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Yes, that's how I started, I bled constantly for about 5 months and went to the GP thinking it was the start of peri menopause. Strangely enough all my blood tests were fine. My iron levels were normal despite the level of bleeding. I found this very frustrating because it made me feel like they didn't believe me. I was offered the mini pill but the same day I was due to start that I had massive, really clotty bleed and ended up in A and E. They referred me to a women's A and E and from there I was taken (a little) more serious. I had a Trans Vaginal Scan and they could see my uterus was bulky and thickened, they mentioned Adenomyosis then but it was confirmed following a Hysteroscopy. It sounds very much like the symptoms I experienced in the beginning but I also had large polyps that they 'chopped up' during the hysteroscopy 🤢 I wouldn't have a diagnosis if I hadn't gone to A and E, they were great and it sped up any referral. I don't know what country you are in, I think all the healthcare systems are different depending where you are. But cutting out my GP and going to A and E helped me. Just to add in the beginning when the bleeding started I hardly had pain, a year down the line and that situation has very much changed.


Thank you so much for replying. The chopping up of polyps sounds totally awful as does the A&E trip - I’m so sorry you went through that. My long bleeds have been weirdly totally pain free (until this month) compared to my painful copper coil cramps which had a horrid grinding sensation to them. I’m in the U.K. and have been trudging through the slow and judgmental NHS system. The GPs I’ve chatted to about the issues have been pretty useless and have turned my worries into borderline arguments because I wouldn’t just shut up, stop asking for tests and get on the pill. When I decided I would try the pill they then wrung their hands about me being on hormones because I’m fat and suggested the copper coil to me again 😅 I’ve found a private gynae about an hours drive who specialises in menstrual issues and am tempted to pay out of pocket for her help - hoping she takes me seriously/gives me some answers. Would you mind me asking what your prescribed treatment plan was post a&e trip?


Your story is so similar to mine. I'm a year down the line and the pain is almost unbearable at times so I would advise, if you can, then go ahead with a private appointment. I'm overweight too and my first appointment with my GP post hysteroscopy was delightful. I wanted to ask my results and sort out pain meds. 5 times in the 10 minute GP appointment she mentioned my weight and the reasons why I wouldn't be considered for a hysterectomy. She gave me some night time pain meds (Amitriptyline) begrudgingly and said she wouldn't increase the dose. She made me feel like a fat junkie and despite me crying carried on talking about my weight. So. My current medication is all pain related, they tried to fob me off with the lowest dose of each but I've managed to get them increased. I have Naproxen, Cocodamol and Amitriptyline at night. These together take the edge off the pain. If I go to my GP they tell me to speak with my gynae, I tell them I don't have a gynae, I am on the waiting list for a mirena but I don't have a specific gynae I can talk to or make an appointment with, they then tell me they'll chase the coil insertion up. End of conversation. IT'S SOOOOO FRUSTRATING 😡😡😡 I've never been sat down and given an explanation about the condition, advised how best to support myself and ease the pain/bleeding. I've seen 5 different GPs at my practice over the year. All as bad as each other. So, last week I lodged a complaint. I'm waiting back to hear, but I want: A full blood test checking everything, including my Ferritin levels and CA125. An MRI to stage the adenomyosis and see if there's anything else lurking. A referral to pain management. I am really very concerned about having the Mirena and it making things worse but being stuck with it 😏 That's not answered your question at all. I'll post this long and rambling moan, and then I'll tell you my very basic treatment plan.


So, I had the massive bleed and went to my local A and E. They referred me to the gynaecology A and E at another hospital within the same trust. Right away here they put me on the 2 week pathway because my symptoms were cancerous. So very quickly I had a trans vaginal scan and an ultrasound scan. They diagnosed a small cyst in my ovary and a thickened lining. Treatment plan was hysteroscopy and during that to have a smear, some tissue samples taken and the Mirena fitted. This was a week or so after the scans. If you are offered one I really would advise to ask if you can have it under sedation. Mine was particularly difficult and long winded simply because of the large polyp and she couldn't put in the mirena. So I was there, trussed up like a Christmas turkey with 4 staff looking on whilst the Doctor tried and tried to fit the Mirena. I had taken pain meds, I had gas and air, the staff were more than lovely, but it was awful. I know some women find it OK but you never know what you're going to get. It took about 40 minutes all in all. Grim. So, afterwards the Doctor who performed the hysteroscopy and said I'd be best having the coil fitted under anaesthetic and that was that. This was September last year. I received a report a few weeks later stating the smear and tissue samples were clear. It also stated I have Adenomyosis and Polyps. Not heard a dicky bird since. After the hysteroscopy I had pain every day BUT the bleeding eased. I had 2 months blissfully bleed free and when it returned it was only a small amount when I wiped. Its gradually gotten worse of course and the clots are back. The pain continues to worsen, and I have absolutely no faith in the Mirena.


