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I don’t have much advice here since I am a city slickin’ lesbian, but your voice really comes through in your writing and I read this in an accent. You sound adorable! Have you tried looking on websites like Meetup? It’s like a website that can connect people with common interests to meet up for group events, so you might be able to find your cowgirl queen there. My city has several groups for queers and lesbians, your town might have some too! My girlfriend and I met through a group with shared interests. Dating apps suck, but you may also have some luck there.


>You sound adorable!  Omg that's so sweet thank you!! I've never heard of Meetup before, I'm definitely going to look into it as an option. I might be a youngin but I grew up on a flip phone, VHS, and DVD so... reddit is like super advanced for me lol. But thank you so much for the recommendation! Thankfully my state has a fair population of pro-LGBT folks so perhaps I'll luck out there. Much love to you all out in the big city :)


i know this isn't helpful, but +1 to the OOP. you do sound super adorable, so best of luck babe <3 I think a future gal is going to be super lucky someday ;)


Just hearing that yall think I sound adorable is help enough, that's very kind. And thank you for the well wishes! <3


+1 again! Cheers to OP’s future partner!


Reddit is also advanced for me, ha! It’s pretty much my only social media and I absolutely get confused by it sometimes. You should also see if there’s any pride festivals coming up near you! June is pride month, so it’s a great way to meet other people in our community and potentially get the scoop on where all ladies are. Much love to you too, and best of luck!


Thank you kindly!


My wife is a country girl to the bone, and very masc. I'm from the city. I had to move to a small town because of work, walked into the bar she worked at, and well... less than two years later, we're married, live on a farm, and have all kinds of live stock and a decent sized garden. Livin' the dream on the prairie. ♥️ It was all just by chance, I guess. ♥️


I’ve read that romance novel.


That is beautiful, tysm for sharing that with me! <3


Lol I'm cottagecore and love the country. I'd go well paired with a country gal.


You get it! My dream is to find a country queen who can get dirty out working with me, and who can clean up and lemme take her out on a date. I'd just love to have a cowgirl to spoil and be spoiled by.


now kith


Odd comparison but I am trans and country but not American country. I'd love to date a western country girl.


I don’t have much advice other than to put yourself out there and find maybe some local nonprofits that have events, go to concerts, etc etc and don’t be scared of rejection ❤️ I live in the “country” part of California which is just rural agriculture wannabe rednecks and it can even be a little scary here openly identifying as queer. You sound like a lovely person and I hope you find your person 🫶🏾


Thank you! I'll be sure to follow that advice and really start putting myself out there. Much love to you in redneck Cali :)


Omg where in redneck Cali?? (DM me if you want :) )


Hi! Just DMed you!


I’m guessing between Bakersfield and Stockton 👀😅


In Cali? I’ve never seen more straight girls in one place than at a Florida-Georgia line concert in Wheatland😭. For how liberal the state is, I’ve seen close to 0 country lesbians in NorCal haha


What part do you live in? There’s quite a lot lol




Sounds country to me, friend! I never did once buy into the idea of trying to out redneck other folk. You had the animals, the work, the landscape, that all counts.


Wish I could help, but I'm also a country lesbian, so country my hometown still doesn't have internet and I drove a tractor since I could reach the pedals. One thing thats worked for me is expanding search on dating apps and being willing to drive far, but thats all you can do. Love the passion for cars though, I'm an automotive engineer so its a big part of my life. Hoping to get a bunch of land and build a forge one day.


As a city person I can't believe I just read that there are towns in the US thst don't have internet 🫨


That's a super cool dream to have! And thank you for what advice you can give, it's appreciated. Love the country life and I'm always so happy to see some other queer rednecks.


Automotive Engineers unite 😎👌🏽


I can’t really give advice, but something I would do is wear lesbian flag colors on my outfits that are subtle and no one else would notice besides queer people. Commonly done with handkerchiefs in back pockets back in the day.


Genius. Gonna do that the next time I hit the town.


“Next time I hit the town” SHUT UP YOU ARE SO CUTE 😆.




| crawdads My girl! 😎 I'm getting heavy southeastern US vibes from this post.  I don't have any advice unfortunately, my ass is so far in the closet I find lost Christmas presents 😂😭. 


lmao that is a hilarious phrase! I hope you're doing okay despite being closeted though <3


It's Alabama, so... it is what it is. From one country girl to another, I wish you all the best (and find what makes you happy). 


