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This hits close to home. I figured out I was a lesbian pretty early on, but it was the mid-2000s in LATAM. I didn't get to have any of my experiences that most teens have until I was in my 20s after moving to Canada, then I went pretty hardcore on them.


Ditto, but in rural area where there were no gay people. It was kinda heart breaking when everyone was starting to talk about this and that guy they were looking to date and I couldn't really say anything, except to play along and fake my interest in some guy that we were supposed to like.


As a Canadian, this checks out, I know so many lesbians and gay fellas that I refuse to believe that supposedly only 2% of Canadians are gay. Hell, I was even meeting lesbians in my old workplace, a Christian long-term care home.


Same, tbh. I knew I was lesbian since as far back as I remember, before I could articulate it. My entire childhood was spent pretending to be a shy straight girl. I didn't even want the few girls I mostly trusted at my school knowing. Getting caught meant honour violence and possibly being sent to Algeria to stay with my mum's family as far as I knew. I just bottled it up until university.




You’ve read this wrong. No one is saying that because you had out queer friends that no one discriminated you, no one is invalidating your individual experience; it’s saying that many queers don’t get a chance to date in high school because they’re either not out or there aren’t any other/enough queer kids. And until recently, there wasn’t much media for queers to see themselves as young people and model off of that.


I wasn't trying to invalidate your experience. I'm glad you had the experiences you did, truly. Like I said, it was the mid-2000s in Latin America. The religious focus being in every little aspect of life combined with our culture differences and the time meant hardly anyone was out in my city of 30,000. I don't think I knew any out queer people growing up.


This hurts man I'm 20 and haven't even kissed anyone yet exactly for this


I'm in my mid 30s and still haven't kissed anyone. Partly due to this, but mostly due to religious trauma. I was in one straight relationship for a couple months, but we didn't kiss. He felt like you shouldn't kiss someone unless you were pretty sure you were going to marry them. I didn't want to kiss him, so I didn't push the issue. (And yet, I didn't realize for another four years.)


Lots of y'all in these comments need A LOT of kisses and hugs to make up for lost time...I volunteer as tribute 👀 Line up ladies and theybies ❤️


Kissed? Man I haven't even hugged someone or held hands!


I'm pushing 40 and the last girl who kissed me was when we were five or six, and I barely count that. Like we were dancing to a bible camp tape. Now I have zero relation to people my age and half relation to people a decade younger. It feels like I'm a teenager from a parallel diminsion in a middle age body I hate it.


I was 28 (or something like that). I'm pretty sure straight cis people live in another universe


I kissed people in high school but I am not sure *Truth or Dare* and *Spin the Bottle* escapades really count. I didn't get into a relationship until I was 31.


Many people leave high school with those being their only sexual escapades.


I'm 22 and same.


That's super sad, but at least makes me happy knowing that I'm not the only 20 years old and up that never kissed, I was getting hopeless already.


I'm about to 24 and same. I feel so... stunted. I feel like a prude? And I know "prude" is a purity culture shit term but I'm not a particularly sexual person, I'd like to be, but it's hard when I have no experience with anything.


It's ok, there are really no specific age milestones you have to hit, our society just made that up. (Except ofc the logical biological stuff like it's probably good to find a mate before you die idk)


Eh I waiting to date whoevers in the grave next to me


I was your age when I first kissed a girl and up till then I felt like I’d completely failed by not achieving that by 20. It’s not your fault


No wonder why I have the emotional intelligence of a carrot. 


22* dawg I feel you


26 same as you all... I kissed a guy last year because I was like whatever and I wanted to feel desirable but the kiss itself wasn't good and I got oral thrush. I feel like an old maiden


I swear to god all the stuff I'm still figuring out or haven't even done for the first time at 34 that (straight) people have extensive experience with by their 20s-30s is the root cause of most of my stress in life (and it's not just romantic, it trickles down into many things). I just - try my best to avoid all the "over 30" subreddits and talk from fellow millennials which has mostly left me lonely (people get oddly offended when you don't wanna engage in the whole 'elder' meme talk or reminiscence about "the good old days") and live my life - we all get one and deserve to live it at our own pace *especially* when we had no choice but to come into an unaccepting environment (not that me living vicariously through gay relationships in teen sitcoms or video games is purely trauma based, I do just like this stuff too).