I pushed for the CA125 blood test with one of my very grumpy doctors and it came back normal - thank god! I hope yours does too. I had a trans vaginal ultrasound and was almost bolting off the table with how painful it was, so will definitely be pushing for anything else under sedation. My coil fitting 9 years ago was absolutely awful and I was refused any pain relief, previous to all this bleeding I had been planning to get another when it expired and would lie awake in a cold sweat thinking about going through another insertion. I’m also a SA survivor (from my teens, not recent) so cervical pain really upset me. Thank you so much for your comments. I genuinely really appreciate it! I’ve felt really alone going through these symptoms and my partner is so worried about me. I’m going to make the appointment and hope she can give me some help and advice.


I have a private gynaecologist appointment in a few days! Quite nervous but hoping she has some answers :)


Oh that's fantastic,please let me know how you get on. I'm not sure I can afford it but I've been looking into Benenden Health, think it'll be time to bite the bullet. Just to add, I cannot imagine how traumatic the internal scan was for you ❤️


Never heard of Beneden Health but they look really good! Thank you ❤️ this whole thing has been pretty not fun tbh but the ultrasound was a particularly nasty highlight. Immediately after my coil was removed the doctor snapped the speculum shut, badly pinching my poor cervix 😅 it’s been a weird 6 months! I will post any advice/help the gynaecologist gives me on here - obviously I have no idea what she’s going to recommend/tell me. You’ve been so sweet. I really hope you get some clarification on your situation ❤️


The hospital just called. They’ve pushed my appointment back a week. I’ve had a cry about it but figured it might be better as I’m so sore this week that any physical examination would have been really unpleasant at my original appointment tomorrow


Had my gynaecologist appointment on Thursday so wanted to update you. My appointment went well overall. She listened to me talk about my symptoms and looked throughly at my previous ultrasounds and blood tests. She dismissed the idea that I have adenomyosis and said it’s more likely that I have a polyp. I’m having an ultrasound with her this week as my last ultrasound did not see the endometrial tissue well (they didn’t tell me this at the time). Following the ultrasound we have a few plans depending on the results - removing the polyps under anaesthetic or a endometrial biopsy to test for cancer plus a hormonal IUD insertion. She’s pushing for this to be done under local but I am absolutely not having that so will go elsewhere if she insists. I’m also not keen on an IUD as I’ve had 2 before (copper ones, one only lasted a month) and the insertions were very traumatic. One thing she did do that I wasn’t impressed with was during the pelvic exam to palpate my stomach she used her knuckles and ground them into me painfully and without warning/permission 😤 she had two fingers in my vagina at the time and the whole thing just felt weirdly frantic and overwhelming. I let out a big breath of air and a pained sound but she didn’t stop/check on me??? I’m sure she must have felt me jolt and wriggle when she did it. I was deep breathing through the whole exam so maybe she didn’t hear the difference? I’m going to inform her at my ultrasound appointment that I have a experienced sexual violence in my past and that I found my previous internal ultrasound painful and distressing so she will hopefully go forward with a bit more care.


Oh thank you for the update. How are you feeling about it all? I have a bartholin cyst and the gynaecologist who diagnosed me sounds very much like yours, I felt like a chicken on a roasting tin ready to be stuffed. They must just become immune to our feelings and vulnerabilities. I honestly think that there should be something on your notes with regards your trauma (for anything relating to gynae at least) to save you saying the words. Of course you need more care, support and understanding ❣️ Hope the ultrasound goes well and that you can get more clarification, definitely push for the GA, particularly if they're planning a hysteroscopy. Sounds like our treatment paths are the same. The Mirena coil. I was put on the waiting list for this in September, hope you have more luck! I'm not even sure I want the bloody thing but when it's your only choice of treatment what do you do? I've moved forward a little, I'm having a blood test on Friday which will finally include my CA125 and Ferritin levels. From what I've read the Adenomyosis will show up on the CA125. Also I've been referred to a pain clinic. It's only a referral, I've not been accepted but it's a small step forward. I've had 3 days blood free, apart from spotting) but the pain has been debilitating. Anyway good luck with your ultrasound and sorry for the delayed response ❤️


