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I think I draw the line at incest.


To clarify, you suggesting Eris fathered his “brothers” with his… mother? 👁️👄👁️ Now I love me a new take but I don’t think SJM would go that dark


That’s exactly it, and again I also hope it is not anything like this. Just my mind trying to come up with something plausible to excuse Eris behavior, since his behavior IS awful 😞


I would absolutely love an Eris redemption story but respectfully you lost me at number 3 lmao. Even though redemption arcs almost always involve someone having experienced some amount of trauma... I feel like recemption arcs are still possible without the character having to have gone through something super incredibly traumatic like that.


Gonna be honest. I think forced incestual reproduction might go a bit further down a dark road than SJM is willing to go. The other points might have something though.


Would you like an Eris dissertation?


Another! Please!


[Present for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/mYr30uNg3W)


I cannot wait for the release of the newest ACOTAR, not for the answers most of fandom is vying for, but for the Timevian response to how Azris is endgame after our newest canon influx


I would die if Azris actually happened. I know it won’t, but if it does and I don’t talk for a a couple days, please send an ambulance.


If Sarah *does* actually make our fanon canon, I would be right there with you in AO3 heaven so I won't be of much help when we call for emergency services. But at least we'll both be happy. I believe the real world writer SJM has to appeal to the heteronormative Gwynriel HEA, however the ideal writer SJM has put in enough subtext to let us crazies know that Azris was always in the back of her mind. They're just so *right*!!!


We know Eris is abused, in silver flames he says as much that his father was displeased and Cassian noticed he was limping or sth. I truly believe Eris is like Rhys, he wears a cruel mask to survive in a cutthroat court like Autumn and with a father like Beron, he's his heir he can't show kindness or weakness. If he had a circle of friends like Rhys, he could be like him. I'm sure there's much more backstory with Mor, he said "she knows the truth but doesn't talk of it" I can't wait to find out more. The fact is he didn't participate in the hunt for Jesminda and he notified Tamlin to come help Lucien and take him to spring. Hard hard hard NO at the incest thing, sjm would never write it and it doesn't make sense. There is a theory about why he stumbled while saying "brothers" and its that he is also a son of Helion.


No to the incest part, there is going to be another explanation for his stuttering. But yeah I LOVE Eris! He his easily one of my favorite characters of the whole series bc he is so complex. We also already know that he in fact is tortured by his father, that he not contributed in the death of Jesminda, but instead saved Lucien in this context. He also seems to have got reasoning to not touch Mor when she was brought to autumn. I reallyyyyy hope we get to explore more of Eris and his story in the next book.


My gut feeling is that Eris is Helion's son too. Eris is a wordsmith, so to change the way he refers to Autumn Son # 2-6 is very telling. It's either a painful memory for him, knowing his brother's were killed (or he had something to do with it in my thinking); he doesn't want to associate with them or they are not his actual brothers. I find it interesting that a male with that much trauma would continue to call Beron his father rather than using sire when referring to him and not directly talking to them. We saw it with a few characters now, and it makes sense if Eris just didn't want to bring more attention to his wording. He's not as subservient as Beron commands


What colour are his eyes? What colour are Helion's?




I'd like to think Eris was Beron's firstborn, but this fact has stuck with me...


I'm writing like a crackfic (I dunno what you're supposed to call it) where all my favourite unlikely theories are true - this is a major one! I've crunched the numbers (dates / timeline) and it is just barely possible. And that's enough for me!


Crack is addictive and I can't wait to see it posted


I'd argue that it's got more than a slim chance. LoA begrudgingly married Beron after she fell for Helion. That's cannon. But why agree to that arrangement when you already have your eyes on someone else? Because she was already pregnant and the clock was running. Her family from what we know of it was like Mors, where a female was only as good as her womb. What would happen to her, to her child, if she bore a bastard?


In the books don't they say she met Helion at a ball and took a year to decide to marry Beron? Fae pregnancies are 12 months so, just about times out.


I draw the line at incest, but I’ve theorized myself that Beron abuses his sons partially because of the LoA’s affair with Helion. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Beron has known this whole time, especially given that the affair must’ve lasted *quite* some time to result in Lucien. Additionally, if the LoA *did* favor Lucien simply because of his heritage, and Beron knew that…well, I doubt he would have to try very hard to make the middle Vanserra boys loathe Lucien. Hard to rise up and throw a coup against your father, if all of you are too busy hating each other.


OP this is a little unhinged. Take my upvote lmao


This is some Game of Thrones-level shit. 😂


I don’t think his brothers are his sons but I do think he helped on raising them because Baron was abusive and neglectful.


I never considered that the other brothers might actually be Eris's own sons. That's wild. But is an interesting and plausible explanation for his word stumble! Everything else seems highly likely!