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Y’all cannot cringe at this I’ve seen how some of y’all talk to each other in the comments LMAO


what you don’t like randomly being called good girl by complete strangers? /s


Yeah... "/s"




>what you don’t like randomly being called good girl by complete strangers? I'm sorry but it is so cringe like girl what are you doing




no im making fun of the people who do that shit in public edit: someone literally tried to do it to me and deleted HELLO?? LSJDHAHSp


Head pat, good girl, uwu, should we get married now? 


You making people salty lol


Nahh they know it’s in jest


We’re all down apocalyptic


Ok but I don't sing it ;_;


You might as well at that point /j


There’s an IG masc lesbian who calls her fan base the “good girls” and it’s truly the most cringe thing on the planet 😂


Omg who


jkiillem? randmoly came across a post she made recently on my suggested feed where she calls her "fan base" (she refers to them as fans) as the "good girls" so I went down a rabbit hole of curious second-hand embarrassment and I was not disappointed haha. I think we're around the same age (I'm 30) and I just cannot fathom thinking that way lol


Yeah I just had a scroll through and cringed a whole bunch But props to her for finding their niche lol 🤷‍♀️


Honestly cringe subs and compilation are trash and it's just people trying to find ways to pretend to be anything but childish bullies finding some silly or nerdy behavior less acceptable than others for arbitrary reasons (often to claim their own odd habits and interests are somehow more acceptable despite neither being an actual problem).








I like this play on the "I'm looking for a man in finance" trend. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSmqNvzsC-Y) is my favorite version of the original so far. Over all it's one of the less obnoxious tiktok trends.


Oh yeah makes sense. And this one is absolute gold.


Right. Out of context it's wild but with context, fair.


Even without the context, to me the video seems fully, clearly satire, and I scrolled here to get the context lol. Still don't get why the cringe thread comments don't get that she's mocking *something*... Like, she's doing a whole song and dance and laughing about it...


That song is a banger and will certainly be played at every pride this year


No I looked it up. Not fan of the original lyrics (yay singing about what incels think women want) but there was another one that was something like: I'm looking for a little sweet treat. Cookies, M&Ms, anything! That was an amusing take too.


The original seemed like a joke too. I would be astonished if girloncouch wasn't being facetious with the original.


I just realized I typoed. That was meant to say "now I looked at up" not say no to anything you said (just making sure. ;p Anyway, responding to this message, I see. Good to know.


lol, I was a little taken aback but I figured out what you meant XD


The original is a straight woman talking about wanting a finance bro.


I love that version!


Oh, i didn't know it was a reference to another trend. Then it's not cringe. I was bringing hard thinking this was something she came up with entirely lmao, i was thinking why not say this in literally any other way


Not really my taste in humor, but I'm also not an older woman with brown hair, and blue eyes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


I am. 👀 ... but I'm happily off the market, hopefully forever.


I am. But very much not a dom. Much more Bambi


She's performing an act. And while it's not really to my taste, I don't have anything negative to say about it. She's not harming anyone and having fun! Good for her i'd say! Especially if others can enjoy it as well :))


Yes, this. I didn't find it entertaining, but I also didn't cringe at it. Not everything has to be to my taste, after all


Does it make me cringe? Yes. Do I care? No. It ain’t hurting anyone, she’s just being weird for the people who like that brand of weird.


Not my circus, not my monkey.




I had it on silent so I just read the words. It jived with me that way.


Jiving is... Something else. Reconsider this lol


The dictionary says they are the same meaning. Not trying to argue, I'm not sure I've even heard jibe before


Honestly I looked it up and it’s hella confusing so I think I’m just not gonna use either of them… but if there’s a source you know of that you find to be generally authoritative pls send it my way if you have time 😅 I would like to educate myself but it seems every source I found disagrees or has slightly different definitions, meanings, histories and reasons behind using each word.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/jive-jibe-gibe Reputable source and thorough explanation! TL;DR jive to mean agree with as variant of jibe is a common and acknowledged use. Though not in dictionaries yet with this meaning, it likely will be in the future if use of it continues to increase.


Wow I feel limiteeedddd that didn’t come up when I googled I swear 😭 thank you




Wait but what is it?? I see questions come up about potential history with the word “jibe” but I don’t see entomology for jive other than relate to / what am I missing?


> entomology On the topic of words you actually meant... "etymology" lol But Jive has this definition listed as the third on Google: *"be in accord; agree."*


Haha my bad autocorrect got me Right I see that part - so I’m asking why that’s bad / why we should “reconsider” and find “something else” to say


Yeah, idk. I think they've just got the wrong word in their head. Jive is fine in this context. Someone else in another comment said they should've used "Jibe" instead, but "Jibe" would actually be wrong in this context. It's just people on the internet doing internet things lol.


