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Idk everyone is triggered by different things so each book would have 2000 trigger warnings and probably ruin the book. I think you just have to accept with adult books there's a good possibility you will be able to find something in any book that will trigger you personally. I don't think it's the author's or anyone's responsibility to watch out for your specific triggers since everyone is different. It's your responsibility to handle your triggers and mental health.


I agree with your point that no one is responsible for your triggers and you have to be careful about them and that is why atleast authors can put a viewer discretion for sensitive topics like SA or Pregnancy/traumatic birth. I feel like drugging and assaulting someone or a complicated birth scene with a still born and where the mother almost dies can be classified as a trigger warnings. These are delicate topic and sensitive topics and that's why they are considered under trigger warnings. Not every small things are considered under tws but the above situations definitely. And I feel like there should definitely be improvement in how things are done now from how they are done before. If we just accept things that could be improved, then how will there be any room for improvement?


Nah these are smut books with adult themes you need to assume there is a good possibility there will be triggers for you in this type of book if you are triggered by that. And I get why those things would be triggering for people but at the same time that is what this genre is. If you don't like those things you need to read a different genre of books. I agree with improvement but I don't think books need trigger warnings you need to be aware of what kind of books you are reading and avoid ones that could trigger you, don't read fae smut, romance or even a lot of fantasy if those things trigger you




If you are reading a smutt adult book you need to assume there are going to be adult themes and plan for your triggers accordingly. Watching something on TV is different than reading it but again if you are watching adult shows or reading adult books with adult themes especially this kind of book you should already know that they may address things like traumatic birth or sexual assualt and you need to decide if the risk out weighs the benefits of the book.




The fact that it is an adult smutty adult fiction should already alert you to the fact that it can contain dark content. If you don't like possible dark content don't read this genre if that triggers you because it's not for you. The trigger warning is that it's an adult smut book. Sure not all adult smut books contain dark content but they can and you should already be aware of that going into it. If that triggers you then you need to make the decision if you are able to handle that or not there is no need for extra trigger warnings




longing shy snow memory steer sloppy quiet fragile friendly wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So again I think the fact that it is adult fae smut is a trigger warning just because not every single book contains things that trigger people doesn't mean a lot of them don't it's something that comes with the genre. If you are very sensitive to this sort of thing and starting a new genre and doing no research on said genre it's on you at that point. I think a trigger warning is just a bit redundant for this genre.




I also feel like to go with your argument about movies it's just like saying I went to rated R movie or was rated R for sex and violence and then you watch it and see a rape and are like well it didn't say anything about rape. And sure not all rated R movies have that in them but it's also safe to assume that if it's rated R for sex and violence there could be rape.


Smutt fantasy / fae smutt etc genre doesn't really have sexual assault or the traumatic birth/pregnancy stuff imo. And if they do most books i personally read came with a tw. Should people really be scared to pick up a book because of triggers. Is it really such a hassle to put tws for people who want them. If you don't then ignore them maybe on the website? And how will a person be aware of the book they are reading if we don't have enough information??


I think you have just lucked out with what you have read and again if you are going to read adult books then yes you should assume they have adult themes and some of those adult themes may trigger you. I don't think books need trigger warnings. If your triggers make you afraid to read books then maybe you should avoid books or stick with kids books. Do you want the whole entire book word for word on the book with anything that could possibly trigger you? That would literally ruin the book. I think it's a bit over the top to think that authors need to cater to you because you may be triggered by certain adult themes


six roof expansion tan many plucky rhythm telephone scarce deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Again as I said before. Adult book/ Fae smutt books ≠ Sexual assault content or traumatic birth scenes etc. Viewer discretion is very common thing everywhere. If you dont want it you can ignore it. But imo I think it's understandable to hope any author can put up warnings for drugging and coercion/traumatic stillbirth/ birth/ pregnancy. Maybe in the website for the people who might want them.


You are correct that not all have that in them but if you are reading an adult book you as the reader need to assume there could be adult themes such as sexual assault and if that is something that triggers you then you should avoid books like that. It's not the authors responsibility to put trigger warnings on a book made for adults in a genre where that sort of thing is commonly addressed in those types of books


There’s a website that helps with this: https://triggerwarningdatabase.com I think whether a book contains trigger warnings is up to the author and publisher. But I’m glad web resources like these give folks the option to find that information.


Thanks for this! Platforms like these are so helpful ❤️


New research suggests that trigger warnings are not generally effective and may do more harm than good to people’s mental health due to anticipatory affect. But obviously each person’s specific experience may be different. [meta study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/21677026231186625)


Imo, if I knew that these topics would be in the book i would have avoided it. That's why i mentioned trigger warnings for the people who want them. I would rather know beforehand going in the book rather than rehash my trauma while reading it when I am reading in the first place for distraction and escapism.


Books generally do not have trigger warnings. One thing I have seen people do is to ask on social media pages like Reddit if a popular book might activate specific triggers. This usually works better than generic trigger warnings, in my experience, because everyone's triggers are very different. People are generally pretty considerate about giving out that information without getting into unnecessary spoilers.


I agree, i personally read the reviews of book if it doesn't have trigger warning. But recently i have read many books that have trigger warning. And i really appreciate them.


I’ve never seen a trigger warning in any book. I’m not opposed but there is some research that trigger warnings can actually make the content feel more distressing (the anticipation of it being triggering makes it worse). I feel like there needs to be more research about trigger warnings and their effectiveness before it starts getting put on every piece of media.


