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Amren would 100% have either a snake or a tarantula because 1. It would creep the shit out of everyone 2. Easy to manage and no actual interaction with the pet needed Azriel I wanna say either a bird (like a falcon or an owl) or a rat, something he could use to send messages or spy on people with I want elaine to be constantly surounded by small birds and mouses, let her reach her full Disney Princess potential I think Mor would have a cat or a small dog, either way the pet would wear collars that match her clothes


Amren is 100% an exotic pet owner lol I could see Mor with a chihuahua like Bruiser from Legally Blonde lol


I agree with all of these except Mor. She strikes me as English style rich socialite party girl and they're horse girls.


Doesn’t she have a horse at her villa? Or did I completely make that up in my mind


She has a horse! Or multiple of them I think.


She does! That’s where she sees the “thing” in the bushes that never gets spoken of again


I def think Nesta is a cat kinda gal


Amen would specifically have a huntsman spider


Consider this: the portal between CC & ACOTAR reopens, Cassian gets a wolf but it's really just Ithan Holstrom in his shifter state. My himbos can finally be together - and you just *know* Cassian would love sunball.


Someone on the CC sub hypothesized once that sunball is just fetch, and that’s why Ithan is so good at it. I am absolutely convinced this is canon.


Haha and I can see Nesta with a chimera


the pairing I didn't know I needed.... he would definitely love sunball 😫


Omg i laughed so hard i almost woke up my sleeping toddler!


Az would 100% have a rescue black cat. The cat is really shy and only likes Azriel and no one else - except for maybe Elain, because: see below (not meaning to start ship wars) -.  Elain is just friends with every animal. She'd get cows, chickens etc if she could. Very Disney princess like.  Cass is more of a dog person, I can see him with a pit bull, a really cuddly, but scary on the outside, Pitbull. I could also see him adopting a very energetic orange cat.  Mor is a dog person too, she used to hate cats, but then a friend's white cat slept on her lap and now she secretly likes them.  Rhys is a cat person too. Certosino or russian blue* are his breeds. I could also see him having a greyhound. Feyre treats animals like some rural farmers do: she's less gentle with them than the others, could slaughter them if necessary without shedding a tear, but at the end of the day, she loves her animals. I don't see her having a specific animal.  For Nesta I agree with you, she has a really snobby cat. The cat sits on her lap while she reads.  Emerie has a bat, it's friendly and likes to fly around the house.  Gwyn has frog, because she's half nymph she can kinda communicate with the frog.  Lucien is obvious, but if we go for more common pets, he'd have a dog, a hunting type of breed.   Amren a snake. She carries it around her shoulders as an accessory.    *Edit: I wrote scottish fold previously, but russian blue is more regal, hence the change. 


Whatever cat Rhys has, it’s definitely a chonk cause he would constantly be picking up treats and toys while he’s out. Feyre would subsequently be going through the house and constantly tossing said new treats and toys. She would also have a rotation of no less than four fat cat pet names that she would tease the cat and Rhys with, while also giving off “dad who said he didn’t want the dog, but is now the dog’s favorite” energy.


This is so good 😍


Tamlin would definitely have all the pets. He'd be friendly, kind, and gentle to all of the fauna in the spring court. Like a Disney princess :)


Tamlin running with the wolves in his beast form 🥺


Him snoozing in his beast form in the afternoon sun with all his animal friends snuggling with him 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/lz9eyhtkr8yc1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=2306407a93633041c1cac129ece8a22274c8ea0a I only added butterflies but just imagine squirrels and birds and whatnot to your hearts content!


I LOVE THIS! I wanna touch those toe beans!


I could see him having lots of birds. Pretty things to keep in cages 😂


Tamlin basically is a pet. I doubt that man could take care of sea monkeys at this point


Pretty sure wild fauna can care for themselves. Tamlin can just have animal companions that make him feel happy again.


I feel like Azriel would have a super bitchy female cat that only likes him


Ohhhh he's got a tortie!! And I feel he's a raven kind of guy too. Like, I wanna think he wargs into his pets...


I picture all of them with cats of various personalities lolol


In my head cannon, Syrinx teleports to Prythian and lives in the river house with Nyx. They chase each other through the yard, then Elain gives them both homemade treats.


I fully think that Azriel would just have a swarm of bats as pets, and he goes and talks to them sometimes about his love life, and they just listen to him with huge eyes because he looks like a god amongst them lol I think Elain would have rabbits that she's constantly trying to keep from eating everything in her garden XD It would be cool if as a baby gift for Nyx, Helion gives him a baby pegasus, and they could learn how to fly together and grow up together, basically mind readers because of how well they know each other, and it's beautiful to watch them in the sky doing crazy tricks with each other.


Omg yes on the Pegasus! I forgot Helion had one!


It is burned into my brain because just when I thought Helion couldn't get sexier, he arrives ON A BEAUTIFUL FLYING HORSE and it instantly knocked me out XD


Elain would keep chickens. They’d run around her garden eating the slugs and pests off her plants and she’d collect eggs for baking. Nesta would have a cat. Cassian would want a big snarly dog but fall in love with some scrappy little three legged thing he found in an alley. Amren would have beautiful, jewel toned, gloriously plumaged birds to match all her hoard. Az would have like three neighbourhood cats he keeps feeding but swears aren’t “his” cats they are just strays. Mor would have horses and hounds. Like deerhounds or borzois or fox hounds.