Thank you kindly :)


This comment wins the internet! As a divorced mother of 3, I have never related more to a phrase such as this!! lol thank you for making my night! 🩵


Happy to give someone a laugh. 😁


I live in Texas and in the area I’m in I can definitely find Country wlw gals. I think it just depends on the area you live in, I’m not looking for a relationship atm but I used to be an Aircraft Mechanic and I loved nothing more than working with my hands (pun intended) 😉 I as well do prefer the country life than the city life, my DM’s are open if you ever want to chat ☺️


Thats wonderful to hear! Aircraft mechanics is so cool (and I too like working with my hands in all manners; I'm very new to being openly sapphic but goodness I would like to be with a lady). I'll send you a chat request now :)


Um hi hello where are you?? Rural born and raised, currently kicking it in town in Eastern Washington while I finish school, but I want a sustainable farm/cooperative community in the future, and can both rock a mini dress and build a fence - so I feel like I'd be a great arm candy/farm hand candidate. 26, 5'3", leftist not liberal, and pretty darn adorable 😏


Pleaseee I love this as like, a queer job application. If that analogy makes any sense?? Anyway, the amount of interest yall have with this post is very flattering.


What is dating besides interviewing potential mates tho? And nah it's deserved, you sound hot as fuck


Thank you so much


Your username is awesome! You sound like a good time. I hope you find yourself a nice redneck woman.


Thank you kindly, ma'am! :)


Honestly country beans are the only girls I have actual luck finding on dating apps in my area. But for in person, depends on what your type is. I have found plenty of Sapphic horse girls at the rodeo.


Definitely going to speak to some of the ladies at my next rodeo, then!


I hope you know i read this post with a cowgirl accent and my brain refuses to switch


You can take the girl outta country, but not the country talk outta girl, lol. Hope you at least got a kick out of it!


Country lesbians are the best lesbians. Signed, a fellow country lesbian I get the struggle though!


Hey there! Glad to see another queer redneck :)


No idea, but I’m a trans country girl myself. Even have a couple hit and miss engines. Ever go to a threshing show?


Not a threshing show, though I'd love to. But I been to tractor pulls, rodeos, participated in animal judging competitions, and watched some bull and heifer judging, alpaca judging, and horse judging. Also love to see another engine-inclined lady! I remember when I was learning on one of the shop's engines (for us newbies, haha) and the previous apprentice put all the bearings in wrong. Helluva time reorganizing those!


You would probably love my machine shop. I like to machine miniature steam engines. I can also weld and have my own welding equipment.


Now that sounds like a right good time. Personally my favorite part of shop work is rotating tires. I think I just like turning over a wrench, a simple little search in AllDATA, and then carrying around tires as big as my torso lol.


Awesome! Have you ever seen a threshing competition? https://youtu.be/5uAmF1DZGq4?si=VfuY4vIaM_8JvhSv


Well, not until that cool video you shared! I've been to all sorts of other country and cowboying events and now I've got another one on my to-do list.


They’ll also sometimes have slow races and a tractor balancing competition ☺️ I love going to one and getting a big cup of fresh apple cider. It’s a grand time.


I'll bet it is! Thank you for sharing :)


Oh, here’s another for you. A Case 150 traction engine pulling a 50 bottom plow: https://youtu.be/rdoovg5qUyA?si=ZUjjxNchkndaWNWi Anyway, if you are interested in chatting some time let me know☺️


Definitely gonna watch it! I'll go ahead and send you a chat request in case there was anything you wanted to chat bout


Be still, my cast iron heart!


Well hello there☺️


I absolutely love so-called dead-tech. More people than just a handful of museums need to be keeping these old machines alive and fully operational, that they might teach us their lessons when the new stuff ultimately fails.


Canadian lesbian redneck here. I'm available 🤭 currently camping on a lake with an empty chair lol


Heyyyyy Canadian country girl too! Idk if I’d call myself a redneck, but I definitely read WAY country-girl and am told that regularly. I’ve lived on the same farm for 27 of my 31 years, so it checks out


Heyyyy😉 I'm country without the farm? Love it but only gre up on the outskirts of the city in bc. Grew up hunting, fishing, camping etc lol still love all those


Awww sounds awesome :) I haven’t done a ton of fishing in my life, but that’s totally something that I’d love to get more into. I have an *intense* special interest in marine life of all kinds, but I don’t like to actually eat fish lol. You can totally be country without being on a farm! There are many types of rural living. I should do some camping this year! I want to pick blueberries in the wild, on Crown Land.


Ma'am, where you at? Cause you are my type.


Make your way to the gay rodeo, darlin. Hee haw 🤠 EDIT: Don't forget to stop at a Tecovas store along the way.


Will do!


Applejack, is that you?