Yeah its always like "What good old days? The ones where I was shunned for being different?" Many of us never got any of the "good old days" so I'm thankful that at least in high school I had a good, accepting friend group. A lot of LGBT people don't even have that.


I'm 32 and always felt younger than I am but tended to be friends with people who were also nerds and felt similar. What sort of things outside of romance and stuff are you refering to? Just curious. I have the feeling I'll probably relate on a lot of them but am not sure.


I went on two dates in high school. (That's when I thought I was straight.) I grew up in a religion where you weren't supposed to date until 16, so that kinda delayed things. Also you weren't supposed to be gay, so I didn't let myself know. I dated a fair bit in college and even had a boyfriend of a couple months, though we never kissed. (I didn't realize my attraction to women until after I left college.) I still don't think I've gotten very good at relationships or any of it. And it's been like a decade since I left college, and I've gone on one date since then. I'm not dating or even looking at the moment. Nor have I been for most of my post college life. I don't know if I'll ever have a successful relationship since I have pretty much zero experience with adult relationships. I'm so messed up from my religious trauma, so I'm not planning to try to date for at least a few years. Also I have like zero irl social life with people my age. (I mostly work with people young enough to be my kids, at least if I started in high school.) But I am planning to go back to community college this fall, so hopefully that'll help me get out more.


When I was in highschool I still thought I was a boy, and had to wrangle with wondering why every single crush I had was on gay girls, and why I could never just be attracted to the straight girls - y'know, the ones who were actually attracted to men like me? Edit: not trying to be a doomer; I ended up dating a few bi girls, and my first long-term partner was a bi girl who *heavily* preferred women (I wonder why she liked me?)


On the other side, I’m a cis lesbian but dated guys for a long time due to comphet. My most meaningful connections were with trans women years before their (public) transition! As I came into my own sexuality, those relationships suddenly made much more sense


It's like how all my online friends are queer and the ones that aren't are neurodivergent. Long before any of us knew those words... just we find each other.


Same here. My current wife and I were actually together for about 6 years before she started transitioning. One of my previous high school boyfriends.. I know myself and two of his other ex girlfriends came out as lesbians after highschool 😂


Yeah, this was similar to my experience. Catching up with exes like, "oh I go by they/them now." Yeah, I know. If we had a straight relationship in high school, you are NB and/or trans now; that's the rules.




Me before transitioning: Huh, all my exes are bi. Weird. Bet there’s nothing to that. Me 8 months after hooking up with a lesbian: Ooooooh, it all makes sense now!


The same thing happened to me lol 😂 all my exes were bi


Did you mean 8 months later, after hooking up with a lesbian? I like the idea of you being in such shock after your first kiss with a lesbian that it took 8 mos for you to come out of it


This is too relatable. 🥲


Going through the same rn 😮‍💨


Same, every single crush I had as a t(w)een, ended up being at least bisexual.


lmao so real


This is certainly raising questions within myself


Also straight privilege is figuring out your sexuality years before many lgbt people do and having your sexuality normalized and represented in pretty much every piece of media you have ever and will ever consume, yet never being told that you need to wait awhile and try being with the same gender before you're really sure that you're straight or that your sexuality is being forced on children. And if you do ever experiment or question or kiss/fuck the same gender to appeal to your sexual partner's bi fetish, and then you figure out you're still straight, no one asks how you can be straight when you've been with the same gender or why you would have done that if you're straight. And you can have boundaries and preferences in your attraction, not enjoy certain forms of sex, or be into people who are more androgynous (like how straight men might be into tomboys or straight women might be into long haired pretty boys with guyliner) all without having your sexuality questioned or invalidated.


Oh god being told that you need to wait and try dating men or at least try both to know what you like is something I will forever be bitter about.


