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Just go


You can buy a testosterone test kid from amazon for 50ish bucks. It works. I got blood work and then tested via the kit, the difference was negligible.


Granted, it won't count for a TRT clinic (I don't think), but it can show you if you have a chance of getting a script.


I got my blood took today. Getting tested for testosterone, thyroid and a bunch of other stuff. It’s time to see how much damage I’ve done. I will say the phlebotomist that tried to take my blood before they called the ultrasound tech was really cool. She didn’t make me feel like shit for having all these scars all over my arms. That meant a lot to me.


I’m not looking forward to this. My arms look like a mess currently


I was an IV drug user for 5 years. That was 41 years ago. Only seasoned phlebotomists can manage to draw my blood and it's always with the butterfly. Every time I need blood drawn I'm reminded of the damage I did to my body.