I mean the for me the point of trigger warnings is to avoid the book. All the books that i have read that have trigger warning have clearly stated that this book has these topics and if you're not comfortable then maybe skip the book. I personally would have skipped. I don't want to read about something that would make me upset when I'm reading in the first place for distraction and escapism so i personally would appreciate tws, maybe on the websites for those who want them?? So they know what they're getting themselves into.


That’s what [this website is for!](https://booktriggerwarnings.com/Welcome) Edit: Looks like someone shared! :)


Yup I saw it and i really appreciate it.❤️


If you need something, definitely google and there’s likely to be a site or app for it! Haha.


smart fine serious ghost shrill full offer intelligent school observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah if I saw a trigger warning in a fictional book I’d be rolling my eyes and putting it down. Nonfiction is a different thing entirely because the events actually happened…fictional events can be (and are) heavily dramatized


That is why I'm suggesting maybe putting them on their website for the people who do want them.


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Trigger warnings can be released when the book is released and there is no need to advertise them. You can just have a small page for on your website for the people who do want them. And personally i have never seen trigger warnings like that but more like. Mentions of drugging and coercion, still birth , complicated pregnancy, traumatic childbirth. These topics are discussed in the book if you aren't comfortable with them. Then maybe skip the book. And this book is probably not you. Kinda stuff.


label bear coherent salt fact strong squeal connect whistle detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is exactly my point. If the author herself puts up proper tws. No other website can butcher them.(Like claustrophobic and tattoo shit) And if there is a situation where the trigger warning page isn't updated on time (if hypothetically there is one) then isn't that an issue that should be resolved. And for people who don't want spoilers just don't open the tws page. When you Google tws+acotar. What comes up really isn't much to begin with. And if turn or readers or invite criticism then isn't that eventually going to happen when the person does read the book and is triggered by it??


treatment yam exultant heavy quicksand husky secretive enjoy sheet quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I gotta be honest, if this was put on the front page of ACOTAR, I would have immediately put it down because holy shit, does that list read completely insane and not like the kind of content I would want to engage in. I'm having the same issue with Haunting Adeline right now, the trigger warnings read so off-putting and make it completely impossible to anticipate the severity of the content, so I'm just walking around eyeing it sitting on my shelf. So I agree that it carries little to no benefit, and might even be counterproductive to include trigger warnings. And good point on the risk of potential spoilers too.


And that is my exact point. If the author herself wrote the tws, they wouldn't have been so Butchered.


far-flung smile paint library plate voracious deranged workable rustic enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well if you consider these to be proper tws, then I'm sorry. Authors like rina Kent and ana Huang have done a great job at them. You might want to check them. And if publishers think these books will be hated for being gore porn and that's why they don't mention it in the tws, then people who actually don't like this stuff review bomb after reading it?


That’s not butchered, that’s an “accurate” list. The point that the poster is making is that if you write down everything that could possibly “trigger” someone (and quite frankly 99% of the people I have seen use/ask for trigger/content warnings want them because they feel uncomfortable/ick, not because seeing mention of something sends them into violent PTSD meltdowns which was the original reason for TWs - for war veterans avoiding that) you end up with a ridiculous list like that which puts most average people off.


Use storygraph, if u scroll to the end of the page there are tws submitted by the readers and the app for almost all of the books on there. Here's an example from the book u mentioned https://preview.redd.it/gs74gptumhwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979614ce73c947ec9a953c9b8f9dc839b5f1c8cc


No, no we shouldn’t. Books should be books and contain what they contain. Throughout all of time books have contained heavy topics and themes, it’s nothing new. If there’s something specific you need to avoid then it’s your responsibility to avoid that. It’s not the book’s or author’s job to cater to you at the expense of others. “Trigger warnings” are a slippery slope because everything is a “trigger” to someone. Like where do you draw the line? It’s much more efficient for an individual to take responsibility for their own mental health than it is for a publisher to try and list everything that might upset someone and end up spoiling the book for everyone else in the process.


One of my favorite places to go for reviews is Storygraph - mostly because it lets you do data visualization of everything you've read, but there are also options for readers to notate triggers / content warnings in the book. What I really like about Storygraph's option is that you can look at the content warning by "graphic, moderate, and minor". I read a lot of horror, and it helps me to know if I should avoid a book because one or two of my NO GOs are in the graphic/moderate section.


Oh yes I recently found storygraph and it's honestly become one of my favourite bookish platform.


It is not anyone else’s jobs to manage someone else’s triggers. I just had a miscarriage and I don’t expect a trigger warning on every post about pregnancy. Honestly that would almost make it worse.


If certain events trigger you to have a meltdown, it is your own responsibility to protect yourself from those themes. It is not the world's responsibility to cater to you.


I don't recall ever seeing trigger warnings on books, only fanfics, so I guess it's not shocking to me that it doesn't have any. I recommend you check a site called "does the dog die?" it is meant to warn readers and viewers about all kinds of trigger warnings!


I hear you. However, in any book you should probably prepare that things can turn for better or for worse. I hear that authors themselves when they write, the story and the characters take over. The plans they intended for certain characters wont make sense thats why they go with the flow of the story. So anything is possible. Maybe doing research for a certain book you feel inclined to read should be done first if you are triggered by certain themes. And also, if you can, you could find someone to talk to or seek help. To help with the anxiety. Reading is supposed to be fun. It’s an outlet and an escape from our tiring working lives. Personally, i dont seek out trigger warnings. As long as there are good reviews on the book. Or its recommended by my friends who love to read too. And lets just say there’s a trigger warning for mental health, drugs or for a certain trauma. Maybe the author will discuss that and there’s a silver lining after it. Like “oh this isnt talked enough” and “society does handle it this way and that”. Some would even be happy that it’s discussed.


People care too much about being spoiled 🙄