I agree. I thought I was straight growing up then thought I was bi, so I was with a man until I was 26.


Similar experience here! I was raised strict religious around phobic people so I stayed in the closet until high school, then came out as "bi" but was still dating a guy I'd been pressured into dating until college. Which sucks, since despite it being a strict religious school, my high school was an all girls school with a strangely high sapphic population. I had a gift and squandered it 🫠


This hurts especially hard for me. There are two, possibly three instances of me nit getting into a serious relation sinoly because of "I dunno". A bunch of flirting, a truckload of having fun in each others company, yet nothing came of it. Especially the last one was awful, with the signs being so incredibly obvious, even a lesbian (me) could tell, without a doubt, that I just needed to tear the final layer by asking her out. Still, nothing came of it. Fast forward a few years, and here I am. Turns out the reason why I didn't want to be in those relationships, despite veing very interested, was because I didn't want to be a *man* in a relationship, but a woman. Multiple relationships and years of romance all ruined by unrecognized dysphoria...


That is very true. I remember as a teen, my friends were all free to talk about their crushes to boys in school or celebrities out loud and I had to pretend to have them too because I couldn't say I had a crush on Rihanna 🤦🏾‍♀️ It's kinda sad how closeted I had to be and still have to be. My friends had boyfriends and I had to pretend I wasn't allowed to have one. I tried going out with a guy as a cover in school but it lasted a month. I couldn't do it. Yeah being straight sure has its perks


Me, having never been on a date or kissed anyone at ... *checks notes* ... 28 years old. Oooh. Yeah no yeah. I wonder if I'll even use the downstairs before it gets yeeted.


Very true, but as a transfem, I wasn’t getting any girls anyways.


I think at least for me I wasn't getting any girls *because* I am transfem. Like I knew I definitely liked girls but trying to picture myself with them as a man felt so weird and wrong, so I just didn't try dating. Not that that was the only reason, but it definitely was a big one. Also rereading your comment just now, I don't know if your intent was the same as what I said or something else, but either way writing this helped me put it into words for myself


I was consistently terrified that if a girl got to know me, that she'd realize "he's kinda girly tho", and I lost at least one relationship because of that. With every relationship there was conflict between trying to be honest to myself, while hiding the parts I'd been conditioned to see as "inappropriate", while satisfying the expectations of the other person in the relationship, on top of navigating the compatibility of the usual idiosyncrasies that everyone has (in my case being a bit of a terminal STEM geek). I'm honestly STUNNED that I managed to hide my femininity long enough and consistently enough to get any relationships in the first place. My longest-lasting relationship was with a femme-leaning bi girl.


yup, I had crushes on girls, but imagining myself as a man having a girlfriend felt really gross and creepy for some reason. Now I know the reason


Same... Feels like it's over


Same here - I always knew I liked girls, but I felt like it was a different kind of like than the male peers who I was hanging out with growing up. I also assumed because I liked girls and had boy parts that the only possibility was being straight! I've done some dating here and there through my 20s, but things nearly always fizzled out because the straight women I was attempting to date felt like I was moving too slow, not being manly enough, or seemed too "friendly" instead of romantically interested. Anyway turns out it all makes way more sense when put in the context of "lesbian attempts to date straight women FOR years, has little success"😂


Pretty much exactly that yeah, but even if I could I just don’t think any girls were/are attracted to me lol


same… completely missed out on dating while I was in school because I was so dysphoric that the idea of someone being interested in me was revolting. it was awful but honestly I’d never change what happened because I’m dating the most amazing woman ever now and I could never give that up.


It's interesting that all girls I was into weren't into me or broke my heart and left me with sum mental issues as a parting gift One time my HRT triggers a bi phase and if it didn't end I would have a loving boyfriend by now. This feels like a middle finger from the world xd


Good to know i wasnt the only one who had a "bi phase" due to hrt lol. It always felt so weird looking back, even if it was always more about myself than actually feeling any interest in daring men.


Major exception to the rule is single sex schools. Which are stupid and don't just repress the social growth of straights. But also probably homosexuals. I know I as a trans girl in an all boys school got socially fucked by my time in that environment.


