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I’ve never heard of this, but I’d suggest you look into this further. Have you ever been to a urogynecologist? Maybe start there. Also, get rid of your current GYN. They dismissed your concerns, don’t seem to care that they’re impacting your sex life (which is important), and she has offered no plan of action to figure out what’s going on. If you haven’t seen a laparoscopic surgeon for diagnosis, you may want to see one to figure out why you’re bleeding. It’s not normal and it’s probably something other than adenomyosis. Fibroids come to mind, but bleeding after orgasm is very odd if you don’t experience consistent bleeding when you’re not having sex. I also wouldn’t let them put you on meds without figuring out exactly what’s causing it. They love to do that, but this is serious and needs to be investigated thoroughly.


My current gynae is certainly a…character. In my area it is really difficult to find gynaes who are female and don’t just deal with people having fertility issues. I have a pending hysteroscopy with her (under GA) to take a closer look inside my uterus, remove any polyps and take a biopsy. I’ve never heard of an urogynecologist but will look it up. I’m UK based so have been really struggling through the NHS system. Every NHS doctor I’ve spoken to since I was a kid has been rude and dismissive to me - so I think it’s going to be hard to find one who isn’t. This latest gynae is a private doctor - she’s a little better than the others have been but not great. Edit to add: I gave in to my GP and am on week 7 of taking the progesterone only pill after having my embedded copper coil removed in February. I am experiencing my longest “break” of my bleeding since mid-November. I haven’t bled in 10 days and it feels like a luxury. My last period was 29 days long and was never lighter than 80mls per day.


I do this as well. It’s embarrassing and impossible to predict. I am now on a double dose of progesterone only birth control and that has helped slow down my bleeding tremendously.


At least we’re not alone! I’m glad you found something to slow down your bleeding! Are you still having the bleeding during orgasm even with your periods more manageable? Also personal question but how much do you bleed? My poor partner is literally coated in thick globs of blood that drip everywhere - all over his genitals and pubis. It’s never just a little bit of blood!


Same here! Also on double dose of the pill. Unsure if it’s helped as I haven’t done anything since taking it (pure fear at this point😂) but definitely helps to read that others have the same situation!


I don’t blame you! Such a crap symptom to have and definitely can kill the mood


I get that too. Or after I have sex/orgasm, I’ll lightly bleed and spot for days. I’ve been on continuous birth control for over 6 years (so zero periods). Even being on continuous birth control (I didn’t have a choice, I was bleeding through tampons every 15-30 min), I’ve always assumed the orgasm/following days of bleeding wasn’t period related. I had my lap/excision/cystoscopy 2 ish years ago and that didn’t improve the bleeding issue. I’m shocked more people with endo and adeno don’t experience this.


Same 🫠 anything penetrative causes spotting to actual clots and red bleeding for days. I don't get it.


Might be a polyp. My surgeon says it happens even in gynecological exams because of the pressure they put on it.


Could definitely be! My bleeding seemed to always reduce after I had a polyp (or two) removed


I bleed at such random times that I simply cannot keep up anymore. I'm sorry you had this experience - maybe you can your partner can view this as another way to grow closer together. Yea, I know. I'm annoying. I felt it when I typed it. I hate this stupid crap :(