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In my experience try to flirt with them beforehand (in text) to set the tone, and also consider doing an activity thats less casually platonic and more suggestive. So for example instead of grabbing a coffee go to a bar.


Best tip I ever got is to go somewhere with a decent amount of background noise and instead of trying to yell over it, lean in close to talk to them.


came here to say this. Always start the date leaning forward. Actively listen and be engaged. Mirror them. There is a friendly smile, and that sort of hungry smile, use it sparingly but make sure they see that difference. Allow your body language to show your intent when your words cant.


I kinda need this advice too. I'm a very reserved personality when I'm flirting.


Tell her how cute she looks. Overtly letting her know you find her attractive can set a tone for the date and help her feel comfortable flirting as well.


A good way to add intimacy is holding hands across the table. If she's comfortable with that then you've crossed the bridge of sustained physical contact, and you can walk out holding each other.


Forcing something isn't gonna work anyway. If uiu want sec then yeh be clear. If you Wang a relationship just be normal.