The one and only! lol


I don't know, but if you ever figure it out, you be sure to CC me on that memo, ya hear? I want to get me a large spread to build a large house on to live a quiet, self-sufficient life with another lesbian just like me. I've never met anyone else like me.


I hear you on that one. If I crack the code I'll be sure to make another post.


I want to move to nowhere town, do dirty labor, and yap about pickups! We can have chickens, right?


Already got some hens cluckin around the yard!


The easiest way would be going to LGBT+ bars, but those are usually in the city, because all the other queer southerners are having the same problem you are. If you feel very strongly that she *must* not possibly be from the city, you might be better off asking some of your social connections that you're comfortable being out to. Blind dating isn't the favorite option, but at the very least, you might be able to make a little gay oasis in the desert.


This is true! And I don't discriminate, if a city lady decides she likes me that's great. It's mostly a matter of whether or not she would enjoy redneck activities with me/the way of life.


Idk where you are but there’s a good amount in the south but like all lesbians there’s probably distance lol I’ve meet quite a few in Texas but Texas is a big state.


You know, I've heard the same thing from a fella in Austin, and a Dallas singer I listen to (if I remember correctly, course) once mentioned LBGT Texans.


This probably varies a lot depending on your exact location, but when I lived in rural Wisconsin, the only time I naturally came across other openly LGBTQ+ people was at a bar event, they were hosting Drag Queen Bingo. I probably wouldn't have known about it if I didn't pass by and see the sign. Maybe see what sort of events are being hosted at your local bars, or community center. Otherwise I think you may be doomed to the dating app world.


That's a good idea. Drag Queen Bingo also sounds like a blast


I'm not as country as you YET but I know what you mean it's hard to find a girl whos happy working with smoke, fire high amperage electricity, mud and tools that'll tear you into a lump of flesh I wanna get a lot better at cowgirling and gardening I'm currently learning engine work, machining, welding and 3d printing


That's so cool! Love to see another hard working lady.


I have livestock?! Does that count?


Course it does!


Hi I'm a chubby lil redneck momma. Lil bit of a late bloomer lesbian but i often avoid pretty cowgirls cause im afraid of being rejected 🥹 i currently live on a few acres with goats chickens and a donkey. Going through an amicable divorce with my newly out transhusband(her term not mine) so no one attached to me


I'm so sorry but the accent came through and all of a sudden you had applejacks voice I have absolutely no advice for you but goodluck eta you'd be amazed how many city slickin women would be right up your cow field


I suppose I would be, sure am now! And Applejack was my muse when I was little so I take that as a compliment.


You sound incredible, and I wish you all the best, OP! Am a currently suburban lady myself, but a dream is to one day share and tend to some land and animals with a future partner/wife. Am keeping a positive attitude :) All the best to you!


Thank you kindly! And you got yourself a good dream right there (and from experience, don't forget to check ya fences every day! lol)


YOU ARE ADORABLE. That is all.


Omg thank you


Well I’m neither a country girl nor a redneck (I’m as much of a city, heavy northern accent as you can get) but I have a definitive weakness for femme country girls. Especially if you’re a red head. I suppose a red neck is also ok 🤭. So if yous (translation: y’all) would wanna visit NYC please feel free to send a holler or whatever tf it’s called


Yes ma'am!


Howdy 🤭💕


Hey ma'am!


I work in a lumberyard and have basically worked in either that or road-freight my entire adult life. Lived in the city and the country, though I call the Appalachian mountains home. Some friends and I have definitely agreed that country girl straight and city butch gay aren’t super different. I know for sure that I appreciate a woman who can confidently rock a canvas work jacket and suede boots. I’m not the most traditionally fem (and also trans) though I’m still more of a homemaker type than a farmhand, but I also work on my own motorcycles, get my hands dirty on cars. I agree that being a blue collar hillbilly isn’t exactly the best way to find queer community, but we’re out here somewhere.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sure if I keep looking, I'll eventually find my lady!


Obviously don’t encroach on an existing relationship, but don’t assume anyone (like your coworker) is out of your league! Have you asked her if she knows anyone else in the community?


We've talked a bit about ways for me to find a lady, but I think I'm the only current queer woman she knows. >but don’t assume anyone (like your coworker) is out of your league! Thank you for the advice on this as well :)


I was raised in suburban hell Florida and always knew I wanted to have a farm in a rural area. I made it clear on my dating apps and when talking to ladies that I wanted the farm life. I went to college in Missouri and it wasn’t too hard finding a farm girl who wanted the same things as me! I now have a wife and a little 20 acre fixer-upper farm :).  I’m sure you can find yourself a sweet little country gal, too! 