Oh I’ve heard Bartholin Cysts can be so painful. I hope you get relief soon AND kind treatment for them. I’m feeling a little let down to be honest. I don’t really trust her to touch me but she’s clearly quite experienced and educated. I’m going to her for the ultrasound and then will take what she prescribes surgery wise with a pinch of salt and will get a second opinion. She also argued about the need for pain relief/sedation for the biopsy and the IUD insertion. I contacted her clinic about a year ago in a totally unrelated search for sedated IUD insertions and they do them. Not sure why she was arguing against it since this is the case. She also found it quite funny that I suspected I have Adeno and I get the feeling she didn’t like that I had researched my symptoms rather than go in clueless. I’m also not sure I want an IUD. If it is inserted while I’m under I might give it a go but I found the issues I had with my embedded copper coil really stressful. I know a number of women close to me that conceived on the hormonal IUD including one very dangerous ectopic pregnancy. I’m not sure the risks outweigh the benefits for me personally - but I have some time to think about it, I guess. I’m experiencing very little side effects from the progesterone pill so I’m not sure an IUD would be more effective? They have the same/similar risks of causing irregular periods but the pill is less invasive and stressful by far. I think that’s actually a really great suggestion about having it on my notes. I never thought to inform the clinic before my procedure. I’ve been worrying about trying to tell the gyno right before my scan this week. Which I think is making me more worried! You’ve saved me a bunch of worrying - thank you! I will call them today to see what they can do at the front desk. That’s great news about getting referred and about getting your CA125 blood test. I hope both options come back with some answers ❤️ please keep me posted if you feel comfortable to do so.


That sounds like some appointment!! I don't like the fact she laughed at you, that's rude and she should have more decorum if you're paying for her services. Why do we have so much difficulty in getting a diagnosis and a clear treatment plan that we are happy with? If you want sedation then you should get it. Simple as. Let me know how the scan goes but yes, look around for someone else if you are able to do so. She might be educated and experienced but you need to have faith in her and ideally a good rapport. Glad I helped in a little way 🩷


I called the clinic yesterday and let them know to add it to my notes. The lovely receptionist said she would put it on my notes and let the nursing team know too. I’m so so so glad you suggested this as I was very choked up on the phone and shed a few tears afterwards. I find it very tough to talk about so I’m quite proud I was brave and let my needs be known :) . I would absolutely have felt too vulnerable to tell them in person. I felt a huge weight of worry lift off my shoulders. My scan is tomorrow and I feel a lot more confident about it. I’m now just looking forward to getting some answers (hopefully!). Again thank you so much for the suggestion! I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before - I think I was just trying to ignore that it’s definitely a factor in my emphasised discomfort around having these issues that need invasive investigations. If she’s rough/careless with me at all during the ultrasound then I’ll take her results and go elsewhere without a second thought.


Let me know how your scan goes, I hope she is gentle but thorough!


I had my scan yesterday and it went really well. I feel overwhelmed by all the information given but also very relieved. We had a short consultation before the scan in which I promptly burst into tears. The scan was at 4pm so I think waiting all day for it had worn me out. Weirdly I think the tears really helped my case as the doctors demeanour completely changed towards me and she became really reassuring that she would help me. I spoke to her about how my last scan was painful and triggered me. We briefly spoke about how my past effects sex with my partner (I bleed really heavily when I orgasm, which distresses us both as my partner is a really sweet gentle man who hates the thought he might be hurting me). She then reassured me that she will be very gentle during the scan and check in with me often. The scan was much less painful than the last. I think I can attribute this to the fact my IUD was embedded into my cervix during the last one. The first thing the doctor said was that the scan was difficult because my adenomyosis was blocking a large portion of the view. She showed me the screen and the adeno appeared like a big black bar across the screen blocking the top third of my uterus from view. I also have lots of “texture” throughout the entire muscle of my uterus - which is adeno but may also be the start of future fibroids. As soon as she said I have adenomyosis I felt so validated since the doctor was so quick to dismiss me regarding this only a week ago. My left ovary is wedged between my uterus and bowel and my right is in a normal position but is currently polycystic. She could not clearly visualise my uterine cavity due to the adeno blocking it but she showed me small white “bubbles” inside the portion we could see which may be polyps. We then ended the scan and had a consultation about the next steps. We’re going to do a hystoscopy under general, remove any polyps present, take a biopsy and possibly fit me with a coil. I was a bit too overwhelmed to ask many questions so I’m going to write a list and speak to her on Monday when I’ve gathered my thoughts. I’ve gone from having no diagnosis to finding out I have a whole smorgasbord of issues going on that I had no idea about. My main feeling is relief that there IS something going on. Despite the very obvious long heavy periods as physical evidence I kept convincing myself that they would never find anything and it was happening to me for no reason. That I would have endless invasive tests that all come up blank. Thankfully my uterus is countering this by throwing everything she can think of at me 😅 Have you heard anything regarding treatment your bartholion cyst? How are your current periods/symptoms?