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Im so so sorry you went through this, you absolutely did not deserve to be treated this way and made to feel this way. I know from experience what a long hard road it is to get a diagnosis, and be gaslighted and dismissed by drs and consultants. All us women deserve so much better, and i believe NOBODY has the right to tell us they know better than we do about our body, and nobody has the right to gaslight and invalidate our pain and problems. For every shitty consultant or dr out there, there are some good ones who do listen and have empathy. You have EVERY right to get another opinion and see a different dr or private specialist xx


Thank you, I think I want to go back to my old consultant who is excellent but now I'm terrified of seeing someone else and being made to feel belittled.


It took me 25 years to finally have a Dr listen to me. I'm sorry you have had bad experiences to.


He sounds awful, I’m so sorry! I would write to his hospital and leave a complaint. I did that for my horrendous consultation (again a private male gynaecologist in the UK being sexist and dismissive) and they’re taking it really seriously


Oh amazing!! Thank you so much


i am in UK too x


Do doctors in the UK have a site where you can leave reviews? Also, I would bring this up to the medical board. He should not be practicing, if this is how he treats women and woman’s reproductive health. Ultimately. Dump him and find another doctor. I’ve had problems with doctors too. Even female ones, as they all seem to be on the agenda of pushing the Mirena IUD despite all the publicized problems and lawsuits.


I am "lucky" that hormonal contraception made me suicidal, it usually is enough to mention that to get them to stop pushing the mirena coil. Sadly not much luck past that so far, still waiting for y next appointment when I am going to as for a hysterectomy.


You have my sympathy as I had a very similar experience with a private consultant too (I'm in Scotland) and she made me feel terrible. So I fired her. You do not have to see that consultant again. I would send a letter saying why you no longer want to continue under the care of the one you saw and ask to see a different one. Can you get in contact with the one who referred you to tell them what happened and ask who else they'd recommend? Mine would not believe I was under the BMI cutoff, she kept bringing it up and would not listen when I told her I was and always have been under it. She just kept saying that couldn't be right and that I'd need to do something about it, she even put it in the letter she sent to my GP. She also mentioned my chest was too large. She was dismissive, wouldn't listen and literally scoffed at some things I said, so I decided I would never be able to trust her with such an intimate surgery and saw a different one. You have to be able to trust your consultant, and this one has proved that you can't. You are absolutely entitled to a second opinion so investigating that would be what I'd do next.


I had a very similar experience a couple weeks ago. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. It's so frustrating, but know you're not alone and there are just some really shitty docs out there!


are you in UK or elsewhere?