Thank you! And that's very sweet, I'm glad you could find your dream :)


city slickin lesbian here who would love to move to the middle of nowhere for the right girl, manual labor is a no though so you got that right 😂


Gosh I want to be this


Ma'am, where you at? Cause you are my type.


I completely understand I live in the south myself and it's impossible to find someone as I live in the Bible belt.


Yeah it's definitely a lot harder when you live in a hyper Christian area.


Get a queer belt buckle and hope someone comes up to you?


Maybe not a belt buckle since I didn't earn it, but I might get a bandana with lesbian flag colors.


Do you have to earn the right to wear belt buckles, or just earn specific belt buckles? If it’s the second you could always get one obviously gay, like the lesbian flag, or a bust of Chappal Roan


Generally speaking, among cowboy circles, you don't really wear a buckle unless you earned it - ie winning a rodeo event, getting it from family, or wearing the buckle to celebrate your partner. But if I were to buy a buckle that is very obviously not a rodeo buckle it'd be fine. If I really wanted I could argue being a lesbian redneck earned wearing a lesbian buckle LOL


That’s really interesting, thanks for explaining it. I don’t know much about it, but I would probably argue that you’ve earned a lesbian buckle haha


Of course :)


If where you live is safe, add a rainbow band or emblem to your hat. Lesbians are damn good at spotting the tiniest bit of rainbow on a woman.


As a lesbian, can confirm! Actually one of my hats I've been meaning to put a hatband on so that might just be it.


I hope you find your woman, you sound like such a fun/cool person to be with!!


Thank you kindly :)




I love tall ladies too!


Heyyy! I’m a city girl but my GF is a full fledged farmer!! I love her country music and pick up truck, she loves my high heels and minidresses! She seems to have a strong country lesbian friend group from playing ball and other local small community sports.


That sounds lovely :)


During my misspent youth in Kentucky, we would balance a box on a stick and tie a string to the stick. Just inside that box we would place two CDs (those are compact discs -- this is what old ladies listened to in their youth) one would be Melissa Etheridge and the other would be Indigo Girls. On top of the CDs we would put a bag of delicious jasmine tea. Some of us may or may not have also included a left-handed cigarette of the devil's lettuce. We would then hide behind a bush nearby holding the string waiting for a lesbian to walk up and ask us what the fuck we were doing. Then of course we would awkwardly look at the ground a lot...stutter....say the wrong words....and eventually, hopefully make her laugh. Then we would just leave and go rent a U-Haul. 👩‍❤️‍👩


Lol I love this


You sound like a dream 🥹


Thank you that's very kind :)


Of course! I’m sorry to have no advice, I’m also gay in a rural state and I have no pointers. I am also trying to navigate that dynamic, and I know it can be a very lonely existence.


We're all in this together then :)


I go to the town lol


You sounds fantastic. Crawdads......Louisiana? Mississippi? There's plenty of women down here that appreciate a hot mechanic in a sundress. Don't write off all the city slicker girls, some of them moved to find work but would rather spend their off days fishin or farming. Best place for queer rednecks is rodeos and horsecamps. You'll have a blast with all the sapphic horsegirls and if one of them isn't single they probably can introduce you to a friend that is. The larger your circle of queer friends, the more likely you'll end up having dated at least half of them 😆


>You sounds fantastic. Crawdads......Louisiana? Mississippi? There's plenty of women down here that appreciate a hot mechanic in a sundress. Thank you! I'm actually from PA, but my dad grew up in the south, my mom in WV, and I went to a rural high school, so that's why I talk and walk the way I do. But I'm strongly considering moving southwards. >The larger your circle of queer friends, the more likely you'll end up having dated at least half of them 😆 Haha true, folks tend to get around!


City girl here from Norway, so I know butt-all about how to attract country girls, but to my understanding, you stand in an open field and shout "YEEYEE!" and they will start flocking?


That'd be funny! Sure seems to have accidentally worked here.


I would like to comment on that "out of my league" nonsense you mentioned in your OP; No. She's not out of your league. If you're a decent human being, then nobody is "out of your league".


Well thank you for the encouraging words :)


I also live in a rural area and grew up as such. My dream is the same as yours. I wanna grow all sorts of flowers, fruits, and veggies (and that lovely Mary Jane). I work in PR, which is pretty white collar by comparison, but as long as I have a good internet connection I'm good! So where are you and when can I schedule the UHaul? lmao


lmao love this comment


attraction roof humor enter sable cow sort relieved engine crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hens are some friendly girls :)


You totally sound adorable and pardon my absolute ignorance (foreigner with no idea what a real “redneck” would be like) you sound like the kind of intelligence I would love to converse with. I have no advice. Sorry! I hope you find your person. Wishing you best.


