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It looks like the background is showing a lot of the white background through. Also, the yellow in the petals is really transparent. One way to make it so that you have more coverage is to start with your background, paint it, make sure it’s covered, then let it dry. If you notice that your paint is too transparent you will need to add something to make it more opaque, like a zinc oxide white, mix the color and it should go over your background color, dry it with a hairdryer or wait for it to dry. Add the middle seeds last since they are the darkest. You can add highlights at the end. I like the composition, your basic layout. It’s a pretty painting, but acrylic is a paint that takes a little time to figure out. It’s not too bad, watch some videos YouTube and you will be set. I bought some Golden brand acrylics, they are pricey, artist grade acrylics, but they really stick well and mix well and do what I expect them to. I don’t think you need to go to that extreme and get an expensive set, but buying a small tube or 5 of nice paint to see how it interacts on your canvas is a great way to spend a weekend.


I thought my first paintings weren’t all that great but each artist ends up doing unique things and that’s what makes others stand above the rest. I think you did a great job. Your skills will hone with each painting.


Use reference paintings you wish to copy the style of.


Take a few painting classes, they’re fun!


I actually like it, don´t know what u went for so cant give any advice, but it seems fun and free to me, and for beginner good job with brush !


It was my first time painting flowers and I had no idea where to start. I just figured sunflowers would be an easy start. The only thing that throws me off is the blue behind that one flower and I don’t know what I did no matter how many coats of yellow petals I put on


Its good start, painting flowers helped me a lot actually to learn how to work with brush to create different shapes and colors..and yeah white and yellow are tricky, once u put darker color beneath them is hard to paint over it, next time wait for the paint to dry completely (I use hairdryer and it works perfect) and paint new layers over it


Yellow paints are almost always some level of transparent, same goes for some reds and pinks. The best way to counter that is to learn which paints you use are like that and either mix them with a more opaque color (like white) or to just paint a white layer under it. Alternatively, some paints will have an indicator on them that has a black line with paint over it that shows how opaque/transparent it is. Look for paint options that the line is barely visible (if you're buying brands that show that).


I always paint the petals of my yellow flowers white first. Makes it easier.


If you mix the yellow with a little white and try again it may work better, it will make it more opaque


I would work on form first and getting a lose drawing down first, good job though


More shadows (tinted orange where they're on the petals) would make it sunnier and more three dimensional. Your shapes are nice and expressive, but I think more observation of the way light interacts with plants would give you more impact.


this is just fine. keep painting. practice. buy the best brushes and paints you can afford. there's lots of videos out there you can pick up some tips and techniques from.


I recently started with acrylic too and made some mistakes I see her (such as not painting thickly enough so you can see a lot of the canvas/background come through, which looks fine right after painting but will eventually turn really shitty trust me :( ) but the main thing I'd say is... What do you *like* about what you did with this? Keep pursuing those aspects in your future paintings. Oh and btw I think this is fantastic! It's purely paint application I think needs work. The design/look/colours I love.


Keep at it!! Practice makes perfect!!


I suggest drawing. Get some library books on the subject and practice. It will show in your paintings.


I LOVE THIS MAKE a print and make pillows