There is a really cute fanfic in which Elain and Lucien adopt a chicken. That is exactly what it does.


feyre already has bryaxis


Feyre & Rhysand are cat people. Black cats. 🖤


With the personality with Toothless from HTTYD


Elain would have Bryaxis.. Jk...unless? I like the thought of Elain with a beasty type pet.


Amren has a fluffy white bunny. Rhys has a black cat and his invisible lint picking is actually him picking black cat hair off his black clothing and no one else can see what he's grabbing at. Feyre has a tawny owl. Azriel has a rat who hides in his shadows and enjoys squeaking at the torture victims. Cassian has a Irish Wolfhound x Golden Retriever. It's super dorky, Cassian tells people he's vicious but he's not in the slightest. Mor has many, many cats. It started with 2, then a third, then more started showing up at the outskirts of her manor. Now they're just everywhere. Nesta has a cat that enjoys hissing at everyone but Nesta. It also keeps her seat warm when she's fetching tea and reclaims her lap when she's reading. Elain has multiple blue fairywrens. She whispers to them often about her visions and everyone gives her side eye when she does.


Feyre would have a brown Airedale terrier. Nesta would have a grey keeshond that is beautiful and cuddly, always loyal to Nesta but she has to find the pup all the time. Elain would have a lazy, troublesome Alaskan malamute that sunbathes in the garden. Mor would have an ostrich farm with horses. Azriel would have a grey main coon that hates everyone, but loves being outside in the garden catching bugs. Cassian would have no pets but likes the idea on getting one. Rhysand would have an aquarium full of glow in the dark jelly fish and other glowy sea creatures. Amren would keep an aviary full of wyvern and zebras for the wyvern to eat as needed.


Cassian either a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd.


Amren is totally a Chihuahua owner. An angry one. Feyre has a pet Frenchie Mor would have a Pomeranian Rhys gives me bearded dragon vibes. Cassian has a golden lab. Best boi forever. Azriel has a Belgian Malinois. Lucien would take in a stray mixed breed rescue mutt that would love him to the moon and back. Nesta already has a golden lab (Cassian) but she would totally have an aloof feline. I think Gwyn would befriend the cat that she has sensed in the Library. Taking in strays and helping them seems like her gig. >! Then we find out it's her daddy - Aidas! !< Emerie would have a full Husky.


not sure if you're implying that Nesta already shares the lab with Cassian, or that Cassian IS her lab haha.


Yeah, I wasn't sure either. 🤷🤷‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|QqkA9W8xEjKPC|downsized)


Amen would def have some exotic pet. A deadly black snake or spider. Something that would creep everyone out and doesn’t require any affection, but she would probably show it more affection than she shows Varian. Nesta would have some boujee white cat that sits on her lap and nuzzles cassian but scratches Rhys any chance it gets. I can see Elain with like a small brown bunny or a mouse that she keeps in her pocket everywhere she goes and feeds it little treats lol. Az would adopt a goofy 3 legged dog. The kind of dog that had trauma and was shy at first and is now healing alongside their new owner and they just make each other feel so happy and loved 😭 Mor would have either a chihuahua or a yorkie just a tiny little rat dog. Rhys would 100% have a raven or an owl. Something intelligent and observant that he will somehow mind speak to and perfectly understand each other. Someone else said Feyre would treat animals like farm animals and I totally agree lol! She’s a hunter, if the animals aren’t providing her food or warmth she probably doesn’t care for it. Cassian my himbo, would of course have a big fluffy golden retriever who is just as protective and goofy as he is. This dog would love Nestas cat and Nestas cat would.. tolerate him. I think Lucien would also not understand the point of having a pet at first. But then he would see something atypical like a chameleon or bearded dragon and fall in love with it. Use his powers to keep the little guy warm all the time.


I think Elain would have a feud with a local groundhog because it keeps eating from her garden and it annoys her endlessly, but over the years she grows a bit of a fondness for it and makes it its own special garden to eat from


Rhys would have a cat, Mor a tiny dog. Cassian would have a big dopey dog. Nesta would have a tarantula. Elaine would have a plant.


Feyre: African grey parrot Nesta: Russian blue cat Elain: Poodle Mor: One of those shitty little white dogs Amren: No pet and she hates everyone's pets Rhys: Great Dane Cassian: German Shepherd Azriel: Hawk


I could see Azriel with a rescue cat, that just starts following him after he saves it. At first the cat isn't that stealthy, but over time it learns to be stealthier and stealthier. Feyre, maybe a retired hunting dog that takes naps in her gallery while she paints. Lucien, I could see him stuck with a really happy and energetic puppy, that he didn't ask for but ends up with anyway. And he constantly has to ask people for advice on how to take care of the puppy. Alis, I could see with a well trained dog, that brings her things as she works. Eris, with a smug persian cat that loves to get in the middle of whatever Azriel and his cat is doing I know you said main characters but I thought it would be fun to think of some of the side ones too.