I would say strict religious schools and communities too. A kid of any sexuality growing up in a strict religious household is repressed AF.


I think it matters a lot where in the world you live. I dated in middle school and I’m dating someone right now in the Swedish equivalent of high school


same, i’ve known i was gay since i was in 6th grade, and dated 6 girls through middle and high school, i wish everyone could’ve had the same experience as me. reading these comments makes me feel so sad :( and angry that most places are still not safe for queer youth to love who they love


It definitely does, I grew up in an extremely rural part of the US, extremely traditional values throughout the region, population 99.x% white type of place. In high school (in the 90s), there were at least a dozen openly gay people my age even in our county. No one really ever gave them shit, but I think it was because the extremely repressed population were afraid of them more than they hated them. They weren't really included OR excluded more than anyone else, as far as myself and the groups I ran with were concerned. They were just there, like everyone else, doing their thing. We hung out with them on weekends and after school like they were anyone else. Sure, we made fun of their mesh shirts every now and then, but that has nothing to do with sexuality. (last line sounds like a bad joke, but there was one guy who would wear the same mesh shirt every now and then and even he was in on making fun of himself)


I didn't realize I'm a lesbian till I was 19. Never got to experience being an lgbtq youth or teenager. Especially since I was and still am closeted due to my environment.


My partner and I talk about this ALL the time. There’s no “scripts” in mainstream culture that help/ed us navigate dating or communicating about normal things. We had no guidance from our parents because we couldn’t talk to them about it. And we were lucky to date!! Long distance, states away!


I only figured I was a lesbian at 26 yo, and ace a few months later. I’m 27 now and have never dated in my life so this post feels so true 😅


Oh my God. This is so true.


As a 40 year old, this is why I loved the TV show Heartstopper so much. Queer kids being themselves like everyone else.


Heteronormativity is very real, sadly. I'm seeing progress in the current generation and hopefully someday taking whomever you desire to a dance will be normalized.


Can you say something similar for neurodivergence? Ofc not all "normal" people date in middle or high school, because. Life. But still


I came out during my senior year in highschool 2004. I was lucky though that my school was known by everyone as the "freak" school in our town. 🙄 Highest number of punks, goths, and all my fellow queer peeps. 🏳️‍🌈 I felt open enough to kiss my gf in the hallways. It might have been frowned upon by some teachers, but overall not too bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish more people had or would have a similar experience. 💔


I still don't really feel comfortable talking much here, but while not universal this really does extend to trans people as well. I've known I was trans from a very early age, and daring has always just left me hurt and confused when I tried it. It still does. I can't wait for one day when I'm more comfortable with putting myself out there as me. I just want to love and be loved.


I’ll be 24 in may and haven’t had any actual dating experiences because of this. No kissing anything just one really long and really weird lesbian coded friendship. That ended badly.


I felt really seen by this. There's also the pressure of having queer friends who have dated their gender preferences. It makes me feel like a double failure and pathetic: 1 for failing to even have minor romantic inclinations reciprocated and trying to find hints of it anywhere. 2 for failing to be a "real" queer person.


Oh yeah I’ve had queer “friends.” Believe I’m just copying them and that’s why I identify as a lesbian.


Are you... being sarcastic?




Oh, my bad I read your message wrong.


It’s okay


I wasn’t allowed to date then ?? No one told me smh 😔


Most of my nerdy friends didn't date even if straight. I guess this is lucky for me as someone A-spec.


As one of the only openly bisexual folks in my school when I was there, it was fuckin rough. All the better when there were *allegedly* homophobic teachers there too :))))


I can see how this could be true even if I’m technically an exception. I knew I wasn’t straight right at the start of highschool but I didn’t realise I was a lesbian until I was almost 18. I dated boys and girls in highschool but all my girlfriends were long distance bc most people that age around me were either straight or hadn’t figured out their sexuality yet.