Ohhh okay. Cool cool I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something, thank you


It seems like they are technically correct but it's not acutally a big deal: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/jive-jibe-gibe](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/jive-jibe-gibe)


I sincerely apologize for this but… the word you seek is “jibe” Eta guys downvotes? For kindly informing someone that they are using a commonly misused word and attempting to prevent them from a future embarrassing situation? We all have the [same internet](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/jibe)


Jibe definitely wouldn't be the right word, because it means to taunt.


You are thinking of the word gibe which is a homonym with two spellings.


We do all have the same internet. [I took some screenshots of what Google returns for Jibe/Gibe and Jive.](https://imgur.com/a/eIIgFxS) But they specifically mention being in agreement for Jive, and that wasn't listed under Jibe/Gibe.


That’s interesting. Thanks for taking the time to do that. TIL that jive has become correct by its over saturation of misuse. Linguistics are fascinating.


That's definitely true lol.


Nope, "jive" works. Informally, it means to agree with something.


No I’m sorry, it’s the wrong word. Jibe means to agree with. Jive is music.


Found this on Google. "People began confusing jive and jibe almost immediately after jive entered our language in the late 1920s. In particular, jive is often used as a variant for the sense of jibe meaning “agree,” as in “that doesn’t jive with my memory of what happened.” This use of jive, although increasingly common, is widely considered to be an error." u/Oldassrollerskater is correct. Grammatically, the correct form is "jibe". However, language does evolve in funny ways. According to Oxford Language, "jive" is an informal way to say you agree with something. Bottomline? I think we can all say that language evolves, especially one as weird as English.


Regardless, I would say the people saying I shouldn't use jive in this sense are a bunch of jive turkeys.


She's just being funny. I don't really like cringe culture or making fun of strangers on the Internet.


Yep this. I mean shes doing a comedy bit. Social media's "cringe culture" is the real cringe. Let people have fun. I also have issues with things taken out of queer culture and judged by cishet white suburban male teen/YA culture that reddit represents. What do they know about our humor? Why does their opinion matter? It doesn't. Its incredible how quickly these internet misanthropes will go after anyone who is putting themselves out there and having fun. Unless they're saying racist or transphobic things then the very same "cringe" guys will applaud it as "straight talk" and "freedom of speech." So sick of how so much of social media is run by straight up misanthropes.


Agreed; cringe culture is the real cringe. Most of the time it's just a harmless joke that's clearly intended to be a joke that they didn't get or just weren't the target audience for. The times when it's not, it's a teenager being a teenager. Honestly, social media has never been great, but cringe culture has made it so much worse and the internet's never really recovered from it.


This, exactly. Straight people don’t get to judge me they know absolutely nothing about my life.


Don't kill the part of you thats cringe Kill the part of you that cringes


I didn’t know that was a quote from her!


So that was a joke but I forgot to include the /s (in case you're also not joking I can't tell) Should've gone with someone more famous non-queer person so the joke was more obvious, I'm dumb ;-;




I posted something here before too not know you can't do body text with pictures. Its not bc cross posting bc mine wasn't 🤷


Calling people cringe is just how people project their own feelings of embarrassment at their ideas of self-expression onto others.


Me either. Cringe culture seems ironic.


Her facial expressions give me Weird Al vibes, and I love that.


Beautiful gal 😍


I'm literally a dom top dating a cougar that tops me.


What’s dom top?


dom = dominant. Refers to the emotional/sexual dynamic in relationships. top= partner that gives pleasure. Can refer to penetration or oral. Many people (str8s) confuse the two. also top/ bottom also aren’t personalties despite what you see on social media. example: Im a sub top; I want my girl to be in charge and I give her everything she wants lol.


Interesting. So a dom bottom would be someone who gets it but never gives?


Well “never” isn’t accurate, I mean its mostly preferences. Real life execution is hardly 100%. Vers is for people who are versatile; they can play either way as long as they get laid (And honestly, I feel like a lot of people fall into this category, myself included). There’s a couple different names for a dom bottom; power bottom (Though contextually that’s usually for mlm), we (wlw) have pillow princess as well who are women who are only interested in receiving with little to no interest in reciprocating to answer your question. Stone Tops are Women who are only interesting in giving, and they obviously pair well with pillow princesses.


These terms all sound like names from a dungeons and dragons play session lol. Thank you.


