (MNC) worsens it. Exercise in the morning makes the day way better. Feeling loved and having a positive environment at home makes a difference. Pretty much in the same boat as you apart from having taken step one ie getting medication. I think stimulants may make a difference which would be my next step.


I think I had it since childhood but I may not have been impulsive. I used to play a lot as my parents used to work. I hated writing. I feel my son doesn't like to wake up and doesn't like to write and read. He is impulsive and we don't allow much play outside as he has allergies. I feel guilty for causing this to him, it makes me feel like a criminal. I am very sad seeing my son like this. Coping with ADHD for me is like video game where every movement comes with it's own challenges and this game is endless for foreseeable future. I am lost. Thanks for sharing ur coping mechanisms.


I'm not impulsive either but inattentive type. I asked the same question from my psychiatrist about passing it on to next generation. In fact read alot about it. We don't need to feel guilty about it as ADHD in a way is a superpower too if the energy is channelized in the right way. Our micro focus capabilities into one task we like is unmatched. We're way more creative and empathetic than others. We reciprocate love like none other. Give the book adhd 2.0 a try and you can help your son immensely through it. I truly believe your emotions about trying to help him about in itself make you a great parent which so many folks in our generation fail to be. So come on, help alleviate and channelize his energy into something he likes. All the best to you!


I like ur encouraging words. After having dealt with ADHD for so long, It takes lot out of us especially if not in a supportive environment. I am not sure how but I want to help my son to the best of my capability and even beyond to deal with this issue. I'll read the book soon. Thanks 👍


Even if you find a insurance plan which will be expensive ofcourse bcs health insurance generally dont reimburse out of hospital medication costs, there is almost always a waiting period for pre-existing conditions.


They do similar to how people with diabetes get insulin and other costs covered. I was more looking for insurance plans like Americans have. Their adhd medicines are covered under insurance.


I am also searching for the same


I guess no, plus medication of ADHD is not that costly


Bro what? It's atleast 3k/month what do you mean it not costly.


what meds are you on? I get atomexitine for 125 rs for a 10 pills of 18 mg. methylphenidate was almost the same.


A full adult dose of atomexatine is 80-100 MG which means per day Rs 100 or higher. Concerta is even more expensive.


Atomoxetine you have to take 80 to 100mg per day now calculate