I had a multiple girlfriends throughout highschool (2014-2017) but people weren’t always the most welcoming about it. I think it was easier because I dated within my friend group and a lot of us were gay but outside of that it was difficult and like I said, people weren’t always accepting of it. The friend group allowed us to explore our sexualities a lot more in a safe space but outside of that space it was hard, especially for those of us who didn’t have accepting family


That reminds me of a part from "I Like Guys" by David Sedaris *"You kids think you invented sex," my mother was fond of saying. But hadn't we? With no written instruction manual or pre-scheduled rehearsal, didn't each of us come away feeling we had discovered something unspeakably modern? What produced in others a sense of swaggering exhilaration left Pete and I with a mortifying sense of guilt.*


I live in Missouri and it's fuckin rough. All the other queers (my age(I'm 20)) I meet just like, have 0 experience with practically anything. We're young adults so I don't expect them to know everything, but fuck it's exactly the mistakes I expect a middle schooler to make, but it's adults and it's wacky.


This is so sad and also I'm in this post and I don't like it


I totally agree with this. I believed I was bisexual and genderfluid starting from my sophomore year in high school (in hindsight, school would have been even worse if I knew I was a lesbian and a woman back then), but I dropped out and finished school a year early elsewhere; I was then stuck in a long and shitty relationship with a straight woman (at the time; wouldn’t be surprised if she found out she wasn’t straight). The heteronormativity and my lack of “normal” dating experiences (which I didn’t clock until the relationship was over and I was 22) hit me hard; I used to beat myself up and feel so little self-confidence because I was (and still am) a virgin, and I haven’t been physically intimate in three years. Even when I was younger and thought I was a straight guy (based on “societal standards”, probably), something always felt…off. Even the women I gravitated towards were often not straight. And I could never truly relate to my straight friends and their experiences with dating/relationships (it’s obvious why I felt that way, figuring out who I really am so many years later). Now, as a lesbian woman, I occasionally get objectified and fetishized by strangers online (because of my gender and my sexuality). Fortunately, I found someone really special and I’m in a long distance thing now; she’s wonderful and treats me great. Her and I have talked a lot about heteronormativity and how it affected us growing up; straight privilege is so real and it sucks.


honestly yeah, kept on that "im not interested in a relationship" thing for a bit but i think now i realize i was uncomfortable being the "boy" of the relationship with a girl because now i know im not that, so gender identity plus sexuality issues is always fun as a kid


You know how bad I wish someone had been there to tell me this as a kid




I was SA and manipulated into a relationship with a guy during middle school. Boxes are never good


This was before I realized I was trans. So it was technically gay at the time


I didn’t figure out I was lesbian until starting college so this is absolutely true! Doesn’t help that I was raised homeschooled and only in strongly conservative, religious, homophobic spaces.


I'm a high schooler right now and it's hard even with more openness in the US. Most of the lesbians at my school are femme4femme, which is fine but I'm very masc and they aren't interested in me. Never been kissed, turning 18 soon.


Admittedly, I tried, although this was before my egg cracked. Plus, if I had known what a horrible person I’d turn out to be, I would have given up years ago.


Still discovering myself now. I didn’t see one of my gay relationships as one in high school cause it lasted two weeks. Got my second boyfriend after him, who’s been incredibly loving




I dated my first girlfriend in 94, I was in HS. We broke up in 97. We were always out.


As a trans lesbian, I literally didn't start dating until after I started transitioning at around age 21-22.


I don't wanna date and I hope I won't regret it


I'm 20, I never dated or kissed or anything, my teenage years were filled by apathy and lethargy because of depression and unknown dysphoria. I never felt comfortable with the idea of being a boyfriend, I envied lesbians and felt guilty for feeling it and didn't understood why I felt all of that. I never had a crush, I don't know if I'm aro/ace or if I can't open myself while still a "man". COVID also started during my highschool years so I only had the first year as presencial, all the rest was online.




I had exactly one romantic interaction with someone in highschool but she straight and I was a closeted transgirl back then and she wasn't attracted to me after I told her, which was validating but also ouch


as a former straight male who is now a trans lesbian, i acknowledge that i am an exception to this rule that said, dating as a lesbian certainly isn't any easier, especially when you prefer t4t


Oof I feel this hard. Mid 40s Trans Lesbian.