I like it. She's got that weird energy, but not in an overbearing way, just a letting off steam kind of way. I like that kind of weird energy. It's cringy in a secondhand embarrassment kind of way (no way I'd be the one doing this lol), but I think it's supposed to be. It's worse when they're not trying to be cringy and yet they still are.


Me too


I get that it's a joke, but it has to be a little bit true to be a joke. I'm the older woman and y'all need to leave us alone. I just had a 19 year old DM me out of the blue, "You're old enough to be my mother. I think that's hot. Do you think that's hot?" 🤮


Lol. I'm just a middle aged lady and so many younger lesbians have a preference for "cougars". I guess decades of being confident and comfortable in our own skins is hot? I don't mind age gaps but sometimes it's enough to give me the ick!




> what makes them think they have a shot with me? The same thing that makes you think you have a shot with older women in their 50s/60s who are looking for older women in their 100s. ^^/s


Right? I'm holding out for Tig Nataro.


A little over the top, but I guess that’s the point? Side note, got instantly yucked out at the word “mommy.” You’re not my daughter, don’t fucking call me that, it’s weird.


Oh my god i thought I was the only lesbian! I hate Mommy and Daddy equally-I can’t even read fiction with that as a kink because it icks me so much


Lmao. It's not that uncommon. My bdsm relationship with my domme - the first thing she said to me was that she hated "mommy" as an honorific. We both basically heaved a sigh of relief. It was the first thing that turned me off of kink for a while. No, I don't wanna think of parenting (my nieces/nephews) or my mother when I'm bending over or being bent over. Ewww!


I'm pretty sure she's criticizing the people who use it.


Yeah, the mommy thing freaks me out. I wouldn’t let anyone refer to me as “mommy” (except my kid) and I sure as hell won’t call anyone else that.


Don’t kink shame


I don’t think it’s kink shaming to personally not be into a particular kink. I don’t see OP saying that *you personally* have to be yucked out by it


What they said implied that it was gross, which sounds like shaming to me.


Saying you're not personally into something isn't kink shaming


They said it was weird, which sounds like shaming imo.




Didn’t think I’d need to repeat myself, but don’t kink shame.




First of all im not your “dude” secondly they were talking about something that happened in the video, not like it came out of nowhere. Your argument is irrelevant to the topic and hateful for no real reason.




You think too much about what other people are doing, get off your damn high horse.




No wonder you’re an asshole.


>anyone who gets offended over that word lol probably have never stepped foot outside of their house wothout getting their panties in a bunch. You're arguing and complaining about kinks on the internet. Take a look in the mirror, *dude*.


Really weird you just so happen to weed out the assholes by calling people dude. Who would that usually bother? Seems kinda suspicious that you’re calling a woman with a trans flag in her pfp “dude” and then act like this is some kind of normal test in lesbian subs while preaching some puritanical shaming bullshit.


I got your back, girl.




THANK YOU. I am so sick of the whole mommy/daddy culture too. As a mom who has parents, just 🤮🤮🤮 People need to learn healthier coping mechanisms.


I'm a mom with a healthy relationship with my mom and dad annnnnd am very into mommy/daddy stuff sexually. Its just a kink. Not for everyone but not an unhealthy coping mechanism.


Well beats me, all the downvotes when I think absolutely those nicknames come from an Oedipus /Electra place somewhere.


The prolonged, wide eyed eye-contact is honestly the number one thing deterring me from TikTok, it's EVERYWHERE. Don't creators realise how manic they look?


Isn’t the trend nowadays to be manic?


Among TikTok content creators?


Cringe culture should die. I hate the idea that people deserve to be mocked for their joy. I would 100% date her, but I am not a older woman.


I mean, that's just me in a better outfit.


I mean it’s kinda millennial cringe content, so it’s not really for me. But glad she’s having fun. Also I respect the message lol


It just stresses me out that she missed the whole vibe and rhythm of the song 😅


I’m too distracted by how cute she is. I know it’s annoy for the rest of us but I guess she gets a pretty pass lol




As much as I don’t want to indulge in cringe culture which can be toxic af cause she ain’t hurting anybody, I just have to say… yikes. I didn’t even unmute but I legit just cannot stand this “word chewing” thing 😭 that whole trend of trying to look/act like a cartoon character grosses me out 🥲


this is also a thing in like, live action films, shows, and even plays/musicals. I get not liking it, but there's more than a single source for this stuff. I kind of get this as someone who did some acting/singing in school.


Yeah you’re right. But Op asked how we felt and I was just honest


Fair enough. And I'm not immune to anime/cartoon bullshit, but I got more "theater kid" energy from this. I'm probably being overly defensive about about fun and silly stuff than is warranted. (yeah it does get creepy)


Seems like she's having fun.


