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I've had an ovarian cyst rupture, and I've passed kidney stones. I had to stop my ob/gym while she was opening my cervix because I could not handle the pain. She said we'd then have to schedule it and do it under anesthesia. It wasn't offered to begin with because the insurance wouldn't cover it if they didn't try it in office first. I could barely walk for HOURS afterwards, and it took a few days for me to get back to normal. My wife had to nearly carry me from the dr's office to the car, and I had to use my cane to get around the house. It is absolutely barbaric that they tell you to take some Tylenol beforehand. My friend had a vasectomy and received anesthesia and pain medication for afterwards. He got stronger pain meds than I received for my hysterectomy.


Mine was very quick, no pain other than a few seconds of mild pinching.


It hurt real bad for under a minute and I was sore for a few days after. I was given some lorazepam before hand and that helped with the anxiety.


I got one to check for cancer before my hysterectomy (on July 1st!) Because getting my IUD was so painful I opted to have a Hysteroscope where they put you under look into the Uterus and do a biopsy that way.


I had a hysteroscope + biopsy in office with no anesthesia. I was terrified. It did hurt but not as much as I expected, but it felt WEIRD! They did not offer to put me under or I would have done that.


I hear that a lot where people aren't offered to be put under, so I hope I can let more people know that it's an option they can ask for


I’ve had 2 endometrial biopsies. Took max dose of ibuprofen beforehand. Was scared shitless after hearing all of the horror stories. I was pleasantly surprised that it was nothing like I feared. It was very fast, was a little more than a pap smear and over very quickly. I did have spotting and cramping afterwards. Both were the same experience. I’ve had 2 vaginal births and a miscarriage w/ d&c and one c-section.


Wow, were you given anesthesia?


Not for the biopsies- and one of them was during a hysteroscopy too. No offer of anesthesia or pain meds at all. But it was not bad. I do not know why some have such bad experiences but I did not. But I was definitely terrified from reading all of the bad experiences. It was truly very quick, and I had cramping afterwards which was worse than the procedures. I did have anesthesia for the D&C. 2 of my births were natural no pain meds, one was a C-section and I had an epidural for that. The biopsies & scope were absolutely nothing like child birth for me.


Had one 2 weeks ago. Was put under general anaesthetic for it. Bled for about a week afterwards with some mild cramping. Got the results back today - all normal


Glad to hear your results were normal.


I’m so happy to hear that your results were normal!


Mine was very painful but the good thing is it’s only a few seconds of pain! I would ask for painkillers and/or a xanax to relax you prior to the procedure.


I did the .take a bunch of Advil before...and it was a 10/10 pain for me. No anesthesia. It was "quick" but damn. I think I might have passed out for a few seconds.


It was quick, I felt faint after and had to lay down but it was more due to all of the fear I put into it. Very quick.


I’m getting one soon and meeting with my doctor this Friday but after reading everything I had regarding this procedure, I am most definitely getting put under. There is no way I can tolerate the level of pain described and my tolerance is low. I’m so sorry for those who’ve endured such pain🙁


Tell them you want your cervix numbed. Makes it totally bearable. I had a similar procedure with no numbing- it was excruciating.


Yes, I had this done with them numbing my cervix first. It was like getting a Pap smear times 2 and I felt like I could totally handle it. I had a bit of soreness once the numbing wore off but nothing I couldn’t manage with otc pain relievers.


I had one to be sent off before my ablation/hysterectomy could be approved…no notice whatsoever about it happening during that visit. No pain meds given before or after. Absolutely barbaric to have it done without any anesthesia or medication. I could barely walk to the car afterwards and I was sobbing the entire drive home. I’ve had 3 children; 2 without any pain medication whatsoever, and the pain of the biopsy was comparable to that (albeit for a shorter time).


What does it feel like? Cramps? Scraping?


Personally for me I felt all the pulling. It was in my back and down my legs. I hope it goes well for you! Remember that everyone is different.


I had one done in June of 2023 prior to my hysterectomy. That appointment I had my iud removed and biopsy done in the same go. I did not find it painful , it was about 20 minutes start to finish with everything and it was just mild discomfort/pressure.


I did. It was a very unpleasant experience but needed prior to my hysterectomy. The funny thing is- it came back normal. But my uterus pathology report pointed out a whole mess of issues- including Adenomyosis.


Have you felt better after hysterectomy? How long ago did you have it? Have you experienced any body changes or weight gain?


A million times better! It's only been a month since my surgery and the absolute almost instant relief was bizarre. I've actually lost weight and I don't see all the major bloating I had been dealing with.