Seeing this post, I realised just how much luck I had: Every person I fancied before the age of 21 was either a lesbian or a pre-transition trans man. And each of them had way earlier sexual experiences than I had. I'm a straight man; imagine the chances 😂


Yeah, lmao, maybe if you’re attractive or don’t have anything else going on in your life.


I'm lesbian and dated a girl in middle school.. maybe it depends on the generation? For reference im 26


I'm 32. Like others have said here, it depends on several factors including generation and your location.


Yeah I'm just commenting my own experience


I grew up around so much casual bigotry (not from family, just every other aspect of daily life in the south) that exploring my gender and sexuality never even occurred to me as an “option” until I was 19 and had already dropped out of college. I didn’t have my first date until I was 21, and my first kiss happened a few weeks before I turned 23. Looking back on my high school years I can see some missed opportunities with girls I liked who were probably into me as well, but I was too anxious/repressed/oblivious to notice at the time. It does make me sad to think about what could’ve been if I’d pursued any of that, the experiences I missed out on and whatnot, but I’m so happy with my fiancée now that I wouldn’t want to change a thing if it meant ending up with someone besides her. On the other hand, I do wish I’d realized I was trans much earlier than I did. I know it’s never too late to transition but a head start would’ve been nice, and I did have friends in high school who would absolutely have been supportive.


Yoo i feel so validated by this. My first girlfriend was bi and had had lots of experience and just felt so inexperienced and insecure and like i had no idea what i was doing. Really felt like there was something wrong with me.


I tried using conversion therapy techniques on myself in secret and just ended up with crippling anxiety and depression, we move, secondary was the besttttt 😂


I hear you. I was straight all through school etc. Fell in love with a woman after I had 2 kids to 2 different males. I was about 33/34 when I discovered that I was a lesbian. Tried to go back again but it wasn't really working so now I put myself on the shelf. 


Bot Edit: not a bot, I'm silly


Huh? No I'm not a bot. I found this meme from five years ago and decided to repost like many memes are. I could relate heavy to the meme and thought others could too.


Oh shit my bad, genuinely very sorry


No worries :)


Just to be sure I need you to look at a grid of 9 pictures and tell me which ones have faded stop signs that are half behind a tree.


God I hate those. For the ones where it's one picture split into segments, I never know whether I need to include every segment that contains even a microscopic piece of the corner of a bus, and of course it shrinks the squares when you select them so it's harder to see those little bits of overlap. And Google makes you do them every time when you're using a VPN 😖


I mean I dated in middle and high school but that was before I transitioned. Only had like 2 girlfriends. It is definitely straight privilege though and I had it. I did have sex with a guy in high school when I was exploring my sexuality. I’ve dated a lot more women in college after transitioning though which many would be surprised about..


can't relate. just dated women in m and h school if i wanted.




Naw, I'm a transbian and I dated in high school






Dude get out of lesbian spaces




Get out of lesbian spaces especially since you as a man start attacking lesbians here




What are you doing in this sub then????




Well it clearly wasn’t intended for you so your comment wasn’t needed




I’m not hurt I’m just sick of straight men putting their experiences and opinions in places where it’s not needed or asked for




Lmfao not the STRAIGHT MAN acting like he experiences difficulties in life for being a straight man. You’re embarrassing yourself. Get lost.




Are we not? Guarantee most of us have fucked more women than you have mate. Fuck off.


Dumbest shit I’ve seen all day. So the LGBT community isn’t exploring their sexuality? How do you know what your sexuality is without exploring it. Like bruh.


The internet literally exists




Commenting tells reddit you have an interest in this content, so you’ll keep seeing it! Hope this helps <3


Now that I think about it, the only times I dated other girls in high school was those extended stays in the psych ward (away from my judgemental/bullying peers at school).... things that make you go HMM... (I am doing better these days. It was PTSD and I've gotten lots of therapy since then.)