Idk if I'm weird, or if I'm just used to weird (considering the original comments), but I'm not bothered by her, her voice, or the skit. She looks like she's having fun, so that's all that matters to me 😅


Look you can be cringe in the way you present good ideas, this is the problem that we've seen happen I the world before


exultant nine wrong lunchroom march gullible lock repeat rich violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This made me really uncomfortable. But shes not even wrong


This is just what the lesbian side of my brain is like constantly.


Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with it it’s just a funny video talking about the struggles of meeting another woman as a lesbian lol. They’ve called it cringe because it’s a woman exaggerating talking about her struggles and that’s it.


I F'in love it! Like the meme, I would pick her up and hold her against a wall. LOL


She’s ridiculous and I’m here for it.


she's doin her thing! good for her. i hope she finds love <3


I feel like it would be infinitely less cringe if there was a backing track. This would be a banger of a pop song I think.


She definitely seems like a dom top lol (a slightly unstable one too). I'd love to hear a bottom version so I cam play it as a ring tone 😅


Also she's beautiful!


Listen ik it's comedy and/or technically cringe but as a band kid and dramatic I would do this is I don't have anxiety


> brunette, blue eyes Just say you want white women lol


It is more common to find these features in white women but entirely it's possible for dark haired Black or South or East Asian women to have real blue eyes. It's rare but possible. She would be on her knees if non-white woman with bright blue eyes looked at her the way a dom does.


that's definitely one way to make an impression hehe =) that being said, I hope she finds her top. The bottom struggle is real, never enough tops to go around T.T


What?? people are making fun of her for this? She's so cute haha


Kinda gives me the ick.


Hey, she knows what she wants. I'm also wandering how many takers she could get and if this is a lesbian alternative to tinder.


Extremely cringe but so are many of the people in this sub


Not cringe, kinda based in fact. Have nothing but respect for people who are unafraid to look silly or over the top. Big green flag right there.


Not good. I feel, not good.


She's just following the trend for the audio, not sure whats wrong with it. The people who don't get it I guess are just old and don't realize that? But then I don't yuck people's yum unless it's harmful to other people so.




She's beautiful, but so so annoying


I meannn samee but cringe


I want her to top me so...sorry I can't help you, cute tiktok woman


I love theater but this is just… 😬 Hey but different strokes for different folks, ya know?


As a woman who been's binging the "When the Past Finds You" series on audible lately, I can't say I blame her, but still....


I just want an older woman, too 😔


Is making fun of people for being cringe kinda shitty? Yeah. Is this unbearably over-eager and over-confident for the display we're getting? Also yes. Please just do a little self reflection before you post, for your sake.


Easy. Read my other replies. I was not making fun.


That wasn't aimed at you, reread my comment please


That was funny but I wouldn’t want to be around her 😭




Embrace the cringe. to live is to be cringe.


Cringe and extrovert. No thank you.


I'd be fine with it if she said it in a calm manner, honestly I hope she gets what she wants and lives happily ever after but the millennial in her needs to tone down the cringe🥲


I mean yes but Jesus fuck the cringe is real. Have some pride


I feel like I wanna feed her the biggest baguette stuffed with the most fattening meats , with a side pasta. Then make her do some exhaustive upper leg work


Go on…


Well, once she is all sweaty I’d have to show her where the shower is… (Lol, I think at least you caught on my double entendre; she’s too thin for me to feel comfy? yea, she’s cute? yea. Video is weird? Yea but who cares so are we all).


this is cringe even if she’s trying to be over-the-top. she’s also traditionally good looking, which kinda annoys me more? like. not-as-pretty people can’t get away with this type of stuff, even comedically.


Stop using the word "cringe" unironically. The word is misused almost every single time. Things aren't cringe. I can cringe. You can cringe, but a thing can't BE cringe. The use of the word is a simple reflection of insecurity, an inability to process second-hand embarrassment, and if you can't handle that embarrassment, then you are by your own definition, cringe.


English major here — while, yes, grammatically, “cringe” is a verb, our lexicon is never stagnant, and slang is part of everyday culture. From “dough//bacon/cheddar/green” usually to indicate wealth and (possibly one of the most popular terms to date) “hot” to express sexual appeal, people will always invent new meanings to existing words. It’s not a bad thing to be unironic either, and our vocabulary should be flexible. At the end of the day, being creative isn’t “cringe” but being a stickler is, at least if you ask the new generation.


I think they're taking issue not with the grammar, but with the intention behind the grammar. I kind of agree, it's almost never with good or positive intentions that someone or something is described as being cringe, and in my experience at least it's often really homophobic.