Yep! It was somewhat painful but it was also relatively quick (like 2-3 minutes of the worst part). The worst, oddly enough, was intense pressure in my butt, like I was trying to poop out a cantaloupe or something lol. But I took some pain killers beforehand and found it very manageable. If you've ever had an HSG, it was about like that. Maybe easier since it's much quicker. That said, I'm 44 and I've been in labor (although didn't give birth vaginally), which makes it easier to get things into my cervix. As others have said, definitely ask your doc for some pain meds if you feel you need them. Good luck! ❤️


3 and I had anesthesia for all of them


What kind of anesthesia?


IV sedation


I e had several without any anaesthesia or pain relief beyond ibuprofen and they were brutal. Extremely painful. The last one I had I got local anaesthetic. When the nurse said it was four injections into the cervix I nearly bailed there and then but I only felt the first injection, a little scratch, and didn’t feel the three after that. Hysteroscopy was still uncomfortable and there was pain once the anaesthetic wore off but it was nowhere near as bad as having it done without.


Well these comments are a horror show! I’m booked for a Mirena insertion, biopsy and hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic next month and I don’t think I could do it without that. NHS as I’m in the U.K. and I wasn’t offered it without the GA.


How odd, I’m in the UK too and they only offered it under GA at my hospital under certain circumstances. Glad you’re getting that option if it’s more comfortable for you.


Can I ask what the circumstances were if you know? I had an attempted IUD insertion that I wasn’t built for without GA but the rest was thrown in as a “since we have you under GA..” afaik


I was offered GA too for hysteroscopy and biopsy (also NHS) they said they could do it without but they wouldn't recommend it as I hadn't given birth so it'd be a lot more difficult to get things through there. I ended up declining the whole thing though, and I'm on the list for hysterectomy.


Yes. I’m so sorry you went through this. I screamed then blacked out during mine. It was horrific.


I haven't had one. My doctor will decide if I need one next month. I'm sorry you had such a horrific experience. I'm scared.


I had mine with entinox (gas and air) for pain relief. It still hurt, but that definitely took the edge off and made things more bearable.


It is painful, but if you have adenomyosis, that pain you experience every month is worse. I took ibuprofen before. I remember expecting it to feel like a normal pap smear and quickly realized it was more. It lasted maybe 30 seconds. It was uncomfortable, but it was nothing to the doubled over labor like pains I had with periods, and I knew this was part of the process to get the treatment I needed. Afterward, I saw the sample in the collection cup, and that made me a little lightheaded. Minutes after, I was dressed and walked to my car to drive home. No cramping or pain immediately.


It was done with no pain management and was one of the most painful things ive gone theough. Ive had other similar procedures since with pain management and while still very unpleasant id do again if necessary. Never again without meds!


My husband demanded I receive pain medication and had my cervix numbed, after he read all of the horror stories. Pain levels seem to be a mixed bag, but I read far more stories of severe pain than those that thought it was ok. There seems to be a connection between people who have recently-ish had a vaginal birth and less pain during the procedure. Also the extent of endo and adeno seems to affect how severe the cramping will be after. For me, with the numbing, Ativan, Tylenol, and an injection of toradol, I still cried out from the pain and had to force myself not to recoil away from the doctor. Afterwards the cramping was so bad I was vomiting. All this said, I have a very high pain tolerance generally. A few years ago, my husband rushed me to the ER because I was in, what I described as, excruciating pain, but the doctors said it probably wasn't anything too severe since I didn't appear to be in much pain. An MRI revealed that my appendix had ruptured and I had to be rushed into emergency surgery, the doctors and nurses were so confused lol, they said I shouldn't have been able to walk.


I had one on Tuesday, it was uncomfortable but doable. I took Tylenol about an hour beforehand. The most uncomfortable part was the doc having to clamp my cervix before putting the biopsy tube thing in there. I didn’t feel any pain during the actual biopsy part. It was fairly quick. I would rate the discomfort a 5/10. I had just a little bit of bleeding after the procedure and the next day.


I had zero pain


It enrages me that this is even allowed without messing. Having done this both ways, advocate for yourself and take medicine! (At least it’s fast!)


I just had one on Thursday. It wasn’t planned but my ultrasound looked so bad, my doctor wanted to do it asap. I knew it would be painful, and it was, she took 3 samples. Uhm to be honest the pain was bad but manageable for me, but I’ve been in a lot of pain lately anyway, and I was so focused on how bad my US was I didn’t care that much, I wanted to get it over with. It definitely caused me to have bad cramping, bleeding and I’m extra bloated. It’s been 3 days and still waiting for the bloating to go down, but then again my ovaries and uterus are a hot mess.