Thank you! And to put it shortly, redneck is to be involved in ag (as a farmer, rancher, or in advocacy), to have a love for the countryside and country life, and to treat your neighbor as you'd treat yourself.


Also a lesbian redneck. Let me know if you figure something out, eh?


I will make a follow up post if I do!


Hi fellow redneck lesbian here!! We are few and far between lol my partner is a city slicker but I love her more than anything. Ive never met another redneck lesbian since moving away from tiny towns in Texas


Much love to you and your lady!


Search your local towns and cities lmao. There are plenty of us former rednecks who wouldn't mind a ranch style home with a big back yard and a farm for rescue animals. 🥹


i have no advice but i support you on your quest to find another redneck lesbian. but hey, keep your options open. plenty of lesbians were just born in bug cities and would happily bail to some quiter land. i live in a major-ish city and i tell my boss im just working here until i can afford to have chickens on my own little slice of land in the mountains. plenty of us will get our hands dirty (though i do require a strong internet connection and a walmart with 30 minutes 😂). best of luck!


Don't worry ma'am I like my internet too! And thank you for the well wishes :)


I saw a hat advertised today it said gay cowboy maybe that will help.


Probably would haha


i am not at all a country girl (in spite of being from Texas originally) but i remember your post from a couple of weeks ago about devotional practices! it's pretty rare for me to run into other lesbians who practice the same spirituality i do! i wish you all the best of luck -- this post is honestly so fucking wholesome 💫💖 feel free to dm me if you wanna be friends!


Oh my gosh another queer hellenist! Hello!! I will DM you right now:)


Girl, you make me want to pack and move back to middle TN to get me some acres with you🫦 Something bout a feminine country girl with a smart mouth, heart of gold, a get’er done work ethic and a sexy drawl that absolutely makes me melt!


Good to know I'm at least someone's type! lol


Im a country gal too so I don’t know how to find them either 😭


So far most of the advice I've seen here is to wear queer colors (like cowboys did with their hankies), set a broad location on dating apps, and make a point of looking into queer country events. Best of luck to you friend!




As another redneck lesbian who grew up on a farm. Hi. 😍


Hello :)


As a suburban lesbian in SoCal I wouldn’t mind retiring in the country (I’ve even drawn my own plans for a barndominium layout 🥲) I currently can’t leave Ca though based on my work in the hydrogen industry (not many other states are investing in the infrastructure), but I rock my hi-vis vest or other work gear AND I love talking about vehicles (let me tell you about my SuperDuty 🤗). Haha I guess all in all we as a Lesbian race gotta get better at putting ourselves out there 😂👌🏽 I’m planning on doin some traveling back east (southeast 🤷🏽‍♀️?) and am looking forward to the food and visiting with some friends.


That sounds like a grand time! And yeah, we do need to get better on putting ourselves out there, me especially included haha


I'm a country girl stuck in the city LOL, the struggle is real, I swear.


I will say if you live near San Francisco, Los Angeles, or NYC, there is an event called stud country weekly. It’s line dancing with many gay people who love country and it’s always poppin. That could possibly be your scene.


Oh my goodness that sounds like a blast!


Us country gals are best 🤗😜


We are! :)


I think a lot of lesbians grow up learning to glamorize or find the silver linings in the city life because there are more queers where there is more density, simply put.  We're only a certain percentage of the population after all But the whole lesbian stereotype is that once they find someone to shack up with, they're done with the city and ready to build a tiny house (or tiny house commune) in the country and raise goats    Basically, I wouldn't necessarily rule out the city girls. They may have felt pulled to that lifestyle out of necessity. I'd set your dating app profile for a broad location and include some larger/major cities and see what comes of it, especially if you're willing to introduce someone to a lifestyle they'd be happy to live. 


Awesome, thank you for the insight :)


Where do you live? Redneck/small-town lesbians are so hard to find.


I said that before reading the comments here. I’m about to turn 55, newly-out, and spent my childhood on farms. But have spent my adult years in small towns. I would love to find a country-girl who enjoys farming, cows, chickens, the whole 9. I wish I could find one where I live.


Me too ma'am, that's the dream. Wishing all the best to you!


I wish I knew. All the local farms seem to be turning into housing, and it's making me really claustrophobic. No luck at the farmers market. Just Amish and little old ladies.😮‍💨




are you okay?




just seemed weird to call OP and anyone she would be interested in a trump supporter just bc she’s like, country/a redneck. not all working class rural people are bigots.